Looking at the giant beast that came up, luck did not have the slightest timidity, but swooped down to meet the thing as soon as he lowered his head, and then the two giant beasts did not confront each other at all. The meaning is directly hitting each other and rolling in the air while fighting and falling to the ground.

"What's the matter? Why did that thing attack us?" a player in the Wiki team asked in a panic.

I did not answer his question because I am not sure of the specific reason, but I may know some, but I am not so sure. After thinking about it, I turned around and told Wiki they don't move. Then I first let Ling and Jingjing summon out and let them guard here, and then I jumped out by myself.

Because they are entangled and cannot maintain their balance, although both giant beasts can fly, they are falling rapidly at this time. After I jumped down, I didn't spread my wings in order to catch up with them as soon as possible. Instead, I put my limbs against my body and put a mask to reduce wind resistance. The whole person moved towards the ground at high speed like a cannonball out of the chamber.

Although the two giant beasts cannot fly with their wings for the time being, they can slow down to a certain extent, so I quickly caught up to them. Just before the contact, I suddenly spread my wings and slowed down, and then I landed directly on the back of the giant beast.

The thing is fighting with luck at this time. Both sides want to bite each other, but they are blocked by the other's head, and the claws of both sides are constantly tearing and scratching each other. , But it seems that the thing is not the same as the giant dragon, the scales on the body can actually block the dragon claw, but its claws don’t seem to hurt luck, so the sparks flying in all directions caught by the claws of the two sides on the other side’s body is completely meaningless. harm.

Although I had a lot of power to smash that guy on the back, the two giant beasts had no time to take care of my existence, so the monster had no intention to deal with me at all. But it has no time to care about me, I won't show mercy to it. Stepping on this guy's neck all the way up to his head, and then turning Eternity over and facing the back of the guy's head and the position where the neck connects with a sudden sword thrust. Even if this guy's scales are comparable to dragon scales, but in the face of eternity, it doesn't have to be much stronger than the window paper, and it is easily penetrated by me.

The giant beast didn't expect that I was able to cause such a big attack damage. I suddenly screamed from the painful mouth. I was lucky to see the opportunity and bit this guy’s neck desperately. Twisting his neck, the guy tried his best to tighten his muscles in an attempt to resist the force of luck, but I pulled the fierce countryside holding the hilt of the sword. The wound was cut open instantly, and the strength of the guy’s neck immediately dropped a lot. Lucky took advantage of the force. Twisting, the guy's head was twisted into an abnormal angle with a click, and its resistance disappeared instantly, and the huge body completely lost its strength and fell rapidly toward the ground.

I held Eternal Foot on the corpse of the guy and bounced off its body, and then I spread my wings and flew up. Luckily, one of the wings was out of contact with it. The monster's corpse flipped and fell in the air without being cared for, and finally hit the ground with a loud crash, crushing a large area of ​​forest, and also alerted many small creatures to flee.

I didn’t care about it when I saw the thing hit the ground. After flying towards Lucky’s side, I grabbed the lucky horn and climbed onto his head, and then Lucky started to flap my wings hard moved towards the upper one. The channel gap flew away. Taking advantage of the chance to climb up fortunately, I looked at the attribute of the creature I got in the battle, and found that the attack power of this thing seemed to be only slightly lower than luck, but its defense seemed to be a bit higher than luck. , I just don’t know if this thing can be magical, if it can also magical, and the intelligence is okay, then the battle strength of this thing can basically match the giant dragon.

Wikimedia, they also saw us kill the creature in the sky. When we flew up again, Ling and Jingjing each took one person and flew first, and then two of the team had the ability to fly. Players also used their flying ability to fly, and the remaining three people jumped out directly from the passage. I flew up to catch the wiki, and luckily grabbed the other two with one claw.

After everyone caught, we started flying down. After the previous tunnel broke, it was not as simple as simply breaking a crack, but a long section in the middle collapsed and fell into the Underground World below, and because the collapsed area was very long, it was opposite. The exact location of the entrance has to be found carefully, but according to their description on the Wiki, the original passage should be relatively straight, basically without curvature, so we can find the entrance as long as we move forward in the original direction. This saves us a lot of trouble. Of course, it’s not safe to walk such a long section of the road on the ground. At least judging from the creature before, there are not only many creatures in this place, but also quite powerful. Although it’s not a problem for me, it’s not a problem. Wiki is a very difficult existence for them.

Like the flying creature just now, the reason why Lucky and I kill so easily, one is because we can all fly, and the other is because the strength of luck is not inferior to that creature, and it is It can also suppress the opponent in strength, and my eternity has the ability to break defenses in general, so it looks so easy. But if you think about it from another angle, if Wikipedia is facing this thing, only two people can fly, and they still rely on props to reluctantly fly. Such teams are almost waiting to be abused when they encounter air units. In reality, it is not unreasonable to call for air supremacy as soon as a war is fought. Even if the other attributes are exactly the same, the battle strength of the flying unit will be at least 30% higher than that of the non-flying unit.

I don't know if the creature that fell to the ground caused too much movement. After we landed on the ground, we didn't seem to find any creatures. We were probably scared away.

According to the direction of the channel above our head, we started to move forward, and always pay attention to whether there is a channel opening above the head, but according to Wiki, the probability of this channel opening on the ground is higher. The reason for this speculation is mainly because of the angle of the channel. According to them, the previous break in the passage was originally a place where the same route changed direction, but instead of turning left and right, the passage started from here to become a large-angle rural slope. So, if we calculate according to this inclination angle, if we advance seven or eight kilometers and cannot see the passage opening, then the passage opening should be at a height similar to where we are currently standing.

In fact, the ground of this Underground World is not completely flat. In the direction we are going, the ground is gradually rising, while the ceiling above the head is diving and descending, so the height difference goes forward. The smaller it is, it makes it easier for us to find the entrance.

Although the terrain is very good and suitable for finding the entrance, I soon understood why Wikipedia didn't dare to come down and look for the entrance before. Although they said that it was because they did not have the ability to dig the soil, in my opinion, the bigger reason might be that they could not cope with the devil beast here.

Although the devil beasts around the place where we landed just now were scared away by the falling giant beast, as we gradually moved forward and away from the area, the surrounding devil beasts began to become more obvious stand up. In addition to the surprisingly large number, the devil beast here has three characteristics: one is that it is extremely offensive, almost without the slightest hesitation attacking any non-similar creatures that you see; the other is that the creatures here are either super-strong alone, or It is the emergence of groups, low-level creatures can't survive here at all; third, the creatures here are extremely low EXP, it's hard to beat the pitiful ones with less experience, the one thousand and two hundred level creatures are better than the one thousand four hundred and five hundred level. It’s hard to beat any of them, but EXP is about the same as a thousand-level. This kind of thankless devil beast naturally no one wants to provoke, and these guys have been hit by a violent curse one or two of them, and when they see something that moves, they immediately rush up to attack, irreconcilable.

Walking along the road under the jungle for less than two kilometers along the way, we encountered at least three waves of devil beast attacks. One of them almost caused a large devil beast to drag away a member of the wiki. I didn’t dare to pretend to play 13 and release a bunch of familiars around, so I let those desperate devil beasts rush into the encirclement a few times. Fortunately, after releasing a large number of familiars, I left a reserve team in the team. , So it did not cause any adverse consequences.

"Are all the devil beasts in this place taking doping?" We went on for a while, and when we successfully killed the Fifth Wave devil beast, a male player in the Wiki team couldn't help but complain. .

Wikimedia did not show any nervousness about this, but just calmed the emotions of the players. Obviously, his Captain's psychological quality is much better than that of the players.

It’s not dangerous, but after we got the tenth batch of devil beasts very depressed, we finally moved forward to a place six kilometers away from the landing position, and here we finally saw the broken entrance, but ......

"What should I do?" They were all dumbfounded when they looked at the entrance wiki that had become a great waterfall.

The previous entrance should be connected to the entrance we came down through a section of underground pipeline that has collapsed. There is a lot of pressure, this pressure is enough to resist the pressure of sea water. However, now that the pipeline ruptures, the pressure does not exist. Since the other outlet of this inlet pipe is in the seabed, it means that this thing is open to the sea, and now the pipe is connected to Underground World, and Underground World does not have enough pressure to seal the sea water outside, so the original lava pipe is It has become the current waterfall. A huge water column with a diameter of ten meters gushes out from the entrance. From time to time, some fish and even large aquatic devil beasts can be seen flying out of the water column. At the point where the water column falls, there is a large ocean. Judging from the mess of plants all around, this place was originally not a water world, but now it is submerged. But fortunately, there is an underground river next to it, and its width is not low. The water accumulated here will be injected into the river after a certain distance, and it seems that the river itself is also living water, and there are other outlets. , So the influx of sea water did not submerge Underground World. Of course, given the area of ​​the Underground World, it takes at least a few months for this kind of water column to fill it, so even without this river, there will be no problems in a short time.

Although the creatures of this Underground World are extremely ferocious, these violent devil beasts do not oppose reap without sowing. At this time, many large devil beasts gathered in the jungle that was washed away by the sea, and they were fishing here.

Marine creatures sucked in by the seawater have a sharp decline in resistance in this shallow water area. They are not the opponents of these large devil beasts, and some unfortunately have passed out when they are washed out by the water. After all, The water flow in the pipe is very fast, and back and forth collisions are definitely inevitable, and the larger the creature, the greater the impact. Therefore, the falling creatures are either dizzy or exhausted if they are hit. . Coupled with the fact that the water is shallow and cannot be used, the marine life here basically can only wait to die.

We don’t care about the fate of these creatures, it’s just that after the horrible water jet spouts from the pipe mouth, it can fly forward a more than a hundred meters before it starts to fall. From this you can see How strong the water pressure is, it is basically impossible for such a channel to go in and then upstream. Besides, we are not a salmon in a hurry to spawn, but we don't have the courage to fight the river.

Carefully circumventing the devil beast group that was vying for fish, we walked directly under the water column. Although this is a water outlet, because the water pressure is too high, the water column is flying out, but there is no water here, and naturally there are no fish, so the devil beasts did not come.

Looking at this water outlet hanging above our head, there are still sixty or seventy meters high from us, we frowned all there. Going through the water is not really impossible. At least I am definitely able to pass it. It is great to start the Divine Domain integration. In that attribute mode, even if the water pressure doubles again, I can still go through. The problem is that it consumes too much, and they can't afford Wiki!

"Purple Moon, do you have a way to get there? I think we may not be able to pass through the water. Even if you have a way to pull us forward, we will definitely not be able to stop the water pressure. Live!"

When I heard the question from Wikipedia, I frowned and thought, but after hesitating for a while, I suddenly came up with an idea.

"Yes. Wiki, how far is it from the entrance to the sea?"

"About three or four kilometers. What's the matter?" I heard that I have a way around. They also gathered around to hear my solution.

In their expectant eyes, I said with a smile: "If it's only three or four kilometers, it's okay." As I said, I pointed to the water outlet and said: "The water flow at that water outlet is too fast. Hurry, we definitely can’t make it. Even if we can pass, the price to pay is too great. So I think, instead of studying how to force through the water, it’s better to open another road. As long as we drill a hole next to the water outlet, it’s fine, and then Dig all the way along that underground pipe. The noise generated by the water in the pipe can help us determine its location. As long as we don’t leave the main pipe too far away, we don’t have to worry about finding the way to the exit."

They didn't immediately feel relieved after hearing my explanation, but they were even more worried. One of the female players asked: "President Purple Moon, there are two problems with your method, I don't know if you noticed it?"

"Problem? What is the problem?"

"First of all, it is not that simple to open a three-kilometer-long passage. Are you sure we have that kind of digging ability?"

I nodded: "I have a pet that specializes in underground activities. , The normal digging speed is probably slightly faster than the walking speed of a normal person. It can dig more than three kilometers in an hour. If he digs hard, the speed can be even faster."

Listen to the female player Immediately after finishing, he said: "But there is still a problem we need to solve. When we dig through the seabed over there, once we dig through the last layer of rock wall to connect the seabed, the channel we just dug will become the same as that In the same waterway, the seabed high pressure will quickly let the surrounding sea water rush into the pipe and wash us all back, and even if we can fix ourselves in advance not to be washed away, the sea water flowing into the pipe at high speed will form a big vortex at the entrance, and we are simply weak. Get rid of that kind of vortex, right?"

"I thought about this too." I said without worrying: "I have more than one digging familiar, we can delay a little bit more time, don't Instead of digging a straight channel, a spiral channel like a spring is dug, and every section of the excavation is turned back to refill the back, so that after we dig through the seabed, although seawater will flow in, it will not form a flow. Wait for the connection. After a short passage is filled, there will be no more water flow. We don’t have to fight against vortex at all."

The surrounding players heard my explanation and immediately felt relieved, because my method although Simple, but just think about it and you will know it is absolutely effective. Of course, this method can be used in the game. In reality, it is definitely impossible, because the water pressure of seabed is too terrifying. When the channel is connected to the outside sea, the water pressure will drive the gravel like a cannonball. Smashed in, let alone that there are not many diving suits that can withstand the pressure of the deep sea in reality, even submarines, they certainly can't stand these rocks pushed by the sea.

But we don’t have to worry about these, because we are in the game. In the game, players can enter the seabed scene map to increase the fun of the game, so the water pressure problem is ignored. As long as you have armor or magic against water pressure, you don't have to worry about the pressure of the deep sea. As for the rocks, let alone Worried. With my defensive power, the shield can be easily carried down, so the impact of the stone is not a problem for us at all.

After thinking of a solution, we immediately started to implement it. However, some preparations must be done before digging the tunnel. The water outlet is sixty to seventy meters above our heads, not on the ground. Although the Blazers dig very difficult to deal with, he can’t fly, so we have to go up and manually dig a deep enough hole, at least so that the Blazers can shove themselves into the rock, otherwise they don’t. The law began to dig.

Originally, it’s not a big problem if you just make a hole in the rock. Many of us can handle it, but considering that there is a high-pressure water pipe next to it, and this is Underground World, we are worried about vibrations. Too large will cause the rock formation to break. The previous collapse here shows that the rock formation itself is already unstable. If we try to do it recklessly, it is likely to completely break the rock formation, so we must find a gentle digging method.

If you can't violently dig, then you can only use the corrosion method. Compared with directly relying on brute force or using blasting means, the corrosion rate is slower, but the movement is minimal. However, even the problem of slow speed does not exist here, because Ling's Divine Grade dark erodes and corrodes rocks almost as fast as naked eye can see. Seeing Ling pressed her hand on the wall, within a second, the rocks around her palm began to turn black and then powdered, while the surrounding black area was still spreading to the periphery.

As the black area spreads, a large area of ​​black appears on the wall soon, and after a second or two after it turns black, that area will begin to chalk and fall, and Ling’s The position where the hand is in direct contact is already sunken inward by a large block. As the rock gradually sank, Ling also began to move inward, and the black area continued to expand forward. Soon Ling's whole person disappeared on the stone wall, and behind her was a three-meter diameter. There are many big holes, and the edges of the big holes are still brown, and dross will occasionally fall down. The apparently corroded condition has not completely stopped, but the speed has slowed down.

Wikimedia They watched Ling’s movements as if they saw God. Of course, I’m talking about God in reality. Jehovah in the game is a Rogue, and everything is within the power of the Holy See. Wandering around, one of the most restless Divine Races.

"Well, President Purple Moon, is it the female Archfiend that you are talking about that can pierce?" a team member asked.

Of course I shook my head to deny it, and the other party immediately asked me why she could dig holes so quickly, I had to answer him: "This is one of my most powerful monsters. It is an almighty talent. , Everything will point. This hole-punching magic is called dark erosion, it is a kind of black magic, attack type, mainly used to kill people instead of digging holes. Don’t look at the speed of digging, but it doesn’t last for much time. My demon pet has enough magic power. If you learn this magic, your magic power will reach the bottom in six or seven seconds at most, so you can only use it temporarily, and hope that you won’t be able to open the road with this."

" But this is also very difficult to deal with." Wiki said: "At least no one of us has this kind of speed."

"You are just not good at it."

We As soon as I finished talking here, I saw Ling flying out of the hole above, and then she didn’t come down, so she pointed at the entrance of the cave. A Space Crack appeared directly at the entrance of the cave, and the pioneer drilled into the newly dug cave along the entrance , And the moment his head touched the rock in front of him, the speed began to accelerate suddenly, and the huge body got into the cave in front of him in the blink of an eye and went deep all the way.

The trailblazer relied on a magic rather than a physical method to dig underground. Those creatures that can burrow are relatively small creatures. Large creatures suffer too much resistance under the ground. Basically, it is impossible to move forward by digging holes, while the pioneer’s ability is entirely magical. There are constant words on his head. It is for mud spell, and it is released many times faster than the wizards, and the mana consumption is also much lower. After all, people and such a skill are naturally more specialized than those who know everything.

As the pioneers went deep into the rock wall, I directly asked Lucky to send Wiki and them all into the hole one by one, and then I followed in to recover Lucky and their familiars began to dig along with the pioneers. The cave goes forward.

According to my previous plan, the channel cannot be dug into a straight line and needs to spiral forward. Otherwise, even if we block the back channel, we will be forced by the water pressure because of the unstable structure of the newly filled channel. In contrast, the spiral structure does not have to worry about this problem because of the different load-bearing methods. However, we originally planned to make a hole on the side of the main channel, but later the pioneers felt that this would dig the sideways and simply dig forward in a circle around the main channel that has already been flooded. The benefits of this are obvious, because the main channel is right there. Surrounded by the spiral of the tunnel we dug out, we can ensure that our direction will not go wrong.

Wikipedia only knows the route that leads to Duludu after the main passage. If we deviate too far and cannot find the exit of the main passage, Wiki will not be able to find Duludu according to the signs they know. city.

The underground distance of more than three kilometers can be dug through in an hour at the speed of the pioneer, but because the spiral channel is dug now, the speed is naturally much slower. Finally, we used It took an hour and a half to dig to the exit.

Because the Trail Blazers are very sensitive to ground vibrations, before we approached the exit, the Trail Blazers felt the vibration formed by the vortex at the exit. This vibration was transmitted along the rocks to the channel, which also proved us Not far from the exit.

In order not to be sucked back by the vortex at the entrance of the main passage, after confirming that we were almost at the exit, we began to dig a distance away from the exit laterally, and then opened the passage after sealing the previous passage. The passage here.

When the sea water poured in, the impact was not small, but I put two magic shields in front in advance. Although the sea water defeated them, the impact also dropped a lot. As for the water pressure, this is because of the system setting. It's definitely not a big problem.

After the sea completely filled our last remaining passage, we immediately felt a huge pressure on our body. The game only reduces the impact of stress on the human body, and the players' physical attributes are much stronger than in reality, so they can move in the deep sea, but the pressure will still be reflected in people, that is, you dive too deep. , You will still feel bored, and the quality of the equipment and the strength of a Human Demon are directly related to your limit diving depth. After all, warriors rely on armor for diving, and wizards and other classes without armor rely on magic. Formation of anti-stress, so it’s not that anyone can go down to seabed in the deep sea.

The depth of the place we are now is obviously not low, but it is not high enough to kill people. At least Wiki, they seem to be very uncomfortable, but they did not hang up, which shows that the water pressure is still Within the acceptable range.

After the water flow stabilized, I was the first to drill out of the passage to check the situation outside.

Because this place is deep sea, it is completely dark underwater, but I have perfect night vision ability, so this has no effect on me. In my line of sight, the surrounding sea water is unusually clear, and large and small marine creatures swim far or near in the vicinity. Compared with reality, seabed in the game is obviously more vibrant. After observing several long deep-sea species that resemble alien creatures nearby for a while, I moved my gaze to the position of the main channel again.

As we guessed before, above the main channel is a large underwater tornado, or a large vortex. But what is more reassuring is that vortex is far away from us. Although we can clearly feel the water flowing in that direction at the exit position, the impact is not large, and a little attention will not be sucked over. In fact, the main formidable power of vortex is concentrated on the top of it, which is the center circle. If we are above it, let alone the distance is only one more than a hundred meters, even if we stand one kilometer away, it will definitely be Was sucked over.

After confirming that there was no danger outside, I turned around and beckoned. Then Wiki and the others filed out immediately after me, but after they came out, their eyes were dark and they couldn't see anything.

Although underwater maps are open in "Zero", the difficulty of such maps is generally higher, and the investment cost is not small. First, underwater devil beasts need to resist water resistance. Second, underwater devil beasts are all aquatic creatures. They are more adaptable to the underwater environment. After the player enters the water, the battle strength will plummet. After all, even if the system does not set the murderous underwater pressure, The body balance problem caused by buoyancy is enough for players to have a headache. The underwater map in "Zero" is not the kind of cottage underwater map that stands on the seabed fighting in other games. The underwater map here is the real water environment, just like you are underwater in reality, except In the game, you can use magic to solve breathing and stress problems, and everything else is no different from reality. Of course, while the difficulty is high, the underwater map monster EXP is generally three or four times higher than the ground, and the density is high, and it also produces a lot of valuable materials. This is the main reason for attracting players to enter the water, and it can be regarded as a kind of compensation. After all, it is difficult. If such a high map is the same as the ground, who will come down?

In fact, in addition to the problem of body balance caused by buoyancy and slow motion caused by water resistance, underwater maps also have a very serious problem-visibility.

Although there is no environmental pollution in the game, the water in various underwater maps is very clear, but the clear water is also impossible as translucent as the air, so in an underwater environment, the human visual range will be affected. Great influence. Of course some people will say that the sound becomes very useful underwater, because the sound travels farther underwater than in the air. However, although sound is very effective underwater, it is almost impossible for players to use it.

If you have buried your head underwater and listened carefully to the sound under the water when you are swimming, you will find that people under water simply cannot distinguish the direction of the sound by the sound. The reason why the human ear can confirm the direction of the sound is because we have two ears. Our brain will triangulate according to the order and intensity of the sound received by the two ears, so that the target sound source can be confirmed The approximate location. This ability to triangulate sound is a kind of ability that mammals have. It is a kind of ability that our mammals have evolved in the long-term evolutionary process. However, this ability has evolved according to the atmospheric environment. In the process of triangulation, our brain will perform some special calculations, which are completed by some neural units solidified in our brains. This is like a hardware decoder, which can be based on the sound input from both ears. The intensity and time difference calculates the target position, but the calculation units are fixed and cannot be changed at all.

When we are in the air, the propagation speed of sound is roughly fixed, with a very small range of variation, and the attenuation speed of sound when propagating in the air is also roughly fixed. The decoding area in our brain has these two kinds of fixed data, so we can bring them into the calculation to get the final accurate answer. However, the propagation speed of sound in water is different from that in air, and the attenuation rate of sound waves in water is also different from that in air. However, the decoding area in our brain that is responsible for calculating this thing is a fixed system, which cannot be changed. Therefore, it uses the speed and attenuation rate of the sound waves in the air to substitute into the calculation. The result is a mess of ignorant data. Not only can't you confirm the direction, you can't even accurately determine the type of sound.

The black dolphin has the ability of underwater sonar positioning because they have evolved over many years, adjusting the sound positioning calculation system inside the brain from generation to generation, and then they have two sets of data areas, so They can rely on sound to accurately locate a target underwater, and even if we can emit ultrasonic waves and hear echoes like dolphins, our brains can’t interpret these data at all, so we can’t rely on underwater sounds at all. Position it, let alone rely on it to fight.

When the Wikis climbed up, because the surroundings were pitch black and their voices could not be used as a reference, they were almost deaf and blind now, and they couldn't see anything. But since they have been here, they are naturally prepared. I saw a player in the team suddenly overlapped his hands in front of him, then separated, and then pushed forward with one hand, the palms of his hands suddenly lit up like two flashlights. The powerful beam of light is very dazzling, and the light reflected from the water around his palm is already very dazzling. However, although the light nearby was extremely dazzling, the beam of li

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