When I finished asking my question, the pirate captain over there laughed, but his laughter was terrifying, because this guy laughed and cried stand up. Although I don't know why he reacted this way, I didn't interrupt him. After waiting for him to vent his vent, he apologized to me and said, "We actually tried it a long time ago, but it's useless!" He sighed: "We were very unwilling when we died. How much do you hope that this robbery can be successful? But we failed, and we were very unwilling to fail, and finally all fell into a seabed long sleep. Because we were unwilling, Therefore, we can’t rest in peace, and now we want to rest in peace, we must complete our original regrets. Therefore, if we don’t take away all the treasures and leave, we are basically impossible to fulfill our last wishes. What you said was just tried before leaving us, but it turned out to be compelling. Suicide."


"Yes. We have tried to run without looting that ship, but we did not get caught up by the fleet, but we did what we did before our death. The route never sees continent. This world seems to have only the sea, no matter how we sail, we are always in the sea, and in the end our food and fresh water are all exhausted, but we still will not die. The people on the boat have not eaten for months. Anything, everyone is like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of skin, but we are still immortal. Some people even ripped off their skins because of hunger. As a result..." The pirate captain said here suddenly stopped. , And then continued: "As a result, everyone was stupid. The guy who tore his skin was actually moving on the boat like a skeleton. Although the internal organs and everything disappeared, he was still alive, and he could feel that it was impossible Enduring hunger and desperate thirst, but we can’t eat anything or drink any water. That way of living is more painful than death. Finally, after everyone’s discussion, we had to sink the dreamer ourselves. No. By the way, the dreamer is the name of this ship. After we scuttled the dreamer, we sank into the seabed along with it, so when the dreamer touched the seabed, the reincarnation continued again. As long as we don’t complete us If we wish, this kind of reincarnation will not end, so we have to grab, flee, fight, and die!"

"It sounds very miserable, well, considering that if we don’t To help you, I can’t go out myself, I decided to help you fulfill your wish."

"hahaha, you are really realistic!" The pirate captain seemed to like my statement and laughed. Then he walked to me and grabbed one of my hands and raised it up, and then moved towards and shouted around: "Guys, we have a new crew member. Let's try harder to take away the ship and let us try again. Let's go on a journey of death."

"Oh..." The captain responded with cheers. It was obvious that the captain's prestige was very high, and at least the crew loved him very much.

As the cheers were gradually reduced and the captain was about to put down my hand, I suddenly shouted loudly at the surroundings: "No, let's not try the journey of death anymore, we will Return with the treasure."

The surrounding pirates just froze for a while, then suddenly reacted and cheered again, then shouted "Return with the treasure" together, and then began to work hard. .

Because it was already occupied by the pirates on this side, the ship over there was drawn to the front without resistance at all, and then the pirates began to move supplies. I originally planned to ask Qilin warrior to help, but seeing the speed of the pirates is quite fast, it's fine. To be honest, the robbery process was actually very smooth. The people on the opposite ship took the initiative to give up resistance after discovering that they could not escape. Therefore, in fact, there was no battle during the robbery. This is actually also a strategy of the pirates. That is, the pirates will let go of the people on the ships that do not resist, leaving them with enough supplies to return, and for the resisting ships, the pirates will not To kill the prisoners is to drive them all into the sea, and then tow or sink the ship of the other party as a whole. Of course, if you do this, most of those who dare to go into the water will be dead. Because of this differential treatment, many merchant ships will run first after encountering pirates. If they can't run away, they will simply surrender, because resistance will kill them, and they will survive if they don't resist.

The ship in front of us is an unresisting ship. The pirates gathered all the people on the ship in one cabin and promised to let them out before they leave, so the pirates can feel at ease Fast moving supplies. However, although the robbery was fairly smooth, the pirates were unlucky enough to encounter a huge fleet. The opponent happened to be downwind, so the speed was very fast. When the pirates spotted the fleet, the bow was pointing in the direction of the fleet, which is the state of headwind. According to the captain's introduction, a large part of the reason why they were surrounded is because of this direction. Because they are headwind, they must turn around first if they want to escape. After all, you are impossible to pass through the opponent's fleet, and only a tailwind can run out of speed. However, when the fleet came, the pirates were carrying the treasures from the looted ship. The two ships fixed together cannot turn around. If the pirate ship turns around by itself, it must be separated from the merchant ship first, but if so If they did, they would not have time to re-attach it to continue moving supplies after the U-turn was completed. Therefore, as long as they insist on removing all the materials, they will be surrounded. If they don't want to be surrounded, the only way is to leave them alone in advance.

I saw the incoming fleet when the pirates first started to move supplies, but I didn't see it by myself, but asuka. Now that I knew that an enemy was coming, I would naturally send a scout out to find the way. The pirates knew that the fleet was coming, so they were not surprised when I told them, and after the pirates moved the ship’s contents one third, the opposing fleet finally appeared on the side of the pirates. In sight.

Because I heard the captain of the pirate talk about the reason for being surrounded just before the fleet arrived, so I’m not in a hurry at all, because I have thought of decisiveness in the previous period. Method.


"What's the Purple Moon?" The pirate captain has already introduced me to each other, and he can see that my battle strength is very strong, so he pays me back It's polite, of course, the attributes that affect the attitude of NPCs in me also played a big role.

I pointed to the fleet over there, and then asked: "If we turn around early, can they still catch up to us?"

The captain looked at the fleet over there. Fleet, then pondered for a while, but finally shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I explained to you before, now it's too late to turn around and empty the ship. And there is no way to turn around when fixed together like this! "

"You just need to tell me if you can run away if you turn around now." I emphasized again.

The captain probably guessed that I might have a way to make the boat turn around and still have time to empty the house, so he looked a little excited, but finally said: "I'm not sure. But I can be sure If you complete the U-turn in advance, the chance of running away will definitely be much greater."

"That's good." After I finished speaking, I asked again: "Is there a rope on the boat? I mean the kind that is strong enough , Can drag the rope of this ship."

Hearing my words, the pirate captain pointed to it with a funny face, and then asked me: "Do you think we will be short of the rope?"


I looked at the sails overhead, and then I remembered that this is not a modern battleship, but a three-masted galleon. The sails of various shapes with more than a dozen sides rely on countless roots like spiders. It is controlled by a rope like the web. Moreover, just as some replacement parts for vulnerable parts are prepared on modern ships, the ropes on sailboats are also vulnerable parts, so they usually have more in order to cope with occasional needs.

"Since there is a rope, it is easy to handle. Please arrange for someone to help some rope up. First, use a few ropes to twist together to form a few thicker ropes, and then tie one of them. Fix it on the ship where it can bear the force. I am going to let my hand come down and tug the boat."

"The tugboat?"

"Aiya, it's not easy to explain it now. Get the rope ready, and you'll know later. Anyway, I won't hurt you."

The captain thought about the same reason, so he immediately commanded the crew to get busy.

To the crew on the sailboat, the rope handling is a basic skill, so it will be completed very quickly. According to the requirements, the rope was divided into several strands and fixed to the load-bearing place of the ship. Finally, the ropes were unified to the bow of the ship and waited for me to find a hand to drag it down.

After everything is arranged, the captain ran up to me and asked: "What should I do now?"

I waved my hand and said, "Don’t worry, let’s take the boat. Turn around and talk."

The captain said immediately: "Didn’t I tell you? I can’t turn around now, I won’t be able to grab it!"

"It’s okay, you guys. Keep moving yours and leave it to me to turn around. However, there may be a bit of vibration at the beginning of the movement. Just ask everyone to pay attention."

Although I don’t know what’s going on, But the captain nodded ordered to go down, so there was a pirate messenger to notify the other pirates. I waited for the reply from the other side and said that all notices were received. I nodded and walked to the side of the ship and waved forward. There were a few cracks in the void in front of me, and then I listened to a dragon roar. I was lucky to fly from the cracks first. come out.

Although these pirates have heard of Dragon Clan, they have never seen a real giant dragon, especially at such a close distance. When Lucky's huge body flew out of Space Crack, the huge body and the low-frequency wind pressure caused by the flapping of the wings made everyone feel almost breathless.

The islands on this side have not recovered from the huge visual impact caused by luck, and there immediately saw another giant dragon flying out. This time it was a plague, and the pure volume was bigger than luck. The result was that the pirates took a collective breath. However, before they could recover, three dragons ran out one after another from the crack. Of course, these three are Crystal, Mistress, and Mira.

In fact, when these three came out, all the pirates over there seemed to have just met Yeyue passionately and turned into stone statues, except for standing blankly. Gone.

At first, the pirates thought that the five dragons had been very scary. Who knew my side was not over yet. Space Crack suddenly appeared a bigger head after the appearance of the fifth giant dragon, and it was slightly different from the previous dragon head, but the body that followed it was slim and slender like a snake body, not at all. giant dragon. This sixth person is actually a small dragon female, and the pirates are all Europeans, so they don’t know Eastern Divine Dragon. Of course, this does not affect their guess of the battle strength of the small dragon girl, because the small dragon girl is lucky for them with nine wins in body shape. No matter how big the giant dragon is, it is still within the allowable range of Earth's biology, but the Divine Dragon is completely out of specification. Although the small dragon women are not as perverted as their father, Azure Dragon and Golden Heavenly Dragon, they are hundreds of miles long, and a head is as scary as a mountain, but they are still more than lucky, especially now. As our level increases, this gap seems to have become more and more obvious.

I didn’t care about the pirates who had been completely petrified. I stood directly at the bow of the ship, the small dragon woman and lucky them and said: "Hurry up, help turn these two ships around first."


"Understand." Only luck and the plague landed in the sea after getting my order, and the other dragons did not enter the water. After all, the body length of these two is more than 100 meters, and the pirate ship itself is not fortunate enough.

After launching, Lucky and Plague stopped at the stern of the pirate ship, and the other at the bow of the merchant ship. Then the two worked hard together, and the two ships immediately moved under their push. . Because I didn't master the strength, the hull shook abruptly when I first pushed it, and many people almost fell down due to shaking, but this woke everyone up. The pirate captain reacted the fastest, and the first one jumped up and shouted: "What are you still doing? Work fast? This time there may be hope for success!"

The captain's words immediately inspired those With the enthusiasm of the pirates, they began screaming and rushing into the cabin to carry supplies at an amazing speed. However, even so, when they finished moving everything, the fastest battleship over there was already in range. However, compared with the previous situation, we now have an advantage, that is, the bow has been adjusted and the sails have been raised. Not having to turn around within the enemy's artillery range not only means that a dangerous voyage is missing, but more importantly, it saves a lot of time.

"Quickly, quickly, we are going to escape alive this time!" The captain roared excitedly to catch the last pirate who jumped over, and then the chief mate on the ship immediately took the crew to adjust the springboard and cut it off An anchor line connecting the two ships. The Dreamer, which had raised its sails a long time ago, immediately separated from the merchant ship, and then began to speed up and ran forward. Behind them was an unimaginable fleet. The number of ships was definitely over one thousand at a glance. Even the modern battleship of our guild has a headache for a long time, let alone this kind of wooden sailboat? But fortunately, we don't need to pester them anymore, now we just have to run away.

"Hurry up and raise the sails." The captain roared and gave orders.

I grabbed the captain and said, "Don’t, don’t raise the sail."

The captain was obviously taken aback. I was lucky that they were too strong in summon before, so this time the captain hesitated for a second and asked: "Why? How can we run through those battleships without raising the sails?"

"No, raising the sail will only slow down our speed, but don't forget my men." As I said, I made a special gesture to the sky, and then the small dragon women landed on the sea one after another.

Before I didn’t come up together to help turn around because there was not so much space around the hull, but if you just pull the rope, you don’t have to huddle together. The pirates who put it on at my request dropped the anchor directly, and then the small dragon girl went straight through the bottom of the boat, and then the two front paws caught the two anchors one by one, and then began to swing their bodies violently. Swim forward.

The crew members who put them on watched the iron ropes connected by the anchors being pulled down by the crash-bang, and then there were fewer and fewer chains wrapped around the bow of the ship, and they suddenly became stiff with a loud noise. , Following the whole ship slammed forward, many people on the ship were shaken down, but most of them grabbed things in time and fixed them.

After a sudden acceleration, the speed of the hull gradually stabilized, but luck and the plague fell down one after another, and then each took a rope from the ship and held it in his hand to swim forward. Suddenly the speed of the hull skyrocketed again, but this is not over yet. Mila, Xiaosan, and Crystal fell into the water one after another. Among them, Mila and Crystal also pulled a rope, and Xiaosan simply stuck it up from the stern and pushed forward with his head against the stern.

We have not calculated how powerful the six dragons are. Anyway, the current pirate ship is about to become an airship. Under the traction of the six dragons, the entire ship almost left the water, feeling like the kind of water ski towed by a motorboat. As long as a wave will suddenly fly, then it will fall to the surface and then hurricaneously. The oncoming sea breeze on the deck of the ship made the crew squint their eyes, and they clearly remembered that their current direction should be downwind, but the airflow they felt was blowing from the front. What does this show? This shows that the ship has exceeded the wind speed.

A sailboat that relies on the wind to move forward is absolutely impossible to be faster than the wind. Even if it is downwind, the speed of the boat must be lower than the wind speed, because once you are at the same speed as the wind, the wind is forbidden for you. , And how did the sailboat move when there was no wind? As for being faster than the wind, this is completely a dream for sailboats, because if you are faster than the wind, then the tail wind will turn into the head wind. At this time, the sail will not generate power, but will generate resistance. This is also me. The reason why the captain is not allowed to hang the sail.

The ones chasing us behind are all sailboats, which means that they are impossible to run past the wind speed, and if we exceed the wind speed now, it means that we must be much faster than them. In fact, it is exactly the same. There are six dragons pulling it, and it would be weird if this ship still can't get past the broken sailing ships.

"wa ha ha ha, Purple Moon, you are so amazing! It seems that we are about to rest in peace! Hahahaha, the imperial fleet of the dog day, follow us and eat." Look The pirate captain was already a little overwhelmed with the fleet that was rapidly shrinking in his field of vision.

In fact, not only the captain of the pirates, but also the little pirates are equally excited. Everyone seeks life at sea. Who has seen this speed before? Are you scared of being able to run at this speed? That kind of battleship can have this one third speed, it is time to open champagne to celebrate.

The entire pirate ship completely wiped out the fleet behind in this joy. I later sent Asuka out to investigate, but I didn’t see the fleet at all, indicating that it was true. It's far away. However, the strange thing is that we are still on the ship. It is said that the captain will rest forever after the wish is fulfilled. I should also go back to the seabed wreck, right? But why are we all still here?


"What's the matter, President Purple Moon?" The captain who was trying to get rid of those fleets heard my voice and turned his head immediately. Come. The pirates on the ship now look at me as a god. After all, they ran out in such a barbarous way, they couldn't even think of it before!

Seeing the captain’s attention shifted over, I asked: "Aren’t we supposed to have fulfilled our wish now? Why are we still here?"

The broadcasting speaker was suddenly unplugged, and the whole ship fell into deathly silence for an instant, leaving only the sound of the high-speed hull crashing against the waves outside still ringing rhythmically.

After a long daze, the pirates on the ship suddenly returned to the noisy, but they no longer cheered, but got together to discuss the reason why they did not leave. After discussing for a while, a pirate suddenly offered an answer that might be the problem.

"Do we need to bring the treasure back to Treasure Island to count?"

"It is very possible." This idea was immediately supported by most people as soon as it was proposed. , So our route began to change, now the task has become to find the treasure island. But... a few hours later, we finally found one thing helplessly, that is, the treasure island is gone.

Pirates have nautical equipment and can carry out rough positioning on the sea, so they could have found the treasure island. But, in fact, what we saw when we reached that area was the vast ocean. As the pirate captain said before, they have never found land here, it is always the sea and this location should be the location of the treasure island, but now it has also become the sea. The only explanation is that there is no land in this world.

To put it bluntly, this world is the dying obsession of the pirates. There seems to be nothing related to land in their obsession, so there is no land in this world, and of course there is no island.

"Since there is no treasure island, we will never be able to complete the robbery?" a pirate asked.

Treasure Island is where the pirates store their looted treasures. The final step of a complete robbery is to hide the remaining treasures here after the distribution. However, for me this is a task world, and the task impossible is unsolvable. So, there must be some reason why the treasure island is not needed, because if it is really needed to complete the task, then this task becomes an unsolvable task, because there is no treasure island in the world at all.

I replaced my meaning with something the NPCs could understand and told them again, and the guys immediately fell into chaos. The pirate captain asked in disbelief: "You mean, the treasures we robbed actually won't let us rest in peace, right?"

I thought about it and said, "I'm not sure, but Judging from the current situation, the probability is great. First of all, this cycle impossible is unsolvable, so since the treasure island does not exist, it must be an unnecessary link, and if this link is not needed, then your robbery should have been It is complete. But the current situation shows that we obviously have not fulfilled your last wish. That means that the successful robbing of the treasure is probably not your last wish."

"Then what is our last wish? "A pirate asked stupidly.

"It seems that you should be more aware of this problem than me, right?"

"But if it were clear, we wouldn't have worked so many times for a wrong goal before?" Another pirate said.

I also reacted to what the pirate said. It is possible that these guys have been very vague about the dying paragraph, or they are completely gone, so they can’t do it themselves. Know what you were thinking about at the time. As for their previously solemnly vowed wish to succeed in the robbery, I think that is more like an answer deduced from experience.

The pirate captain thought for a long time and still said to me: "President Purple Moon, I think you should help me out, right? I can see that you are a very powerful person. There are so many intruders, there has never been one that can help us escape safely, and you got us out so easily, so you must be very difficult to deal with. Help us think about it? You must have a way "

"There is no way I have to find a way! I can't get out without helping you solve the problem!" I thought it was a simple task. Didn't expect unexpectedly had this kind of problem. I'm starting to worry now. If you are really trapped, you will be unlucky. Let alone the shame, the loss of wasting a wish fruit is not small!

When I said this, the pirate captain and the pirates over there looked at me hopefully, and I had no choice but to start the analysis.

"In this case, let's analyze it. What have you seen in this world so far?"

A group of pirates started talking at once and said:

"The sea."


"Merchant ship."


< p>"And ourselves."

"Anything else?" I asked.

The pirates, look at me and I look at you, and finally shook their heads together.

Looking at their response, it means that there is nothing else, so I started thinking about analysis. "The content of the mission must be something that exists in the world, which means that your last wish must be related to these things before. The sea is the background. I think your last wish has nothing to do with it. Treasure is the goal you thought of before. And the only idea to match the treasure is to possess it. This is your previous idea, but it seems obviously not now."

"What else can it be?" the pirate captain asked.

I’m frowned: "The merchant ship has no resistance, and your impression of it is very thin, so the last wish should not have anything to do with it. Then there is only the fleet left. You were caught by the fleet after the robbery was completed. Sinking means that the duck that you have gotten hung up before eating it in your mouth. This resentment should be very strong. If you infer it like this..." I suddenly increased the volume and exclaimed: "Your last wish might not be. Sunk all that fleet?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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