The underground passage we walked on before was like a tube wrapped in the ground. The lava was flowing in the tube, but it was not completely covered. We just used The gap between the lava and the top of the pipe travels through it. But now, a little accident happened to this pipe. It broke into two pieces from the middle, and under the cracked crack was...Underground World. The reason why we just felt that the lava flow rate increased is because the pipeline ruptured, and the lava river that was originally flowing uniformly turned into a lava waterfall here, so the speed suddenly increased.

When we were standing at the fracture location, we discovered that the breach was quite bad, because the passage on the opposite side was completely invisible. If it's just that the pipe is cracked, any player who can fly can easily pass by. Anyway, just find the opposite entrance and fly in. But the problem is that there seems to have been a serious collapse here. The pipe entrance on the opposite side has completely disappeared. What's worse is that the Underground World below is surprisingly big, which is why we were just stunned there.

It’s not surprising that there is Underground World in the game, but it’s the first time I came across such a big Underground World. As far as the space I can see, the height from the ground is at least a few kilometers, and the distance of all around can no longer see where the edge is. Of course, we wouldn't be too surprised if it was simply bigger. The key is that not only is there a lot of space here, but what's more terrifying is that there are devil beasts everywhere. We just glanced casually and saw a group of creatures that looked a bit like griffins lined up and flew past us, and a little further away, a flying devil beast of the same size as a giant dragon was flying. Hunt down Yes, it's just a fish. The body length is more than 200 meters, the body is olive-shaped, and there are relatively wide fins on the back and sides of the body, but it is certain that it is not its flying tool, at least it is not a tool to provide lift, because the fish is almost in flight. I didn't fan the fins much, and although the area of ​​the thing was not small, it was obviously not big enough for the volume of this fish.

Just as we observe the all around environment so well, the fish below has been bitten out by a giant dragon as big as the creature behind, and then we saw the fish start ...Leak. Yes, it is a leak, because you can clearly see white gas ejecting from the hole in that guy's body, and the big fish also began to fall as the gas ejected, and its size was also rapidly shrinking. Obviously, the flying method of this kind of fish should be similar to that of a balloon, but whether it is a hot air balloon or a hydrogen balloon, it will have to be studied to find out.

As the fish fell, the predators behind also landed on the ground, and the creatures that looked like griffins that were still below us have also flown away, but our My eyes and my reputation were free, but they became more busy, because there was obviously a large group of things moving in the jungle below, but because the distance was too far, no one could see except me, but even me I can only vaguely see a certain large creature chasing something in the jungle, but the specific situation is really not clear due to the distance and the shelter of the tree canopy.

"Is this the trouble you are talking about?" Looking at the strange Underground World below, I couldn't help but ask.

Wikki said with some worry: "At the beginning, there seemed to be an earthquake, and then such a fault appeared. The passage on the opposite side seemed to be cut off. We couldn’t find the entrance. It’s not that you sent a task to ask someone to take you to Duludu, and we won’t come. President Purple Moon, can you find the opposite entrance, right?"

"You can definitely find it if you look for it, the problem is time "I looked at the following situation and said: "I also looked for that city because I took a related task, and the worst thing is that this task has a time limit, so we'd better hurry up."

"It's up to you. We don't have the ability to dig underground, and we can't help search for entrances, otherwise we would have come by ourselves."

Nodded reluctantly said: "In that case, let us go down and see the situation. It's useless to stand here anyway."

Only two of them can fly. None of the five below have the ability to fly. Fortunately, there are a lot of flying creatures on my side. Besides, I have large creatures like lucky here. It's easy to take them down. However, the above are just my thoughts, and the actual situation is far from simple.

Originally, I was lucky with summon according to my own thoughts, and then let the luck hover underneath first, and then I was going to let Wikipedia jump down one by one. Because here is still several kilometers high from the ground, so lucky to have a lot of time to catch them one by one and send them all to the ground at once. However, I just brought out the lucky summon, and before Wikipedia could take off, a terrifying roar suddenly came from below.

The sudden cry made me hesitate for a while, and then we saw a huge silhouette suddenly appeared on the spot where the strange fish landed before. After the thing jumped up from the ground, it immediately spread its wings and rushed towards the lucky person in the sky, and luck immediately turned around to face the creature and became alert.

The creature that flew up for luck is the creature that killed the strange fish before. Its size is indeed comparable to that of the giant dragon, and it has even exceeded the average size of Dragon Clan. Because this guy is almost as big as lucky, and lucky is the dragon king, which is bigger than the average giant dragon. This guy is as big as lucky, which means he is bigger than the average giant dragon.

Although the thing is huge, I don't mean anything to be nervous. The reason why giant dragons can become the Peak of devil beasts is not just because of their size. The magical ability and physical quality of giant dragons are the fundamental reason for their dominance. Of course, the intelligence of giant dragons is also one of the key factors. Compared with those devil beasts, which have the most intelligence quotient and are similar to human children, giant dragons, which are smarter than humans, obviously take a lot of advantage.

Although the following creature looks as big as luck, as long as it is not the same as the giant dragon Magic and Martial Dual Cultivation plus superior intelligence, it is basically impossible to defeat luck. Besides, even if it is a bug-like existence, what about it? We are not the lucky one here, at worst gang fights. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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