This clever guy is really innate talent. He guessed our purpose by simply giving a hint, but there is still something left before he is officially thrown out to perform the task. Few things need to be dealt with. The first is that this guy's business level must be improved.

Although this guy is already very good at slacking off his beard and horses, they are all unorthodox. Without formal guidance, his development will be limited, but we don’t seem to have any ready-made textbooks in this area. Military god made a temporary make-up and used it. Anyway, there is a spy training manual on the military god's side, and a slight modification should be able to be used by this guy.

In addition to business ability, this guy's personal strength needs to be improved, so we decided to reward him with a super sweet date, that is, let him participate with other gods who join our Divine Race of Chaos and Order Upcoming High God teaching action.

After we finished talking with this guy, let him first go to the Divine Race station of our guild to learn some basic knowledge. It doesn't hurt to know more. After sending him away, we went back to the room, but it seemed that Hera's vent was not over yet. When we entered the room, we saw the guys who had had enemies with Hera were rolling all over the floor, but we didn’t see Hera doing anything, but most of the horrors of these guys could not be related to Hera. of.

"Um, if your mood is a little better, can we throw them aside for a while and then continue to torment?" Looking at the guys who are rolling all over the floor with excitement. Secretly proud of Hera, I couldn't help but step up to remind me.

Hera responded quickly when she heard what I said, and after leaving a few ruthless words, she let her entourage drag them all out. According to Hera's request, these guys will be kept in the Olympus Divine Race, of course not as a battle strength, but as a toy. Yes, it is a toy, a prop used by Hera to vent her dissatisfaction when she is in a bad mood. Although I don't know how Hera will torture them, it would be better for them to find a chance to commit suicide as soon as possible.

After the guys were dragged away, we moved to another room not far away. There were 21 diehards who refused to surrender. Although they became prisoners, They have been trying to resist, until now they are still shackled, and they did not respond to Hera's previous speeches, and they obviously refused to be Hera's men.

Originally, we were not there. The group of people was kept in a sealed room. It was still quiet. Although they would discuss the solution with each other, they did not act excessively. But the guy who entered the room on our side The sentiment that changed immediately became excited.

The two mobile angels who guarded the gate helped me open the gate. I just stepped in and saw a guy rushing towards me, but his arms were fixed behind his back. Although his feet were able to move, he was I fixed it with an incomplete stick, so although it can move, the posture is very strange and the speed is fast. Does not raise.

Looking at the guy rushing over in an awkward posture, I didn’t have it at all. He didn't mean to avoid it at all, but he lifted the Eternal in his hand directly, and then instantly turned into a short stick and placed him there on the guy's chest.

"Just stand there and say something. I'm not used to other people being too close to me, especially men."


As soon as the guy opened his mouth, I suddenly lifted Eternal again, but I directly put the end of the stick into his mouth, blocking the words behind him.

"First of all, I don't want to hear meaningless abuse, because I am here to solve your problems, not to fight with you. If you are sure that you want to die, then stand apart. If you want to die, stand in a row next to the wall, and I will help you solve them one by one. If you don’t want to die, please keep quiet and let us deal with everyone’s problems before talking."

After speaking, I immediately pulled out Eternity. Although the guy's mouth was able to move, he didn't say anything. He looked at the wall I was talking about, then looked back at the other people. Someone in the crowd behind shook the head slightly, but I still saw it. The guy I resisted in front retreated without saying a word when he saw that guy shook his head. However, someone in the team actually walked to the wall, and not one or two, but five.

The five guys all walked to the wall and stood with a deadly expression, and then they looked at me with sarcasm and contempt, as if they were provoking me.

I didn't think much about the reaction of these five guys. It was just a few stings, which was normal.

"Very good, there are quite a few brave guys in the Olympus Divine Race." Hearing my words, the five guys immediately raised their chins high, one by one, like a proud rooster. of. I walked in front of them in their proud eyes, and Hera behind me also entered the room at this time. I stood in front of the first of these five people, then bowed to him solemnly, and then said seriously: "You are an admirable enemy. Please go well."

When I said he was an admirable enemy and bowed, the guy's eyes were looking at his other companions with an expression of "I've won." However, when he heard the three words "please go well", his expression suddenly changed. It was just that I had walked up to the companion next to him before he could react, and his own consciousness had also changed. It was frozen at that moment. Unlike the dead guy, the people around clearly saw me sway like lightning, and the next second that guy’s eyebrows, throat, and heart had a hole in each of the three places, but the hole seemed to be I was scorched. Although I passed through my body, there was no blood flowing out. However, I was attacked by the vitals of the body, and I was attacked by the cutting-off rule when the divine force was sealed. Of course, this guy died without any response. It was dropped, and it was the kind that was more completely hung. Even the soul was sucked out and shattered into soul energy, and then absorbed by my armor.

When the people around me were still shocked, I was already bowing to the second person, and said the same thing, and the second guy immediately reacted and turned his head back. I wanted to shout something, but my movements were too fast. Before he could make any response, he was directly killed by me. The wound was exactly the same as the previous one.

The three people in the back finally reacted this time, and hulled away from me and retreated into the crowd. I pretended to be surprised and turned my head and looked towards these people, and then asked: "Huh? What are you running? Didn't you say you are going to die?"

When I heard me, it seemed to be with a child When they said "I'm not going to have fun together", all the guys shuddered for no reason. Now they look at me without the contempt and disdain of at first, but full of fear and surprise. If they can add subtitles to their thoughts, I think when they watched me before, the subtitles must have been "This silly ×, what can I do? Isn't it being played around by us?" But now, their thoughts are again With subtitles, I think it should be: "It will die! It will die! This guy is a pervert! Offend him will definitely die!"

Looking at the three guys who were trembling with fright, I Instead of catching up, he put away eternity and said: "Did you give up death? That's okay. Anyway, it's your choice. I respect your choice. Of course, if you can die, I will respect you even more, just like the two warriors."

When I heard what I said, those guys were so soft that they almost didn't sit on the ground. I believe that many people here must be thinking: "You are a pervert, we should not be respected by you!"

Looking at the expressions of those guys who have been scared by me, I feel intimidated. It was almost there, so I started talking about business. "Since you don’t want to die anymore, let’s solve your problem. First of all, I want to make it clear that because you were defeated, you are now prisoners. You have to recognize the situation, so don’t provoke me because of me. You are the one who captured you, you can hate me, but don't provoke me, because then I will be angry, and I will kill you when I get angry." When I said this, I deliberately glanced at the two corpses over there, and then hurriedly shook my hand. Said: "Oh no, I didn't mean to be like them. They are all warriors who dare to face death, so I gave them peace without pain. If you anger me, I will kill you in a much more miserable way than this. .Really, please trust me about this."

Although my words sound like eager to prove what my children said, the guys on the other side agreed that what I said was the truth, because they had already Think of me as a demon among demons. Isn't it normal for demons to torture others?

Seeing that they were very quiet, I went on to say: "Since you have no objection, then we will continue. Because you are captured now, we need to deal with the prisoners."< /p>

"What do you want to do with us?" one of the guys asked nervously.

"Please don’t worry, I’m not saying this." After comforting the guy for a while, I continued: "First of all, this Hera, which is the queen before you, she is now Inherited the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race, which means she will be the Olympus Divine King in the future. Our approach to you prisoners is very simple. There are three choices. We don’t want to force you to follow them. So you can choose one of the three by yourself. The first one is that you rejoin the Olympus Divine Race, and you will be a member of the new Olympus Divine Race. Because your strength is still fair Yes, so Hera promised to give you a higher status, more subordinates, and a larger amount of Power of Faith quota."

"Can we listen to the other two before making a decision? "

"Of course." I continued: "The second option is that you can join our Guardian God Race of the Frost Rose League, which is the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. But, because Our chaos and order Divine Race is very strict, so even if you want to join, you still have to pass the exam. If you fail the exam, you still can’t get in, and even if you pass, your status will be very low. After all You are transformed from captives. Impossible at first puts you in a high position. What we can do is to accept you. As for the position or something, it depends on you to fight for it. Having joined our Divine Race in chaos and order is what we have. If you are a member, you will appreciate if you perform well."

"What about the last choice?"

"The last choice is to leave by yourself. I will keep you in Austria The Divine Soul Seal in the core of the divine force of Divine Race in Linpius will help you get it out, so that you will become completely free, but you have to sign an agreement before leaving, and you will not participate in any hostile actions against us in the future. Nor can you join an organization that is hostile to us. Unless you don’t know it, as long as you know that an organization wants to be against us, you must leave this organization."

"You mean you can let us go. "" One of the guys asked incredulously.

I nodded looking at him and asked, "Is there anything weird about this?"

"No, but that..." Although he didn't finish, he looked towards the wall The look in his eyes showed that he was referring to the two guys who were killed.

When I saw his eyes, I knew he was asking the two guys, so I asked, "What happened to them?"

"Since you are going to let us go, Why kill them?"

I pretended to be surprised and asked: "Huh? When am I going to kill them? Didn't they ask for death? I just said to help kill them, right? Didn’t you ask me to leave you alone?”

At that moment, these guys suddenly felt so cold, and looked towards the two bodies for a while, and the death was too worthless. , It’s just pretending to be 13 and pretending to be dead!

"Okay, I've talked about all three plans. You can choose one. Those who request to join the Olympus Divine Race will report to Hera, and those who want to join us will go to Victoria Go to Na. Oh, yes, I haven’t introduced yet. This is Vina, the main god of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. If you want to join us, please register with her. She will help you transfer the Divine Soul Seal. .As for those who want to leave, they can go now."

"Are you really letting us go?" one of the guys asked. I remember he was the guy who winked at the first guy who rushed out before.

For his question, I just nodded, and then asked: "Do you have anything else? If you don't have anything else, please separate as soon as possible. After dealing with your affairs, we still have a lot of things to work on."


Though the guys still don't believe it, some guys who just want to put on the air and raise their worth have not so much worries, and they just acted.

There are 21 people in this group. Two of them asked to be killed by me just now, so there are still 19 people left. Twelve of them chose to join the New Olympus Divine Race and followed Hera, while two of the remaining seven went to Vina and asked to join the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, and finally five people remained. Standing there neither went to Hera nor our side, let alone left, but just stood there like not knowing what to do.

Because of the Divine Soul Seal transfer, Vina left with Hera after receiving the joining personnel. Hera is still not able to manipulate the divine force core well, so she still needs Wei Na give some guidance. The rest of the group became more anxious after they left, but I didn’t say much to them, but when I went out, I said, "You should leave as soon as possible. I only leave you with a one-hour temporary passage. Permit, you will be recognized by the city defense system as an intruder if the time comes. Don’t blame me for not reminding you when the time comes to be killed by unfathomable mystery."

"Wait for President Purple Moon." A guy Chasing it out and asking: "Can we really go?"

"Do I have to lie to you? I don’t want to let you go, just kill you. I will try to lie to you to leave and then chase you. I’ll eat Do you hold on too much?"

The guys who were scolded by me were not only not angry, but they laughed happily, because they also want to understand now. Although loopholes are deliberately left in the prison to deceive the prisoner to leave, and then falsely claim that the prisoner escapes from the prison and then kills things happen from time to time, but we don't have to do it at all, right? Such things are done secretly by the prison manager, and I am the highest leader here, do I need to be secretive? If I want to kill someone, just kill it as before. What kind of drama do I have to do with them?

As soon as I understood the key, these guys immediately disappeared with joy like a group of wild dogs. I shook the head with a smile, then turned and headed towards the command center.

In fact, releasing these people is also useful, but it is not a conspiracy for them. In fact, we should release these people for those who have joined the Olympus Divine Race. Whether they joined our Divine Race of Chaos and Order or the original Olympus Divine Race god who joined Hera's new Olympus Divine Race, they will always have some lumps in their hearts. Hades and the others are okay, after all, they were the first to join, and they took the initiative to contact us, so they can turn around in their minds. But like Poseidon and some other gods are different. Although they joined us voluntarily, the prerequisite for this volition is that Zeus could not get along with the Olympus Divine Race, so they were forced to join us. Although they can confirm that there is no problem from the rational thinking, if no one is released, their perceptual thinking will think that they are forced, and they will die if they do not join. You can't explain this kind of concept, but it will inevitably arise, and as long as this kind of thinking exists, they will never be able to truly integrate into this big collective.

It’s like Hera’s new Olympus Divine Race. Fortunately, the original Olympus Divine Race has no cohesion, but now it has become a puppet divine power, so is there any cohesion? It’s not a big problem, just eat together and wait for death. As long as Hera doesn’t force the guys to survive like Thursday, it’s nothing at worst. However, we are not the same as Hera. Chaos and order Divine Race has always been a solid group, just like the collective cohesion and centripetal force of the Frost Rose League has always been incomparable, our chaos and order Divine Race must also be such an organization, so we cannot allow these new ones to join us. Olympus Divine Race has no sense of belonging.

Release the captives, this is to give them a sense of belonging. Seeing that someone has really left and lived well without being retaliated against, they will understand that they can actually leave at any time, but then their rational thinking will tell them that if they stay and have boundless prospects, leaving is no future. Bright. When the time comes, they will still stay, which is equivalent to turning a circle and returning to the starting point, but at this time their psychology will change like Heaven and Earth turning upside down. They will go from being enslaved by others to becoming a member of this organization. This change of thinking will immediately bring about changes in action and a series of behaviors, and these changes will basically be positive and positive. of.

The release of a few prisoners is simply insignificant for us, even if all the 21 people are released, what about it? Are we missing these 21 gods? Obviously not. However, it is too cost-effective to trade them for internal stability and unity. Besides, if all the gods in a region are members of the Divine Race force in a certain place, and there is no external wandering Divine Race, this is actually a very bad thing. Just as a country needs to have poor people, a Divine Race also needs a wandering Divine Race.

Don’t think it’s a good thing that all people become rich. If you were as rich as Bill Gates, would you get up at four or five in the morning to sweep the streets? Will you endure the pungent stench and drill into the sewers to dredge urban sewage? Will you stand up to the wind and rain regardless of the scorching sun or frost and snow, and insist on delivering the courier? Obviously you won't, because you are a rich man, of course you don't want to do this kind of dirty work. But this kind of work has to be done by someone else. If you don’t do it, others have to do it. Therefore, the ideal state of a country is to have a handful of wealthy and enemy rich people, a large group of middle class with strong consumption power, and the number is slightly lower than that of the middle class. Low-income people. Only by controlling the ratio of the three can the country's healthy and stable development continue. There cannot be too many poor people, but there is absolutely no way to have none.

For the same reason, Divine Race needs to absorb gods to enrich itself, but for some reasons, the wandering Divine Race still has value. At least this group of guys established the most basic Divine Race communication . After all, the area of ​​Divine Race is restricted by the system, but the wandering Divine Race can move around, so these guys are simply born Divine Race trafficmen, who are responsible for establishing a bridge of communication between Divine Race and Divine Race. .

Before I was able to become a bridge between world Divine Races and become a Divine Race middleman. In my opinion, it actually reflects the fact that the current number of wandering Divine Races is too low. . There is always communication between Divine Race and Divine Race, and there is no wandering Divine Race. Sending envoys between two different Divine Races is simply more difficult than going abroad in the first few years of our country’s establishment. Various approvals and other things can help you Toss to death. In order to save trouble and speed up the communication process, I can become an Arbitrator and communication platform on an equal footing with Divine Race as a creature of the Nether that Divine Race doesn't care about. This is because the number of wandering Divine Races is too small.

Because I am a Divine Race middleman, I actually saw this thing more thoroughly than those Divine Races. After all, they are insiders, and I am outside, so I can see what they can’t see thing. As a local Divine Race, the best way to expand its strength is to increase the number of gods, so count them desperately to transform the wandering Divine Race into the gods of the power. The result is that the number of wandering Divine Races is scarce, and let them use those powers. The gods who are not strong and useless to keep are released and transformed into the wandering Divine Race. On the one hand, they are not willing, and on the other hand, the gods of the Divine Race certainly don't want to live a wandering life anymore. Therefore, even if Divine Race itself understands this process, it is estimated to be difficult to implement. On the contrary, it is very easy for us to do. Anyway, it is not our meat that is cut, so it doesn't hurt.

After letting go of the five gods, I also went to the command center of the god of war, but I still can’t get off now. First, I learned about the construction of Olympus and confirmed the construction materials. After everything was in place, I checked the personnel records again, checked and confirmed that the people who should not have been taken left the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and finally notified the various unrelated personnel of the guild to return to the Isengard Mobile Fortress.

This mess of things was done for nearly two hours. The main thing is that the evacuation speed is a bit slow, because many local affairs have to explain the people who stayed behind, and we have a short time It may not be easy to come here, so it is really uneasy not to arrange everything in advance. Of course, this is only temporary. The construction workers and building materials have been left behind before the departure of Isengard Mobile Fortress. They will not only help Hera rebuild Mount Olympus, but also build a city belonging to our guild on Mount Olympus. This city will be equipped with Transnational Transmission Formation, so it will be very simple for us to come to Greece in the future. Of course, all of this must be completed after the completion of the transnational Transmission Formation, and now our people are busy cleaning up the ruins after the war, so the construction progress is a bit slow. This Transmission Formation has to wait at least three to five days before it is done. Certainly.

Finally, all the engineering staff explained their work clearly, and then Hera, who came to hear the news, took her men to see us off. In Hera's complicated eyes, Isengard's mobile fortress finally started again and moved over from the top of Mount Olympus and started flying east. This time we plan to just drive back Isengard Mobile Fortress. Space Jump consumes energy too scary. Rose is reluctant to spend money. Besides, there is no urgent need to rush back to Isinger Mobile Fortress. There are transnational Transmission Formation for personnel and so on. If you want to go back, you can go back at any time. There is no need to follow Isinger to move. The fortress walks slowly, so it is better to let the city drive back by yourself. On the one hand, you can save money, and on the other hand, you can show your muscles along the way to frighten the children. At least it can increase our sense of existence of the Frost Rose League. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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