Although Isengard’s mobile fortress is not slow, it still takes two or three days to fly back from Greece to Isengard’s main city on the east coast of China. Of course I’m impossible to stay here waiting for it to fly back slowly, so I roughly arranged the things here. If they didn’t arrange everything, I gave them to Rose and Hong Yue to handle it. As for me, of course I didn’t have anything. The morality just slipped away.

"Well, now look at the mission introduction." Riding on the back of the trotting Night Shadow, I opened the mission scroll and looked it up carefully.

The task of level 2200 must be completed in seven days. Now there are only six days and a few hours left, so it must be completed quickly. Does the ghost know how long it will take to complete the task? It doesn't hurt to leave more time to come out.

According to the scroll record, the content of this mission is multi-loop continuous, that is to say, only the first person's mission objective is recorded on the scroll, and the follow-up mission can be known after completion, and how many loops there are afterwards Not sure.

Now the content of the first task written on the scroll is relatively simple, it is to go to a city to fetch something, but this task is quite cheating, because...the city does not have a map.

City name: Duludu

City scale: Super Level 1 city (Hegemon level)

City location: unknown

These three Information means all the information about this city, and my task is to go to this Duludu city to find the local consul, and then the other party will give me something, and that thing will become the trigger item for the next task.

It is not difficult to find the Archon in the city, but the difficulty lies in how to find the city.

The main map of "Zero" is obtained after modification of Earth's current rough map, which means that the main map is already equal in area of ​​Earth. Apart from this currently we can connect to the scene also includes Eighteen Levels of Hell. Note that it is not the 18th Layer, but a total of 18 Layers, and apart from the 18th Layer, the remaining Seventeenth Layer each layer has the same area as the Earth. In other words, the Eighteen Levels of Hell alone has a mission scene with a surface area of ​​about 17:00 Earth. Also, there are still two companion planets above us, a shadow planet and a red planet. Although those two scenes are semi-enclosed scenes, except for special tasks, they basically don't go there. Even if these are not counted, the map I can think of may also include the God World map of Divine Race and the special space hidden in some hidden caves. Oh, by the way, there is another map called Underground World. Both the Earth and the planets in the sky in "Zero" have Underground Worlds. Although this Underground World is not as big as the ground world, it is a three-dimensional multi-layer interspersed space. Therefore, in a comprehensive calculation, the actual area is not larger than the ground area. small.

Counting all the above miscellaneous maps, the total area of ​​the map we can actually reach may reach a record twenty-four to twenty-five times the surface area of ​​Earth. This is not twenty four-five times the area of ​​your home, but twenty four-five times the surface area of ​​the entire Earth, and these maps are still three-dimensional, not only on land, but also under water, there are special mission scenes such as cities, which are all counted. Above, the area is definitely over. Looking for a city in such a large area, even if it is a very large city, it is definitely not much easier than finding a needle in a haystack.

As soon as I finished watching this mission, I immediately activated the teleportation ring and returned to Isengard Mobile Fortress.

"Huh? Why are you back again?" The roses were analyzing something around the map. They saw me appearing in the Conference Hall again, and immediately looked at me with surprise, not knowing why I went and returned. .

I took a seat directly, and then shouted over my head: "Military God, help me publish the Bounty Mission, look for a city called Duludu, the size of the city is a super giant megacity, anyone As long as you can provide reliable clues, you can get one hundred crystal coins, one thousand that can identify the target location, five thousand that can be used as a guide to take me there."

"After the message is recorded, I will release it for you now. "

Military God’s work efficiency is fast. I ordered to end the missions over there. The information release offices around the world got my reward information. Because you can get these rewards as long as you sell intelligence, everyone is very interested in this task. After all, what you are looking for is a very large city, not a small ruin, so if it really exists, then the players in the vicinity will definitely be. Know what is right.

Facts have proved that my choice is correct. Money has value only when it is spent. The money piled in the safe is just a symbol. If I feel sorry for the money, I guess I will never have to complete this task, because I will definitely not be able to find it in seven days, but with the backing of billions of players in the world, this impossible task becomes easy immediately. .

"Some people say that they know the exact location and can act as a guide. The other party has already paid a deposit. If he lied, the deposit will be withheld. However, the other party asks you to solve the obstacles along the way by yourself, and the other party does not have the ability to approach the city. , You need to find a way by yourself. As long as you can solve the location of the passage, the other party can always send you into the city."

The mission information feedback by the military god only took ten minutes and someone responded. , It was unexpectedly fast, and I almost fainted when I saw the location of the person taking the task.

"Damn, what kind of scam mission is this? I have the foresight to send out a mission, otherwise I will find it for the rest of my life!"

I The main reason for such a big reaction is that the player who is said to know the location of Duludu is actually an Icelandic. Iceland! What a partial place? Away from the center of the continent, a place where wars will be forgotten. If I search by myself, I guess I must start with land first, and I won't find that kind of place. Fortunately, this is not a problem anymore, so I am also relaxed.

Because the movement of Isinger Mobile Fortress is reversed, I had to use the Transnational Transmission Formation to transmit to Tianyu City, and then use the Transmission Formation in the German city to transmit to the northernmost border city in Germany. , From here cross the national barrier to enter Denmark, and then use the Transmission Formation in Denmark to transmit to a place called the Faroe Islands. This island group is far away from the Danish mainland, but because it is a Danish territory, the Danish city Transmission Formation can be sent here. From here, there is no Transmission Formation any more useful. You can only take a bird to fly all the way to the Northwest, and after crossing a large ocean, you will arrive in Iceland.

Although this road is a toss, it is either Transmission Formation or flying birds. Transmission Formation is instantaneous. It takes less than ten seconds to turn on and off once, and the speed of flying birds is several times the supersonic speed, so There was not much delay on the road, that is, the last part of the ocean flight was more time-consuming, but the whole journey was completed in one hour.

"Excuse me, are you Purple Moon?" When I landed outside a small village in Iceland, seven or eight players ran over immediately.

Speaking of which The meeting place requested by the other party is really strange. It is not in the city, but on the outskirts of the city. However, this place is so easy to find. The volcano is erupting. I saw the flames and thick smoke hundreds of kilometers away from the sea. It is difficult to find them.

Because no one knows that I am coming except the person who takes the task, it is natural that the person I am looking for is the person I am looking for when asked. The refreshing nodded shook hands with the other party one after another, and I said, "Why are there seven of you? I only hired a guide?"

Hearing my question, the crowd A handsome male player came out. This guy is definitely taller than 1.9 meters tall. He is well-proportioned and slender. His face is very white or even pale, but it is not very eye-catching. He has light blue eyes and shiny blond hair. Just get another white horse. This is ready-made. The white horse Prince template does not require makeup. But although this guy is so handsome, he smiles as shy as a big boy. The other party said very sorry: "Well, the thing is like this. The city you are looking for is actually where we want to go. However, the passage to Duludu is more troublesome. And we need a guide, so we plan to take a ride with you. Of course, the guide fee is still calculated according to the task, or you think it is more troublesome to bring so many people, so you can reduce the guide fee."

< p>Anyway, I don’t mind bringing a few more people, so I didn’t ask to reduce the cost. I just explained to them that I was only responsible for protecting the guide, and I would help if other people were in danger, but I didn’t guarantee it. Safe, so don't blame me if you die.

These people know how to measure, so they understand what I said.

After everyone reached a consensus, we were ready to go on the road. The handsome guide who took the task is also the Captain of the team. He is called Wikison, but this guy prefers people to call him Wiki. It can be seen that Wikipedia is a more serious Captain. After we were on the road, he continued to introduce to me the battle method and battle strength of each team member, which means that in case of a battle, it is easy to cooperate.

Although I don’t think I need their cooperation, but someone introduced it like this, if I dismiss it, I will look too arrogant, so for the subsequent exchanges, I will introduce them to my current general strength. . When these guys knew that I was 22Level 22, all of them were surprised as if they saw God drinking afternoon tea with the devil. Before, they all knew that I was the Number One Person on the current world battle strength list, and they also knew that I was the president of the Frost Rose League, but their understanding of me was limited to this, specifically what I have and how strong I am , They are ignorant of this information.

The first time I saw players above level 2,000, these guys were very excited to come over and ask me about all kinds of experience about future upgrades. After all, it is rare to encounter such a high level. Players of level, I can't find them if I want to ask for advice in the future.

Of course I don’t mind telling them about some tips, so the team atmosphere has become very harmonious, and because my level is too scary, so these guys are very consciously started to listen to my command NS. They didn't think it was wrong to be commanded by a player who was more than a thousand levels higher than them, after all, the difference in strength was too obvious.

Just like this, talking and laughing all the way forward, I suddenly found that we were walking towards the volcano, so I couldn't help but ask. "We seem to be heading towards the volcanic crater? It's so difficult that Gu Lu is an Underground City?"

Wikki smiled and shook his head: "That's not true, but it's almost the same. Too Ludu is actually a seabed. The city, but its entrance is under the ground, and we need to go through an underground pipeline here to reach the area near the city. If we want to get in, we have to drill into the volcanic crater, and then we can enter the underground from there, and then we have to walk a long underground. The passage reaches the seabed. After exiting the seabed passage, you have to dive a long way to reach the location of the city. If the speed of this road is fast, it will take more than ten hours, which is very far."

"Such hidden You can find a place too? I really admire it!"

"Actually, this is an accident!" A female player in the team said: "Our team was attacked by a group of seabed creatures before, and the other party did not kill. Instead, we took us away. We were later locked up in a seabed prison, where we ran into a few mermaids who were residents of Duludu. We then received the task and escaped with the mermaids. , And the other party took us to their city, which is Duludu. We discovered that there are actually shadow maps there, with many tasks and good rewards. For leveling, the EXP is also very high. Unfortunately, we practiced there later. After a period of leveling, we ended up playing BOSS collectively. Later, we still wanted to go. Unfortunately, although we knew the passage and the route to go, there was a problem in the passage, so we couldn’t make it by ourselves. Originally, we almost gave up. I didn't expect to see your mission. We already knew that you were the player with the highest battle strength in the world, so we thought that if there are people in this world who can get along, then it's you."

"So you thought of hitchhiking?"

"Yes. And you seem to be a good talker too."

Compliments to each other I just laughed and looked towards Wiki to inquire about the road situation. For the obstacles in the middle of the road, Wiki only said that I knew it by seeing it, but the previous section of the road was very detailed.

According to the introduction of the wiki, we need to take advantage of the opportunity of the volcanic eruption to enter the volcanic crater. When this volcano erupts, because the lava is flying upwards at high speed, there will be a short lava vacuum around the inner wall of the volcanic crater. This is the only opportunity to enter the deep entrance of the volcanic crater without touching the lava. Of course, without them, I would be able to go down even if it was filled with lava by myself, but unfortunately these few of them would not be able to withstand high temperatures.

"We'd better go faster. Once the volcanic eruption ends, the lava loses pressure and the passageway will be closed again. The next opening will take at least three days later." Wikipedia took a look at the volcanic eruption. Urged. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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