After separating from Zeus, I rushed directly to the prison camp. Hera’s work of persuading the captives to surrender should have already started, but I didn’t really care about it. After all, those who ride on the fence The reason for the faction to surrender is to think that we will take them in, so it is not so much that we want to get these people to join through persuasion, it is more that we give them a chance to join.

Although Hera is not very important, I did not deliberately escort him on Zeus. I really don't feel relieved, Vina, Xinghuo, Peacock, who can't be escorted? Besides, the sealing equipment of our guild is not beautiful. I don't believe that the one that tied Zeus is the same as rice dumplings. The reason why I didn't send someone to let him go by himself was purely because I was playing psychological warfare.

Zeus is very arrogant and thinks he is very smart. Once this person thinks he is smart, he likes to think, and he likes to think about everything, but once you think about it, many things that are not originally things will become things.

According to normal circumstances, I shouldn’t let Zeus go to Isengard alone, but because of this, Zeus feels strange, and then he thinks why I’m not afraid of him running away , Of course he will not be able to think of the reason afterwards, and the more he does not think of it, the more worried and fearful he will be, and in the end he will have a natural fear of me. Under this psychological suppression, Zeus will probably be It's hard to face me arrogantly. Of course, it is possible for Zeus to escape, but we really don't worry about this. Now Zeus no longer has the control authority of the divine force core, so even if he ran away, he would be a strong Deity Clan at large. Besides, Divine Race is different from us. The bodies of these guys are like externally powered remote control toys. Without the support of the divine force core, the gods will gradually become weak and weak, so we don't care at all.

I didn't care about Zeus anymore, and all the way to the prison camp, Hera was giving a speech as expected. The captured Olympus Divine Race chanted like a bunch of fanatics, following Hera's slogans, as if they were going to find someone desperately.

I don't have much recognition for Hera's speech level. In my opinion, this group of people are so fanatical, it is completely deliberate. They hope they can be included as soon as possible, and naturally they can’t express themselves rather die than submit, so when Hera speaks on stage, they have to be a little fanatical, so that they can leave a good impression on their future masters, right?

Of course, fanaticism is only part of the characteristics of gods. In fact, many of the prisoners at the scene did not show any fanaticism, but the performance of this group was not exactly the same. To be precise, in addition to those fanatics, there are two different types of prisoners. One of them is the completely quiet type. Such people behave rather coldly, with no expression on their faces. In my opinion, these people should be truly indifferent or indifferent people. Of course, this group of people is the most likely to be able to fight, because they have the ability to perform rebellious, and they dare to pretend to be 13 without the strength. idiot. In addition, the performance of the remaining group of people is more special. Each of these people tried their best to squat themselves so that their performance was not as conspicuous as possible, but they didn't know that their behavior in this frenetic atmosphere made them the most conspicuous group of people.

Actually, I can probably guess the reason for these rat-like guys for their wretched performance. It is nothing more than having an unpleasant experience with Hera. Hera was taken the throne by Zeus after all, and was forcibly married to the past. In addition, Zeus did not have the slightest sense of family, so Hera was actually a bit marginalized in the Olympus Divine Race.

According to Hera’s previous status, it can be guessed that since she is excluded, there must be some people who deliberately greet Zeus will not get along with Hera, and then use it to please Zeus. This kind of thing belongs to such is human nature and is almost inevitable, so Hera must have some people who have a bad relationship with her in the Olympus Divine Race. These guys may not be super powerful, and they will rely on bullying Hera to please Zeus with such a despicable means, which shows that the Divine Spark of these guys is also extremely despicable. Such gods certainly don't have any morals at all, and soft eggs are synonymous with them. The weak guys will definitely not be able to run away in our battle with the Olympus Divine Race, so they will definitely be in the prison camp, and now they see Hera who is recruiting people, of course, is immediately hiding in hiding, otherwise they will be Whatever you see is death except death.

Looking at the various forms of the captive sentient beings, I just thought it was a bit funny and didn't participate too much. Hera was probably too excited and didn't pay attention to it. She was focusing on her speech. I whispered about the situation here with Vina, who was idle, and then Vina walked to Hera and whispered to her. Hera took a look at me after listening to Vina's words, and then quickly ended the speech and started hiring.

Because the Divine Soul Seal records of these captives are still stored in the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race, the joining process becomes much simpler. Just agree to join, and then let Hera asked to sign a symbolic agreement and it was OK. Of course, thorns are everywhere. Although most of the prisoners are on the fence, it is normal for people with backbone to fight to the end and be captured. Therefore, not all the people here choose to join the New Olympus Divine Race, and there are some people who have been captured. Hera deliberately brushed her inside.

Those who agreed to accept Hera’s leadership of the Olympus Divine Race left the captive camp after signing the play agreement, and they were all released back to Mount Olympus. Divine Race needs the support of the power of faith from the divine force core, so their degree of freedom is significantly lower than that of players and ordinary NPCs. Therefore, Hera is not worried about them pretending to join and run away. Anyway, Divine Soul Seal is recorded here, they I can't get away even if I want to run.

The people who were finally brushed down and those who were not willing to join were all gathered together. There were about 30 people. Twenty-one of them were diehards who refused to surrender. They were all outnumbered and forced to surrender before they were captured. The remaining thirteen people were the guys I saw before who wanted to dig a hole to bury themselves, but the number seemed to be a little less. I guess that although some people have also sinned against Hera, the plot is not serious, so Hera didn't care about them. As for the rest... Needless to say, I knew that Hera was offended.

According to Hera's request, these people who were left were divided into two parts and then taken away separately. Those who have offended Hera deal with it first, and those who refuse to join can only be left behind.

"Hello everyone." Hera was startled when Hera appeared in front of these people. They were already nervous when they saw Hera appearing as a victor, and now they are trembling and scared to death. In fact, these people are really scared enough. Anyone who finds that the person he has previously insulted has become the person who dominates his own destiny will not be unresponsive. Moreover, if this group of people can do that kind of thing, it will definitely not happen. The spineless people are naturally more timid.

In fact, these people were still triumphant thinking about good things before they saw Hera. After all, our alliance with Hera is only a secret agreement between us. We are impossible to talk around, and Hera is even more impossible to let others know. Therefore, the things that Hera cooperates with us are only known to Hera's men. For this reason, these surrendered Olympus Divine Race originally thought that the Olympus Divine Race would be taken over by our Frost Rose League. Although it is still under the control of our profile, no one didn't. There is an extra leadership in the middle of t expect, and Hera is actually the Divine King. For those who haven't offended Hera or have a good relationship with her Olympus Divine Race, surrendering is the same as anyone else, as long as someone takes care of the food in the future. But these guys who have sinned against Hera are depressed.

"The Queen..."

"What did you say?" A guy tentatively wanted to communicate with Hera, but just as soon as she called a name, Hera said fiercely. The questioning sound frightened back.

Among the guys who are best at flattery, a clever person immediately discovered the key, and then screamed. "Divine King...Divine King Your Majesty!"

Hera's expression is a little better after hearing this name. The guys below are also relaxed, and then the one who thinks of this name immediately went along. Climb up, and then said: "Divine King, we know that we were wrong before, we are mean, but you have also seen that we have been punished now, so... do you think you can let us go?" Without waiting for Hera to speak, the guy immediately shouted again: "Don't worry, we will definitely reform and do everything according to your wishes. No matter what you ask us to do in the future, we will absolutely not frown. No matter what the dirty work is, we are willing to do things that are not thankful, just beg you to let us go!"

"You know your mistakes." Hera deliberately ridiculed those guys with emphasis. Then he began to count the nasty things these guys did to them. Although I wanted to interrupt Hera's complaints, considering her future prestige, I was not happy to interrupt her in front of these guys now, so I had to chat with Vina and the others boringly. Fortunately, Hera accidentally saw us and found that we seemed to be impatient, so she quickly ended her complaint, and then began to seriously say to those guys: "It's impossible to let you go. "One sentence made the group of guys present directly lift the heart to the eyes of the throat, but Hera quickly took another sentence. "But I didn't intend to kill you either."

The more clever guy asked immediately: "As long as you don't dislike it, please just punish us. We are willing to atone for our actions."< /p>

"This is a talent!" Looking at the shameless guy, Vina and my colleague couldn't help but sigh, and then we both looked at each other in a little surprise. When Xinghuo saw our situation, he stretched out his head and asked. I talked to her, and then Xinghuo went to Hera's ear and whispered.

Although Hera is a little unhappy about being interrupted all the time, she did not dare to resist us, but nodded, and then said to the following humanities: "Your attitude is very good, so I decided to accept yours. I suggest that you use practical actions to cleanse your sins." At this point, Hera suddenly pointed to the more clever guy and said: "Go over there and wait for the demolition."

The named one The guy was visibly stunned, and then quickly returned to our side. Neither Vina nor I spoke, but just hooked a finger at him to let him follow and took it to the outside of this small room. After I went out and closed the room again, I began to say: "Do you know who you are?"

The guy was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted to nodded and said: "I am your best Loyal subordinates."

"Add no at the end of the word, my subordinates are not as cheap as you."

The guy is not angry when he is scolded, and immediately frivolous. nodded Hariyao admitted: "What you said is. What you said is."

After looking at this guy again for two seconds, I spoke again. "I don't need your loyalty. I have loyal subordinates. I don't lack you. And with your strength, even if you are as loyal as my other subordinates, you are a third-rate guy, nothing worth noting." Paused for a while. , Seeing that guy started to get nervous again, I continued: "However, you have an outstanding ability, that is, you are smart enough and cheap enough. You can be shameless, so you are very suitable for camping, as long as you have the right opportunity, You are more likely to succeed than ordinary people. However, a guy like you lacks perseverance and backbone, so your personal strength cannot be improved. If the Olympus Divine Race is the ruling mode of the elders, you should be mixed well, but Zeus He is an iron-blooded Sovereign. Although he also has a lot of bad problems, he pays attention to strength, so your flattery skills are not available to him."

The guy who was a little bit ashamed by me finally bowed his head. It seems to be hit hard. People like him are not ashamed, but their will is very fragile, so they can easily be hit.

Looking at him falling silent again, I went on to say, "Don’t worry about it there. Since I called you out, it will be useful to you. Don’t doubt, it’s also a kind of flattery to be able to shoot. Skills. In this world, there is no real waste. Garbage is just misplaced resources. In an organization, you can easily intensify internal conflicts and cause the organization to fall apart. From this point of view, you are a cancer, but if Squeeze you into the enemy’s organization, and then give full play to your strengths, that is to bury a bomb in the enemy’s body. Do you understand what I mean?"

"You want me to stay in Olin Interfering with Hera’s rule in Divine Race?"

"Idiot!" Vina couldn't help knocking him: "Olympus Divine Race is now our subordinate unit. , Shall we leave you here to pit ourselves?"

"Then what do you mean...?" I didn't say anything, just looked towards the north, and the other party immediately reacted. "Oh... I understand!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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