Although the task rewards are very good, it is not the time to do the task for the time being. I just simply watched the lower level and started to rush to the divine force core, the core of Vina Synchronous reading work is over, the next thing to be done is the subsequent reconstruction of the Olympus Divine Race.

The current situation in Europe is quite good for us. Among the major Divine Races, there are two temples of light and dark, one is our puppet divine power, and the other is a close ally. Although the Holy See is our mortal enemy, we have no property in his sphere of influence, and we don’t have any in the short term. The idea of ​​establishing a new force in this area, so the Holy See can be said to be no threat to us. The remaining two Deity Clan, one is the Olympus Divine Race and the other is the Nordic Divine Race.

Nordic Divine Race and It shouldn't be our ally, but it is not hostile. This is an uncivilized Divine Race, and it doesn't have much intersection with us for the time being. After removing the Nordic Divine Race, the last thing left is the Olympus Divine Race. If it can be turned into a more thorough puppet divine power than the Light God Palace, then we can control or influence half of the European land. The above thought tendency of the Divine Race forces. Although this huge influence will not directly print money to you, it can increase your income from other industries, and it can also open up some industries that were previously impossible or unsuitable to enter.

If we need this kind of influence to continue, we must ensure that the power distribution of the European Divine Race maintains the status quo, or develops in the direction we hope, and the Olympus Divine Race becomes our puppet divine power This is one of the most important steps in the strategic layout.

There are a lot of people in our guild who know about this, and this kind of layout is not a result of one or two people discussing it, so when I arrived, there were already a lot of people standing here. . The conference hall of our guild was already full of people at this time, not only on the seats, but also two circles of people standing around. The reason why there are so many is not because we have expanded the number of participants in the conference, but because the other party of the conference, the members of the Olympus Divine Race are also on the scene.

Originally, this kind of negotiation-like meeting needs to discuss and integrate one's own internal opinions before starting the discussion, but our current situation is a bit special. One is because the current Olympus Divine Race is not in the same position as us. The other side just won the rebel war with our support, and we are the main force, which determines the group of Olympians under Hera. The Linpis Divine Race does not have the same status as us. In addition, on the negative side of our strength, we have indeed surpassed the other party a lot, which determines that the other party does not have the strength to negotiate hard. Finally, because our guild has internal communications, we can fully discuss the consolidated opinions while in meetings.

In the conference hall, the two sides have been divided into two parts to sit down, but from the position, we can see that we are not equal. During normal negotiations, the two parties sit at the left and right sides of the table across the table, and no one sits at the end of the table. But this time our positions are divided up and down. As the president, my position on the conference table is at the top of the conference table, and there is a very special throne here. All other seats on the table are the same. Only me is special. Determined that this position represents a higher status.

Now I have vacated my seat in the venue, and Wei Na, Rose, and Hong Yue are all sitting on the left and right sides of my seat. The gang of people in the guild who are eligible to participate in the meeting and the people provided in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order are also standing behind the seats, which are considered second seats.

Hera's position is across from me, but across the entire table. We must know that the long table in the conference hall of our guild is not an ordinary table. This thing is bigger than the Chase shop in the low-level hotels in the past, and the length is almost more than ten meters. Had it not been for the magic device, it would have been so far away, I would have to shout loudly.

Hera's men are on both sides of Hera's position, but compared with the overcrowding on our side, the number is sparse. Those who can come to participate are all directly under Hera, who must be her confidant. Hera was still suppressed under the hands of Zeus. Of course, she was impossible to have too many subordinates, and her confidant could not even pick a few. So the people on her side just filled up the positions assigned to them, and there were three people standing behind.

"Well, now that everyone is here, let's start." Hong Yue spoke as soon as I sat down. After a long time, I was the last to arrive.

The opposite Hera nodded said: "No problem, let's start."

Since Hera is nodded, we immediately started the topic. Rose first took out more than a dozen documents and handed them to the next subordinate. The player immediately took the information and sent it to Hera and her subordinates on the opposite side. After the other party opened the information, Rose began to say: "You can see the content of the information. This is the list of materials we just got from the Olympus Divine Race. The last one is the list of remaining materials. In addition, we At the end of the form is listed the complementary materials that we think are very important to the guild, and the output of Olympus Divine Race is huge. In the future, we hope that Olympus Divine Race can provide us with regular Provide these materials. Of course, we are not taking it for nothing. Our Frost Rose League and the Divine Race of Chaos and Order will provide you with international relations and substantial shelter. At the same time, we will also find ways to improve your strength so that you can be in the future. I can have enough self-protection ability in the days of the year."

"Sounds good." Hera asked while flipping through the information in her hand: "But our people have lost so much, if in a short time What should we do if the power of Jehovah or Odin is invading?"

"About this, you can turn to page 72." Rose said: "We will make light and dark through our relationship The two great temples hold back the power of the Holy See, so you don’t have to worry about threats from the Holy See. Regarding the Odin Divine Race. I think this is still an unknown. Odin Divine Race may not attack you, and even Yes, it doesn't have to be a full-scale attack at first. They always have to have a trial process."

"So what if they attack?" One of Hera's men asked.

"We will show up immediately, and then beat Odin like he did with Zeus before, even his mother won’t recognize him."

"If so, I think we can accept it. Hera said: "But about the issue of autonomy..."

"I don't think this is actually an issue that needs to be discussed." I stopped Hera aloud to continue speaking. "You want to get back your own Olympus Divine Race, we did it for you. You want to save the strength of the Olympus Divine Race that Zeus had before, and we will help you stay. If you still request Independence, so I really want to know, why are we helping you fight this war? Just relying on the little human resources and materials we get? We are fighting a war, not a sale. When doing business, there is a 20% The above profit is almost the same. The war gains cannot reach more than ten times. Is there a difference between victory and defeat in this kind of war?"

Hera did not give up because of my words, but directly said:" But we are about to stay here to stabilize the existence of this area for you, and our future relationship should also be maintained under a benign cooperation model rather than a slavery model."

"I said again Have you ever wanted to enslave you? You still have your own personal freedom. You can choose to stay or leave. The new Olympus Divine Race was shot down by us, and we prepared to build it. We as it should be by rights Ownership of it. But we took a step back because we fancy your gods’ ability to work. We gave you the ownership of the Olympus Divine Race. If we still can’t control its foreign policy, then this group What does it have to do with us?"


"Well, I don't want to waste time on this matter." I interrupted Hera directly. , And then said: "This is the bottom line and cannot be surpassed. Either you accept this condition, or our negotiation is not necessary to proceed. Olympus Divine Race is there, although you control a part of the personnel, and you have a fair reputation. Enter the position of the Olympus divine throne, but don’t forget that most of the remaining Olympus Divine Races so far are still the fencers who have been loyal to Zeus before, and whether they will survive or not is all within our thoughts. If it’s not good, we think, you are the Olympus Divine King, we don’t want to, you are not. I think I have expressed my meaning very clearly, you can tell me whether you accept it or not, and I don’t want it anymore. Hearing the answer from Third Type."

Hera fell into silence. The Divine Races beside her were obviously angry and stared at me angrily. I wanted to stand up and go crazy, but after thinking about it, I still held back. Didn't move. They are indeed the once proud Olympus Divine Race, but now all that was just once. After seeing that we had just finished Zeus, these guys didn't dare to barter at us no matter how arrogant they were. Staring at us angrily was just an expression of an emotional attitude, not a provocation. They had no guts and were not qualified to provoke us.

"Have you thought about it?" I asked again. Rose, they are all a little surprised by my toughness, but they are all smart people, and I definitely can't dismantle my platform at this time. Now that I have said it hard, in front of Hera, even if they disagree with my point of view, they cannot show it. Otherwise, Hera will find that our internal opinions are not unified, she will definitely think that this bottom line can be surpassed, when The time comes is really hard to talk about.

After thinking about it for a long time, Hera finally didn't dare to confront us. I am not surprised at all about this, but Rose and the others actually squeezed a cold sweat. Not because I am smarter than them, but because they don't understand Hera. In the previous two contacts, I have almost felt Hera's temperament. This woman has certain insistence on certain things, so people who don't know may feel that she is a strong woman, the kind of female king-like existence. But, in fact, Hera just looks like a queen, her real character should be the wayward Princess. She will be tough in certain things, but it is not that she is really strong, but willful and arrogant. Once you are soft, it will become more arrogant, and you only need to be so tough that she can't see the slightest hope. She is actually weaker than many ordinary persons.

Because I understand Hera’s character traits, I am not worried about Hera’s behavior at all. I know she doesn't have the courage to reject us, so it doesn't matter how tough it is. On the contrary, once we relax, she will become very tough and unwilling to communicate.

Hera was nodded, and we immediately began to draft the relevant agreement. Although I did not participate in the work of making the agreement, I know that Rose and the others must have prepared an outline of the agreement in advance, plus the existence of a military god, so Hera over there has just confirmed that we will take it out in less than five minutes. A written agreement was made. Compared with the verbal commitment just now, the content of this agreement is more detailed, and many details have special annotations, and the content is very clear.

After seeing the agreement, Hera also seriously flipped it through, but it didn't take long to close the agreement and express her acceptance of the agreement. Although this situation is not what I expected, it is in line with my definition of her character. Hera’s Princess Sickness has obviously been suppressed by our hard-line attitude, so now Hera has become somewhat reluctant. We drafted the agreement, but she thought that she could not influence our decision, so she simply stopped looking at it. Anyway, even if there is an unequal treaty, she can only accept it.

"Since you have no objection, then we will sign it into effect." Rose added after finishing: "You have to think about it. This is a contract of law obtained from High God, even if it is We have no way to breach the contract, so once you sign this agreement, it will indeed guarantee the implementation of the content of the agreement. If you want to go back, it won’t work."

Hera is a little surprised, but still nodded. He quickly opened the agreement to find a place to sign and wrote his name. When she signed the last word, the agreement suddenly turned into a light spot and flew into her forehead, making her stunned.

As the signing of the agreement is completed, the relationship between our two parties has become relatively harmonious. After all, the agreement has been signed, and there is nothing to argue about now. The so-called biological brothers clearly settle accounts. The relationship can only be maintained if the interest relationship is clearly distinguished first, and these issues are no longer considered in life. Otherwise, it is strange that the interpersonal relationship is good.

"Now that the agreement has been completed, let's take a look at the core of your divine force." Weina suddenly proposed.

The divine force core of Olympus Divine Race is still piled up with our own divine force core in the temporary storage of Isengard Mobile Fortress. Now the required operations are over, the negotiation It has also been completed, we no longer need to keep this divine force core.

Hera was obviously excited when she heard the core of divine force. For many years, what Hera hopes to be the Divine King of Olympus Divine Race, isn't its actual performance in charge of the core of divine force? Now suddenly this long-awaited wish is about to come true, how can Hera not be excited? But compared to her excitement, we are much calmer. Although it is necessary to show the divine force core to Hera, this does not mean that she will be able to take over the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race right away, because the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race is still connected to it. What about Zeus. Although Zeus is now our prisoner, the divine force core still only recognizes him as the main god, so if Hera wants to take over the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race, we have to spend some money with Zeus. effort.

For now, killing Zeus may be the most direct and effective way, but Zeus is the existence of the Lord Divine Grade after all. He is more valuable alive than dead, so if possible, we don’t want to kill him for the time being. . Of course, if he refuses to cooperate and insists on holding the core of divine force, we will still kill him, because compared with our European strategy, his life is insignificant.

"This is our divine force core?" When we took Hera to the divine force core depository again, Hera was obviously a little surprised, because the current divine force core is different from the previous one from Zeus. There is a clear difference when extracted.

Vina explained to Hera: "Before you saw the burning form, the one you usually see is the stable state, and now this is an operable open form. In this form The core of divine force is unprotected and very easy to be damaged. Of course, the essence of the damage is to damage your gods associated with it and the Power of Faith stored in it, not to damage the core of divine force itself. But whether it is damage to the core of divine force or You should avoid it, so under normal conditions, I suggest that you keep it in a stable form. Unless you want to perform input and output operations, you should not enter this state."

"It sounds like It’s not difficult."

"It’s not that it’s not difficult, but it’s very simple." After Vina said, she added: "Of course, the premise is that we have to fix Zeus first. After all, the control authority is still in his hand. Now."

"Then when can we get the permissions back?" Hera was obviously anxious.

Hong Yue intervened at this time and said: "If you don't mind, I think we can start now."

"Of course. Where is he locked up? "Hera looked at us and asked.

The eagle walked directly to the wall and grabbed an outstretched handle and pulled it down. Suddenly, there was a sound above our heads, and then we saw a metal platform descending from the roof. Down. This platform is also a circle with a diameter of more than one meter, and Zeus is being fixed on this platform at this time.

Now Zeus’s posture can be said to be awkward, because his head and hands are fixed in a straight line by a horizontal shackle, but the height of the shackle here is rather depressing, and Zeus can’t straighten it out. The legs can't kneel on the ground, because the height of that thing is not short enough, and the neck will be hung when kneeling on the ground, but it is not very high. If you stand up straight, your waist will be too long. Because of this awkward posture, Zeus had to stand up straight for a while and maintain a squatting posture. That is to say, he is Divine Race and has better endurance. If the average person is put into this posture, it may not be long before they will be exhausted.

Zeus, who was still twisting on the shelf endlessly, saw us immediately after being lowered, and then Zeus, who was originally relatively quiet, suddenly broke out. He straightened up suddenly, and wanted to rush up, but because the shelf restricted his movement, he couldn't move at all. He could only drive the entire fixed shelf shuaa~ to shake in vain. Unfortunately, the shelf itself is made of rune steel. Yes, the hardness is far beyond imagination, at least relying on brute force is definitely constant. What's more, Zeus doesn't need any strength now in this position.

Looking at Zeus who was still struggling, I walked to an operating table next to the shelf, and then raised my hand and gently pressed one of the buttons. There was no light and shadow effect, and no sound came out, but Zeus seemed to be mournful scream suddenly stabbed with a red soldering iron. At the same time, the muscles all over his body were tight, and even his eyes were about to stare out.

Looking at the twisted and struggling Zeus, I didn’t have the slightest pity. It lasted for more than ten seconds before I let go, and Zeus was as if collapsed the moment I let go. On the ground, even the neck was stuck in a fixator and hung there and couldn't breathe.

Looking at the dying Zeus, I slowly walked around in front of him, and then kicked him. Zeus didn't even hum, he looked like a dead person. Seeing that he didn't respond, I thought he was collapsed, so I approached and knocked his head with my hand. Who knew this guy suddenly violent after I approached, and then violently wanted to jump on me and kick me with his feet. He now has a fixed neck and hands. He can't bite or make a fist. The only thing he can move is his legs.

Although he was deliberately trying to attack me, he couldn't do anything to me when he burned the core of the divine force. Now that he is tied up like this, he can't touch me anymore. I raised my hand lightly to block the leg that had lost power because the angle reached the limit, I went straight back to the control panel, and then took out a hammer in Zeus's horrified eyes, then looked at Zeus and said: "Since you are still strong Toss, then let’s not hurry. This is left for you to enjoy slowly. Let’s have a meal first and come back to talk to you.” As I said, I put the hammer directly on the button that I just pressed. Zeus struggled to stop him when he saw that I was about to put on the hammer. I also saw his actions and understood his intentions, but I deliberately ignored this action and put the hammer on. So Zeus immediately began to scream again, and the words he was about to export were forcibly interrupted.

Looking at the screaming Zeus, I turned my head and said to Hera: "I think we should go and discuss the reconstruction plan of Olympus first? Don't hesitate to mention if you have any requests. Our Frost Rose League’s construction team is world-famous, fast and good quality, and this time we will help you with construction for free. Others can’t even ask for it."

Hera has some Anxious, but she is not stupid, so she knows that the more anxious she is now, the more he will think that Zeus is holding our handle. When the time comes, the more difficult it will be. So we directly gave up negotiating with him, and then went to work on other things first. Anyway, the divine force core is really not anxious. Except for Hera’s a little anxious mood, we will not need the divine force core at all in the short term. Besides, as long as we don’t let Zeus touch the divine force core, we also have a certain degree of operation authority. If there is any problem, we can solve it by ourselves. The only trouble is that the two divine force cores must be close to each other to work. After all, we are through the chaos and order Divine The divine force core of Race simulates the fluctuation of the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race to indirectly control it. Therefore, without the divine force core of Divine Race of chaos and order, the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race cannot Take control. Fortunately, we won't have to operate it for a while.

With Zeus screaming and howling, a large group of us really left the room, and after we went out, I asked Woma and Su Mi to take out a bunch of large blueprints, and then Let Hera choose what style of architecture he likes and what special functions he needs.

Seeing those blueprints, Hera looked at me in surprise and asked: "Didn’t you lie to him just now?"

I pretended to be surprised and looked at Hera and asked. "Why should I lie to him?"

"But if he keeps pressing like that, will he be hurt to death?"

Of course, Hera is not distressed by Zeus, she is more We wish that Zeus would suffer more. The reason for asking this is because we are afraid that we will accidentally play Zeus to death, and then there will be no revenge.

"You may not be very clear about this, let me explain it to you." Woma next to Hera took the initiative to talk about some theoretical things, but I think Hera is just like us Did she understand or not, of course, she understood at least one point, that is, the punishment method for this thing is rather special, it will make people feel painful, but will not kill people, and will not even leave trauma, at least it will not leave limbs. Trauma, as for the trauma of the soul... who cares about that thing? Zeus is not a relative of our family, even if it is broken, what at worst is there?

After understanding the characteristics of that thing, Hera stopped worrying about Zeus's problem and began to concentrate on discussing the reconstruction of Olympus. Because Isengard Mobile Fortress is parked directly above Mount Olympus, the Transnational Transmission Formation can directly gather materials and personnel from our guilds distributed all over the world to help Olympus Divine Race rebuild the Temple Mount. .

With the help of our guild staff, the ruins cleaning work was completed in only one day. At this time, the Japanese side has already begun a controversy. Nobunaga Onisha is competing with Masaga Matsumoto to see who There is a lot of evidence. Of course, this matter was carried out according to our plan, so Nobunaga Guishou didn’t think about second at all except for being treated as a liar.

After we cleaned up the ruins on Mount Olympus, we sent the construction team out. These construction teams will start to rebuild Mount Olympus according to the blueprint designed by Hera. This new blueprint is said to be designed by Hera, but in fact it is our basic blueprint, but Hera has changed a lot, so it looks a little different.

Being busy until midnight, our guild personnel basically went off the assembly line to rest. The construction team had to rebuild Mount Olympus in three shifts, and my guild leader who didn’t need to sleep I brought a few Divine Races to the divine force core depository again.

As the one-meter-thick explosion-proof gate gradually opened in front of us, the screams in the room immediately reached our ears, but compared to when we left in the afternoon, the sound was already small A lot, and there is a feeling of transposition. Screaming hoarse all afternoon, even Divine Race's throat would be a problem.

After entering the room, I didn’t get the hammer first. Instead, I surrounded Zeus for two laps. After making sure that he was about to collapse, I went to the console and picked up the button. hammer. Zeus suddenly fainted at the moment when the button popped up, but I tapped the button again with my hand. Of course, this time it was just a touch and release, but Zeus was successfully awakened.

"How do you feel? My Divine King Your Majesty?" I deliberately asked Zeus in a mocking tone, and at the same time I was playing with the hammer over and over again, and my eyes were on the hammer carefully. Observing it as if I was admiring a piece of art. Of course, there is nothing to appreciate about a hammer, even if this thing was originally a weapon with Magic Talisman on the surface, it is not something worth admiring for a long time. The fundamental purpose of my series of actions is to intimidate and intimidate Zeus, let him know that as long as I have a single thought, he can continue to suffer at any time.

Because this very ordinary hammer is an important prop that caused Zeus to be tortured all afternoon, so Zeus has now developed a fear of this hammer in the depths of his soul. Although he might not have noticed this, he was already afraid of the hammer in his mind. I play with the hammer in this way, which is tantamount to a kind of psychological suggestion. This is telling him that the hammer can make him painful, and my power can manipulate the hammer at will. From this, it can be concluded that I can manipulate his pain, I am Powerful existence above him.

For this kind of thinking, it is definitely useless to tell Zeus directly. As a Divine Race who doesn't know how many years he has lived, Zeus, like most adults, has a fixed mindset and has his own complete theoretical system. In this case, if you tell him "I am better than you", he simply won't have any reaction, maybe he will laugh at you as an idiot. This is the same as the situation of an ordinary adult. He has his own cognition. What you say is different from his original cognition. He usually ignores or believes on the surface, but doesn't care at all in his heart. This is the mindset of adults. However, the thinking of adults is not something that couldn't be changed. Through psychological suggestion and psychological transmission, and you can write the information you want into the subconscious mind of the other party, this kind of suggestion method is a little more complicated than direct speaking, but the effect is definitely much better than verbal communication.

If you think of a person’s consciousness as a military base, then language is the main road connected to this base. Although the road conditions are very good, there are many hurdles, and different opinions cannot be input from here. Psychological hints are similar to the small roads connected to military bases. There are few guards or even no defenses at all. It is just that it is difficult to find such a road, and it may not be able to send the information.

Anyway, my suggestion was successful. Zeus kept staring at the hammer in my hand with fear, and then his eyes began to show fear. , This is the sign that implies effective.

"What are you going to do?" Zeus looked at me timidly and asked. Although tortured all afternoon, he can still maintain the energy to speak. In any case, it is also Divine Race, not as careless as humans.

Hearing Zeus’s answer, I slightly smiled, and then tossed the short-handled Warhammer up and down, and watched him laughed at first, but when Zeus began to appear, it was up to him and fear "I think you should know what’s wrong with me. It’s not that? You’re all the same now. Is it really useful to keep the control of the divine force core? That’s right, it’s yours." It’s less than five meters away in front of you. However, these five meters is a great moat for you, a distance of a lifetime. You will always be impossible to touch it again, because we will not allow it, so you retain this permission except for revenge on Hera It is fundamentally insignificant. Moreover, your retaliation is actually very naive. You have also seen that we can already manipulate your divine force core through our own divine force core, so even if you don’t release the permissions, we can still operate The divine force core of Olympus Divine Race is just that some things will become a little more troublesome. Just to cause a little trouble for us, make yourself worse than life, don’t you think it’s not cost-effective?"< /p>

Zeus has been listening to me, but he didn't say anything. I knew he was moved, but it was hard to express it, so I went on with more effort: "I think you are a wise man. Although Aphrodite and Hephaestus both say you are cruel, and The opponent is too harsh, but I think it’s just a matter of communicative methods, and there is no problem with your intelligence. So, as a smart person, you don’t think you use your little revenge in exchange for something more real. Is it better?"

"For example, what?"

Zeus suddenly came up with such a sentence, which made me stunned, but I quickly reacted, and then Said: "For example, to relieve your pain. Of course, if you cooperate well, we can even give you limited freedom."

"Do you think I can believe?"

Suddenly I stretched out my hand holding the hammer. The hammer hung over the button again, and I asked, "Do you think you have a choice?" After a stalemate for thirteen seconds, Zeus suddenly became powerless. Slumped down, then shrugged his head and said: "Call your people, I will give you the core control rune."

"The wise man's choice." I quickly retracted the hammer, and then He said: "By the way, I may be a bad person, but I am absolutely trustworthy. What I have said will be implemented."

Zeus looked up at me in surprise, but soon Head down, and I quickly called Hera over, of course Vina must be there too.

Zeus, who had completely given up, really did not resist, and decisively released the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race to control the rune, and Hera accepted the rune with the help of Vina. . However, before this rune was injected into Hera's body, Vina used our cover to secretly make some small tricks. She shot a small piece of rune into her body, and the rest was a piece of chaos and The light spot emitted from the divine force core of Divine Race then penetrated into Hera.

Hera heard that Vina said that when she accepts rune, she must relax her whole body, not open her eyes, not use any force, and to remain completely silent, so she has almost closed all her senses. , I can't see or hear the changes around me at all, and I don't even know Vina's small movements.

Unlike Hera who knows nothing, Zeus perfectly clear saw Vina’s small movements, and in fact we didn’t intend to hide from him, I even winked at him deliberately, Zeus showed a strange smile. There are many complex emotions mixed in this smile, but it is mainly a kind of abnormal pleasure. Because Hera seized his god position, and now Hera has been manipulated by us, which is equivalent to being controlled by us. This makes Zeus feel a pleasure

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