My level before the battle was 2140. This is the current world record, and it is more than 300 levels higher than the second place, but this record is now going to change a little.

In the entire Olympus campaign, I personally killed 37 Olympus Divine Race Divine Races of different levels. In addition, there were more than 300 fighters totaling more than 300 people. Athena twice, Apollo three times, and the combined efforts of many Divine Races to defeat Zeus once after strengthening. These experiences are very impressive. In addition, as the guild president, as long as I win the Divine Race battle, I can get a system reward experience package, this equivalent to system released permanent mission, and not only for the Olympus Divine Race, but It is for all Divine Races.

Any local Divine Race in the whole world carries this kind of experience package. As long as a guild defeats a Divine Race, all its guild members can get an experience package. Gift packs, of course, the president-level and membership-level gift packs are definitely not the same size, and the president gets the most.

In addition to the experience package, as a guild president, I also have an experience income that is the guild leader’s share. This is a kind of benefit that the guild leader will inevitably get in the guild action. The amount of income depends on the guild. The total EXP obtained in this battle and the performance of the president in this battle, but there is generally a 1% guaranteed share, which means that even if the president does not participate in the battle, it can still be divided to 1%, and If the president pays a lot, this ratio will increase. However, it should be noted that this part of EXP is a reward, and the increase in the proportion of EXP received by the president does not mean that members will receive less. The system first determines the EXP obtained by the members and then adds them up, and then multiplies this ratio to get the chairman's reward, so the chairman's part is an extra reward, not exploited from the members.

I have invested a lot in this battle against the Olympus Divine Race, so the experience rewards obtained this time are relatively high, reaching 9.7%, which is absolutely very scary. of. You must know that this is 9.7% of the total experience of the guild. There are so many people in our guild, and this time it is a war against Divine Race. Even if the experience gained is multiplied by 9.7%, it is still an astronomical figure.

To sum up the above three EXP, the final figure is the total EXP obtained in this battle, and this figure is so much that I can't see how many places there are at a glance. However, although there is a lot of EXP, I also need a lot of EXP to upgrade.

For an ordinary player with more than one thousand levels, the EXP I got this time is at least enough for him to rise to seven or eight hundred levels at a time, but that's not the case for me. A super high level means super high upgrade requirements, so when I finally clicked to confirm the experience value, my EXP progress bar began to rise, and every time it grows up, I will be upgraded to Level 1. Finally, when all the obtained EXPs are injected, the level I see is-2222.

Up to 8Level 2 at a time, this number is definitely a very high number for the average person, and of course it is also very gratifying to me. But...Why do you feel awkward when you look at this number? A long line of two, if someone knows about this one, they will laugh at me very much, and I still can’t refute it. No, it seems that I have to find a place to level up secretly when I look back. Anyway, I have to go up to Level 1 at least. 2223 is better than 2222.

Although the final level numbers are pretty embarrassing, I have upgraded anyway, and upgrading is always a good thing, isn’t it?

After the level has been upgraded, my attribute points have been significantly improved, and there are actually two more unfinished tasks in the task information. I am sure that there is no record of these two tasks before, so I can be sure that this is an upgrade-related task. It is not a skill task or a level test. Anyway, I did not pick it up by myself, and most likely it is a mandatory task.

I opened the taskbar and found that I was half right. One of the two tasks is a mandatory task and the other is a non-mandatory task, but I think they are basically similar to the mandatory task.

The first task is a compulsory task. The reason is that I have broken through the two thousand two hundred level. Beginning at level two thousand, there will be an upgrade task for every two hundred levels. This task is similar to the previous tasks of upgrading from level 999 to level 1000 and upgrading from level 1999 to level 2000, but because it is not a thousand-level mark, the task requirements are relatively more demanding. It's simpler, and the restrictions and punishments should be slightly eased. The penalty for this task is that if I fail to complete the task, the level I have increased will be erased, but it will not fall back to below level 2200, but reach level 2200. how to say. The meaning of this task is that even if my task fails, the system will allow me to pass, because after the penalty is 2200, it means that there is no need to go through this task, but the level 22 afterwards will be up for nothing. Although the punishment is not light, it is actually a preferential policy according to the prompts. Because I was the first to reach this level, the preferential treatment given to me allows me to pass this level without completing the task. In the future, other players will have to be the same as the thousand-level level. If the mission is not completed, you will be stuck there, and never expect to rise up.

In addition, because I was the first to reach this level this time, and because of my special condition, I reached level 2200 at one time, not to mention the level 22 experience, so system gave One of my special rewards is to temporarily increase my level to 22Level 22 based on the task I passed, but this status can only be retained for 7 days. After 7 days, if I have not completed the level 2200 level task, the extra level will be automatically Cancelled, that Level 22 is equivalent to borrowing me to use it temporarily.

Considering my current level, every level 1 is not easy, so this task must be completed. Not to mention that the target of system is a mandatory task, even if it is not, can I not complete it? Plan such a big battle to get 8Level 2 experience, and lose Level 22 at a time. I won't lose my life?

There is also a non-mandatory task, but I think this is similar to a mandatory task, because this task involves three additional attributes.

According to the task introduction, I am the first reward task to reach this level. The difficulty level is 3S, which is the highest difficulty. After completing this task, I can get three chances to draw prizes, and finally I can draw three additional attributes, but I can’t see the specific types for the time being. After me, the second player to reach this level can get a 2S difficulty task, and then get two additional attributes in the lottery, and the third player can get an S difficulty task and get an additional attribute in the lottery. I'm sorry for the fourth place, there is nothing.

Although this task is stated as a task that can be abandoned, can I give up? That's three additional attributes! What if I get a physical attack to neutralize? Of course, this kind of lottery's prize pool is estimated to be the same kind of rubbish rewards as in reality when you touch the lottery and touch the soap, but considering the fact that the lucky value in the game can interfere with the lottery probability, I think I should draw Very good attribute, after all, my lucky value is quite high. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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