As I stepped through the hole that I dug a long time ago, the whole person immediately followed the law of gravity and fell straight down. Because it was a vertical well, my falling speed was very fast, and I almost disappeared to the ground in the blink of an eye, but Zeus was completely dumbfounded.

After staring dumbly at the place where I disappeared for two seconds, Zeus suddenly realized that it was not time to be in a daze, so he started to make a decision.

There are currently three choices in front of Zeus. Although the results are practically similar, Zeus doesn't think so. He thinks he still has a chance. The first choice among them is to run out quickly. As long as you run out of the attack range before the super weapon above your head is launched, it will be safe, and even if you can’t run out of the attack range, as long as you leave the direct hit point, at least the formidable power will drop. Many should be blocked.

The second option is simpler than the first, that is, to stand still and support the protective Formation on the spot, but Zeus is more worried about this choice, and he also feels that he is unlikely to be positive. Block the direct attack of that weapon.

The third option seems to have the greatest chance of survival, and that is to get into the isolation barrier, so that even if the formidable power of the super weapon will cover it, the isolation barrier will always weaken it. But this is what Zeus himself didn't want to choose the last, because he finally came out and asked him to go back. Then why did he work so hard before?

After a brief period of one-tenth of a second, Zeus finally determined that his goal was the first plan, which was to run.

Although he can’t fly, Zeus’s movement speed is actually not slow. It’s just not comparable to our guild’s flying units. After all, the speed of the two legs is limited, no matter how strong it is. That's the speed. It's not easy to overtake the speed of the flying unit.

As Zeus turned and ran, the pile of magical light balls he flew before has flown near our radiant cannon, but their speed has not dropped, but is getting faster and faster. , Almost hit the transmitter in the blink of an eye. This speed increase is not the attribute of the magic missile, but the cause of the radiation cannon. I didn’t lie to Zeus before. The radiant cannon acts like an energy magnet when it gathers energy. It does attract energy objects, especially these magic bullets, which are simply pure energy objects and naturally have huge gravitational force. That is, the closer they are to the transmitter, the faster they speed. The most red all hit the energy-concentrating crystal in the center of the transmitter, and then disappeared, but the rays of light in the energy-concentrating crystal suddenly rose a little.

About two seconds later, the radiation cannon was finally recharged. Zeus had just run less than 500 meters at this time, and suddenly felt a huge burst of energy behind him. Zeus was so scared that he did not dare to look back. Jump forward desperately. He thought about the shelling start and wait for the attack to spread before it spreads. This process should still take a few seconds, and this time is enough for him to run a long distance. So instead of looking back to see the firing of our radiation cannons, he lowered his head and dashed. Unfortunately, although his idea is good, he has overlooked a vital information, that is, what our radiation cannon fires is not an energy bomb, but an energy beam.

Generally speaking, the speed of directional beam energy weapons is very fast. Among them, wave energy weapons can generally reach the speed of light or sub-light speed, while the speed of ion weapons is slightly slower, but at least fifty times the speed of sound. The above flight speed is definitely not something that Zeus can mention on equal terms with a 50-meter-per-second magic bullet. Therefore, almost at the moment when the radiation gun fired, the personnel from both sides in the distance saw a beam of light suddenly projected from the bottom of Isengard Mobile Fortress, directly hitting the edge of the isolation barrier, which is the dog hole drilled by Zeus. s position.

At the moment when the beam of radiation hits the ground, Zeus knew that he had calculated the speed of the cannonball wrong. Although the exploding formidable power spreads fast, there is still some time after all, but light is not slow, so when After the attack landed, Zeus immediately saw that the surrounding area suddenly became white, and there was nothing else in sight except the light.

Zeus didn't continue running until the attack had landed. Anyway, he couldn't go far in this second. It was better to turn around to defend. So he did it, but the result didn't change much. In fact, the current ending has been doomed since he decided to run.

The formidable power of the radiation cannons under the Isengard Mobile Fortress is so large that the coverage is far beyond the civilian weapons that Zeus has seen. Moreover, Isengard Mobile Fortress is a city after all. Space Lock device, so skills such as teleportation are useless here. Although Zeus can’t fly, if it can be teleported, it’s still too late to escape. After all, the weapon under Isinger Mobile Fortress is a weapon for the city, not an anti-personnel weapon. Its rate of fire and preparation time are too long. Suitable for attacking things that won't move. It is a pity that Zeus at first was deceived by me, so I wasted the time to escape, and the safety time limit was missed when the problem was discovered.

After turning around and erecting a defensive barrier, Zeus saw a wall of more than three hundred meters high, and the walls of fire on both sides could hardly be seen sweeping toward him, even though he had desperately output power I want to stop the wall of fire from advancing, but I still underestimated the formidable power of this thing. The protective cover was instantly shattered like a plastic light box in front of a typhoon, and Zeus himself was swallowed by flames. In the high temperature of millions of degrees, Zeus also felt at least 30 different energy attacks at the same time. He passed his body, and the Divine King armor, the third strongest in the Olympus Divine Race on him, broke into metal fragments in the sky after only three seconds, and his own body was not much better. In an instant It was steamed off the surface water, and the skin began to crack and collapse. Although the internal tissues were protected by divine force, they still could not resist such terrifying formidable power. They were easily penetrated. Even the skeleton began to appear in the high pressure generated by the explosion. crack.

After the attack on Isengard Mobile Fortress broke out, the entire battlefield became quiet, and there was only the sound of rolling fire waves rolling forward between Heaven and Earth. The diehards of Zeus in the Olympus Divine Race saw Zeus being swallowed by flames, and then they all stayed, while the people on our side turned around immediately and ran. The enemy doesn’t know how powerful Isengard’s mobile fortress is. Of course we can’t help but know. Although the main battlefield is not within the attack range, the spreading effect of this thing is very strong, so even if it’s outside the direct killing radius, it’s not impossible to kill people. of. Besides, even if you can't die, it's not a good thing to be injured on the battlefield, right? This is a game, not a real battlefield, and there is no Geneva Convention. Here, the enemy will not let the injured lose the battle strength. They will only step forward to make up for the injured enemy, regardless of whether you have lost the battle strength or not.

Those who watched Zeus being swallowed by flames of Olympus Divine Race were dumbfounded, but their instinct to survive was not lost. After dumbfounded for two seconds, they were finally awakened by the approaching wall of fire. , And then began to turn around and flee. All of the people on the battlefield were running for a while, regardless of whether they were enemies or not. This time everyone ran forward as desperately as they participated in a collective marathon. However, even if we flee, there is still a big gap between us and our enemies.

The guild’s participants, whether they are players or NPCs, each have the ability to maneuver in the air, and their speed is very fast. As for those who took refuge in our original Olympus Divine Race The members of the Plutos, because they joined our guild, we are all equipped with a guardian long spear, so they finally don't have to worry about the speed issue. Looking at the wall of fire rushing over from behind, and looking at the former colleagues who are desperately running on the ground, these gods of the Underworld system are full of superiority in their hearts. What is happiness? Happiness is sitting on an airplane when a catastrophe arrives and watching others run for their lives on the ground on their own legs.

Compared with the guys of the Pluto type, the Olympus Divine Race, which is ready to join us but has not officially joined, and some of the Heavenly God type Olympus Divine Race are now more depressed, because they found He had to run on his legs, but the gang of Plutos had aerial mounts to use, but think about who told them to take refuge early, this is the gap.

However, it was not long before these Poseidon and Heavenly God complained about themselves, and suddenly found that the flying formation in the sky began to turn. The guild players who had already flown and the gods of the Pluto type began to lower their heights, and then accurately caught the Olympus Divine Race that had taken refuge in our Poseidon type or Heavenly God type. Taken off the ground.

These gods who thought they were going to be unlucky suddenly realized that after they were rescued, the ups and downs in their mood were really as big as riding a roller coaster. In fact, in addition to the players and gods of our guild, the high level NPCs and mobile angel troops of our guild are also saving people. The reason why everyone's actions are so unified is entirely due to the merits of the military god. In order to deal with Zeus before, the military god also entered the duel space with us, so the battlefield command was temporarily suspended for a while, and now the military god has come out, the command will naturally resume. The gods and players in the guild who had been patronizing their evacuation suddenly received direct instructions, and immediately remembered that there was a group of colleagues who were about to join below, so they descended and began to save people. Thanks to the precise positioning ability of the crystal communicator, otherwise so many people and enemies are scattered and mixed together, it is definitely impossible to find and save one's own people by eyes alone. Besides, as far as the system is concerned, these people should still be regarded as the Olympus Divine Race at present, so there is basically no way to distinguish in terms of appearance, if it were not for each god who took refuge before launching the plan. A communicator was sent, and the false injury rate in this battle might break the Guinness World record.

Actually, rescuing the gods who take refuge is not simply helping their own people. This is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, the gods who were rescued had the contrast of the Olympus Divine Race on the ground, and immediately realized the huge advantage of taking refuge in our guild. I have to admit that air superiority is very important, even if the long spear guardian creatures have zero battle strength, as long as they maintain their current flying ability, they are the strongest guild guardian beasts, even more useful than those giant dragons. After all, the giant dragon can only defend the city. It is impossible to equip each player in our guild with one. The long spear is a multi-product. Not only does the guild player have one hand, but also the chaos and order Divine Race and the branch. The high level NPCs in the guild are equipped with long spear in large quantities, and all fools know the benefits of flying the guild. Looking at the strength of the cavalry on the ground, you can understand that the flying air cavalry is far more terrifying than the land cavalry.

Of course, to rescue these gods who take refuge in us, besides letting them realize how correct their choice is and consolidating their loyalty, another advantage is that it shakes the enemy's military heart. Those Olympus Divine Race struggling on the ground looked at those former companions who flew up, don't they have any thoughts in their hearts?

Loyalty, this thing speaking of which is great, but how many people are really loyal for loyalty? Although some people have not betrayed their loyal objects until death, their loyalty is still not entirely for the objects of allegiance, but after considering their own gains and losses, they will bet on these objects of allegiance, that is, they are gambling. Rather than true allegiance. There are also some people who are more loyal to their loved ones than those who are loyal to them. Their loyalty to their deaths generously on the battlefield is because they know that they are fighting for the benefits of their wives and children. Even if they die, they can get benefits, so they will never look back when they go to death generously.

These two types of loyalty are actually the most common loyalty, and their basic starting point is still for oneself. The kind of people who are willing to show loyalty to you even if you kill his whole family and then keep insulting him, so that he will never get any benefits, and only hold the blame for a lifetime, but still willing to show loyalty to you is not unavailable, but it is absolutely pitiful. There is no leader who can have such a subordinate, and there is no leader who is not that kind of Legendary level, and his personal charm has reached the level of enchanting, and simply cannot be imitated by ordinary people.

Zeus obviously does not belong to this kind of personal charm to reach the monstrous talent level. Therefore, the group of Olympus Divine Races who are loyal to him are actually the two kinds of selfish loyalties. They are either gamblers and think that Zeus will win the final victory, or they are cowards, not daring to change jobs easily, for fear that they will settle accounts if Zeus is not defeated.

Because the remaining people are not die-hard, their loyalty has its own reasons, so we rescued their former companions in front of them, and immediately touched these people Already quite sensitive nerves. Comparing the experience of those former colleagues, and looking at yourself, many people's beliefs immediately became unstable. These people are the basis for us to quickly stabilize the Olympus Divine Race after the war and re-support a new Olympus Divine Race. So our current rescue operation is actually an operation to kill two birds with one stone.

In fact, when the personnel on both sides over there were busy fleeing the fire coverage area, the high-level personnel who had besieged Zeus and I had already returned to the ground and looked for the direction where Zeus had left. past. The spreading effect of Isinger's mobile fortress is like a ring. It will be safe after passing and will not cause continuous damage. So although the attack is not completely over, we are already safe here. And now we must find Zeus as soon as possible, living, then must see the person dead, then must see the corpse. The success or failure of our Olympus Divine Race offensive and defensive battle depends on the current situation of Zeus! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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