Volume 20, Chapter 241, Get Zeus.

"Have you found it?" After landing, I quickly started looking for Zeus's silhouette and asked other questions. Human situation.

After previous battles, we are not sure what the current Zeus defense can reach, and more importantly, the formidable power limit of the radiation cannon under Isengard’s mobile fortress is still up to now. puzzle. The formidable power of that thing has exceeded the attack range of any weapon that our guild can recognize, and it far exceeds the defense range of everything we can find, so it is impossible to test the maximum output damage at all, because so far All the things used for testing are bombarded with scum. We only know that the attack power absolutely exceeds the upper limit of the tolerance of these things, but we don't know how big it can be.

Because the damage output on our side and the endurance of Zeus are not clear, we don’t know what is going on with Zeus now. One situation is that the core of divine force is relatively bullish, supporting Zeus to block the attack. But I guess that if this happens, the remaining gang of Olympus Divine Race will at least fall down. After all, the core energy of divine force is not changed out of thin air. When its power is insufficient, it will change from Other Olympus Divine Race pumps, so now we don’t see Olympus Divine Race fainted a lot, it means that the divine force core is probably not working, at least not fully effective.

Of course, the first probability is lower, and the higher probability should be the second probability, that is, Zeus was knocked down by a super weapon. However, there are many types of knockdowns, such as loss of force, minor injuries, serious injuries, death, die without a whole corpse, and skeleton doesn't exist.

Although the above situations are the same for general battles, we are not in general battles now, so we prefer to see the first few situations, and the last thing we don’t want to see is the last skeleton doesn' t exist, because skeleton doesn't exist is equivalent to not finding the corpse, and the death cannot be confirmed if the corpse is not found. Although the final EXP settlement can roughly guess whether Zeus has been killed, there may be errors in this calculation. Before really killing Zeus, the ghost knew how much experience he was worth? Therefore, the absence of a corpse is a very bad situation for us, and what we hope most is to see Zeus alive, because that will mean that we still hope to change the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race from the core Pulled out of him.

Just as we were looking around anxiously, the expanding wall of fire finally reached a critical point, and then did not suddenly disappear, but slowly faded, shortened and thinned, but still It took several kilometers before it disappeared completely.

The proliferation of formidable power of super weapons did not cover all the helpless Divine Race of Olympus. Even the gang who did not get any help belonged to Zeus’s men and only one third could not. People were covered by flames, and these people were eventually caught up outside the killing radius, so many were injured, but not many really died. These are basically the unlucky ones who have been injured and fallen to the ground in the previous battle and have not had time to be compensated by the enemies around them. Because they have basically lost their mobility, they have not been able to run out of the killing radius. As a result, It was directly covered by the attack.

As the formidable power of the super weapon’s attack dissipated completely, a large piece of soil burst out on the ground not far away, and then we saw a very embarrassed silhouette from below the ground. Crawled out of the pit.

We were all taken aback when we saw the explosion of mud. We thought that Zeus could carry this kind of attack without being affected at all, but when he came out, we were relieved a lot. After all, if Zeus was real Being able to carry a super weapon without being affected will not make you act like a mud monkey.

Before Zeus who avoided a catastrophe had time to enjoy the comfortable environment on the ground, he immediately found the shadow above his head. After he raised his head, he saw us in a circle. The two sides stared at each other for a while, and then Zeus suddenly jumped up from the pit and tried to escape, but it was a pity that he chose the wrong direction because this guy chose the target. On True Red, and the problem is that True Red’s personal combat skill rating is S. Zeus, who had just jumped up, was directly grabbed by Zhen Hong's shoulders and smashed to the ground with a beautiful shoulder-crossing. Then he rode up and punched him in the nose, instantly hitting Zeus with a full face.

The beaten Zeus still wanted to get up and continue to resist, but it was a pity that he was struggling on both shoulders and pressed back to the ground at the same time. Hades and Poseidon alone stepped on Zeus’s shoulders to prevent him from moving, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get away. When he was struggling, Xinghuo and Peacock also rushed over and held down his two. Legs, and Zhen Hong simply sat on Zeus’s chest with one hand and grabbed his hair, while the other hand stuck his neck and pressed his head firmly on the ground.

Even if Zeus is very powerful, even if he burns the divine force core of the Divine Race of Olympus, he has just endured a super weapon attack after all. It is a miracle to survive, even if it is a divine force. There was also a brief energy interruption in the core, so that Zeus now returned to his normal strength.

Zeus, who is only of normal strength, is pressed by so many people who are not worse than him. Simply has no chance to resist. His strength has not reached the point where the number can be ignored, and these are not ants. , But a high level Divine Race that is only a little weaker than him.

"Aiya, what an embarrassment this is!" Hera deliberately dragged a long tone to Zeus in a tart and mean tone, and saw that the guy who had taken her throne was beaten by so many people. Pressing on the ground, Hera finally had a sensation of revenge. At that moment, she felt that her hard work was finally rewarded, and at the same time she couldn't help but lifted up, feeling as if the whole person was about to float.

"You..." When Zeus saw Hera and heard her humiliation, he wanted to scold him back, but he was pressed back to the ground as soon as he looked up. Zhen Hong grabbed his hair tightly with one hand and pressed it down desperately. The other hand loosened his neck and punched his nose again. Then before he could react, he pinched him again. neck.

Zeus was about to explode with anger at this time, but he was helpless. The divine force core in his stomach just to help him resist the attack of the super weapon seems to be something wrong. Now he has almost no energy output, and his own ability can't resist the five people on him at the same time, so he only used There is really no way except to kill Hera in the eyes.

"Are you scared of you when you stare at me?" Hera was even more happy when she saw Zhen Hong punched Zeus again. However, she only had time to say such a sentence and was pulled aside by me.

"Thank you, I want to humiliate him and wait for us to finish our business first. Now please go to the side and watch it patiently." Although there is no problem with what I said, the reason for saying this is because Because I can't understand Hera's behavior. The quality of this woman is not necessarily higher than that of Zeus. What is fighting on the battlefield is strength, winning or losing is a matter of his own strength, but it is meaningless to insult an enemy who has already been defeated. The so-called scholars can be killed but not humiliated. Since the opponent has been dealt with, the meaningless humiliation is really not on the stage, so I took the opportunity to drive Hera aside. Of course, another purpose of doing this is to allow Hera to adapt to her new identity as soon as possible. Although she is about to take over the banner of the Olympus Divine Race and become the Divine King of the new Olympus Divine Race, it can be said that we beat the Olympus Divine Race. How is it possible to give it back to others? Therefore, although the future Olympus Divine Race is managed by Hera, it is actually half of our subordinate organization. Therefore, Hera must have a basic understanding of the relationship between us, so that she understands this in advance is good for all of us.

Although I drove Hera away so that Zeus no longer suffers insults, from the current standpoint, Zeus really cannot express any gratitude to us, let alone we have no intention of letting him thank him.

After I drove Hera away, I gave up my position and let Vina come over. Zeus didn't do anything special when he saw Vina, but soon he would realize that Vina is more dangerous to him than Hera.

Vina, who walked to Zeus's side, squatted gently, and then stretched one above Zeus’ abdomen, keeping the height of this foot suspended there, and then she closed it. Eye. As Vina closed her eyes and began to sense the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race, Zeus suddenly realized something and began to struggle violently. The real red riding on his chest was suddenly lifted out by him, and because the real red rolled out, Poseidon instinctively went to help her, but he didn't pay attention to his feet and broke free.

Zeus with one arm freed directly twisted and used the free arm to grab Hades’s ankle, and his own legs were also violently twitching trying to break free. Xinghuo and Peacock were bothered by him. The power belt was staggering, but at any rate he didn't let it go.

Seeing Poseidon leaving the position, the Golden Ox seat Star God standing next to him immediately jumped up and grabbed Zeus’s free arm to hold him without letting him catch Hades. The ankles, and the two mobile angels also ran over quickly and put the two nooses on Zeus’s wrists and pulled apart. This time they were finally flattened again to make them lie flat on the ground, and Zeus’s feet. He also jumped on a few Divine Races to help fix his legs completely. The Pisces Star God also stepped on to Zeus’s chest to replace the real red position, but he did not grab Zeus’s hair, but instead A red rose touched Zeus's mouth and nose. Zeus's struggle immediately stopped for a second, but it quickly returned to normal, just because everyone around him ran back in this second. Now no matter what the image is or not, all of us who can almost get in the hands of a large group of us climbed up. If it weren't for Vina to make a position, I must have gone up too.

Originally, five people crushed Zeus into a panic. Now that ten people go up in one breath, Zeus can basically do nothing but twist it. However, just as Zeus's struggle was getting weaker and weaker, and it seemed that he was about to give up, Vina suddenly opened his eyes, and Zeus broke out again, as if he had been electrocuted in half, and his strength suddenly skyrocketed. Throwing the Pisces Star God more than one meter high, fortunately, there was a red lesson. Pisces never let go, so after being abandoned, he fell back to his original position and was not threw away.

The situation on both sides of Zeus's hands and feet is similar. With Zeus's violent twisting, the peacock and Starfire were brought to the ground by Zeus. Several times, Starfire tried to control him and was dragged down. Not stable. But dragging so many people, although Zeus could move, he was limited to moving, and he couldn't really sit up, let alone stand. Lying on the ground and writhing is his limit.

"Mobile angels." Seeing this, I called out suddenly. All the mobile angels looked towards me together, and I quickly prompted: "Use a drag anchor."

< p>The group of mobile angels reacted as soon as they heard it, and then one after another pulled out a metal spear head with an arm length and a little thinner than a wrist from a launcher behind it. The front of the spear head obviously has spiked barbs, and it is not a pair or two pairs, but a full seven or eight rows, counting the four sides, there are thirty-two barbs. It is conceivable that once this thing is scored somewhere, it is not so easy to figure it out again.

After taking out these metal parts, the mobile angels inserted the things on the ground on the surrounding ground, and then directly shot them into the ground with their hands three or two, leaving only the tail section. One of the metal rings is exposed. After nailing the metal spear heads, the two super-heavy mobile angels quickly took out a few thick metal chains from their bodies and threw them to the other mobile angels. The other mobile angels caught the chain and quickly hung one end on the tail section ring of the metal piece that they had driven into the ground, and then threw the other end over Zeus to the opposite mobile angel. A dozen chains were pulled like this, and then they jammed Zeus's body directly after pulling tight. Those Divine Race who suppressed Zeus saw these chains also reacted, and now they are pressed under the body together with Zeus to facilitate the mobile angels to fix and lock, and then they will use the equipment ropes they wear after they are fixed. East and West rely on chains to further secure Zeus. Some gods also contributed their own weapons and inserted them into the ground against Zeus’s body to block Zeus’s twisting and struggling with the exposed part of the ground. With the chains on it and the gods pressed on it, Zeus’s struggle was very difficult. Almost completely restricted.

Seeing that Zeus, who was still working hard to resist even so, actually raised his head and wanted to bite someone. True Red, who was just thrown out, went straight up and grabbed Zeus’s hair and pulled his head back to the ground again. Raising the other hand and shining his eyes in two circles, Zeus instantly upgraded to a national treasure, and the two big black eyes looked quite happy. Of course, Zeus could not feel any sense of joy except for his grievances and resentment.

"Boss, can you hurry up over there, this guy is like a lunatic!" Peacock cried out, looking up at Vina. Although they controlled Zeus, they were really struggling. After a while, they started to feel a little tired.

Vina did not answer Peacock's words but beckoned to me. "Purple Moon, come and help."

"What are you doing?" I squatted beside Zeus' abdomen from the other side.

Vina stretched out her hand to hold the two ends of Zeus's upper and lower abdominal muscles, and then said: "Use your eternity to help me make an opening, starting from the position I pressed, and cutting to the other side. "

"No problem." I quickly took out Eternity into a dagger form, and Zeus naturally struggled even harder when he heard that we were about to cut his stomach, even the weapon next to him was hit. For a while, it was a pity that we were too many people. Although we still twisted him like a black fish on the shore, we still didn't let him break free.

Vina carefully pressed his stomach to remind me: "Be careful not to cut too deeply. Your eternity has Law Power. If you go deeper, it will cut the core of divine force together."


"Should I just cut open my belly?" I asked.

Vina is nodded. I directly changed Eternity again, and now Eternity has become something like an electric iron, but the bottom of the iron is not flat, but a blade with a length of one and a half inches. I smiled and compared it to Vina and said: "Is this all right?"

Vina looked at it and said with satisfaction: "Yes, just cut it like this."

< p>I immediately pressed the iron-like eternity to Zeus's belly after getting Vina's consent. The tip of the knife was blocked by a slight squeezing force. After all, Zeus's body is not a Divine Item, and even those Divine Item-level swords can be cut off forever. Zeus's skin is really not a problem.

Easy pushing this deformed eternity all the way along the body's midline, and soon an incision was made in Zeus's belly, and the blood flowed out uncontrollably in an instant. Originally, if it was a general injury, Zeus’ physique would not bleed. Unfortunately, eternity comes with skills such as deepening damage and preventing wound healing, and I have an attribute that suppresses divine force. As a result, Zeus’s belly is cut open. The blood began to flow just like the ordinary person.

"Ok, what should I do next?"

"Help me to open his belly and hold it on."

"I feel like I'm in Take the Dissection class.” As I said, I reached out and inserted my hand into the wound in Zeus’ abdomen, and then pulled it to both sides. Zeus’s body was violently twisted, causing everyone around him to sway. Fortunately, he shook. After a while, he didn't dare to continue struggling, because the wound on his stomach made his heart hurt every time he moved. After all, I made a nearly a foot-long opening in my stomach, and I tore it open with my hands. The most important thing is that we didn't give him anesthetics, so it is normal for Zeus to feel very painful. In fact, I also know that he is very painful because I can feel the muscles in my hands beating quickly. This is a natural twitch response due to the pain. This happens only when the pain reaches a certain level. I can’t pretend to be able to pretend it. of.

After I tore the belly of Zeus open, Vina stretched her head and took a look. I also looked at it like her, but the structure inside Zeus's belly was obviously different from that of normal people. Although there is no difference in the body surface, and the abdominal cavity will bleed after cutting open the abdominal cavity, there is indeed no internal organs seen in Zeus's belly. After his abdominal cavity opened, I saw a cluster of nebula, as if there was a universe in it.

Vina obviously knows a lot better than me. It’s different from what I’m watching. She’s obviously looking for something. After a few simple glances, she instructs me to expand a little aside, and then it seems When she finally found her target, Vina put her hand directly into Zeus's belly, and then her entire arm went in. Looking at this length, if Zeus's belly was the same as ordinary people, this arm would have emerged from his back long ago.

Putting her shoulder on Zeus’ abdomen wound, Vina stretched her entire arm into his stomach and touched him for a long time before she suddenly stood up and pulled her hand out. There is one more star that is shining.

This is a golden ball of light, but it is not a simple spherical shape, but a firework like the kind of firework stick that children hold in their hands during the festival. Fire like is constantly spraying outwards The golden light spot. From the magical induction, I can feel that this thing is radiating a lot of energy, but this thing seems to be a problem at this time, because its eruption seems to be very unstable, and the light spots are also occasional.

"Is this the core of the divine force that Zeus swallowed?" I asked, looking at the erupting light ball.

Vina nodded, then carefully stood up with this thing, and then said: "It seems that the attack just now has a great impact on the divine force core. This divine force core is already on the verge of overload. . But fortunately, it seems to be stable now."

"What shall we do now?"

"Help me get it." Vina turned around and took the gold coin Called over, and put the divine force core in her hand, and then said to the others: "You can let go of him. Without this thing, he is now covered with injuries. I guess he can't beat the weakest one here. After hearing Vina's words, everyone also found that Zeus's struggle seemed to have completely stopped. It was not that he could not break free, but that he completely gave up resistance. Indeed, the core of divine force has been forcibly dug out, and now Zeus has no hole cards. In frustration, even the will to resist was completely lost. The whole person just lay there like a poor little girl who had just been ravaged by a group of big men. In fact, it is almost the same, except that he is not a little girl, and it is not a group of big men who ravage him, but you can't deny that he has been ravaged, it's just another kind of ravages.

No more attention to Zeus who lost the will to resist on the ground, Vina turned around and asked gold coin to put the divine force core to a suitable height, and then she put her hands on the burning divine from both sides The force core surfaced and turned his head and said to us: "Protect me, the synchronization process cannot be interrupted, otherwise it will be light to give up all the work, if it hurts our chaos and order, the divine force core of Divine Race will be in trouble!"

I quickly said: "If it is so dangerous, I suggest you enter the Isengard Mobile Fortress first, at least it is safer than on the ground."

Although there are a bunch of great people standing around, But this kind of thing still can’t be taken care of. Vina finally returned to Isengard Mobile Fortress with the divine force core first, and this time I don’t need gold coin to hold it, and directly use a support platform to support the divine force core and start execution. Synchronous operation.

Because it is troublesome to synchronize the divine force cores of the two Divine Races, and because it is forcibly cracked, we must first decode the divine force core defensive walls of the Olympus Divine Race. Of course, we also tried to ask Zeus , It's a pity that this guy is just like a vegetative person. The person is not dead, but he has no reaction. His eyes are dull and there is no focus in front of him. Even if you kick him and hit him, there is no response. There is really no way we have to let Vina slowly crack it, anyway, it's not in a hurry now.

Leaving Xinghuo and Peacocks who are more capable of fighting to protect Vina, the rest of us dispersed and started taking the vegetative Zeus everywhere to capture prisoners. The group of Olympus Divine Races was initially nervous after evading the super weapons, and now seeing that even their boss was dragged over by us as a dog, the resistance consciousness suddenly collapsed completely. Although there are a few people who refuse to surrender for various reasons, they did not all choose to resist to the end. Some people escaped even though they did not surrender, and some people who did not retreat were too few. Our personnel who were free were divided into pieces.

The battle between Divine Race is actually a bit like the educational and entertaining capture flag game in the army, except that the flag here is the core of divine force rather than a real flag. As long as the opponent's divine force core can be grabbed, the battle is basically over. After all, Divine Race is different from ours. Ordinary creatures like us are like solar cars. Although the power is weak, the endurance is very strong. Divine Race is like an electric tank dragging an invisible cable, with strong horsepower and unlimited endurance, but the premise is that the power station at the end of the cable must be stable. Once the power station is destroyed by the enemy, these electric tanks will only have 3 minutes of emergency power left, and it will not take long before they have to lie down.

Because most of the Olympus Divine Race lost their will to resist after seeing the captured Zeus, the rest of the work became extremely simple. Killed part of the Olympus Divine Race that put up a desperate struggle, and then grabbed some of the Olympus Divine Race that ran away. After all, the Olympus Divine Race’s mobility is incomparable to us, even if you want to run It's not easy to run off there. Bringing most of them back into custody, the rest can't be managed for the time being, and those who have lost the will to resist are all gathered together and become our prisoners, but it is not our people who hold them, but Hera. These people are the future members of the new Olympus Divine Race, so handing it over to Hera will allow her to give a speech in advance. But, to be honest, from what I secretly listened to, Hera didn't seem to be a good leader.

In fact, this phenomenon is not uncommon. In many countries in history, powerful people have attempted to usurp the throne, and when they are in power, they find that they don't know how to manage the country. This is normal. However, although there are many people like this, not many people do things in the end. After all, the country is not controlled by one person, and even the emperor has a large group of courtiers to assist him. Although Hera may seem a little bit dishonest for the time being, this is not a problem. After all, with the influence of our guild, it is not so easy for her to think of problems. Besides, she is not good at mastering such a large Divine Race, which is also good for us. At least her lack of control means that she needs to rely on us, and this determines that she will not betray as long as she is not mentally disabled.

It was already dark when we finished a lot of work on the end of the war, everyone quickly handed over the matter to the second-line personnel, and all of us high-level staff ran away. On Vina's side, the divine force core of her has not been cracked yet, so everyone is here waiting for first-hand news. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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