Originally such a rare opportunity, Hades and I have temporarily lost the ability to resist. Zeus should have seized this extremely rare opportunity to make a surprise attack. However, However, Zeus gave up such a good opportunity, so, what is he thinking?

When I looked up for the silhouette of Zeus and finally found him, I was stunned, because although I understood why Zeus didn’t attack us, there was a new question. ——"Isn't that damn isolation barrier totally enclosed?"

No one at the scene could answer my question, because everyone didn't know about it, but now we all know it. Of course, the main reason for this situation is that it is too rare.

In a generally speaking environment like this arena, once the system opens the isolation barrier, the barrier will be a fully enclosed structure in most cases, and the more common way of closing is by energy The field forms a spherical structure. A part of this structure, usually half, is located above the ground, while the remaining half is folded under the ground to form a completely enclosed Independent Space. Of course, because the topography of certain places cannot expand this kind of spherical closed area, sometimes a closed structure in the shape of a steamed bun will appear, that is, the top is round and the bottom is flat. In fact, I have seen enclosed spaces with irregular structures. You can't even describe the shape in words. In short, the structure is messy, but it is still completely enclosed.

Because isolation barriers are usually fully enclosed, people on our side didn’t expect other things at all, and Zeus obviously didn’t expect our barriers before. Until just now.

The explosion just destroyed the ground structure, cutting off a layer of soil on the ground, and then...then there was a gap between our isolation barrier and the ground that was cut down. . Although this frontal gap is not very large, it is tantamount to telling Zeus that the isolation barrier is not closed.

Before, Zeus and us desperately even did not hesitate to ignite the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race. All of this is because Zeus cannot retreat. Our BUG outdoor arena system directly encircles Zeus, so he can't run away and can only fight with us. This forced him to ignore the future of Olympus Divine Race, and even ignited the core of divine force in an attempt to fight us desperately. However, that was the choice that was forced into desperation after all, and now that there is a second way to go, how can I ask which idiot will stay and continue desperately? Therefore, Zeus didn’t even care about the chance of a sneak attack. He rushed to the edge of the barrier with one swoop, and then, regardless of the image, he digs a hole like a wild dog, and he just dug a hole on the ground for him to squeeze Go past the passage, and then just drilled in and started to climb outside.

Although Zeus is not a creature that is good at punching holes, and he does not know how to escape from earth, he has basic attributes there after all. If you can produce hundreds of tons with a single arm like Zeus now, and your body is stronger than titanium alloy, I believe it will never be slower than an excavator. Therefore, although the flash lasted for a short time, when I discovered Zeus's silhouette, he had not only dug the hole, but even halfway through the whole person.

When I discovered that Zeus was about to leave this area, I was immediately shocked, and then almost instantaneous movement flashed to the edge of the barrier within a few tenths of a second, and then flew up and hugged me. Zeus finally stayed on one leg inside the barrier.

Zeus, who was crawling out of that dog-hole-like hole, didn’t expect his leg was suddenly hugged, so he started to push back like most people’s normal reaction. , Want to kick me away. However, although Zeus is not weak, I am not powerless, so he can't kick me after kicking for a long time, but I don't have the strength to pull him out, so I can only stand in a stalemate with him. However, if it continues to be consumed like this, let alone the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race, it may be completely burned out by Zeus. More importantly, I may not last that long.

Although we are in a stalemate now, I am holding Zeus’s legs with my arms and body, so when Zeus kicks me back, he is equivalent to kicking me. Although I couldn't get my full strength due to the angle problem, I was still losing blood, but the damage was not too high. However, if this state continues, sooner or later I will be finished, so this stalemate will certainly not last forever.

Zeus probably also knew that pedaling like this could cause harm to me, so although he was anxious to go out, he was not really nervous. After all, the upper body has gone out, and there is no danger outside, in his opinion, it is only a matter of time to escape.

Zeus struggles endlessly, and I know I can’t always consume it like this. I just clenched the teeth to Kristina and the others: "Kristina, you and Zhenhong, gold coin Go outside and attack. He can’t hide when he’s stuck here anyway."

The isolation barrier was originally not soundproof, and there is still a hole underneath. Of course Zeus heard what I said, so he Also anxious. Now I can't dodge it when I am hugged, and I will not be hurt by external attacks inside the isolation barrier, so Kristina and the others can attack Zeus's upper body exposed outside the barrier unscrupulously. Even if Zeus’s current attributes and everything are already against the sky, it’s not a good thing to be passively beaten. No matter how strong the defense is, the blood will be deducted, and no matter how much blood is used up, Zeus does not want to be us. We will not let us attack him slowly if we are dead or alive.

The anxious Zeus also broke out now. While twitching his legs desperately, he wanted to kick me away. At the same time, he used his hands to support the isolation barrier to pull himself out, but our strength seemed to be different. It's not obvious, even if he is pulling desperately in madness, he is just shaking his body back and forth, and simply can't get out.

Compared to Zeus, it was easier for Kristina and the others to leave the barrier. Those of us were not circled in, but used the system battle mode to enter, that is, we are defaulted as participants by this duel space. When we want to go out, we just need to give in or be killed by others. Anyway, this space applies for a non-destructive study mode. After being killed by the opponent in the setting, it will not be dropped, and there will be no penalty. It will only be teleported out of the barrier area when it is full.

Although the active courting death is also very fast, Kristina and the others are very powerful personnel, and the Divine Race next to them has no power anymore, and even if you want to be killed, you can’t kill it in seconds. , It's not as fast as admitting defeat.

After choosing to surrender, Kristina, Zhenhong, and gold coin immediately appeared outside the barrier, but their positions were random. True Red's location is rather unlucky, just opposite the barrier. To come over, you need to bypass the entire isolation area. After all, you can't enter again after surrendering, and because there are still people in the duel space who haven't gone out, the space barrier itself still exists.

As soon as the real red side appeared, I looked around and realized that after I was on the opposite side, I quickly summoned out my guardian long spear and flew directly from the top of the barrier. But after all, she has to bypass the entire isolation barrier and is far away from electricity, so the first to arrive is Kristina. She appeared in a very good location, less than 20 meters away from Zeus, and the location of gold coin is in Kliss. Di Na's side was also more than three meters farther than Keli Si Di Na.

As soon as these two appeared, they immediately went to Zeus and started preparing magic for him. Zeus's magic power is so strong, of course, it is impossible to feel the magic fluctuations caused by the activation of the two people's skills. He turned over very quickly and planned to release the magic to attack first. After all, although he was stuck there, he was stuck in there, but he only needed to release the magic as long as the upper body was still on, and it didn't matter if he couldn't move. Besides, he is now in a state of igniting the core of the divine force. In this mode, even the small magic thrown away is enough to compare to the usual large-scale spell. So Zeus thought that one move would solve the problem, but in fact things were not as simple as he thought.

The isolation barrier is not black. Although this thing has a color, it is very light and almost transparent. How can I see his movements without knowing that he will attack Christina and gold coin? Therefore, when Zeus twisted his body and raised his hand to attack, I suddenly exerted force and began to pull in desperately. Only when Zeus raised his hand, I felt that I was slipping in, and he was so scared that he quickly put his hand down to support the isolation. The barrier prevented me from pulling him in.

Before, the reason why we were in a stalemate was because of the existence of this isolation barrier. This thing is simply a natural focus. As long as Zeus supported the isolation barrier with my hands, I couldn't pull him at all. On the contrary, I held his legs with both hands, and my body was upside down and pressed against the isolation barrier with my legs, so he couldn't pull him either. Move me. Just now Zeus released a hand to attack and did not support the isolation barrier. I had two legs against him and one arm. Of course, there was a power loss immediately, so Zeus immediately began to slide in, and he was scared that he had to hurry. Give up the attack and support the isolation barrier to maintain this stalemate.

Zeus who can’t fight back can only be passively beaten, Kristina and Gold Coin, but whether he can’t fight back or not, Zeus’s head is bombarded, although this level of attack is For Zeus now, the equivalent to ordinary person is pierced by nails, but just like the ordinary person will die if pierced by 10,000 nails, Zeus can't stand the blast all the time, just...time It's a question, and the second question is what to do with the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race.

In the final analysis, we came here to dig people, not to engage in racial massacre. Killing Zeus is not the goal, but the process. What we want is the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race, and now the divine force core is used by Zeus as an energy source. It can be said that our attack on Zeus is actually equivalent to attacking the divine force. The force core, and according to the working principle of the divine force core after burning, unless we have the ability to use a super attack to drop Zeus at one time, we will make a little bit of the divine force core. In the end, the divine force core will definitely be consumed before Zeus. Drop, that's not what we want to see. Of course, letting Zeus run away with the divine force core is not what we want to see.

"Chairman, you can't do that. In the end, the core of the divine force will be burned out first." As the commander, the god of war, of course, noticed the current situation.

"I also know, but do you have a way?" I yelled at the god of war while pulling Zeus desperately to prevent him from leaving him completely.

Actually, my words are mainly to vent, which means that you can’t stop yelling at me, but the unexpected thing is that the military god is really good at it. He pointed directly to the back and upwards, and then I was stunned, because the opposite direction he was pointing seemed to be Isinger Mobile Fortress. At that moment, I got the idea.

"I forgot it!" After murmuring to myself, I hurriedly shouted to Hera over there: "The person who brought you flashed, we have to zoom in."

Hera obviously didn't understand what was going on, because even if it was a big move, with her strength, it was impossible to say that she would be injured. Besides, this place is protected by a barrier. Why is she afraid of it? However, although she didn't understand, there was someone who could understand. Hearing that we had a conversation just now, Vina and the others naturally reacted, and quickly pulled on the unknown Poseidon and Hera and they started running away. . Take the initiative to surrender and leave this barrier, and then run directly into the distance. Although they don't understand why they want to run, since Hades and the Peacock's solemnly vowed expressions of this level stay and are determined to be over, Hera and the others will naturally believe it. After all, in the previous battle, Ye had understood each other's strength. The peacock’s battle strength has just been seen by everyone. Hades is also a big boss in the Olympus Divine Race, and his strength is as everyone knows. Since these two said that the formidable power is great, those who don't know can naturally only trust their judgment.

All those present are high-level personnel, and the worst players are at least the ones who can play in the first-line Divine Race, so they are naturally not slow to start. Not to mention the personnel dispatched from our guild. The high mobility until now is the advantage of our guild. Whether it is playing a thousand miles or fleeing for life, we are first under the heavens fast.

Here, the military gods and them just flashed, but the mobile fortress of Isinger, which hadn't moved in the sky for a long time, suddenly moved. Previously, flying all the way to Olympus was to get into the attack range to facilitate the attack on the Olympus Divine Race, but now Isengard Mobile Fortress has entered the attack range category, and now it is basically all firepower projection is no problem, so Before we and Zeus entered this barrier, Isengard’s mobile fortress stopped advancing.

As soon as Isinger's mobile fortress moved, the surrounding battlefield immediately became chaotic. The Olympus Divine Race, who was entangled with our people on the outskirts of the city, suddenly noticed that his target was moving, and immediately began to try to rush up because they mistakenly thought that Isengard moving fortress was going to escape, but they didn’t know us. It is for another purpose.

As I said before, the moving speed of Isengard Mobile Fortress is not slow. It looks slow because it is too big, not really slow. Now the edge of Isinger’s mobile fortress is actually only a few tens of kilometers away from the isolation barrier where we are located, and it took less than ten minutes to move this distance.

Zeus, who was enduring the beating of Kristina, True Red, and gold coin, suddenly felt a bad feeling. He immediately raised his head and saw the huge, covering the The flying city of heavens, shielding the sun appeared diagonally above him, and was driving over his head. Because it was flying very low, the sunlight cast a large shadow under the Isengard Mobile Fortress, which felt like a small piece of night in the day. The entirely different light-dark dividing line is advancing along the ground towards Zeus at a very fast speed, and Zeus's sense of crisis is getting higher and higher.

For gods like Zeus at this level, although I don’t know about 500 years before, there are at least some vague premonitions. He could feel that the thing above his head was a huge threat to him, but he couldn't help it even if he knew it. After finally getting out of the barrier, it is definitely impossible for him to go back. But it seems impossible to want to go out. Although I can always kick me to death and run out, but Zeus himself knows that the time must be calculated on a weekly basis, he does not think that there is no Olympus Divine Race It can last for a few weeks. Besides, he ignited the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race. Now all the gods of the Olympus Divine Race Heavenly God system have almost caught a bad cold and are still having a high fever, and their body is weak. It was terrible, and the battle strength couldn't even reach the previous three times. In such a situation, it would take a few hours for him to fail without his aid.

The original plan of Zeus was to temporarily burn the divine force core to get our powerful enemies, and then turn around to crush the second-line personnel of our guild with his absolute strength. Later, after discovering that we could also concentrate, his purpose became life-saving. Now although there is hope of retribution, once the Olympus Divine Race outside collapses, his death is also a matter of time.

Obviously, Zeus turned around and returned to the original point. He couldn't escape to rescue his subordinates at all, and it didn't seem to be a good ending to get stuck here.

Because I roughly knew the result, and seeing the result approaching step by step, I couldn't resist. This feeling of despair almost broke Zeus. However, even so, he still couldn't think of a solution.

Zeus was panicked, frightened, and desperate, but I had already estimated the time and shouted to Kristina and others outside: "It's almost time, let's flash it, it will be too late if you don't run!"< /p>

Hearing what I said, Zeus looked down at my side in surprise, but it happened to match my eyes. I looked at him smiled and said: "Nothing to be surprised. You will know why I let them run in a while."

Zeus obviously also guessed what we are going to do, after all, Isinger Mobile Fortress Such a big target is really not easy to be overlooked, and as an enemy, Zeus impossible knows nothing about our information. Even if he does not ask, someone will show him the information. This is the advantage of being a leader, because There are many people who help you check and fill in the omissions. Unless you deliberately, you don't necessarily have a chance to make mistakes.

As I finished this sentence, the shadows on the ground finally passed our position and covered us in the darkness. Of course, this is not at night after all. It is just relative to the surrounding places. It's darker, and you won't lose sight of your fingers. Zeus looked at Kristina and the others who had been flying away from the long spear of summon, then looked at the mobile fortress of Isengard above his head, and finally laughed suddenly.

Seeing his smile, I was taken aback for a moment, and then I realized that Zeus must be believe oneself infallible again. Although he hasn't said or done anything yet, I think he must have thought of that method. In fact, many people think of this method, that is, when the super weapon is activated, attack it first. Just like in the classic old movie, the spaceship of the alien was hit by the main weapon that was accumulating energy when the main weapon was activated, which caused the entire spaceship to explode.

Zeus is just an NPC, so he must have never watched that movie, but even if you haven't watched this kind of thing, most people will think so. After all, everyone has two basic cognitions that are fixed. First, you can't let that kind of large weapon attack you, so you have to do it first. Second, that kind of complicated equipment must be fragile.

There may be some truth to this idea, but the question is, everyone can think of it, is it possible that all the people in our guild are idiots and can't even think of it? This is obviously impossible, so the fact is that our super weapon is not what they think it is at all.

The city-level radiation cannon at the bottom of Isengard’s mobile fortress is a very special weapon. This thing is a reward from the system to our guild. It can only be used, not researched or dismantled. Although there are many restrictions and costly use, this thing is after all our guild's strongest attack weapon, and its damage output is basically astronomical. Do you think that one output can raze a large city to the ground. How high is the damage output of such a weapon?

Because it is a reward weapon and cannot be studied, we are basically not very clear about the attributes of this thing, but we at least know some of the basic characteristics of this thing. One of the more important information is that after the weapon begins to charge, that is, after the energy accumulation phenomenon occurs at its tip, it basically enters the invincible mode. After starting to gather energy and before the final launch, the energy cannon itself is invincible, and any attack on it will eventually be converted into energy and be absorbed by it. As a result, in addition to increasing its damage output by a few There is no meaning beyond a fraction.

Zeus obviously didn't know this feature, so I guessed that he was planning to wait for our weapons to start to gather energy and then take a sneak attack, but he was too naive in thinking.

I don’t mean to break this idea of ​​Zeus. Anyway, he can increase the formidable power of the radiation cannon by attacking several times, and on the contrary, it can increase the chance of him being killed. This is exactly what I hope. See the results.

Just when we were thinking about each other, and then suffocating our bad hearts, Isengard Mobile Fortress finally started to slow down with a rumbling noise. As the speed gradually decreased, Isinger Mobile Fortress finally hovered steadily at an altitude of about two kilometers directly above us. Although it is still two kilometers high from the ground, because of the huge volume of Isengard Mobile Fortress, we now feel as if we are going to be squashed. The huge oppression is really quite shocking. I know that this is human instinct. In human genes, there is naturally fear of huge objects. This is the low-level judgment contained in biological genes. After all, for most organisms, things are much larger than themselves. Both are very dangerous, so it is quite necessary to maintain this fear of large objects. Although I am Dragon Clan, this basic setting is obviously indistinguishable from human beings, so I feel quite depressed now. After all, there is such a big guy hanging on top of my head that I personally will not be relieved.

When...Boom...Zeus, who was shocked by the huge volume of Isengard’s mobile fortress, was finally awakened by the loud noise from above. As his attention was restored, he immediately found Ai The bottom armor of Singh's mobile fortress is separating all around, and several layers of continuous protective armor plates inside are also spreading out to both sides one after another, and you can still see something in the deepest part that is stretching out.

Zeus deliberately glanced at me with a playful look, and then began to gather magic power in his hands. Of course, I will not let go of this good opportunity to play with Zeus. Immediately after the ball of light in his hand was formed, he pretended to be panicked while yelling and pulling him desperately, and deliberately took out a dagger and stabbed him in the leg. Knife. If I let go of one hand just now, Zeus would have run out, but Zeus would rather take a few stabs at me and not crawl out because he would use the other hand to release magic. Even if I pulled him in forcefully later, he just used another arm and the elbow of this arm here to desperately hooked on the isolation barrier to prevent me from pulling him in.

Listening to my crazy cry, the corners of Zeus's mouth began to tilt upwards uncontrollably. From the moment we were circled into the duel space, Zeus felt that he had been being ravaged by others. As a superior, and a dictatorial superior, where did Zeus suffer from such a temper? Therefore, his ability to withstand this insult is very bad, so he is more angry than the average person. But now he feels that everything is not a problem, because he saw my hysteria and got a great sense of satisfaction from it.

However, Zeus's satisfaction did not last long. After a few seconds, Zeus finally insisted on completing the energy accumulation, and then let go with one hand, and the light ball immediately flew up and flew straight to the transmitter at the bottom of the Isengard Mobile Fortress above.

Although Zeus’s magic may have a large formidable power, the single output magic is usually used in battle, and how can two people throw magic at a distance of several kilometers? That is something that only happens in modern warfare. After all, most creatures are still accustomed to observing the environment with their eyes, so beyond the visual range attack is not everyone's habit. It is for this reason that speed does not have much meaning to magical attacks. After all, most magic has a certain tracking ability and can still control its turning after release. Therefore, attack magic only needs to move faster than the player, and it does not need to move several times the speed of sound like missiles in modern warfare.

Because the magic bullet is very slow, the light bullet flying into the sky feels like a firefly flying into the sky at this time. We are still two kilometers away from the bottom of the Isinger Mobile Fortress above. The magic of Zeus is about fifty meters per second. This speed is actually quite fast for both players and NPCs. In individual combat, the distance usually will not exceed 50 meters, and the attack that can hit the target in less than a second is not too slow. However, this speed seems a bit ridiculously slow now.

With a distance of two kilometers and a speed of more than fifty meters per second, the ball of light takes more than half a minute to hit the target. Although this time is not very long, In the melee state where the general rhythm is very fast and the winner can be determined in two minutes, watching an attack fly for more than 30 seconds, it really makes the waiting person feel like they want to doze off.

However, Zeus looked forward to the instant effect of the ball of light hitting, but, to his disappointment, after the ball of light rose slowly for more than 20 seconds, Isinger moved the transmitter at the bottom of the fortress. A small door suddenly opened next to you, and something like a satellite antenna stretched out, and then before Zeus could react, he saw a red line flashing past, and then his light ball exploded in the sky. . Although the huge Fireball has a wide range of diffusion, it is a pity that it is still a little away from the transmitter above.

After the flames of the explosion disappeared, Zeus discovered that the transmitter above his head had been fully deployed. The reason why he intercepted his attack just now is because the launcher has not yet started to formally gather energy. The launcher can indeed be destroyed at this stage. Although its hardness is not bad, Zeus's attack power is too high, and we dare not experiment with the launcher, so we intercepted his attack.

Seeing that his attack was intercepted, Zeus certainly did not give up. He would be unlucky if he didn't blow up the launcher, and he couldn't give up.

After staring at me bitterly, Zeus immediately gathered more balls of light, and I cooperated again to pretend to be hysterical and yelled out the communicator, "Hurry up, he is ready again A lot of magic bullets, quickly start the interception weapon....What? Only one left? What about the others?...Broken? It was bombed by the people of Olympus Divine Race?"

That Although Zeus was gathering energy, he immediately became proud when he heard my conversation, and I also loosened Zeus's legs in cooperation, and then shouted at him: "We reconcile, stop fighting, you go away." Well, I won’t stop you."

Zeus saw his legs regain freedom and immediately pulled them out, but did not leave, but continued to increase the number of magic bullets. While laughing and said with a smile: "What did you do before? Reconciliation now? It's too late. Seeing you are so nervous, wouldn't the thing above be the key part of the flying city? Haha, I'm going to be there. Your face blasted it down to let you know the consequences of being an enemy of our Olympus Divine Race."

I immediately yelled more anxiously when I heard Zeus' words. "No, I know it's wrong, please, stop attacking, we signed an agreement with you, is it not okay to withdraw from the Olympus Divine Race sphere of influence?"

"hmph, don't think about it. "Zeus excitedly vented all the previous humiliation on me, and after taunting me to his heart's content, he released the hundreds of light balls that had just been gathered into the sky in front of me. I used to cast a spell with one hand and had to fight against my pull, so I couldn't control that much. Now that I am free, I can naturally manipulate many attack spells at the same time. Divine Race, after all, has a thorough understanding of energy, so it is actually very simple for them to use plural spells.

Zeus, who was very proud of watching the ball of light flying into the sky, was about to turn his head to take a look at my pitiful expression. He turned his head but was stunned, because of my previous hysteria and horror. All of his expressions disappeared in an instant. It was replaced by a playful smile, which contained complacency and more sarcasm.

Just when Zeus didn't know why, I suddenly spoke up. "Is it weird why I didn't continue to scream for mercy?" Zeus subconsciously nodded, and then it reflected, but it was a pity that I couldn't take it back after I ordered it. Fortunately, I didn't mock him for this, because I have something more worthy of mockery. "Since you want to know, then I'll tell you. The reason why I don't beg for mercy is because I was acting before. Even letting go of your legs and letting you run out was all on purpose. Don't worry, I know You want to ask me why I deliberately let you out. The answer is simple, because I want my pet to dig a refuge for me, but your legs are inside the barrier. I am worried that you will find our little actions. By the way Now, do you know why I want to dig a refuge? It’s because of the thing above. That thing is really difficult to deal with, I don’t lie to you, I can’t stop it anyway. Another thing is that the thing is starting up The latter is actually invincible, and it will automatically absorb the surrounding energy. If you still enchant it, you are actually charging it. The more you still have it, the more terrifying it will attack."

" You..." Zeus was already trembling all over at this time, and he didn't know if he was afraid or angry with me, or both.

"Don’t get excited, your life is almost over anyway, you can’t use the last time to look back some of your life. Of course you can also try to escape, but I kindly remind you that the thing will kill you directly The radius is eight kilometers, and it’s only three seconds away from launch. So...bye, I’m going to escape.” As I said, I took a step back, and immediately I stepped through a hole in the ground. It disappeared on the ground in an instant. In fact, when I let go of Zeus, I exchanged the Blazers with the pets that can be summoned in the fit state, and then asked him to dig a downward vertical well a step away behind me, on the ground. There is only a layer of soil left, and you can wear it as soon as you step on it.

The reason why I have to dig down is really because the main weapon of Isengard Mobile Fortress’s formidable power is too large. I should have no problem in the isolation barrier, but who knows that this thing is not sealed. There is no isolation under the ground. Even the previous skills of Zeus can cut the ground down to expose the edge of the barrier. As soon as the main weapon of Isengard's mobile fortress fires, this place will definitely sink more than a hundred meters deep, when the time comes only one side of isolation The barrier fart is not good enough, so if you don't want to die, you have to run away in advance. Fortunately, there is a pioneer, a hole-making expert. As long as a vertical well more than a hundred meters deep is dug out, the damage is basically out of the scope. The remaining vibrations and shock waves should be able to withstand my current state. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for

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