Volume 20, Chapter 238, Zeus’s Crazy Brains

Zeus was thinking about letting me touch Gunnier first, but didn’t expect that I was hit by myself. Assault, what I planned was a sneak attack Zeus, but suddenly I heard a scream. It turned out that Yeyue, who was sent by me to grab Gunnier, was knocked out by the lightning chain that burst out from Gunnier. . Fortunately, Yeyue's health has just been strengthened by Nuwa, this kind of attack is not a big problem for her. But her scream distracted me. I was about to knock Zeus down, but it turned into a head bump against him.

Although it is not a big problem to be hit by me, I am covered with water now, and Zeus immediately began to smoke, but at this time Zeus does not care about corrosion or corrosion, directly Turning back to my head was an elbow blow. Fortunately, my helmet blocked the blow, but even so, the shocked head was dizzy.

Although I was smashed, I didn't lose consciousness. I hit Zeus in the stomach with a punch to force him back, and then I took two steps back and opened the distance again. I shook my head and felt a little dizzy. I found that Zeus was no bigger than mine, and the lava was still ticking down all over my body, and the blood from the wound on my stomach was already flowing all over my body. If ordinary people just lose blood Too much of this one is enough to kill him.

"It's really a difficult opponent." I adjusted my neck slightly to make the neck that was implicated by my head a little more comfortable, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared in place and turned into a big ball. The light and dust of red spilled into the lava pool at the foot.

Zeus didn't expect me to have this skill, and immediately looked around vigilantly in an attempt to find my position again.

In fact, I also think that the biggest advantage of the trainer is to let the enemy know his own specialties. Because of the diversity of the familiars, the familiars of the trainer often carry a variety of alternative abilities. These things are often more powerful than those of the main battle skill to give people unexpected blows. Like I can use any skill of all familiars after entering the combined mode, so my current list of available skills has become super broad, which is also the most troublesome thing for the enemy. Because I have too many skills and the effects are messy, I can't understand them all. More importantly, the combination of certain skills and other skills often has unexpected effects. This combination of skills that shouldn't be able to match together, once someone can win at the same time, the formidable power will be greater than using it alone. Several times, this is another benefit of more skills.

Zeus has no idea that I still have the ability to turn into light and dust, and he is now there nervously looking for my place, but in fact I am enjoying a hot bath. Yes, it is a hot bath, but it should be called a hot stone bath instead of a hot water bath, because I am soaking in a lava pool now. I didn't disappear after I had just turned into light dust and scattered, but entered the lava. This ability doesn't actually make oneself disappear. This ability comes from Xiaofeng, and its real name should be called Elementalization.

Xiaofeng is a Phoenix, and Phoenix is ​​actually an elemental creature rather than a devil beast. As an elemental creature, making the body elemental is an instinctive ability. Just now, I used Xiaofeng's elementalization to make myself drift away. It looked like I had disappeared, but in fact I just dived into the lava pool.

In fact, being in this pool is not only harmless to me, it is a kind of enjoyment. Because Phoenix is ​​a Fire Element creature, lava is like a hot spring to Phoenix. I didn't know before that after starting Xiaofeng's elementalization in the combined mode, he can restore his own state by absorbing the Fire Element. Not only is it healing the damage, but it can also recover mana and stamina, and the speed is quite fast.

While Zeus was there to guard the chance of me coming out of him to attack him suddenly, I just absorbed the Fire Element in the lava pool to my heart's content. It’s a pity that this kind of enjoyment only lasted more than ten seconds before it was forced to end, because after all, this was just a lava pool burned out by luck, not a real vein lava. The Fire Element content in it was too low. It's almost absorbed, and now even the color of the lava has changed from bright orange red to dark brown, and it is almost solidified.

After looking around for a while, Zeus, who couldn't find me, finally thought of a countermeasure. He suddenly jumped out of the lava pool moved towards the Divine Race who was watching the lively scene and rushed over. Their power is now concentrated on me. Although I cannot be said to be a useless person, at least the battle strength is a lot lower than the normal value, while Zeus on the opposite side is burning the divine force core to strengthen himself, so this disappears. The gap between the two sides under his length is too obvious, so seeing Zeus rushing over the Divine Race is immediately frowned ready to find a way to dodge.

Seeing Zeus rushing towards Hades and the others, and the lava pool was sucked up by me, the Fire Element was almost solidified, so I simply gave up taking a bath in the lava pool and rushed out.

Zeus originally suspected that I was still in the lava pool, but now he heard a sudden call from behind, he immediately understood that I couldn't help coming out. But even if he knew that I came out, he didn't stop at all. Instead, he accelerated the moved towards Hades and they rushed over.

I also know that Zeus must have guessed that the source of my power is these gods, so he wants to weaken me by killing these powerless gods. It just made him feel very surprised that when he was about to rush to Hades and them, three people suddenly blocked his way.

"Myriad Swords Art-twist." With the cry of gold coin, a large number of Flying Swords flew out of her Universe Bag suddenly, and these Flying Swords swarmed out like locusts. Then gathered into a sword ball in the air. Each of these sword balls is composed of a large number of Flying Swords with the hilt rushing to the inside and the tip of the sword to the outside. From the outside, it looks like a huge silver hedgehog. With the command of gold coin, these sword balls immediately Diveted down from the sky and started rushing towards Zeus.

Looking at the flying sword ball, Zeus was directly in the air with one hand. He only heard a booming sound. One of the sword balls suddenly burst. Suddenly, he saw Broken Sword scattered in the sky. Fortunately, gold coin used the remaining Flying Sword in time to build a wall in front of everyone, and finally stopped the flying Broken Sword.

"hmph, overall one's capabilities." After hitting a sword ball, Zeus disdainfully snorted coldly, and then he will continue to attack. Who knows that a cold voice suddenly appeared behind him.

"Are you qualified to say such a thing?"

Zeus was taken aback by the sudden voice, but he couldn't dodge even if he didn't. With a sharp pain, Zeus lowered his head and found a bloody arm on his chest. Of course, it was not his own arm, but mine. The arm went in from behind him, but now it penetrated his whole body and emerged from the front, and there was a beating heart in his hand.

"You...you..." Zeus seemed to be struggling to say something, but could not say anything because of the big hole in his chest. Seeing Zeus struggling and suffocating, I suddenly felt very satisfied, but the next second mutation suddenly occurred. Zeus, who was about to hang up in the last second, suddenly returned to normal with a playful smile on his face. Then he looked at me and asked, "Did you feel so good just now? How? My The acting skills are still in place, right?"

I knew it was going to be bad the moment I heard this, but it was obviously too late to avoid it. I kicked Zeus directly without hesitation to get a distance from him, and then instantly activated the absolute barrier, and the surrounding area was covered by a piece of white snow in the next second, and I couldn't see anything at all.

The strong light lasted for six or seven seconds before it went out. After the strong light went out, I didn't look for Zeus's silhouette, but immediately looked towards the direction Hades and the others were. I am a player. Even if I was killed by Zeus, I would just hang up once. If I dropped a Level 1 or two, it would be finished. However, Hades and them are both NPCs, and they only have one life. If they die, they are really dead. Because NPCs have only one life, their lives are much more important than mine. even more how here almost includes all the high level Divine Race of our guild, as well as the high level Divine Race that will join us soon. If these people are allowed to be served by Zeus here, I can say with certainty that the strength of the Frost Rose Alliance will drop by at least two to three percent, and it may be more than that. This kind of loss is absolutely unbearable for me, so I immediately looked towards Hades and the others after the explosion, hoping to confirm their situation.

Fortunately, the situation has not developed into an unimaginably bad state. Just after the rays of light disappeared, the first thing I saw was a small light pink mask shining there, and as the mask gradually dimmed, the situation inside gradually came into my sight. Fortunately, Hades was all inside, and a circle of mobile angels stood beside them, obviously intending to block the damage with their bodies when the protective cover could not support them.

At the very front of the mask, a gorgeous and colorful silhouette is maintaining a standing posture, holding her hands flat on the mask, but her head is shrugging so that all her hair is covered. When I got to the front, I couldn't see her expression at all.

This silhouette is of course Kristina, and she only has one set of gorgeous crystal armor in our guild. However, her current state seems to be very bad, but the mask still at least shows that she hasn't died, but it seems that she has only breathed out more than she has died.

As soon as I saw Christina, her body suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, Zhenhong and gold coin quickly stepped forward to support her, and followed her Fainted, the mask also flickered and disappeared.

It wasn't until the mask disappeared that I finally remembered looking for the silhouette of Zeus. It is said that he should have a sneak attack for such a good opportunity, but there was no action for such a long time, which is really unimaginable. However, just as magical magic often has a very simple principle, sometimes weird things are actually very simple. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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