Everyone on the battlefield was still there in a daze, but the space around didn't expect suddenly darkened, and immediately afterwards, I saw a cloud of black air suddenly appearing on Zeus. Around. Because he didn't know what this was for the time being, Zeus didn't dare to approach him either. He immediately began to flash back when he saw the black mist appearing, and soon opened the distance between the black mist.

While Zeus dodges, the black fog has been continuously expanding, and it has quickly turned into a huge black fog group that is so huge that it is almost beyond the area of ​​the isolation barrier. It is isolated in the barrier. Everyone has already retreated to the edge of the barrier, and they don't want to touch these strange black fog rashly.

Just when everyone thought that this black fog would continue to spread and eventually fill the entire space, the black fog over there suddenly stopped growing just like when it appeared, and then it looked like black fog. A black hole appeared in the center of, and the black fog began to rotate in the opposite direction to the center and contracted back. As all the black fog contracted into a spherical range of more than two meters in diameter, the black fog in that spherical range was already It's rich as if it were ink. At this time, the black area does not appear to be an area composed of black mist, but has clearly become a solid black egg, and its surface is smooth like a mirror, and even a silhouette can be illuminated on it.

Looking at the black egg that suddenly appeared, Zeus hesitated for two seconds before suddenly regaining his courage, and then roared: "This little trick, don't want to fool me." While holding the divine Spear Gunniel rushed up, and then stab the divine spear against the black egg.

Without the expected obstacles, as if there was nothing there, the Gunnier pierced by Zeus directly penetrated the black egg and passed it easily. However, after Zeus withdrew and retreated, he was originally The two holes in the front and back that Gunniel penetrated were retained.

Before, when Zeus easily pierced the black egg, everyone thought that the black egg was an illusion, but now, the holes left on the black egg clearly show that this thing is not only an entity, but also can be harmed. . However, in the next second, everyone did not feel that the black egg was hurt, because there was obvious red light in the two holes that were opened, and a crack was cracked on the black egg. Under the winding cracks, the dark rays of light appeared, as if they were blood vessels.

As the first crack appeared, the cracks on the eggshell began to increase one after another. It took only two or three seconds before and after the eggshell was already covered with red cracks, and then only a boom was heard. There was a not-so-loud explosion, and the whole eggshell burst open. The scattered eggshell fragments in the air were like dry ice falling on the road in the midsummer afternoon, and a large amount of purple evaporated in the blink of an eye. black mist, then completely disappeared.

As the eggshells completely burst open, there are more people in the area originally wrapped by the eggshells, and this person is the me who disappeared before. However, the people on our side knew that it was me because they saw the identification of friend or foe on the communicator, so they knew it was me, and Zeus on the other side guessed it entirely through force sensing and the current situation.

The reason why everyone did not dare to confirm that this was me as soon as they came up was mainly because my equipment had changed a lot. The original dragon soul suit seems to have become larger and heavier in appearance. The original medium armor now seems to have a trend toward overweight Battle Armor, which looks very heavy. In addition, in addition to the huge change in shape, the color of this armor has also undergone some changes. In addition to the colors of the inlaid gemstones, basically only black, red, and gold are left on the armor. Kinds of colors.

Everyone knows that the three colors of black, red, and gold are actually very jumping colors together. Because of the large contrast, they look particularly eye-catching, and black represents darkness, red represents cruelty, and golden Representing power, the three are united together, giving people a rather oppressive feeling of coldness.

Actually, I really like this kind of armor shape. The gorgeous ones are second, mainly evil enough to bluff people. Anyway, people who don’t know just look at the appearance and can judge that they are wearing this thing. Easy to deal with. Although Zeus will not be intimidated by a set of equipment, according to the statistics of actual experiments, although the threatening decoration will not scare the high level enemy, it does prevent the opponent from exerting his full strength, that is to say, the intimidation effect has a high level The personnel are also effective, but they are not as obvious as the lower-level personnel.

Seeing me reappearing there, Zeus was obviously shocked, because he felt some bad breath in me, but he only hesitated for a second before he yelled again This rushed up and tried to attack me, but what made him didn't expect was that I didn't care about his attack, but got out of my body two crystal balls slightly larger than Apple. This kind of crystal ball is obviously not solid because it seems to be sealed with liquid inside. As I take out the crystal ball, everyone can see the black liquid swaying inside the crystal ball.

Zeus didn’t know what I was going to do, but he knew that no matter what I was going to do, it was definitely not good for him, so when he saw me take out the crystal ball, he didn’t slow down, but speeded up and rushed up. Try to prevent me from doing the following actions. Unfortunately, his speed is a bit slower, of course, the main reason is that the time I have to do is too simple. I didn't do anything complicated, but directly lifted the two crystal balls above my head, and then smashed the two crystal balls above my head with a ping sound. At the moment the sphere broke, the black liquid sealed in the sphere splashed out immediately, pouring myself through from head to toe in an instant. Of course, the armor itself is waterproof, so what gets wet is the armor, not my body.

Although my behavior is strange, the action itself did not have any effect on Zeus, but when the fastest flowing liquid dripped down my armor to the ground, Zeus seemed to When I saw Nuwa before, it was a sudden brake, but because of the sudden stop, the soles of my feet slipped and my ass sat on the ground. However, even though it was a loss of face, Zeus didn't care about his own face at all, instead he crawled back in a hurry.

The reason for being so scared was entirely because of the drop of liquid that Zeus saw on the ground. In fact, the liquid did not slide down my armor like normal rainwater after it flowed on my armor, but like a living substance attached to the surface of the armor and spread automatically, and finally froze. A thin layer of liquid formed on my armor. As for the drop that fell on the ground, it was completely because there was too much liquid and a little extra, so it dropped. But this drop also scared Zeus half to death, because after that drop of liquid dropped on the ground, it was like a large glass of aqua regia poured on a metal net, and a big hole was corroded in the ground in an instant.

General acid corrodes things with speed. Even aqua regia, a mixture of sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, corrodes metals, but it is impossible to dissolve the metal immediately. There is not much left. However, just after the liquid dropped on the ground, the corrosion process was completed in an instant. The fast speed was like pouring boiling water on the snow, and a large hole was corroded in an instant.

If it was only corrosive, Zeus wouldn't be scared like this, mainly because he knew this stuff. He hadn't thought about that before seeing the liquid enclosed in the crystal ball, but now he finally recognized it. This light is Ruo Water, a negative energy solution from the Sea of ​​Silence, a substance of energy materialization.

Zeus knows how terrifying Ruo Shui is, because he has seen this thing before. It was a terrifying liquid that even the Olympus Divine Race torch could easily extinguish. It was something that could kill people with just a touch, and Zeus wouldn't want to touch it even if he was killed. However, Zeus started frowning again after retreating a certain distance, because the situation was obvious now. My whole body is covered with Ruoshui, and if Zeus wants to attack me, he must touch me, and once he touches me, he will inevitably be injured by Ruoshui.

Looking at Zeus rolling back and forth, many people on our side didn’t realize what was going on, but because Hades was there, everyone quickly understood. After all, Hades is the god of underworld, Ruoshui has seen him a lot. Of course, he dare not touch it no matter how many times he sees it. After all, he is just a god, not a negative energy creature. Except for the undead, anything will be neutralized if it comes into contact with water. For all positive energy substances, this thing is more acidic than any strong acid. fear.

Seizing the opportunity of Zeus withdrawing and retreating, I calmly took out a bottle that looked like an insecticide sprinkler, and then took out the eternity, and then turned the bottle upside down to face the eternity Two drops of water came out. Eternally absorbed the two drops of Ruoshui immediately after it came into contact with Ruoshui. I put away the bottle and waved the eternity that has become a sword-shaped twice, feeling the evil aura from the sword, nodded to my satisfaction, and then the sword pointed at Zeus provocatively: "You are not a divine spear with a hundred shots, Gunnier. Come on, let us fight for three hundred rounds, and I will let you know what the real battle is."

"If you have the ability, don't use Ruo Shui." Zeus unexpectedly came up with such a sentence. I almost fell to the ground without a head.

"Can you be more shameless?" I looked at Zeus and said irritably: "The battle is all about using everything, so you actually have to stipulate that I don't use anything, can we? Is this a friendly match?" I said, shaking the eternity, then pointed at Zeus and said: "Come on, we see the truth under our hands. If you dare not touch the water, use divine force to separate it."

"Are you an idiot?" Zeus also cried: "If water will neutralize all positive energy, you let me use divine force to block, do you want me to burn out the divine force and become your captive?"< /p>

"Then you don’t need it. I’m going to attack." I said, no matter what Zeus’s reaction was, I rushed forward, eternally handed forward in my hand, scared Zeus hurriedly flashed aside, but As soon as I turned my wrist, the blade swept out after turning 90 degrees laterally. Zeus had to block my blade with Gunnier in his hand.

Only heard a sound, Eternal slashed on Gunnier’s gun, and immediately there was a burst of sparks flying in all directions. Obviously Gunnier was not an ordinary item, Eternal could not cut it with a sword. Break it. However, although the two weapons were only touched and separated, Zeus suddenly felt wrong after the distance between the two of us, and then looked down, and found that Gunnier's gun had just been cut by Eternity. It was smoking, and there was a very slight chi chi sound. This result was so scared that Zeus quickly took out an unused cloth strip and wiped the gun body. Although the cloth strip was completely burned out in a few seconds, Gunnier finally stopped smoking.

Here, Zeus is checking Gunnier worriedly, and suddenly he feels that danger is approaching. With good instincts, Zeus suddenly lowered his head, and then felt a cold wind blowing behind his neck. Obviously, he would be hit by a slower neck. However, although I managed to escape a slash, I was already close. Looking at Zeus, who was slightly out of balance in order to dodge my swing, I simply stepped to his side, and an iron mountain flew him out directly on his shoulder.

As soon as he hit the ground, Zeus jumped up from the ground like his ass was on fire, and then he saw a large area of ​​smoke on his left shoulder and the front part of the breastplate on the left. , And this time the voice of chi chi can be heard even if you are not paying attention.

Now my whole body is covered with a layer of water, so no matter what contact Zeus is with me, it will be corroded. But the situation was not as bad as he thought. I actually don't dare to touch Ruoshui indiscriminately, but compared to him, I have a certain resistance to Ruoshui, as long as I don't soak it all day long, short-term contact has little effect. However, this thing is very dangerous after all, so I can only rely on skills to tie a small amount of it to the surface of the armor, so every time I come into contact with Zeus, although the damage area is not small, the degree is not very scary. If my body could be covered with a one-centimeter thick protective layer of water, it would not be as simple as letting Zeus smoke from his body just now, maybe it would directly obscure the flesh and blood that can burn half of his body.

Regardless of the actual damage, Zeus was frightened anyway. The chi chi chi smoked from the burnt armor on his body, which is personally scared.

Once the emotion of timidity arises, it is not so easy to eliminate it. After Zeus was frightened by Ruoshui, although he reacted in time, he was already scared, but he still lost his previous aura, and I was actually no longer weaker than Zeus after receiving the power from Vena and the others. The basic strength is basically the same. I completely crushed Zeus with my fighting skills and reaction speed. Now I have been suppressed even in the imposing manner, and Zeus's failure is only a matter of time.

Looking at Zeus, who wiped away the remnants of Ruoshui and circled me and was afraid to approach, I suddenly smiled and snapped my fingers, and then Zeus suddenly felt an abnormal movement behind his back. Zeus hurriedly turned his head and saw a man who did not know when he appeared behind him, holding a crystal basin and splashing a large basin of black liquid on his face.

Before, it was only smoked by a thin layer of armor that would burn if water touched it. Seeing this basin flying over, Zeus was immediately frightened and rolled aside, for fear of being splashed. However, he just took a step out, and suddenly felt the wind pressure coming from behind. In a panic, Zeus quickly twisted to block. The result was another sound. Eternal and Gunnier collided with a fire star, and then set off. In a stalemate. But nothing has changed in eternity, Gunnier's gun started to smoke again, and this time it was a long stretch.

Zeus was taken aback when he saw the situation. He quickly pulled back and didn’t try to fight with me anymore. Maybe he didn’t suffer from strength, but the Gunnier in his hand couldn’t stand it. . If my eternity is broken, I can take it back by myself at any time, but Gunnier will not be deformed. Once it is broken by corrosion, it will be directly scrapped.

"Despicable fellow." Zeus scolded and retreated immediately, but he forgot that there was another person behind him. No, in fact, he remembered, but he didn't take it seriously, because when we tried our best, the water that I poured out also fell on the ground, but in the end nothing happened. Those Ruoshui were simply illusions, so he guessed that the me who actually appeared behind him was also an illusion, so the me was directly ignored. However, the fact is that the Avatar is actually a real Avatar, not an illusion, so Zeus has a tragedy.

Zeus, who had just turned around, greeted my Avatar directly, and then the two smashed into each other and started fighting like a gangster. Why fight in this way? Because my Avatar is full of water like me, so it can rub all of Zeus.

As soon as the sad Zeus came up, I was rubbed against the water by my Avatar, and the whole person was like a steam iron with blue smoke. Finally, a golden halo broke out and the Avatar was shaken. I immediately stepped on the ground again, and then the Eternal Sword was thrust into his head.

Looking at the tip of the sword, Zeus hurriedly turned his head away, I picked it up, the tip of the sword bounced, and Zeus rolled and avoided, but he was still a step slower and was cut off by Eternal’s neck. There were shallow bloodstains, but the next second he screamed screamingly, and then hurriedly reached out to cover his neck. As a result, he screamed even harder, because his hands were also on his hands.

Because there was not much water on it, Zeus’s screams quickly stopped, but even so, it is obvious that a layer of skin has been burned off his neck. The flesh and blood were muddy and pulpy, and it looked as if it had been ground with a grinding wheel.

"Damn Purple Moon, are you really trying to force me?" Zeus looked at me angrily after the wound on his body stopped smoking.

I didn’t listen to the movement at all. I rushed up and said, “You’ve said it three times. If you want to go crazy, just let me see if you have the ability. Just shouting is useless. "

I rushed to Zeus before my voice fell, and Zeus turned around in embarrassment and quickly rolled back and distanced me again. The eyes of Zeus who stood still suddenly cold, and I clearly felt that the imposing manner on Zeus was changing.

Actually, I can fully understand Zeus's previous performance. Just now, it seems that Zeus has made no achievements. He was completely crushed and beaten by me. This is actually for a reason. At first, Zeus did squeeze the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race, but that only activated the burning mode of the divine force core, not to say that the divine force core disappeared. If Zeus saves some use and can do it quickly, then he can restore the divine force core afterwards, and it will not have much impact on the future of Olympus Divine Race.

It is precisely because he knows that he can restore the core of divine force, Zeus will ignite the core of divine force, and the purpose is to get us as soon as possible. However, after Vina blessed me with the concentrated power of everyone, Zeus began to be timid. He didn't dare to face me head-on, because he knew that what he was consuming was the future of the Olympus Divine Race, and after igniting the divine force core, he no longer had the mortal danger, unlike the resolute struggle at the beginning. Therefore, his battle strength was weakened again, and he hesitated not to burst out all the battle strength. Otherwise, if Zeus had absorbed the core state of Olympus Divine Race divine force, how could it be like this? However, it now seems that Zeus has awakened from the previous hesitation. He has already figured it out. Instead of being knocked down by me because of worrying about the future of the Olympus Divine Race, it is better to break out. Now this situation is simply not a time to worry about the future, even if the present is lost, what future is there to talk about? Although it is said that there will be no firewood to keep the green hills, but there will be no more volcanoes. What are the tree trunks on the hill?

Zeus’ imposing manner was immediately different after the realization of unsuccessful benevolence. It used to be cowering, but now it suddenly becomes full of Slaughter Qi. Although this change is very subtle, almost It's not easy to feel, but I still noticed it.

"Oh, are you ready to work hard?" Feeling the imposing manner change on Zeus, I stopped chasing, and then clicked the Avatar over there with one hand, and the Avatar immediately disappeared.

Zeus glanced at the disappearing Avatar, then looked towards me and said: "Today one of us must die. I don't want to die, so go and die."

Zeus rushed up without waiting for my answer, and this time he no longer reserves any room. In order to save the Power of Faith in the core of divine force, he has been playing cautiously and didn't dare to put it indiscriminately. Skill, now he completely ignores it.

Zeus, who rushed in wildly, threw a huge lightning across a long distance. The electric light flew in and fell under my feet, but my silhouette did disappear after being covered by the electric light. NS. Zeus was not surprised at all, and raised Gunner to a spear thrust above his head. With a sound, the tip of the gun collided with Eternity in the air, and then Zeus used both hands to push the gun down, and I rolled out holding Eternal, and then landed steadily, but Zeus’s Gunnier was I followed closely, forcing me to dared not stop for a few moments and stretch the distance.

Seeing that I had drawn a distance from him, Zeus immediately pointed at me with one hand, and only heard a click, the ground under my feet suddenly cracked, and then the position where I was standing began to sink. The surrounding soil was cracked into several large pieces and turned over to the center, trying to buckle me underneath. I lightly tapped the ground and jumped on a huge rock that stood up to four or five meters high. As long as I stepped forward, it was equivalent to out of the skill range, but Zeus jumped up from the outside when I jumped up. The tip of the rock is not as big as the keyboard area, obviously not enough for the two of us. The Zeus man had already pierced the gun while still in the air, but I reacted faster than him. I passed the gun head and held it up. I touched the front end of the gun, and then tilted it with one hand, but Zeus took advantage of this force to fly over and kicked me with his feet on my chest.

"Bring me down." Tenderly shouted suddenly from behind Zeus, and Zeus who was about to kick me suddenly felt his feet were suddenly trapped by something and tied together, following the whole The person was suddenly pulled back by a huge force. Because it was the pulling force from the feet, Zeus couldn't maintain his balance at all, and hit the ground on the ground in front of the rock with a bang on his face.

Although he did not fall lightly this time, Zeus certainly would not be affected by such a little damage. As soon as he landed on the ground, he immediately rolled over and rolled to the side, and this decision was very timely, because the next second I slammed into the position where he was just standing, and directly stepped on the surrounding ground out of a large spider web. Crack.

After turning over and avoiding Zeus, he turned and sat up from the ground, but he just wanted to stand up, suddenly the power on his feet appeared again, lifting him upside down, huge The power of Zeus made it impossible to break free, so he had to turn around and sweep with the spear blade. As a result, he felt his feet empty as soon as the gun was halfway through. The beauty who wrapped his tail with his feet turned into a white spot. , And then arrived in front of him in a flash. Before he could realize what was going on, the white dots turned into an angel with silver armor all over, and this angel swung his sword away as soon as he appeared.

Although Zeus was up and down, his reaction was not slow, and his spear blocked the sword. However, with a loud noise, Zeus only felt his arms numb and his mouth was torn apart. Severe pain. The opponent's strength seriously exceeded his expectations. Not only was it not weaker than him, it might be stronger.

In fact, what Zeus didn't know was that it was my demon Lingling who just attacked him. As a holy sword angel, Lingling’s holy sword formidable power is very big, and similar to the real red Qianjin fist arm, it has the side effect of increasing the blow power, that is to say, as long as you swing this holy sword, no matter what you use Swipe it harder, and you will get an extra power increase of a fixed power. In addition, the power you use has to be multiplied by a percentage and added to your output power. After these two conversions, the final power output is usually terrible.

Lingling originally used holy sword to release her skills, but it was impossible to surpass the current power of Zeus. After all, Zeus is now overdrawing the entire power of the Olympus Divine Race, so her strength soared very terribly. But since I got the big cat, the Legion beast familiar, my Divine Domain skills have changed a little. In fact, the Divine Domain skills have been changing with the number, strength, and skills of my familiars. After acquiring the Big Cat, the Legion beast familiar, my Divine Domain skills have also changed. Pet Avatar ability.

This ability allows me to summon an individual after being combined, and this individual can switch to any of my familiars according to my will. When Zeus was dragged to the ground just now, Yeyue did it. Then Zeus felt that the opponent was teleporting. In fact, I switched Yeyue to a dart, and then the dart moved to Zeus at the speed of light, and then the dart was moved by Lingling. Instead, he swung the sword directly. In this process, only one of my familiars is always released by summon, and they always occupy a common coordinate position. I can replace any one of the familiars into this position at any time, but I can’t bring out two familiars at the same time. . Of course, if there is a pet at first that does not participate in the combination, of course it can appear independently, but it is different from this kind of summon, because it exists independently, and this kind of summon although the summon is out of this magic pet , But since the Divine Domain skill defaults to his attribute superimposed on my body.

In addition to the above functional characteristics, this kind of summon's familiar has a very good feature, that is, his attribute is not its own basic attribute, but the same as mine. attribute, this is also the reason why Lingling's sword shakes Zeus's hands numb, because Lingling's power at this time is actually the same as mine, which means she has also accepted the divine force indoctrination.

Although Zeus does not know the changes in these attributes, he knows that the enemy in front of him is super strong and powerful. However, before he could figure out how to deal with this super enemy in front of him, Lingling's silhouette flashed suddenly, and Zeus was enveloped by a huge black shadow.

Feeling the Dragon's Might around, Zeus immediately realized that this is a giant dragon. With the strength of Divine Race, as long as it is not besieged by multiple giant dragons, there will be no problem. The threat of giant dragon to Divine Race is actually equivalent to the threat of a dog to ordinary person. Although dogs can hurt people, as long as the person knows to resist, he will not be bitten to death by dogs. Divine Race is the same with giant dragons. As long as you don’t show up in a large group at once, most Divine Races are not afraid of giant dragons. Of course, they generally don’t want to mess with giant dragons. After all, giant dragons have a behavior similar to bees. Killing one can attract a group. You have to have the ability to kill it secretly. Once you are known by Dragon Island, you will wait to be beaten by a group of giant dragons!

Because of the strength comparison between giant dragon and Divine Race, Zeus has no fear of giant dragon. However, he at least knows that this should be the giant dragon from my summon. The general difference is that although he has such thoughts, he still underestimates the strength of luck. After all, this is a giant dragon that has received the divine force core of Divine Race in chaos and order.

As soon as luck appeared, he lifted his paws. Because the distance was so close, it was most suitable to use the paws, so he only slapped Zeus out after a few tenths of a second.

Although the Divine Domain skill allows the Avatar familiar from summon to inherit the same attributes as mine, because the specific manifestations are different magic familiars, there will be some discrepancies in their strengths. For example, when the darts appear, the power will not increase too much, but the increase in speed is rather exaggerated. Otherwise, if the power and damage output of the darts are the same as mine, then I don't need other familiars, just go to the darts to kill Zeus. Anyway, the darts move at the speed of light. Even if Zeus increases his reaction speed tenfold, he cannot keep up with the speed of the darts. There is no solution except being abused or being abused. So, in fact, this so-called attribute is equal, because it should mean the integrated attribute addition, not the total value of the attribute after the addition. What kind of power each monster can get depends mainly on its own attribute characteristics, which are generally strengthened the strongest and supplement the weaker.

Fortunately, it is a large-scale monster, so the power is more sturdy, and it is naturally more exaggerated in this mode. Zeus originally thought it was nothing more than a dragon, and he didn't take it too seriously, but he was slapped and flew out with a slap, and then he slapped it on the isolation barrier and turned into a human pie.

"Huh?" He slapped Zeus with a slap. Fortunately, he looked at his paws in doubt, and then suddenly rushed up happily, facing Zeus who had just come down from the isolation barrier. Long Yan sprayed over. How could Zeus fall twice in the same place after a loss? Seeing lucky inhalation, he immediately thought of giant dragon's iconic innate talent skills, so he quickly stretched his fingers forward, and a red anti-fire Formation was supported.

Roar...Zeus has just completed the anti-fire Formation, and the lucky dragon will arrive later. I don't know if it was a side effect caused by the increase in attributes. Luckily, Long Yan turned pure white, and it was bright and dazzling, which was almost a match for flash bombs. In the process of jetting, the terrifying Long Yan actually took a fighter jet to fly over the general rumbling noise at low altitude, and even Hades and the others couldn't help covering their ears.

With the jet of dragon flames, the ground around Zeus obviously began to soften and turn red, and then gradually turned into a lava pool. Even the place where Zeus stood began to sink, if it weren’t for the anti-fire Formation to block the big Part of the formidable power, this time Zeus must have taken a bath in the lava pit. However, even so, Zeus was very hard to support, and his body was even hotter. Although the anti-fire Formation blocked Long Yan's direct spray, the temperature transmission couldn't stop it. It's like putting an iron pan on a gas stove to cook. Although the fire is blocked by the pan and it is not sprayed directly on the dishes, the dishes are still cooked? Now this anti-fire Formation is the same as that pot, the fire is blocked, but the temperature is not completely blocked.

Fortunately for Zeus, the only thing he is lucky to increase is the basic attribute. His vital capacity has not changed much, so this dragon flame only sprayed for more than 30 seconds and it was over, but when the dragon flame was extinguished At that time, the location where Zeus stood had become an arrow-shaped island. This place was protected by the anti-fire Formation, so it was only burned, but not melted. However, places outside this area have suffered. In addition to this small area, a large area around it has become a lava pool. If the lava here is drained and the large pit left is transformed into a swimming pool, it is estimated that it can be changed to three standard swimming pools. There is surplus.

Compared to the ground and surrounding lava pools, Zeus looks a little better. After all, the anti-fire Formation is mainly to protect himself. There was no blackening on his body, and the armor was not burned red, but the whole body was smoking, and it felt like a steaming man.

After spraying the lucky gesture of the dragon flames, he needed to take another breath, but Zeus over there was taken aback, and immediately threw

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