"Now, hurry up and gather everyone's strength, Nuwa can only help us block for a while!"

"Yes." Wiina quickly began to use her hands Chaos and Order on Divine Race The divine force core media of Divine Race received everyone’s Divine Soul Seal notes, and then began to reverse the power to absorb all the power of everyone into the divine force core.

Looking at Vina being busy over there, I started to pay attention to the situation in Nuwa. Obviously, Zeus was frightened. In order to help us buy time, Nuwa even used his own pressure. Although he did not directly attack Zeus, Nuwa's power level and Zeus simply do not exist at the same level. Even the natural fluctuations emanating from High God are enough to scare you. Most of the Divine Races, not to mention the pressure that was actively released. Now Zeus's brain is about to stop working, and he even feels that his heart is about to stop beating. There seemed to be a voice in his head constantly warning him: "It will die, it will die, it will definitely die!" Vina over there scared Zeus to death, we But here is a little trouble. Vina only used one minute to get the power gathering and reverse transfer work, but encountered a little trouble in the implementation of the candidate.

"Quickly decide, to whom on earth will the power be transmitted?" Vina asked while looking at us.

Hera directly yelled for Vina to give her power. The twelve Star Gods all supported her opinion, but Poseidon did not comment on this, and Hades simply opposed the proposal. Xinghuo thinks it should be given to Peacocks, Hades's people think it is more suitable for Hades, and Hai Divine Race's group of guys suggested to Poseidon.

Looking at the chaotic crowd, Vina asked anxiously: "You have to come up with an idea, I am afraid there is not much time there!"

I heard Vina Asking this again, Poseidon suddenly reached out and stopped the shouts of his subordinates. He said: "This power is not suitable for me. I prefer Hades, but this is only because I think his battle strength is the strongest. I accept it. Power can be the most effective."

Hades also stopped his subordinates yelling: "Poseidon, I am not the strongest existence in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. This power I can’t get the most out of it. I suggest you consider giving it to the president."

"Can I do it too?" I looked towards Vina in surprise. Others also looked towards Vina together, because everyone thought that only the gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order could accept this power, which led to the confusion of everyone’s opinions, so when Hades said such things , Everyone's eyes focused on Vina, hoping to get her answer.

Vina really nodded and said: "It doesn’t have to be someone, I can output this power to any target, even the mobile angel over there is no problem, but who of you can exert the greatest battle strength? Although this power is fixed, the effect of giving a fighting expert or a sports idiot is definitely different. Of course, a spell expert is also OK, anyway, at least one must be good at one attack method, so as to maximize Use battle strength."

"If this is the case, I suggest letting Purple Moon come." The military god who hadn't expressed his opinion before suddenly interjected. "Except for our support personnel, all high-level combatants are present, but the sudden increase in power will inevitably require a process of adaptation. I believe that you will not waste wood to the point where you will not walk because of the sudden increase in power. , But to control this kind of power perfectly, I think you will not do better than the president. Although I can’t tell you the reason, please trust my judgment as a high level commander. No one is present. People can surpass the adaptability of the president."

"I agree." Xinghuo raised his hand first, followed by Peacock also raised his hand in agreement, then Kristina and the three players, and then Hades also raised his hand in approval. Hades was nodded, and the guys who originally belonged to him also chose to approve, and Poseidon then took his own people to express their approval. The Twelve Star Gods thought for a while and finally nodded, only Hera looked at me very upset, and in the end he didn't say anything. However, Vina selectively ignored her existence. Anyway, among the people here, she is the farthest from us. Others have either already joined us or will join us soon. Only Hera is destined not to join. Yes, in the future, at most, it will be the relationship with the Allied forces, so Vina directly ignored Hera's opinions after everyone agreed.

Vina, who was ready, pointed directly to me, and a large number of silver light particles flew out of the silver light ball above her head into my body. However, it is different from Zeus's Plundering Form method. Because Vina uses a gentle excitation method, the chaos and order Divine Race's divine force core has not dissipated. Although a lot of light particles fly out, the divine force core It's still there, it's just turned into a transparent state, it looks like a crystal bubble is floating there, but it has become quite beautiful.

While Vina is injecting strength into me, I am also observing my own attributes. I saw that all the data on the attributes are turning into flying horses with the injection of light particles. The number shown on the watch is climbing wildly, and instead of starting from the ones, it starts from the top one. Like my power attribute, the number in the front is increasing at a rate of one per second, and the number in the back row has been changed too fast because it changes so quickly that all of them can’t be seen clearly. What catches the eye is like a mosaic. Only the front number was scrolling upwards, and it quickly broke through the largest nine and returned to zero again, and suddenly a one popped out of the position where there was no number in front of this number.

This state of crazy attribute increase lasted for more than a minute, and when it was about to complete, Zeus over there seemed to have recovered from his fear. After all, Nuwa didn't really treat him anyway, just a few lessons would not really scare Zeus to the point of losing his mobility. At any rate, it is also the main god, and the psychological endurance is still not bad.

Seeing that Zeus seemed to be recovering, Nuwa took the time to pay attention to our side. Seeing that we were almost finished, she quickly stopped reprimanding Zeus, and finally warned him a few words. Turned around and returned to the door of the earth, and Zeus was relaxed after the door of the earth was closed and wiped the sweat from his forehead. That was all scared by Nuwa. The power gap really made him scared. The powerlessness of the little white rabbit facing the big bad wolf really made Zeus almost collapsed. Fortunately, this scary person is now. High God, who is not paying for his life, has left.

Zeus, who took a breath of breath, immediately began to observe the environment. As a result, he immediately saw the situation on our side. Then he immediately realized that we were taking advantage of the time he was frightened. Kind of plan. He didn't expect Nuwa simply to frighten him to buy us time. It's not that he didn't think of it, but he didn't dare to think about that kind of powerful existence. To put it bluntly, people really want to kill him. Sneezing at him will kill him. Skeleton doesn't exist, so he really doesn't dare to think about these High Gods at all.

After regaining the ability to think and discovering our behavior, Zeus immediately rushed over. Although he didn’t know whether our method could really hurt him, he at least knew not to let us complete this thing. It would only be good for him but not bad, so he rushed forward without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing Zeus rushing in front of me at the speed of a teleportation, the gods behind were all nervous, but in the next second their nervousness disappeared, because Zeus directly He flew backwards at a speed faster than he rushed over, and he plowed a huge gully directly on the ground.

"Is this the power after concentration? It feels really good." At this time, I was still standing on the spot looking at my fist and muttering to myself. It was this fist that punched Zeus. It flew out, and it didn't feel like it was too strenuous.

In fact, Zeus was unlucky enough, because he had just recovered from his fear, even if his thoughts were restored, it was not a normal state, so he ignored some things. He habitually thinks that if our transformation ceremony is not completed, I won't get any power, but from the upward turning state of the big attribute I just looked at, it can be seen that this transformation process is not effective when all must be completed. In fact, this injection process is like refueling the car. No matter when you stop refueling, what has been added to the fuel tank is already added. It does not mean that you have not finished refueling, and the previous refueling will not be counted.

When Zeus rushed up, my injection was indeed not completed, but it was actually a little bit close to the last, and my strength has soared dozens of times because of my attribute column. In, almost all attribute values ​​have one more digit.

Energetic and bustling Zeus who rushed over was rolled back smoothly by a punch, and finally stuck to the isolation barrier in a large font. He was beaten like this when he was going to come and beat someone. This time he was ashamed and left to his grandma's house.

Zeus flying into a rage out of humiliation jumped up from the ground. Looking at this side, I immediately yelled from the sky, and then suddenly stepped forward in front of me.

It really only took one step. Although the distance between us is definitely more than hundreds of times the length of this guy’s legs, he seems to have conducted Spatial Teleportation, stepping in front of me in one step, and then a long spear that does not know when it will appear in his hands. Stabbed directly.

This is a very beautiful long spear, the length of the gun body is about three meters. The rhomboid-shaped gun head is a kind of metal with light blue, which looks a bit like ice, while the gun body part is based on silver white, with many saphire blue line reliefs wrapped around it. In terms of anti-slip effect, on the other hand, it also seems to have the effect of magic marking.

As soon as I saw the gun pierced out, I jumped back and jumped back, but what surprised me was that even though I had left the original position, it still didn't flash away. I didn't know what to do in the void in front of me, suddenly I stretched out a spear head and pierced my heart. When I hurriedly raised my hand to block, the shouts of Hades and Poseidon came almost at the same time.

"Be careful, that's Gunniel."

"What?" Although I heard the prompt, it was too late to react. The gun head in front of me swayed directly behind my arm to block and appeared behind my wrist, and then continued to move towards my heart advancing, seeing that my breastplate was about to be installed. In a hurry, I couldn’t care what power was consumed, so I grabbed the tip of the spear and shouted: "Hell—the world."

At the moment when the skill was activated, a black light The ball appeared in an instant and expanded in the blink of an eye. General I wrapped it in, and then I completely disappeared in the next second, and Zeus was in a lunge position with one leg in the front and the other in the back. This long spear was flat with one hand. Surprised and froze in place.

"How is it possible?"

Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon shouted this together, because only the three of them knew how powerful this thing was at the scene.

In fact, the long spear just now is not just an ordinary weapon, its name is Gunnier, it is an out-and-out divine spear. This thing was supposed to belong to the Nordic Divine Race, which is in a hostile relationship with the Olympus Divine Race, and this thing is the weapon of the Nordic Divine King Odin.

It might sound strange at first, but since it's Odin's stuff, how could it get to Zeus? Aren't the two deadly enemies? In fact, just think about it and you will understand. Fighting between enemies is always commonplace, right? So if one party grabs the other party's weapon, it shouldn't be surprising, right?

"Why is this?" As if stimulated, Zeus retracted his weapon and said again.

It’s unknown over there, so Devena and the others are also looked towards Hades, who seems to know what, and they asked: "What happened just now? Why are you so surprised that Purple Moon was not stabbed?"

Hades, who reacted first, thought for a while and said, "This is mainly because of the gun. It is Odin Divine King's thing, named Gunnier, and it was a handle with Space Law. Weapons."

"Same as the eternity of Purple Moon?" Kristina asked in surprise.

Hades nodded and said: "Purple Moon’s eternity has a cut-off law, which can cut through all existence in the world, including those that have no substance, and this Gunnier has Space Law can stab all objects, no matter you run to the ends of the earth, as long as you still exist, you will surely do it. That's why we are so surprised! The Purple Moon can run away, it really makes us unimaginable! "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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