"pu..." Zeus after landing a mouthful of blood squirted out wildly. After wiping off the blood from his mouth, he looked down at the position of his eyes and mouth. One did not look very much. The big, but one-inch deep fist-shaped dent is printed there. If it is an ordinary person, this fist is enough to break the heart and blast the heart into a ball of rotten flesh. Even with the strength of Zeus, his heart stopped beating for two seconds when he was just hit, and after landing, he sprayed a mouthful of blood. Even now, I still feel that the position of the heart is so painful as if it is pressed against something.

Zeus is still pitying himself on the ground over there, but we don't mean to stop at all. We are crowded, so we want to use this to take advantage of Zeus, so we are impossible to give Zeus some reaction time, unless we feel that we need to stop and check the current situation of Zeus, otherwise we will keep attacking. .

Zeus had just vomited blood and checked the dent in his chest, and immediately felt something flying towards him. Thinking of the current situation, he immediately began to roll to the side and get out of the original position. In the next second, a Trident with an electric arc hit him where he was just now, and then before he could react, the place where the Trident was inserted suddenly exploded, and the huge formidable power directly hit him again. It flew off, and the isolation barrier behind it was bounced back again. What made him didn’t expect was that after rebounding, he saw a leg kicking towards his chest before he even landed. In anxious situation, Zeus raised his hand to catch that leg, but he lifted one in the next second. With the sound of the howling wind, his long legs hit Zeus's head accurately.

If it was before, Zeus wouldn't care about this foot at all, but now it doesn't work. I just hit the peacock’s frontal helmet without knowing where he flew. Now this kick hit him directly on his head without any protection. Even Zeus was kicked stunned by such an attack. Before he could react to the pain, the leg in front of him suddenly retracted. Then, before Zeus's hand was removed, a more powerful leg slid over his palm and kicked it because of his head just now. Above the throat of Zeus who slashed and fell forward.

I have to say that the divine force core is really a good thing, if it weren't for this thing, Zeus had died twice. Just now Zeus was lifted off the isolation barrier by an explosion and then bounced back. In addition to the hack on his head, the forward inertia can be said to be very large, but this leg crossed the protection of his hands and directly hit him. He threw his body to the ground at a forty-five-degree angle, and Zeus leaned back and flipped two somersaults before hitting the isolation barrier again. From the changes in the movement posture of Zeus before and after, we can see how powerful this foot is. If it is an ordinary person, even if this foot does not directly cut the neck, it will at least cause a comminuted fracture of the larynx, anyway. saved. Even if it’s a normal Divine Race, you have to get up on the ground for a long time after getting such a kick, but Zeus has the protection of the divine force core, and you can still have follow-up actions immediately after such a kick.

Just when he was kicked and hit the isolation barrier and bounced back for the second time, three more silhouettes rushed up on our side. A huge fist hit Zeus's face and slammed it. Seeing the huge black shadow attacking, Zeus hurriedly raised his hand to catch the fist, but when the two touched Zeus, they were suddenly taken aback, because his arm did not play any blocking effect and was pushed back by the opponent. , Realizing that the opponent's strength was too great, Zeus quickly put his other hand up, and both arms exerted force at the same time, but this only slightly slowed the opponent's speed a little bit, and finally the opponent froze against him. A fist hit his face with both hands, pressing his whole body on the isolation barrier and his face couldn’t be stunned, and what made him even more depressed was that after he was pushed against the wall, he was next to him. A black shadow of the same size struck him in the stomach with a fist.

Seeing that huge fist, Zeus desperately wanted to push away the fist that pressed his head and hands, but no matter how hard he tried, he could only force the opponent's fist to loosen slightly. Just a little bit, it's a long way to get yourself out. Seeing that the second fist was about to hit himself, Zeus suddenly quickly witted in an emergency, suddenly retracted his abdomen and raised his legs and lifted his feet up and fixed on that fist. Due to the relatively strong leg strength, this fist actually appeared evenly matched with that fist, which just happened to withstand the opponent's attack. Although he was still firmly pressed against the isolation barrier, he was safe at least for the time being.

After feeling that the opponent was resisted by himself, Zeus began to try to get rid of this unfavorable situation, but before he could think about what to do, the opponent moved first. I saw the two huge silhouettes pressing him suddenly moved a little bit to both sides, leaving a gap, followed by Zeus suddenly exerting force through the gap of the opponent's movement, although he did not break free, but he took his head from the opponent's. Suppressed and moved out. After returning his head to his freedom, Zeus immediately looked towards his front, and he just happened to see me rushing towards him with a hook and scythe, and behind me, there were actually two mobile angels pushing in a flying posture. I'm accelerating.

My speed is not slow when I am in the Divine Domain combined state. Coupled with the two-step mobile angel driving the rocket to help me accelerate, this speed is naturally even more exaggerated. Zeus almost didn't react to what was happening. He just saw me and was shot through by me in the next second. The one-foot-long hook and sickle gun pu chi can be more than a meter long when it is pierced in. Not only was Zeus stabbed to the heart, but even the isolation barrier on the back was pierced by a gun, and the spear head has been extended to the outside of the isolation barrier. .

Before, Zeus only touched the isolation barrier and understood that he could not penetrate this thing, because he just started to dabble in the law, and did not really know how to control the law, so Zeus understood the Chinese isolation barrier. It is composed of laws, and unless you encounter a higher priority law, strength alone cannot destroy it. However, it doesn't work for Zeus, doesn't mean it doesn't work for me. Of course, in fact, I really don't have the ability to break the law, but eternity can. Eternity is attached to the law of cutting off. In theory, it can cut off anything, including the law. So not only did Zeus pierce a hole just now, but I also shot through the isolation barrier behind him. Fortunately, it penetrated Zeus. After that, the power was exhausted, so I didn't stab the entire eternal hook.

After a shot opened a hole in Zeus, I immediately withdrew and retreated. The two mobile angels who were holding Zeus quickly retreated to the side and did not get close to Zeus. Just like the principle of our finger, if you directly use the finger to contract and stretch quickly, the speed will not be very fast, but you use another finger to press the finger that you want to bounce, and wait for the strength of this finger to reach When you suddenly release it at the peak, your fingers will straighten out suddenly, and the speed is very fast. This is because our strength can't reach its limit in an instant, and there must be a hard process, which is the same in battle. Just as old hunters often said that the most dangerous wild beast is the injured wild beast. The original intact Zeus is not dangerous, but now it will become very dangerous after being injured by me. We know that this kind of time will be very dangerous, and we don't want to bear this kind of danger, so the best way is to avoid the area near Zeus before Zeus erupts and not give him a chance to erupt. In this way, we not only make ourselves safe, but also give Zeus the feeling of punching the cotton, which will definitely make his psychological defense more vulnerable and unstable.

The military god who is proficient in war psychology guessed right. Just after we dispersed, Zeus suddenly burst into a circle of terrifying golden impact halo, the halo spreading range is about radius two The range of ten meters, but outside this range, there is no impact at all. Although we retreated in time, we didn't flash more than 20 meters. Fortunately, the ten meters that we opened before gave us buffer time. After everyone saw the aperture immediately, they began to retreat as the war god had previously reminded them. The latter two were a little weird and looked like a hunched-back mobile angel, but they passed through the retreating crowd and came to the forefront, following a circle of light blue. The light curtain suddenly rose, just blocking the diffusing golden aperture.

The final result of Zeus’s outbreak was that no one was injured. After the outbreak, Zeus immediately fell as if he had been seriously ill, but even though he shrugged off his whole body, But he didn't slumped on the ground, because my eternity was still stuck in his stomach and didn't pull it out, which was tantamount to nailing him to the isolation barrier.

We can't take the slightest attention to such a powerful enemy as Zeus, so we don't care about how he seems to be dying now, so we just started arraying in accordance with the instructions of the military god. Several melee excited angels in the team quickly stepped forward to the Zeus who was nailed to the isolation barrier. A row of liquefied magic crystal steam missiles hit the past, and those Divine Races began to prepare for their big moves. The liquefied magic crystal steam missile only serves as a delay. We did not intend to kill Zeus by this thing. In fact, at the price of the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, it is also not a cost-effective behavior.

Zeus, who was submerged in the explosion, was of course impossible to hang up. However, through the first-hand information sent back from eternity, I knew that Zeus was injured again. Being pierced through by eternity itself is quite serious damage. The most important thing is that eternity is stuck in the body without being pulled out, so the wound cannot be healed. This is equivalent to causing continuous damage, if not for Zeus is now burning the divine force core , This wound is enough for him.

The smoke of the explosion has not dissipated, Hades took the lead and began to attack the smoke in large-scale spells, but just before Hades’s attack hit, Zeus did a better job. When the fork. He actually cut from his waist into his abdomen with a knife, cut off half of his waist, and then used this incision to remove the eternity stuck in the body, so that he himself was free, but his body was broken. It's only half open. Fortunately, the recovery ability of Divine Race was not bad. With the burning of the divine force core, Zeus is now basically a metamorphosis. The cut wound has recovered within a few seconds, at least no bleeding can be seen outside. NS. Of course, cutting one's waist in half and making it longer is not that absolutely does not have a price, and this price is to burn more Power of Faith, and divine force is in the core. The stored Power of Faith is not infinite, so Zeus is consuming himself, or in other words, consuming the wealth of the entire Olympus Divine Race.

In fact, normal people know that the best solution is to cut off the handle of the gun, and then pull the broken gun body out of the body. The secondary damage is the smallest. However, eternity is not a general weapon. It is not the kind of scythe gun with a wooden handle and iron head, and even the all-metal scythe Zeus can easily cut it off, but the problem is that eternity is the Divine Item in the Divine Item, and Zeus has nothing to do with it, so It is completely impossible to cut it off. Of course, even if it is not cut off, there are other ways. For example, as long as Zeus walks more than two meters forward, let the whole gun body pass through his body, so that it can come out. However, if you do this, you will have to move the gun body a long distance from his body. Not to mention the pain, at least the damage will not be too low. After all, Eternity is not a simple weapon, it can be deformed. . Without mentioning whether it will continue to grow longer, Zeus will never be able to retreat, even if it turns the barrel of the halo into a wolf fang club, it can kill Zeus. As for pulling out the gun body from the gun head, don't expect this. The tip of the gun has been inserted into the isolation barrier, and the isolation barrier will be automatically repaired. If you want to return it, you have to cut a gap. But the law of eternal cutting can take effect in my hands, but it won't work in the hands of Zeus. After all, eternity is a weapon with Artifact Spirit. It is not an ordinary chopper. It can be cut in anyone's hands. Except for me and the people I authorize, ordinary people don't say hacking people when they get eternity, don't hack themselves to death, they should be happy.

Because he could not use general strategies to get himself off the eternal hook and sickle gun, Zeus had no choice but to use a nearly masochistic method to cut off more than half of his body, and then use it for life. The horizontal position brings out eternity. Of course, his behavior at least won him a glimmer of survival, otherwise Hades and their attack magic will arrive one after another, even if he is supported by the entire Olympus Divine Race Power of Faith, it will definitely be finished.

After successfully avoiding the fire attack on our side, Zeus finally fully recognized his current form. Originally, he thought he had already exploded when he burned the core of divine force, but obviously he still underestimated the firepower output after the cooperation of many people on our side. From the beginning of the battle to the present, he has been beaten unilaterally by fat, and he has no chance to fight back, even terrifying, which has a low probability of effective block. Almost every time he attacks, he has to take full damage. If this continues, even with the support of the Divine Force core of Olympus Divine Race, it will certainly not last long. Let’s not talk about when the Power of Faith in the divine force core is enough, even if we take a 10,000 step back, assuming that the Power of Faith in the divine force core is inexhaustible, but even then Can Zeus be able to sustain it by himself? Power of Faith itself does not have a harmful effect. To make them work, Zeus himself needs to be used as a transfer medium, whether it is transformed into life force to restore its own damage, or transformed into divine force to improve itself What's more, the whole process requires Zeus to transit, and this transit actually requires physical strength. It’s like even if a machine gun is equipped with infinite magazines, it’s impossible to fight forever. If Power of Faith is regarded as a bullet, then Zeus himself is the gun, and even if the bullet is infinite, the strong will wear out. Or fever!

After thoroughly thinking about the current situation, Zeus no longer has any luck with his state. At this time, Zeus is truly ready to work hard. No matter how he played before, he was still thinking about not affecting the future development of Olympus Divine Race, but now he finally realized that if he doesn’t work hard now, no matter what will happen to Olympus Divine Race in the future, he Anyway, there must be no future.

Zeus, who understood everything, suddenly heard it after a few consecutive rolls to avoid our follow-up attacks, and our side also had a short firepower because we had just played a round of big moves. blank. Of course, none of the melee personnel on our side have moved yet, so if Zeus thought he could rush to pick up the bargain now, then he would be very wrong.

The fire on our side was suspended, and Zeus was injured and unable to fight back because of continuous avoidance, so the scene became quiet for a while, and at this time, Zeus suddenly figured it out and raised his finger. Angrily roared with our gnashing teeth: "This is what you forced me!"

Following Zeus's words, he suddenly bowed his head and spit out a golden core with golden rays of light from his mouth. The size of this golden core is at least the size of a ping pong ball, but it looks like it is alive on the surface. It does not seem to be a concrete, but is composed of liquid. However, then we realized that this thing is neither solid nor liquid. It should be said that it is simply not an object, but energy, because that thing is the core of the divine force of the Olympus Divine Race.

Zeus spit out the divine force core immediately and gently tossed it upwards. Our Sagittarius Star God immediately raised his hand and was a golden arrow, but the result was that the arrow swished and inserted it. Enter the divine force core, and then the whole arrow flies in, as if the divine force core is a Space-Time Tunnel. In fact, that thing is indeed similar to Space-Time Tunnel, because the next second the Sagittarius Star God immediately clutched his chest and screamed and fell, but we were shocked to find that his chest appeared. A segment of the arrow, aligned with the pattern on it, was clearly the arrow he had just shot out.

Although the divine force core can be said to be a rare thing, there are three high level Divine Races that once mastered the divine force core, and one of them is still connected to a powerful divine force core. That is Vina, and of course the other two are Hades and Poseidon.

Because there are three Divine Races who have the experience of mastering the core of divine force, they immediately shouted when they recruited in Sagittarius to prevent others from remembering their Divine Soul Seal. The Divine Race extracted from the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race prevents them from attacking.

Looking at Hera’s puzzled eyes, Vina, the main god of the current Divine Race of chaos and order, explained: "The core of the divine force is not only the power converter for all members of the Divine Race, but also more important It is also a kind of shackle, a kind of control method. The divine force core in the hands of Zeus is still connected to you Divine Soul Seal of Heavenly God Divine Race of Olympus, and just now Zeus has activated the trial mode, you are now attacking him Both the divine force core and the divine force core will be regarded as rebellion. Your attack will be transmitted back to your own body through your Divine Soul Seal in the divine force core. Therefore, when you attack Zeus now, you are attacking yourself."

"What should I do?" Hera immediately became anxious when she heard that she couldn't make a move now. Unlike us, for an existence like her, this time is equivalent to a stake all on one throw. If we fail, at best we will lose a lot and gain nothing, but for them it is a battle of life and death. Victory is a bright future, and if we lose, there will be no future.

Because of this situation, Hera and the Divine Race, who still have their mark in the Divine Force core of the Olympus Divine Race, are actually more concerned about the outcome of the battle than we are, and now they suddenly get Knowing that they were about to lose the possibility of fighting, these people immediately became anxious.

Listening to Hera’s question, I immediately comforted her and said: "Don’t worry, Zeus is still not our opponent even without you."

"Oh, you really are so. Do you want to?" My voice is not small because I want to cover the whole audience, and Zeus on the other side obviously heard it too. He laughed heartily very excitedly and retorted: "Maybe I was not your opponent before, but that was because I looked ahead and worried that it would affect the future development of Olympus Divine Race, but now I will not hesitate anymore. Olympus Even if Divine Race is ruined, as long as I am alive, everything is possible. So...you all go to die."

"No, stop him." Vina and Hades The three of them, Divine Race, who mastered the core of divine force, all screamed. The mobile angel with the quickest response immediately launched the liquefied magic crystal steam missile moved towards Zeus, and we also attacked afterwards, but the result was still a step too late. I saw Zeus suddenly crushed the golden sphere in his hand, which is the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race, followed by a large number of golden light spots flying out of the crushed divine force core, and all of them were absorbed. When he arrived on Zeus, Zeus suddenly became golden light, like a pure gold sculpture. But we all know that it is not a sculpture, but a manifestation of power.

"What did he do?" Although we all attacked Zeus, it was because we heard Vena and the others shouting. Most of us here don't actually know what Zeus did just now. The only thing we know is that it is definitely not a good thing.

Sure enough, Hades immediately explained: "Zeus just detonated the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race and integrated it with itself. This is the main god who masters the divine force core. A special skill used is a desperate style of play. The use of this ability will have a huge impact on the future of the clan, regardless of whether it wins or not, because it will permanently weaken the strength of the divine force core of the clan, which will affect the Power of Faith. The conversion rate will drop drastically, and all Divine Races previously connected to this divine force core will experience a period of strength regression, requiring a lot of Power of Faith to regain their previous strength."

Hearing this explanation, Hera slumped directly on the ground. The reason she agreed to help us in this war was not to snatch the Olympus Divine Race from Zeus that should belong to her? But now she suddenly learned that the Olympus Divine Race was about to suffer such a big damage due to Zeus. It can be said that the Olympus Divine Race was crippled before the end of the war.

As if he didn’t have enough blows, Poseidon went on to say, “The situation is more than that. In fact, in addition to these harms, there is a very bad situation that uses this move’s main god. Will absorb the power of all members of the race connected to the divine force core, which is why there will be a period of weakness after all Divine Races connected to the divine force core. Because the main god will reversely absorb those Divines through the divine force core The power of Race supplements itself, and the divine force core itself will also become one of the powers of the main god. These powers will greatly increase the power of the main god, and how much it can rise depends on the strength of the divine force core itself and the storage How much Power of Faith, as well as the number of Divine Races connected to the core of the divine force and the strength of these Divine Races, will affect the final reinforcement ratio. However, it is conservatively estimated that the minimum reinforcement of ten times eight times is definitely no problem. ."

It was not only Hera who heard this answer, but we all began to feel depressed. Looking at the previous results, it seems that as long as we cooperate well, it is not a problem to kill Zeus. After all, we have been fighting against Zeus before. However, according to Poseidon, Zeus is now conservatively estimated to be more than eight times stronger than just now, and may even be much higher. How can we beat him with such a strong strength?

battle strength is not calculated by addition. A person with a battle strength of 100 is definitely not equal to two people with a battle strength of 50. It should be said that a person with a battle strength of 100 can kill at least ten people with a battle strength of 50 without injury. Zeus was originally abused by us very badly, but now he has suddenly improved so much. If he doesn't want to do something, I will definitely be abused for a while!

Hearing our conversation, Zeus over there laughed frantically, and then said: "hahahaha, it’s good for you to know, just now so many of you beat me, it should be It's time for revenge."

"What should we do?" Looking at Zeus who be eager to have a try over there, even I became nervous. Confidence or something is based on strength. It is silly for a person to look at the tank cluster on the opposite side with a chopper and still have confidence. What we have to face now is Zeus of Super Lord Divine Grade. One person is equal to the strength of seven or eight Lord Gods. Where do you want me to find confidence?

The tension on our side has not yet eased, Vina suddenly said: "I will tell you two more news. First of all, we better solve Zeus as soon as possible, because he is in this mode. In fact, it is maintained by overdrawing the Power of Faith and divine force of the entire Olympus Divine Race, so if we fight him one day, one night, the Olympus Divine Race can basically be disbanded directly. All now The Olympus Divine Race connected to the core of the divine force will all die. Our plan to dig people is basically half a failure. Except for the Poseidon system, we are impossible to dig another person. Because even if they survive, Will be sucked by Zeus, and there will be no magic cultivator practice anymore."

"We don’t even know if we will be abused. You want us to do it as soon as possible. How do we do it?" Poseidon looked at it. Wei Na said angrily. Although he has agreed to join the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, Poseidon has not yet joined, so compared to Hades, Poseidon is not so polite to Vina, especially at this moment of emotional tension.

Vina probably understood Poseidon’s current mood, so she didn’t care about her, but continued: "Don’t worry, listen to the second thing I said."

"What's the matter?" Poseidon asked.

Vina did not speak this time, but directly spit out a silver white sphere from his mouth, exactly the same as the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race that Zeus vomited before. It’s just that it’s silver white, and it’s smaller.

The divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race that Zeus took out before was crushed by him as soon as it appeared, but the divine force core of the chaotic and order Divine Race that Vina took out After appearing, it quickly expanded and rose up to become a silver white ball of more than two meters in diameter suspended on top of Vina's head, slowly rotating and emitting a kind of cold rays of light. In fact, this form is the normal form of the core of divine force. The reduced form of Immortal Pill is just a compressed form for the convenience of carrying.

Zeus, who saw this thing, not only didn't panic, but laughed. "Hahahaha, didn't expect that you even brought your own divine force core. This is better, let us also integrate your divine force core, so that our Olympus Divine Race can be more powerful ."

Vina looked at Zeus and said, "What you think is beautiful. You may not know that the basic attribute of our chaos and order Divine Race is integration and coordination. Any conflicting attributes are in us. They can all co-exist here. Therefore, other Divine Races need to ignite their own divine force core to do things, we can do it in another way. "Speaking of Vina, she said to those Divine Races around: "If If you don’t want to fail, you have to believe me. I will turn on the divine force core of your race to accept your surrender. You must immediately put your Divine Soul Seal into the divine force core of our chaos and order Divine Race, and then I will transmit Everyone’s power is in one person’s body, so that you can concentrate your power like Zeus to strengthen a super individual, so you won’t be afraid of Zeus."

"We believe in you, do it quickly "Hera shouted suddenly, and then typed out her Divine Soul Seal. Compared to other people, she has no retreat anyway, the so-called life-saving straw, even if she knows that hope is slim, she will desperately seize it, not to mention this method sounds pretty reliable.

Zeus is certainly not an idiot. He also knows that his advantage will be lost after we gather power, so he is impossible to watch us gather power.

"Want to concentrate on me? Dreaming." Zeus said that a lightning bolt suddenly struck him, but what surprised him was that a gate suddenly appeared on the lightning flight path, and then Lightning hit the door frame directly and failed to hit Vina.

Zeus was stunned obviously, but I was relaxed. Fortunately, the opening and closing of the Gate of the Earth moved at will. If the speed were a little slower, we would be completely finished just now. As long as there is something wrong with Vina, our plan to gather strength is equal to a failure, so it was really dangerous just now.

Although it was blocked, Zeus was not so easy to deal with. Finding that the lightning was blocked, he immediately moved to bypass the gate of the earth, and I also moved the gate of the earth quickly to stop him, but when the gate of the earth moved, Zeus immediately took the time to launch lightning and attack Vina, and if I Using the gate of the earth to block the lightning, Zeus must take the opportunity to rush forward. The result is that although I have largely hindered Zeus's advancement, in fact, he is still a little closer.

As soon as we saw this situation, Hades immediately said to us: "I’ll go block it first, you guys move fast."

As soon as Hades charge ahead, he will directly face it. Zeus threw a black beam of light. Zeus didn't even look at it. It was like swiping a fly and blocking the beam of light. Hades was also taken aback when he looked at this, because the strength of his previous and Zeus was actually not that big. Even if Zeus could block his attack, it would definitely not be so easy, but now it seems that Zeus's strength has been completely ignored. He took it seriously.

In fact, this is true. At this time, Zeus has been strengthened so much, his strength has long been against the sky, and there is no possibility of being blocked by Hades. After pulling away the black light, Hades immediately collided with Zeus, but Hades vomited blood and flew back upside down after only one face. When Zeus saw Hades being knocked into the air, he still refused to give up, so he rushed forward and wanted to make another killer move. Fortunately, I have been paying attention to the situation here, and Zeus' intentions were immediately discovered by me, and then I moved the gate of the earth between Zeus and Hades in time. Zeus didn't expect that nasty door appeared again. Although an emergency brake was applied, he accidentally rushed into the door for half a step, but he quickly backed out.

"Damn insect, dare to set foot in the High God country, don’t you know how to write death words?" Even though I only stepped in half a foot, there was an unexpected reaction in the gate of the earth, and the most What surprised me was that it was Nuwa instead of Mother Earth.

Zeus also didn't expect that he would suddenly run out of a High God, and he was so scared that he hurried back to hide, and he was forced to stop after retreating to the edge of the isolation barrier. It's not that he is timid, but Nuwa's divine might be too terrifying. At that moment, Zeus felt that his Fire of Life was about to be blown out by the opponent.

While watching Nuwa threaten Zeus, I suddenly noticed that Nuwa’s hand behind her back pointed at me, and then moved to Vina twice. I immediately reacted. . High God cannot participate in the Nether War. As long as Zeus directly attacks or provokes Nuwa without his brain teasing, Nuwa cannot attack him. However, what Nuwa is doing now is tantamount to temporarily blocking Zeus in disguise, which means that Nuwa is actually buying time for us. It seems that this is another way of thanking them for finding those sma

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