"What's the situation?" The three Goddess who came in behind the three mobile angels pointed surprisedly at the mobile angel hanging on the metal mirror and asked.

"It may be some kind of force field, I don’t know, it’s definitely not a magnet anyway."

Metal is the main component in the material of the mobile angel, but the content of iron should be It’s not big enough for them to be sucked onto that mirror surface. Besides, the four mobile angels we came with are all special models. The star alloys on their bodies are not made of iron. In this case, the suction power should be even greater. Small, so that thing is definitely not a magnet.

"Ling, take a look at what's written on it." The four mobile angels must not be left alone, so I can only summon out Ling to help and take a look, while Vina and Peacock are following me Together they began to advance into the garden, and Spark stayed to protect Ling and the four mobile angels who had temporarily lost their ability to move.

While Ling was studying the metal plate, I carefully touched the end of the picture. In fact, the garden behind the arch is not very big, and its end is the front wall of the bedroom, and the one in it is the door of the bedroom.

The door of this dormitory does not use the custom design of Olympus Divine Race. According to the design style of Olympus Divine Race, the outer doors of the temple building only have door frames, no door panels, and door panels are only used in the rooms inside the building, even the corridors and courtyards have no doors. However, the door of this building has door panels and is quite heavy. The dark wooden structure of the door is covered with green vines. If the top door is not obvious, it is not easy for ordinary people to see that there is a door hidden here.

Because there are no windows on the front of the whole building, there is only such a gate of three meters high and two meters wide, so if we want to enter, we can only consider this door except through the wall.

I don’t dare to violently remove it when I’m not sure if the alarm device is connected to the door, because that might make Zeus come back early, and we still don’t know the divine of Olympus Divine Race. Where is the core of force? In case Zeus returns first if it cannot be found in a short time, it will be troublesome.

For safety, I had to use a conservative method to open the door. I observed the entire gate first, and made sure that there was no mechanism that naked eye could directly see, and then Summon, Yeyue, and Bailang, all of them all have special abilities. In addition to being used in water, Anna’s sonar also has a certain effect on physical materials. Its principle is similar to ultrasonic flaw detection. It uses the difference in reflectivity between different material structures to determine the faults, sections and surfaces that are hidden inside the object. Various complex structures. Of course, because Anna is not a professional doing this, the detection of impossible is too accurate, but it can play an auxiliary role.

Yeyue’s abilities are different from Amina, she uses eyes. In addition to powerful offensive capabilities, Aanna's eyes have many other abilities, such as infrared vision. Yeyue can see infrared, and not only infrared. She can actually see many spectra beyond the range of human vision, including X-rays. Modern people know what X-rays can do, so Yeyue actually has a certain perspective. Of course, like Anna, her ability is not particularly strong, but the effect is indeed better than Anna's sonar, and the two can complement each other.

In the end, the role of white waves is prevention. His hearing is super keen, so it can replace the listener to a certain extent. If I turn on the doorknob or other switch and activate the extra mechanism, he can hear it immediately.

With these three, there is basically no secret at this door. Of course, you still need to be careful when opening the door. After all, all kinds of magic switches are also very troublesome things. If you don't worry about making a mistake, triggering the alarm system can be more than a loss.

As soon as Yeyue and Anna appeared, they started to check the door lock according to my instructions. After confirming the general structure of the door, a mechanism was found near the door handle, but it was not an alarm, but Defense array.

This building is actually covered with an absolute barrier array. If someone triggers the mechanism, the Absolute Defense array will block the entire building for three hours. During this time, the building itself is almost invincible, so once the thing is activated Now, we can say goodbye to the Divine Force core of Olympus Divine Race.

"Can you see the start switch?" I asked Ye Yue nervously.

Yeyue posted on the door and looked at it carefully for a long time before pointing to a position and said: "There is a small mechanism that can be pushed by magic. When you turn the doorknob, you must press this thing synchronously. The rotation mechanism of the door handle is disconnected from the mechanism, otherwise you will start the mechanism by the way when you turn the handle."

"This is easy." I just put the pepper out and let her try. Sure enough, the little thing that was sealed in the door was not a problem for Chili at all. After confirming that the pepper pressed the mechanism, I held the door handle and carefully turned it half a circle, and then gently pushed in. With the rotation of the door shaft, the situation in the room was finally revealed.

This sleeping hall is said to be a sleeping hall, but in fact it is almost like a small villa. It looks like there are only three floors in total, and the first floor is almost full of halls and storage rooms. After coming in, we first let a few companions of sharp ears and keen eyes scan the whole house, and after confirming that there were no magic traps or the like, we were relieved to start searching.

Because I have more Familiars, this kind of manual work is not a problem at all. I released all the humanoid Familiars and started to help me find the various positions in the room. I quickly checked it out. All rooms on the entire first floor.

The central hall is basically empty, this is nothing to check. There is a row of small rooms on either side of the hall. The row on the left seems to be the medicine storage room, which is full of all kinds of high level medicine and medicine materials. Now that I have seen them all, I naturally impossible to leave these things alone, and directly open the door of the earth to let Qilin warrior evacuate everything in one go.

In fact, in addition to the purpose of emptying the warehouse by the way, the most important thing is to facilitate our inspection. The room is full of piles, in case there are hidden doors or the like, so you must first empty it to make sure that there are no hidden doors or the like.

When the Qilin warriors moved the medicine in the room on the left, the room on the right was also opened. This side is also a warehouse, but it contains high level equipment and some very precious magic materials. Of course, this can't be left to Zeus, and it was emptied by the influx of Qilin warrior.

After cleaning up the two rooms, we didn't find any hidden secret passages or the like, so we started searching on the second floor.

When we cleaned the floor below, Yeyue and Aanna, Jiali and Weina, and the others, had already checked the upstairs roughly. First, they confirmed that there were no organs or the like. , Twenty is afraid that there are guards hidden upstairs. As a result, the guards were not found, there were no organs, and no magic traps were found. But it’s normal to think about it. People who are more cautious will generally not put a lot of traps in their own homes. After all, this is where you live. If you get confused and shame yourself, then it’s called moving. I hit myself in the foot with a rock.

After cleaning the first floor, I took the humanoid pet to the second floor. Compared to the first floor, the second floor is significantly smaller by half the area. There are only three rooms above. One of them is a bedroom. The contents are so simple that there is almost no need to check, because there is no cabinet other than a bed. In the other two rooms side by side with the bedroom is a collection room. The area inside is small and there are not many things, but in contrast, all of them are exquisite. That is to say, it is better for me to wear a Divine Item suit, and most players will have to go crazy when they see this room. There is a row of Divine Item suits under the wall facing the door. There are a total of eight sets. Although the attributes are not comparable to my Dragon Soul suits, they are also Divine Item suits, unless they are the best Holy Spirit suits. General equipment is simply incomparable with this Divine Item suit.

"It seems that Rose is going to be happy this time." Vina said after seeing the things in the room. It's no secret that Rose is greedy for money in our guild. After finding so many high level goods this time, she is not happy to have a ghost.

In fact, in addition to the row of Divine Item sets, there are a lot of Divine Items in the room. Although they are not complete sets, the attributes are very exaggerated. Finally, I counted and found that the Divine Item in this room, even if not counting the set, has more than 30 pieces, and all of them are exquisite. The most exaggerated is the golden water bottle placed on a display stand in the middle of the room. At first glance, this thing seems to be an ornament, but when I picked it up and looked at the attribute, I almost didn't throw it out.

This yellow golden flower bottle is actually called "the pot of the sea". I have heard of legends about this thing before, and there is more than one version. One legend says that Athena once sealed Poseidon in this bottle, and another legend says that this bottle can hold water from a sea. However, according to a legend that Hephaestus inadvertently talked about, the biggest possibility of this bottle should be to be able to fit a Divine Race and after a period of time separate the opponent's power for the owner of the bottle to absorb.

Although the ability to separate the power for the master to be absorbed by the owner does not seem to have a close relationship with the name of the Sea Pot, but when I saw the attribute, I realized that this is indeed what Hephaestus said. thing. It can seal a Divine Race in, then separate the opponent's power, and finally store this power in a liquid form. Whoever drinks the liquid in it will get the power of that Divine Race. Of course, the separation of impossible separation of all power can only suck out half of it at most, but this is already quite an exaggeration.

"It's weird."

Seeing me holding the bottle in a daze, Vina next to me patted me, and then asked: "What's wrong?"


I shook my head and said: "The attribute of this bottle says that the bottle is full. I don't know what it means. I just poured it twice and no liquid came out!"

" Full?" Vina wondered about the meaning of being full, and then suddenly asked: "Does this fullness mean not the power of output, but...?"

" I rely on, No way." I also thought of what Weina had guessed, so I immediately turned the bottle upside down and aimed it at the ground, and then instilled magic power at the bottom of the bottle as stated on the attribute and slapped it three times. When I slapped the bottom of the bottle for the last time, I immediately saw a black shadow rolling out from the mouth of the bottle.

"There are really people!" Seeing this tumbling silhouette, we immediately surrounded it. The peacock was the first to squat down next to that person, and then turned it over tentatively, but it was a pity that this guy was obviously dead. Although the body is soft, it is not a person who has just died, but a corpse that has been dead for a long time and has been softened after the dead body stage.

In fact, not only did this person die, but the time to die was definitely quite long, because there was only a layer of skin left on him besides the bones. Obviously, this bottle will continue to absorb the power of the sealed person, and if the opponent resists, it can absorb half of it. If the opponent dies, it can slowly absorb the remaining half until the opponent is completely drained. Of course, this ability has certain limitations, and it may not be available all the time.

"I don't know who was so unlucky who was trapped in this sea pot and turned into a corpse!" Peacock looked at the corpse and exclaimed.

Vina stared at the corpse for a while and suddenly pointed to his hand and said, "Put his hand away, he seems to be holding something."

Listen When we arrived at Vina, the peacock immediately grabbed the opponent's finger and opened it, and then she saw something. After pulling it out, I discovered that it turned out to be a silver short stick. This thing is only four or five centimeters long, a little thinner than the little finger, and there are three holes in it, located at different positions on the surface of the short stick. The short stick doesn't look solid either, it still looks like a mechanism, and the middle section of the short stick is round, but the two ends are hexagonal at one end and triangle at the other end.

Peacock took the short stick and looked at it for a long time, but didn't see anything, so he could only pass it over. After taking it, Vina didn't take a closer look, but gave it to me. After I got this thing, I started to check it carefully. I just watched it not quite clear from the peacock. It turned out that there were not only three holes on the surface of this thing, but seven holes. Because the others were blocked by the peacock's fingers, I didn't see it. In addition, the surface of this thing is not smooth, but has many small protrusions. Although it may seem that there are no rules for these protrusions at first glance, if you look closely, you will find that these small points are actually regular, but the rules are very complicated, and it is temporarily unclear what the specific regularity is.

In addition to the protrusions and holes on the surface, this thing seems to be able to rotate in sections. In fact, this thing is divided into seven sections. The seven holes I saw before happen to be one for each section, and the different sections can be rotated, but the way of rotation is not very fixed. Some of the knots can be rotated forward, and the others can be reversed. Anyway, the law is very complicated.

"Can you see what it is?" Vina asked me.

I frowned thinking about it for a while and then nodded and said: "If there is no accident, this should be a part of some kind of magical mechanical structure, and it is a vital part."

The peacock glanced at the corpse on the ground and said: "We have to hold on to death. Of course, this thing is not irrelevant, but we don't know what this is exactly for now?"

"We It’s not here to play the detective game. What does it do? Finding the core of divine force first is the point.” I said aloud.

Peacock also reacted, but before she could say anything, she heard Sha Yezi's voice coming from outside. "Master, I found something here."

"What?" I asked and ran out. When I came to the corridor, I saw Sha Yezi standing at the door of the opposite room waving at us, and I ran over.

There are a total of three rooms on the second floor. The collection room and bedroom are located on one side of the corridor, while the other side is a whole room. It's obviously a study room, but it's not the same as the study rooms of the main gods I've seen. Zeus's study room obviously doesn't have much scholarly flavor.

As I said before, the Olympus Divine Race is a strong race. They have a lot of fighters and their cultural atmosphere is relatively weak. Compared with other Divine Race’s main gods, whether they are really talented or fake, they will put some high-end books in the study to show their cultural level, but Zeus’s study... tell the truth. Instead of the desk in the middle and the bookshelf at the back, I almost regarded this as a hunting display room.

As soon as the room enters the door, there is a large desk that can be used as a bed. Behind the desk there is only a very narrow bookshelf mounted on a semicircular step higher than the ground. Except for this bookcase and desk, there are no more stationery in the room. The walls on both sides of the bookshelf are densely packed with heads. Most of them are grotesquely shaped. If it weren’t for other things that can barely be seen as heads, they hang on the wall like these grotesquely shaped things. It's not clear what those things are.

Some of these heads are devil beasts, some are monsters, and some are all human heads. Of course, this human head just said that it looks like a human being, not necessarily a human being, and it can even be certain that it is not a human being. Zeus is willing to put these things out, indicating that these all are very meaningful goals. With Zeus's strength, I don’t think killing a person has any meaning to him. If the opponent is Archfiend, Archangel, or even Divine Race, that talent It makes sense. But most of the differences between these humanoid races and humans are manifested in the body. Except for the fact that demons have two more horns than humans, there is no difference between the heads of most humanoid races and humans at all. There is only a row of heads left here. It is really difficult to confirm the race without a body. Fortunately, these heads are not barely hanging there. None of them are inlaid on a shield-shaped wooden sign, and there are written records on this wooden sign, which mainly describe the identity of the previous owner of this head.

"I have to say that Zeus is really mentally problematic." Vina said as she walked into the room and looked at those heads.

In fact, it's not just Vina, I think so too. I can still understand the weird behaviors against human ethics that Zeus has done before as a super pervert with no shame, but now it seems that his problem is more than lust. At least I think most satyrs will not have the habit of collecting human heads.

"Sha Yezi, what do you want me to see?" After a rough glance at those heads, I turned my attention back to Sha Yezi.

Sha Yezi didn't answer my question. Instead, he walked directly to the row of heads on the left side of the room, and then reached out and grabbed the head of one of the humanoid creatures. This is the head of a very beautiful female with a very cold facial expression. She has long red hair with a little sparkle, which looks very beautiful. I doubt very much what purpose Zeus had for collecting this head. However, Sha Yezi didn't let me think for too long. She directly dressed up the lower half of the beauty's head, and then reached in and gently pressed the beauty's upper jaw, only to hear a click, the wall behind the desk suddenly spread. There was a loud noise, and a circle of golden lines suddenly lit up on the wall that was originally tight. These lines formed the feeling of a door frame, just surrounding the entire bookshelf, and then I saw that the semicircular staircase under the bookshelf actually rotated, and the bookshelf also turned into the wall along with the other side that was originally hidden behind the wall. Turned it out.

"This is...?"

"It seems to be some kind of mechanism secret key." I quickly walked around the desk to the semicircular staircase that was originally the bookshelf. What is now turned out here is a frame with ornate decoration on the outside, and a metal plate in the middle. This metal plate is densely covered with various lines, which looks quite complicated, and whenever the lines cross, there must be a hole at the intersection, and it seems that something can be inserted into it.

After staring at these holes for a while, I suddenly reacted, and quickly took out the metal stick I just got from my body, and then made a gesture according to the hole on the wall, the size was just right. , But maybe because I didn’t choose the right hole, I couldn’t insert it.

"You should be the key in your hand, but how do we crack it for so complicated?" Wei Na asked.

Vina's words made me unable to answer, because I was also looking at that thing and worried. This thing looks small in size, it's only one meter high and less than sixty centimeters wide, but there are as many as thirty lines on its surface, and the intersections on it are more than three digits. Don't say I don't. Knowing what rules this thing is opened according to, even if you know it, it is very likely to make a mistake when opening it, after all, there is no number on the densely packed hole, and it is difficult to find it all at once.

"Such a complicated thing should not be able to be opened by Zeus." The voice of Xinghuo suddenly came in from the door. The four mobile angels followed behind her, apparently they had solved the sucker problem. At this time, Xinghuo walked up like us and said: "According to the information obtained before, Zeus is an uneducated barbarian. He is impossible to understand this complicated mechanism, so I think even if this thing is to open a certain secret mechanism, It is definitely not the secret of the core of divine force."

"Yes, yes." Peacock also said, "This stick was turned over in that bottle. Since that stick was grasped by the body in the bottle, It means that Zeus has not found it before, which means that Zeus can't open this place either."

"But isn't it weird that there is a door in Zeus's room that he can't open himself? "Weiner asked.

I thought for a while and said: "Perhaps this is the case. After all, Zeus is not the founder of Olympus Divine Race, and this place is not built by Zeus. I think this institution should be Zeus. It was there before he got here, and Zeus did not get the divine position of Olympus Divine Race Divine King through formal channels, so he may not be able to inherit all the inheritance of Olympus Divine Race. This thing cannot be done later. It's good to seal something that Zeus never got."

"Then I don't think we need to waste time on this. The core of divine force is what we need to pay attention to." Vina said.

I nodded and said: "Don't worry about this, everyone goes to the divine force core."

I heard Ling's voice before my voice said: "You said Is it possible that the core of the divine force is underground?"

With Ling’s voice, we had to turn our eyes together, and found that Ling was standing on the desk at this time, and the desk top actually lit up. A magic array is created. Although I don't specialize in magic patterns and don't know these things very well, the magic patterns on the table are so simple that even I can understand them. This magic array is a segmentation magic, which is a common disguise method used by secret doors. The reason why hidden doors are exposed is often that the cracks in the door are not tight and they are seen by others. But this magic can make the two objects that were originally divided can be temporarily glued together without leaving any gaps, and as long as the magic array is activated by entering the magic power, the two objects will be separated again. Therefore, this magic is most commonly used to disguise the cracks of secret doors. At this moment, such a magic array appeared on the desktop under Ling's feet, indicating that the circle in the middle of the desktop should be separated from the desktop, so it is probably a secret tunnel.

"Activate it and try it." Wei Na said.

I quickly grabbed Lingdao: "Let the darts go down first, at least if it is dangerous, he will run away more easily."

Ling nodded stepped aside. When I got outside the circle, I summoned the darts out and placed them in the circle. Then Ling's wand tapped on the edge of the magic array. The whole magic array suddenly lit up, and then I saw the tabletop where the darts stand suddenly vibrated. It took a while and it rose up, and then it began to rotate while descending, gradually sinking into the tabletop and leaving a round hole in the table. Seeing this, I quickly jumped onto the table and looked down from the hole. As a result, I saw that there was a vertical well below, and it was straight down.

"That's not right." Peacock cried, "This is the second floor. Where does this hole lead to? I didn't see such a passage on the first floor just now?"

Before I could answer one of the mobile angels, I preemptively said: "According to the size comparison, this position is just below the position of the pillar in the lobby on the first floor. This passage should be from the middle of the pillar through the lobby on the first floor. Deep underground."

"No wonder we didn't find the entrance to the basement on the first floor!"

The disc on which we were talking on the darts has dropped a full 100 The meter was deep, and it didn't seem to be to the bottom. Later, for the convenience of observation, I even let Xiaochun throw a row of suspended lighting techniques down to illuminate the entire passage.

In the end, the passage stretched down for nearly three or four kilometers to the end, and the message from the darts indicated that the following was a small room without guards.

Since we know that the following is safe, we naturally have to go in and take a look. But the rotating platform has been lowered, so we had to go down by ourselves. Fortunately, this channel is straight down, so we just need to jump straight down. Although the height of three or four kilometers is very high, we can slow down by supporting the channel walls on both sides. The channel walls of this channel are not smooth and not wide. Even an ordinary person with better physical strength can support the channel with bare hands. Climbing up the wall, let alone high-level personnel in games like ours?

Leave a few Qilin warriors on top to watch out, put away the other familiars, and I quickly got down to the bottom of the cave, and Vina and the mobile angels followed Lu.

Below this is just like what a dart can see, it's a stone room, which looks like at most twenty flat. The four walls around the room are all natural rock, which seems to be excavated on the mountain. Judging from the vertical descending channel, our current position should actually be considered below Mount Olympus.

Although the room is surrounded by rocks on all sides, there is a door on one of the walls. This door is made of metal, and the surface is very difficult to deal with rust, but the door handle is quite shiny. Obviously, people often use this handle in and out, so the rust is worn away.

Because we didn't know what was behind the door, we didn't make a sound after we got down. There are no rookies present, and they all know that you need to be cautious at this time. Vina signaled that I could open the door until everyone was ready. I nodded compared the door to one of the mobile angels. The mobile angel immediately walked to the door and grabbed the doorknob. Then the other three mobile angels took out their weapons and stood with me to the other side of the door. One side is ready to rush in at any time.

I stretched out my hand and gestured to start the countdown to 321. When I retracted the last finger and clenched my fist, the mobile angel holding the door handle immediately pulled away at a relatively gentle speed. After the metal door that looked a little narrow, the three mobile angels outside Lin and I moved quickly and stared at the movement behind the door.

Sure enough, our care was not in vain. At the moment the door opened, a golden silhouette appeared on the other side of the door. The guy was also stunned when he saw us, obviously very surprised, but the next second he reacted and quickly took out a magic crystal and threw it on the ground. However, just as the crystal was about to touch the ground, a white shadow flashed by, and then the crystal disappeared.

"A good dart." While I praised the dart, I rushed over while the guy on the other side was still surprised.

Because according to normal thinking, those who can be sent to guard this kind of place must be trusted elites, so when I threw out, I did my best, and I had already thought about being How to change the next move after blocking. However, it turned out that I hit the door with all my strength and found that the door was unlocked. Although the guy's strength was not too weak, it was really far from what I imagined. Not only did I knock him down at once, but if it weren't for the fact that I thought he was very strong before, and I didn't intend to hurt him when I came up, I could actually kill him. It's a pity that because of the wrong moves, it just knocked him out.

Looking at the guy who was directly hit by me and flew out seven or eight meters before hitting the wall with a bang, I was stunned. Fortunately, the mobile angel who rushed in with me did not drop the chain. When I was in a daze, I had already rushed in and instantly stopped several other targets that wanted to attack me, and then the two sides began to fight.

Although I was stunned for a moment, it didn’t take long, but after a half-second pause, I reacted, and then quickly turned around and ran behind the mobile angel and the enemy on the opposite side. The few guys rushed up.

With the previous experience, I won’t make a mistake this time. It’s a killer move. Seeing the first guy who ran over, I directly raised my hand and shot a crossbow arrow. The guy reacted quickly. As soon as he raised his arm, he used the armor on the outer side of the arm to block the crossbow arrow, but before he put his hand down, he felt a cold in his stomach, then his sight began to lower, and then he fell directly. To the ground. He had just raised his hand to block the crossbow bolt and was indeed successful, but it was a pity that his raised arm blocked his own vision. I took advantage of this time to suddenly accelerate and rush to his side with a sword and cut him into two pieces.

I have got a general understanding of the guards here for two consecutive matches. The strength of these guys should be said to be reasonable, much stronger than the Saint Seiya, but not as good as the genuine Olympus Divine Race, and probably can reach the level of the weakest group of people in the genuine Olympus Divine Race. However, the equipment and battle method of these people do not look like the Olympus Divine Race. The most important thing is that I did not feel the divine force in them.

Even if it is the genuine Olympus Divine Race, except for the group of Peak, most of them are not my opponents. The gang that can only be counted as the countdown in the genuine Olympus Divine Race are naturally not opponents, and as the mobile angels and I broke in, Vina and the others also came in. These guys who don't have the divine force can compete with the regular Divine Race, and they just can't do it right away. There were more than two dozen guards in the entire room, all of them fell on the ground after supporting them for less than fifteen seconds.

"These don't look like Olympus Divine Race, do they?" The peacock asked me aloud after finishing all these people.

I nodded replied: "I also saw this kind of existence for the first time, but I heard Aphrodite say that these should be god fighters."

"God Fighter? The advanced version of Saint Fighter?" Vina guessed the answer at once.

"It can’t be said that it’s an advanced version. In fact, there is no difference between God Warrior and Saint Seiya in essence, except that Saint Seiya wears holy clothes, and God Warrior wears a genuine Olympian Divine Race is the same as Divine Race. You can understand it as a reloaded Saint Seiya." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support. Is my biggest motivation.)

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