"Although I really want to say, I don’t know how to explain this situation, but...well, just assume I didn’t say anything."

When I entered the archway, I originally planned to fight some kind of guards, but in the end I saw... the mobile angel was in a large font, with the head and feet hanging upside down. Above a huge golden mirror. The diameter of this mirror surface is at least five meters, and the surface also has a circle of ring bands. These ring bands are in an alternating state, convex and concave, but no matter whether it is convex or concave, the ring belt It is full of magic texts, and it is not generally full, but a densely packed gap can not be found. Of course, this is secondary. What surprised me the most was that there was a dog-shaped creature beside the metal plate.

Because most of the creatures in the game are combined based on the creatures of the real world, it is not possible to judge the species by pure form. The one in front of me is more than one meter tall and looks like an Alaskan Malamute, but a creature with a silver-white coat cannot simply be considered a dog. At least I don't think that the existence of the main Divine Grade like Zeus will raise an ordinary dog. Besides, even if this thing was really just an ordinary dog, I believe it will definitely not be ordinary after following Zeus. If you don’t believe me, think of Erlang Shen’s Howling Celestial Dog. That product was just a terracotta dog at the beginning, but now what do you think people are like? Waiting for three or five Great Demon is not its opponent. So, even if this thing looks like a dog, you must not treat it as a dog, otherwise you might die without knowing how to die.

However, the reason why I am stuck here at the moment is the dog, because at this time the dog did not explode any terrible battle strength, but was standing on the maneuver. The angel licked his head vigorously, and the big tail behind his butt was still wagging like a propeller, obviously being cute.

Seeing me entering this yard, the dog’s attention immediately turned around, and then the moment he saw me, the guy’s gaze changed instantly, the expression that he was selling cute instantly It turned cold, and at the same time I noticed that its eyes changed from blue to dark red in an instant.

"Damn!" Seeing the change of that guy, I quickly rushed out sideways, and then the dog suddenly appeared in the place where I was standing just like a teleport and took a bite. On the doorpost of the arch, with a click, the thick bucket of the doorpost instantly shattered. You must know that it is not a gatepost made of flower vines. Even though a layer of flower vines is wrapped around the play surface, there are genuine stone pillars inside. Judging from this guy's appearance, biting a stone pillar is like eating a crispy egg roll. His mouth is definitely not worse than luck and plague.

It missed the target with one bite, the big dog immediately turned again, four paws kicked on the ground, all the rocks on the ground were caught and flew, and then it rushed towards me like lightning .

Looking at the big dog flying over from in midair, I moved my body a little bit quickly to let the big mouth open, and then quickly turned around and moved its head after its head passed through my side. Caught in the armpit, and then continued to rotate to forcefully twist its body, and then leapt forward with it, following the power of its pounce, plus the power of my rotating circle, plus me The force that jumped out, together with the impact of our two weights, was all concentrated on the dog's body and slammed into the golden mirror with the mobile angel hanging on it.

When... It seemed that the big bell in the temple was half-ringed, and the loud sound shook my head, and the dog was obviously worse than me. As a dog, this guy’s ears are obviously much better than mine, so suddenly there is such a loud noise, it must be more uncomfortable than me.

Although the impact was loud, there was no damage to the golden mirror, and the mobile angel still hung on it and didn't mean to fall off.

After re-separation, watching the dog swayed and climbed up again, I quickly took out the eternity, and then shook my hand directly, oh la la scattered on the ground with a sound of eternity. A long chain whip, and then with a flick of my wrist, the scattered chains flew up and quickly gathered on the grip of my hand to form a long sword. This is one of the eternal common forms "whip sword".

When I showed eternity, the dog shook his head vigorously. It seemed to wake up, and after glaring at me again, the guy suddenly banged up white. Flame, following this guy's body size also began to grow rapidly, but it did not change too scary, but grew to a height of two meters at the shoulder, more than three meters in length.

"You really are not an ordinary watchdog."

"You are also not an ordinary thief." The big dog suddenly said something human, but it turned out to be I was taken aback.

"Higher devil beast? Is this normal." After reacting, I was relieved. To be honest, if Zeus raises an ordinary dog, I might have to think about whether there is any secret hidden in it, but if it is an advanced devil beast who can speak with intelligence, then there is no problem. Besides, this guy seems to have the potential to be a watchdog indeed.

After hearing what I said, the big dog didn't say anything, but just rushed forward. Seeing the big dog leaping over, I immediately shook my wrist, and the whip sword immediately spread out and drew it horizontally. The big dog was able to turn in the air, and with a flexible twist, he passed through the gap between my whip and sword. I hurriedly pulled the handle, the sword body retracted and tightened, and the ring-shaped chain composed of the scattered whip sword main body also immediately shrank to the middle, but the speed of the big dog was too fast, and only heard when the sword body was recovered. With a loud sound, he cut off a bunch of hair on the tip of the guy’s tail, and did not cause any real damage. In the next second, the guy threw himself in front of me, and his two front paws were pressed on my shoulders. , My head was turned sideways, and I opened my mouth and bit into my face. In terms of his bite force, if this bite is firmly bitten by him, then my head will be squeezed into a pie shape even if it is not bitten off.

Seeing that the open mouth was about to close, I simply threw the Eternal hands to support this guy's elbows and pushed it up, while leaning back and avoiding it. Just hearing a click, the guy's teeth suddenly closed less than two centimeters in front of me, and I even felt my face rubbed against the hair on his face.

When I missed a hit, the guy forced me to the ground, and then opened his mouth to bite again, but my movements were not slow. I used my abdomen to curl my legs to my chest, and then pushed up against the guy's breastbone suddenly. Because of the huge explosive power, not only kicked the guy up, but my whole body started flying upwards with this force. My upper body leaned back to make my body stand upside down, my arms twisted on the ground suddenly, my body rotated and flew upwards, and there were more than a dozen consecutive feet against the guy’s chest, kicking the guy completely off the ground. I got up, and because I was spinning, the power was transferred to it, and the kicking guy also turned around in the sky.

Feeling the power on my feet, I knew that my body's inertia was exhausted and I was about to fall, so I tried my best to give that guy a kick, not only let it continue to fly up, but also make myself Suddenly fell.

A dexterous turn in the air, the left leg is backward, the right leg is squatted under the body, the hands are in the front, and the limbs are on the ground at the same time in a posture similar to one-knee kneels. The impact is Disperse it as much as possible, so it feels like I have fallen on the ground lightly without weight.

As soon as I removed the impact from my side, I immediately looked towards the right front, a fist stretched out, and a claw popped out. The eternity that was thrown away by me before flew towards my fist and finished it in the air. The deformation formed the shape of the three blade claws and slammed into the blade claws directly.

After eternally successfully covering the claws, I straightened up my upper body immediately, but did not stand up, then raised my right arm to my shoulders, followed my legs and jumped up suddenly, and at the same time, my right arm suddenly swung up. out. Originally, with my strength, I would definitely jump up, but when I just stood up straight, the body of the big dog in the sky just fell off. As a result, I hit this guy’s chest with one punch accurately. superior. The power of my thrust and the power of its falling were instantly absorbed by this point. The immense power made my eternally-covered claws and fists penetrated into this guy’s chest like a layer of dead wood. With a cracking sound of fracture, it penetrated its entire chest cavity and shattered its heart, and then cut its vertebrae to the waist. Even a high-level devil beast, this kind of trauma is impossible to handle. That guy lost resistance almost instantly and was lightly thrown to the ground by me.

Although it was a fatal injury, this guy is a high level devil beast after all, and his life force is very strong. It spit out blood and lay on the ground with its head tilted, and then desperately turned its head and looked towards a small nest made of dead branches and leaves on the side of the yard, where there are three cute little hairballs with bright and intelligent large balls. Look at this side.

Just now, I was still happy for my perfect combination attack. After seeing those three pairs of eyes, my good mood instantly disappeared.

"Damn, I hate this kind of thing the most, it makes me feel like I am a bad guy!" Looking at the three poor people over there helplessly, I could only cover my face and summon Xiaochun out. . "Heal it for a while, if it can't die, I don't want it to mess with me again."

Xiaochun started to heal the big dog while looking at the surrounding environment and said: "This is the sleeping house of Zeus. It looks like my bedroom is not as big as my bedroom!"

"This is the front yard. I don’t know how big it is at the back. Besides, the quality of the house is not calculated by area. Ah, give you Forget!" As I said, I suddenly remembered that the mobile angels over there were still hanging on the wall, but before I ran over, I saw three other mobile angels rushing in one after another. Before they saw me suddenly rushing forward, they knew something was wrong, so they speeded up and wanted to come and help. They didn't expect me to move so fast, and I would be finished before they arrived. However, fortunately, they didn't arrive before, otherwise it would distract me, because as soon as the three guys came in, dang dang dang and dang were sucked onto the metal plate and followed in their brother's footsteps. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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