According to the characteristics of the general Divine Race, there must be precious materials in such a deep secret room, and there must be other high-level guards in such a place. As a Divine Race, the so-called high level guard is of course the high level existence of the race. Is there anything more battle strength than the gods in Divine Race? Therefore, if inferred from normal circumstances, there should have been many very powerful Olympus Divine Races in this place.

But. Zeus is not a normal main god. This guy has a lot of strange behaviors, his thoughts are also very abnormal, and he basically belongs to a kind of abnormal personality. Because he doesn't trust his own people, he dare not use the Olympus Divine Race to guard the places he thinks are very important. But if there is no guard, he is not at ease, so in the end he chose the god warrior, a group of holy warriors wearing god armor. Because it is not a Divine Race but a Saint Seiya, it does not pose a threat to Zeus. Secondly, there is a guarantee of faith and generally will not rebel.

Although there are reasons for Zeus's idea, it is an incorrect choice after all, so the final result of this group of guards is that the arrangement is the same as that of no arrangement. Facing the intrusion of our kind of powerful team, these god fighters hardly had any interception effect, and they were all brought down in three or two strokes.

Drag the dead god fighters to a corner of the room, and the souls of the remaining ones who are still alive were picked up by Xinghuo and started interrogation. Facing the interrogation of the high-level Divine Race, the souls of these guys collapsed after only ten seconds of support, and then we learned a very important news, that is, this is indeed the depository of the core of divine force, but it is only the former .

"What? The core of divine force is not here?" All of us who were present were dumbfounded when we got this answer. It was all the Hades’s Hades dispatched to sneak in, and the mobile fortress of Isengard bombarded Mount Olympus. It made such a big move. The entire Olympus Divine Race and our Frost Rose League were all turned on their backs. In the end, they actually rushed to the air. What's the matter?

"Quickly ask where the divine force core is now?" I suddenly reacted and said to Xinghuo.

When Xinghuo heard what I said, he immediately reacted to interrogate those souls, and the answer was even more shocking than the news that the core of divine force was not here, because according to these god fighters, The divine force core of Olympus Divine Race was actually swallowed by Zeus. In other words, the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race is now in Zeus.

"Damn, is this cheating?" I almost didn't jump up when I heard this answer. The reason why we sneak in secretly is to make a time difference while Zeus is away, and then when Zeus comes back, we only need to block him for a while to finish. Unfortunately, the result is really surprising. Not only is the core of divine force not here, but it was also swallowed by Zeus. There is no problem of sneaking in. If you want to get the core of divine force of Olympus Divine Race, all you need to do is grab the core of divine force. There is only looting, and it must be a looting!

"What shall we do now?" Peacock asked.

Wei Na said directly: "Do you still need to ask? We have made such a huge plan, invested so much manpower and material resources, and finally if we get nothing, then how can we get along with the people in the meeting? Explain?"

"You mean we are going to grab Zeus?" Peacock said with some worry: "That guy was originally the main god, and now he has swallowed the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race. The battle strength must be broken. I have confidence to block him. Is it too whimsical to subdue him?"

"Even if it is whimsical, it must be played." I replied affirmatively: "Vina said Yes, our efforts cannot be in vain. Since it has already started, we cannot stop. No matter how fierce Zeus is, we must take him down."


< p>"when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current, there will always be a way. Besides, you said it yourself, you are confident that you can hold him, that’s enough. at worst we First get all of Zeus's subordinates, and then concentrate on fighting him. I don’t believe that we are chaos and order. Divine Race, so many gods together, can’t get him. By the way, we can also call Hera to help. , It is said that her strength is not much worse than Zeus."

"It seems that it can only be a group fight." Xinghuo sighed: "It's been a long time since I let go of my hands and feet. But a group fight. What should I do if there are casualties?"

"This is not a problem." I said directly: "Everyone is equipped with an ear-hook communicator, I will let the military god command the scene, and ensure that you will follow one It’s human. We can also arrange for several mobile angels to be used as ambulances for Divine Race, specifically responsible for sending people out. Once we find anyone in danger, we will send two mobile angels to temporarily block Zeus. Leave a two-part one to drag the wounded out. I think as long as you pay attention, it is not easy for Zeus to kill people."

"That said."

Everyone is sure. After probably planning to leave here, of course we all walked around in the back rooms. It's rare to come in, even if the divine force core is not there, at least you have to see if there is something else here.

The place where the god fighters fight with us is actually similar to the guard room, the furnishings are very simple, basically an empty room. There is a corridor directly behind the guard room, which extends for less than ten meters and then separates to both sides into a Y-shaped fork. Connected by the left side road is a suite, which contains a lot of living supplies and bedroom and study. It feels like a secret residence, and it should be for six people.

We estimate that this place should not have been built by Zeus himself, but has existed a long time ago. This is probably the divine force core depository of the Olympus Divine Race long ago, but the Divine Kings in the past were relatively normal, so they used the gods of the Olympus Divine Race to guard the divine force core. These six rooms of very high standards are probably the residences of the six gods.

The fork on the right side of the passage is more than twice longer than the one on the left, and at the end of the passage is a heavy metal door like the gate of a bank vault, and rays of light shine from the door. light can see that at least a dozen kinds of protective magic have been added to this door.

Although there is a lot of magic protection here, because we found the key from the guards outside and questioned how to unlock the lock, this door is a virtual action for us.

Behind the gate is a spherical room with a diameter of more than ten meters. The gate is not at the bottom of the spherical room, but a little bit down from the equator. After entering from the door, you can see the whole room. A circle of frame-type metal passages were built on the inner wall of the room, and through several steps, you can go down from Level 1 on the passage to the bottom of the sphere. At that location there is a small operating table with a thin metal column supporting a metal ring with a diameter of seven or eight meters. Although this ring must be together now, it can be seen that it should actually be composed of many rings nested with each other. According to Wei Na's explanation, this thing should be a force field generator with a dual function of restraint and protection. Its function is to restrict the movement of the divine force core while protecting it from damage by outsiders.

Originally, this ring should rise to the center of the room, and there is also a very complicated control system on the console below, it is very difficult to close the force field close to the core of divine force. But now the core of divine force is not here, and the force field generator is not activated.

After checking the two fork roads, we found nothing of value, so we returned to the vertical well outside, and then went to Zeus's study.

As soon as I climbed out from here, I felt something was wrong in the room. I took a closer look and found that the heads on the wall were gone.

"Huh? Where are those heads?" I looked at the surrounding Qilin warriors in surprise and asked.

Unexpectedly, a Qilin warrior was surprised to replied: "It has been taken into the gate of the earth."

"I...I just let you take the valuable Things moved, what did you take away those heads for? I’m not a pervert, what do you want those heads to do?"

"Master Skot asked us to move."

"Huh?" When I heard that it was Skots, I had to call Skots, but Skots didn’t have any doubts about this, and he told me that these things are actually very valuable, so he They were moved away. "You said those heads are valuable?"

Scott nodded and said: "I just found out when I was instructing Qilin warrior to move things. Those heads were actually not dead, although they were cut. I have come down, but they have all been sealed by the time and space seal technique, so if some special methods are used, these creatures can actually be resurrected."

When I said that, I also understand what he meant. Although these creatures themselves may not be at the worst, since they can be hung here, they must have something to do with Zeus, and maybe some important information can be obtained from them. Even now, I have already thought of how to bring them back to life. Don't forget that Hades is now a member of our Frost Rose League. With him, as long as he is not dead, or as long as there is a soul, he can be resurrected.

Since I knew that these heads were useful, I didn't say anything, and took everyone to evacuate Zeus's house quickly, and then withdrew from here. When passing by the garden at the door, the big dog had been healed before, but it looked weak. According to Xiaochun, she deliberately inspired the big dog’s life force according to my request to heal the injury, but the big dog was cured. The dog's stamina was exhausted. So from a medical point of view, the big dog is very healthy, but he himself feels as if he just ran for three days and three nights without sleep. He was tired and almost died.

Seeing my appearance, the big dog barely opened his eyes and glanced at me, then suddenly struggled to stand up. This action made me stunned for a moment, and then before I could make any response, the big dog fell down again and looked at me with pleading eyes.

My eyebrows were slightly frowned when I saw the other person's gaze, and then I was relieved. After the gate of the earth of summon, Qilin warrior asked Qilin warrior to directly move him and his puppies in. By the way, he also installed the metal mirror with suction cup function. This thing seems to have a special purpose, you can throw it back to the research department to study it.

After finishing all the work, we immediately left Zeus’s bedroom and entered the Pantheon area in front. I don’t know if it’s the reason why the battle has become more intense. Pantheon is almost turning into a ghost palace now.

After we got out of Pantheon, we didn't go down the mountain anymore, we just got out of the air. The restricted array was bombarded into cannon fodder by Isengard Mobile Fortress. Besides, the thing was not on the outside, and it didn’t restrict people from flying away, but it’s just not allowed to fly in.

Gliding all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, we found our aircraft and quickly activated it and returned from the direction moved towards Isengard Mobile Fortress. In less than five minutes we saw a large horrible battlefield.

This is not an ordinary battlefield, because it is three-dimensional. Except for the crowds fighting on the ground, from low altitude to high altitude, there is almost no blank area in the entire area. Various combatants fight each other together, which is completely a scene of Asura hell. However, although it looks like a terrible fight, in fact, the casualties are basically from the Olympus Divine Race. Because of the existence of the god of war, the injured can always get timely cover from nearby personnel, and then pay back. There is a special rescue team to help the wounded get out of the battlefield. Therefore, there are many more injured people on our side than on the Olympus Divine Race, but less than one-fifth of the death toll on the other side's deaths.

"It looks like the situation is terrible." Because I entered the control area of ​​my own person, I cancelled the stealth function of the ghost aircraft. When not in stealth, all personnel can see the outside situation, instead of only a few sight glasses can be used in stealth mode.

When I heard Xinghuo's words, I directly contacted the military god, and after the military god reported the situation, they were relieved a lot.

I let the mobile angel drive the aircraft to bypass the battlefield and land on the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and then the three of Vena and the others ran to support the frontline operations, and I went to the army. God told him about the current situation.

Rose and the think tank are both at the military god's place at this time. After hearing what I said, they all thought about the situation, and the final conclusions were similar to what we had hurriedly figured out before. This battle is impossible to return empty-handed, and the divine force core is in the belly of Zeus, which determines that we must bring Zeus down, otherwise we will not be able to contact the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race. So the method I thought of before is almost inevitable, and what think tanks can do is to deal with the details.

"In fact, if you want to fight Zeus in a group, you may not have to kill all the allegiance to Zeus in the Olympus Divine Race." Rose said: "Let’s not say whether your plan can be completed. Assuming feasible, we killed all the Olympus Divine Races that could have been transformed, and the final damage was the power of Hera’s new Olympus Divine Race. This is not good for our plan, so we can’t eradicate those Olympus Divine Races first. Divine Race. Besides, there are too many people. Your planned war will last at least three days. The Russians and Nobunaga are conspiring to attack us. This time I agreed to attack the Olympus Divine Race. Just thinking of a sudden attack and retreat immediately after getting the benefits. Once the war develops into a protracted war, Russia will inevitably see the opportunity and take advantage of it. The Northern Alliance and the Warm-blood have indeed made preparations in advance, but Without us as the backbone to support the entire front, the battle will cause massive damage to our players, which is not in our interests."

"So what is the feasible way?" I know Rose must have That's the way to say it. Because I know that she doesn't want to give up more than I do, and if there is no better way, even if my plan will hurt the interests of the guild, Rose will continue to do it.

Sure enough, Rose heard what I said and immediately said: "Remember our fighting arena system?"

I nodded and said: "Isn't it something for players to learn from? "

Ross said: "Because our guild has recently poured into a large number of Divine Races, and these Divine Races sometimes want to compete when they are not free, but you also know that Divine Races are all NPCs. Only one life, in case of casualties, it is very troublesome, but the effect of fighting without fighting with all strength is not reflected. Therefore, at the request of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, the research department of our guild analyzed the restricted magic pattern of the fighting arena. As a result, a brand-new open fighting arena is created. This fighting arena can set up a certain area directly outside the city as a fighting arena and temporarily close this area. The inside and outside of the area cannot be entered and exited in any way until the restrictions are lifted. In addition, During the experiment, this fighting arena found that there is a BUG that is not considered a BUG, ​​that is, when this thing generates the fighting arena space, it will not expel the people in the space. That is to say, if we can force the location of Zeus to be the fighting area, Then Zeus is equivalent to being sealed in the area. Of course, for the system, Zeus is not actually a person participating in a fighting game, so he does not enjoy the protection of immortality. Of course, he can also kill us and get people, because he and ours People are not a fair fight, so they don’t enjoy system protection."

I understand the meaning of roses. According to Rose, when this fighting arena generates a competition area, others will be trapped in, but those trapped in can't get out, and people outside can't get in either. In this way we can actually create a closed area for us to surround and beat Zeus, he can't run yet. The other Olympus Divine Race personnel couldn't help if they couldn't get in. We also achieved the goal of besieging Zeus.

"Sounds good, but this thing has a price, right?" I asked.

Rose nodded and said: "It takes energy to start this thing. A lot of energy. Converted into magic crystal and then converted into the purchase price, it costs about 1,000 crystal coins per minute."

"This shouldn't be too much, right?" It sounds like one minute of one thousand crystal coins is quite expensive, but ours is a guild action, not a personal action, so the sharing is really not too much. Normally, during naval battles, the fleet fires more than this number of shells per minute. We still have to fight for a few hours in naval battles, and we haven't seen any funding shortage in our guild? So the price is really not high. Zeus no matter how big it is, so many of us beat him up, I don't believe that he can support one day and one night.

Rose said: "Funding is really not a problem. The key is that you all went in and beat Zeus. The Olympus Divine Race outside is a bit troublesome. We may not have enough manpower." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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