With the departure of those Olympus Divine Races, the Olympus Mountain regained its tranquility, but this tranquility did not last long. Just when we thought we would be quiet for a while, there was a strange whistle-like sound over our heads, and I immediately turned the observation mirror to look towards the sky, and immediately saw a large group of huge objects dragging one. After another white tail flames moved towards Mount Olympus whizzing.

"It's the divine arrow system." The mobile angel sitting in the front row said aloud.

"Okay, we can get off the spaceship, and our infiltration operation is about to begin."

"Can we finally go out?" The peacock was obviously suffocated and heard My words immediately rushed down the aircraft, and we also got off the aircraft.

The appearance of the divine arrow system indicates that Isengard’s mobile fortress has entered the attack range, so the subsequent blows will continue, and after that, the Olympus Divine Race will no longer be able to maintain the opposition to Olympus. For the surveillance and reconnaissance of the mountain, we no longer need to hide in the aircraft.

Out of the aircraft, the peacocks immediately focused their gazes on the top of their heads, because the divine arrow flying in the front had reached above us. Before the distance was far, we couldn’t see clearly. When the divine arrow system got closer, we discovered that these divine arrows were actually added.

The original divine arrow system was a bare missile, but now this divine arrow looks like a bundled rocket. A huge body in the middle is the original divine arrow system, while the periphery is divided into There are three sections of high, middle and low, each section bundles a circle of eight things like small booster rockets. However, in fact, these things are simply not boosting rockets, nor do they produce any propulsion. They are just hanging on the divine arrow.

Because of these additional loads, the speed of the divine arrow seems to have been greatly affected, so that the speed has dropped below the speed of sound, but it is still relatively fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the first divine arrow flew over our heads and hit a temple at the foot of the mountain, and then pierced in like a window paper, followed by a bang. , The whole temple and a large group of nearby buildings were completely engulfed by flames in an instant, the billowing heat, mixed with dense smoke and building fragments, scattered like rainstorms, even if we were several kilometers away from the foot of the mountain, we heard from overhead. There was a crackle sound, it was the sound of building debris hitting leaves and branches.

The Fireball produced by the first round explosion here has not completely separated from the ground. The second beautiful divine arrow has already followed closely, and the pu' sound has penetrated into the second seat located a little higher on the foot of the mountain. The temple, followed without hindrance, got in. Boom... The same explosion happened again, and the real mountain shook. The explosive power of the divine arrow system itself is not low, and now it has been bundled with three circles of liquefied magic crystal steam as an auxiliary explosive. This formidable power is no less than a tactical nuclear weapon. Even the temple with divine force blessing and protection is still so fragile and weak in the face of this super weapon.

Just after the second divine arrow exploded, the third, fourth, and fifth divine arrows ran into their targets indiscriminately. The huge Fireball skyrocketed, shaking. The mountains are shaking. However, the sixth divine arrow that followed did not hit the mountain. Instead, it disintegrated suddenly in midair. Following the liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs attached to it, it scattered like a flower. Immediately afterwards, the entire front of Mount Olympus seemed to have been attacked by a group of rockets. Fire was everywhere, and flames rose everywhere. In one place, I even saw a few humanoid objects thrown into the sky.

"Ohhhhhh, it's really spectacular!" Xinghuo couldn't help but cried out excitedly as he looked at the frontal mountain that had been swallowed by the raging fire. Although the battle strengths of Divine Race are terrifying, if it is only destructive power, modern weapons relying on technology are actually the most perfect existence that truly interprets the aesthetics of violence.

"Shall we start sneaking now?" The spark beside him was not as excited as a peacock, but calmly asked me what to do. Although this task is mainly completed by Vina, I am the operational commander. In contrast, among the people present, I was the one who went out to work the most. Besides, I was the president myself, and I was also the highest in terms of status.

"No, we won’t move for now."

Xinghuo didn’t quite understand why she didn’t take advantage of it, but her question was quickly answered by the Olympus Divine Race opposite. .

As the sixth divine arrow successfully exploded, the seventh divine arrow has reached the top of our head, and then moved towards the mountain rushed away, but just when it crossed our head and started the final acceleration , The divine arrow exploded suddenly without warning. Because the distance was too close, the huge sound and flames even hit the forest where we were. Many of the surrounding trees were smashed by the blast, and even we had to temporarily cover our eyes and face with our arms to resist the high temperature.

After the heat wave passed a little bit, Xinghuo and the others immediately lowered their arms. In the past, blocking most of them by hand was an instinctive reaction. In fact, the explosion at this distance has no effect on us at all.

Looking at the Fireball that was still rolling ahead, we finally saw the cause of the divine arrow explosion-the protective cover. On the periphery of Mount Olympus, a pale-gold light shield appeared around the mountain at some point, and the seventh divine arrow exploded because it hit the shield.

As soon as we saw the shield, the divine arrow from behind also arrived one after another, followed by a burst of one after another explosion on the surface of the shield, of course, all of them were blocked without exception. Come down.

"There is this thing, how do we get in?" Peacock asked while looking at the protective cover.

"That's why Isengard Mobile Fortress is needed to help us clear the way." As I said, I waved them to follow, and then took the lead in moving towards Mount Olympus. Although the peacock was very puzzled, he still didn't say anything, and walked directly with me.

As we were walking towards Mount Olympus, the follow-up divine arrow had all hit the protective shield and burst into a large cloud of fire, bringing the entire front of Mount Olympus It was all glowing red, and the protective shield of Mount Olympus gleamed in the explosion, and it was obvious that it had reached the maximum output power.

Taking advantage of the flames of the explosion, a few of us quickly slipped to the edge of the protective shield, which is the foot of Mount Olympus. This place should have been guarded by the Olympus Divine Race, but at this time there is no longer a problem of guarding or not guarding, because this place has now been completely flattened. In the air strike just now, the target of the first round was the temple at the foot of the mountain. Although it did not directly aim at the sentry post, the formidable power of the explosion was too large, so the sentry here was also destroyed.

Relying on a few pieces of building fragments that never knew where, we hid them carefully, and then looked closely at the protective cover above our heads. Now we are very close to this protective cover, it can be said that we can reach the surface of the protective cover by reaching out. If we try hard, with the three of Vina and the others, we might be able to make a hole in the protective cover, but this time we sneaked in secretly, so we can't do that kind of thing.

"Well, what are we doing now?" Peacock asked, leaning on a fragment of building.

"Wait." I looked at the distant sky and said, "Since Isengard Mobile Fortress launched the divine arrow system, it means that they are not far from us. All we need now is to wait. When Isengard’s mobile fortress enters range, he will use the fortress cannon strikes Olympus. This protective shield is still good for the personnel. With the firepower of Isinger’s mobile fortress, it can be bombed within a few minutes at most. Come out of a hole."

"I hope Isinger Mobile Fortress will arrive soon." Peacock said.

"That depends on how Hades's interception mission is done." Xinghuo followed.

Vina looked at the sky, and then said, "Maybe we don’t have to wait too long."


Vina did not answer, Instead, we pointed to the sky. We followed her fingers and looked over, only to see a large black spot appearing in the sky.

"Mobile angel battallion?" At a glance, I recognized that the flying black spots are the mobile angels of our guild, and this number is absolutely impossible to be a unit of the Olympus Divine Race, because They simply don't have so many flying units.

At this time, those flying units are approaching Mount Olympus at a high speed, but there is an emergency and another group of flying creatures took off from Mount Olympus. It is estimated that the most likely is to intercept Those mobile angels. However, the mobile angels over there didn't have any intention to stop. Instead, the group of mobile angels flying in the front took the initiative to lower the altitude to face the flying units and rushed up.

The flying devil beast of the Olympus Divine Race just flew out of the protective cover and encountered the group of mobile angels that voluntarily descended in the air, but it hadn’t waited for the devil beasts to take any action. The mobile angels on the opposite side collectively opened some of the hidden magazines on their bodies, and then saw that at least eight magic crystal steam missiles flew out of each mobile angel, and then the missiles with white tails moved towards the nearest. The devil beasts rushed up, followed by fireballs bursting in the air, and the groups of devil beasts fell like rain.

The devil beast that can fly, except for giant dragons, the body strength is generally not too high. After all, flying needs a lightweight body, and weight reduction is often accompanied by a decrease in strength, so flying The devil beast is generally inferior in terms of its defensive power. This group of flying devil beasts was suddenly hit head-on by the huge formidable power liquefied magic crystal steam missiles, and it is impossible to die.

Looking at the devil beast falling down from the rustling sound, we were all excited and applauded below, but the battle of the mobile angels over there was obviously not over.

The liquefied magic crystal steam missile only solved about four-fifths of the devil beast. The remaining flying devil beast still collided with the mobile angels, but the battle between the two sides was still fighting at a long distance. About the same, the remaining flying devil beast was reduced by 70% to 80% after only one encounter, and the rest was also shot down to the ground by the follow-up mobile angel cutting melons and vegetables. The guild’s air combat mobile angels were originally designed for air combat. They carry a large number of air combat equipment and have especially strengthened air combat fighting skills. This kind of fighting technique suitable for fighting in the air is different from the fighting technique on the ground. Because there is no place to fix the body, this kind of fighting technique pays attention to the control of the time of exertion, because if you can't face the direction of the enemy's impact, Your strength will push the enemy away instead of hurting the opponent's body.

Because of the effect of this fighting technique, coupled with the super high reaction speed of the air combat type excited angels, those flying devil beasts that only fight instinctively are like hares coming to hunters to play hide-and-seek, pure It is courting death.

After killing the flying devil beasts, the mobile angels participating in the fighting did not continue to attack the protective shield on Mount Olympus, but immediately turned around and drilled back from below the mobile angels, but At this time, the subsequent mobile angels have also entered the dive stage, and then opened their bomb nests, and then we saw a large swath of densely packed liquefied magic crystal steam missiles moved towards the protective cover.

The missiles launched by the first batch of mobile angels have not hit the protective cover, and the second batch of mobile angels has already entered the dive bombing stage. As the first batch of missiles hit the target almost indiscriminately, Two batches of missiles have also been launched. Suddenly, various explosions flashed on the protective cover on the front of Mount Olympus, and the protective cover itself was shining endlessly to illuminate the nearby sky.

As more and more mobile angels joined the attack sequence, the protective shield on Olympus began to flash faster and faster, and just a few minutes later, suddenly we heard a sharp burst The air-splitting sound started, and then a dense flame cloud suddenly appeared near the top of the protective cover, completely covering the entire Olympus.

"Wow, so beautiful!" The peacock called this excitedly.

Xinghuo turned his head and glanced at the direction of Isinger Mobile Fortress, and then said: "It looks like Hades did a good job, Isinger Mobile Fortress entered range a few minutes earlier than expected."< /p>

"This shows that Aphrodite did a good job of recruiting before. There are too few people under Zeus, so it can't stop Hades from attacking." I said, and then I thought about it again. He added: "Of course it may be because of Hera."

Vina and the others don’t know the agreement signed by Hera and us, so I told them about it. I heard that we still With such a super heavyweight internal response, Vina and the others are relaxed a lot. In any case, Hera is also able to fight against Zeus, so there should be such an internal existence, we have to sneak into the plan will definitely be a lot smoother.

While hindering me from explaining Hera’s refuge with them, in the sky the same whistling sound once again sounded, and within two seconds I saw the top of the protective shield rise again. There was a large fire cloud, and less than five seconds later, a larger fireball burst suddenly on the front of the protective cover. However, although the fireball covered a large area this time, the formidable power was much smaller. At least look. Every Fireball laughed more than the ones above.

After two consecutive rounds of attacks, the attack seemed to have entered a standstill. There was no new movement for more than ten seconds. However, after ten seconds, with the sound of breaking air, the entire Olympus Si Shan's protective shield was instantly covered by flames, and besides the physical shells, energy weapons appeared this time. Among them, two huge beams directly hit the protective cover, and instructed the entire protective cover to flicker a few times. During this period, there seemed to be an energy fault. For a moment, the protective cover seemed to disappear.

Although it looked scary, the protective shield finally persisted. This round of shelling did not get the expected effect, but only caused a short pause in the protective cover. However, as Isengard moved closer to the fortress, this kind of crisis began to become more frequent.

It's like the impossible on a battleship. Every gun is the main gun. The cannon with the largest caliber and the farthest range can only have so few guns. The weapons on Isinger Mobile Fortress are not all the same size. Although Isinger Mobile Fortress is much larger than battleship, it can be equipped with many large weapons, but small and medium weapons must be equipped. After all, the main target of Isinger Mobile Fortress is not something as big as itself, but those humanoid units that are as big as flies and mosquitoes to it, so most of the weapons equipped on Isinger Mobile Fortress are not right. The city uses weapons, but weapons against people. The range of these weapons is far less than that of the specialized weapons against the city. So although the fire cloud on Mount Olympus was very large at first, there was only that one. It was actually because there were only a few ultra-long-range cannons firing at the time. That's it. Later, the explosion on the shield became messy and dense. That was because as the distance approached, some Level 2 artillery also entered the range. As for now, even the energy weapons with the shortest range have entered the range one after another, so Austrian The protective shield on Mount Linpi was sadly reminded.

After the exploded protective cover disappeared several times in a row, the attack on the mobile fortress of Isengard suddenly stopped, and then quieted for a few seconds, and suddenly a large area was densely packed. The black dots flew over, and then these black dots hit the protective shield of Mount Olympus one after another, exploding it with shaking and flashing, followed by three thick beams of light suddenly tore the night sky straight from a distance Come. When the beam of light hit the protective cover, it immediately issued a sharp scream and violent flashes. The entire Olympus area became a white world, and the Olympus protective cover finally After persisting for two seconds, it was completely penetrated, and the beam of light passed straight through and hit the mountain of Olympus. The temple complex that was aimed directly at by the beam was immediately swallowed by flames, but the beam of light did not disappear, but started to move.

Three thick beams of light began to shoot upwards along the climbing stairs, and soon turned the temple buildings in the upper area into burning ruins, and then the beams of light continued to rise, but this time, one Silhouette suddenly appeared in front of the light beam in the middle, and then supported a yellow light shield with both hands forward, and it forcibly blocked the light beam's attack.

"Zeus?" Vina's eyes were very sharp, and at a glance he saw that the person blocking the beam of light was Zeus, but she wanted to be able to take over the strikes of the main weapon system of Isengard Mobile Fortress, the entire Olympian In Divine Race, apart from Zeus, few people can do it.

The beam of light only stayed on Zeus for two seconds before it began to become thinner. In the end, it took just over a second to become a hair-like thin line, and then it turned into a little bit of light and dust fluttered away and disappeared. In the darkness. Zeus removed the light shield with a wave of both hands, and it did not seem to be affected by the light beam. Then he heard his angry voice roaring: "The gods of Olympus Divine Race, now I use Olympus The identity of the Divine Race Divine King commands you to meet the invading enemies and kill them. The glory of our Olympus Divine Race will last forever."

The declaration of war on Zeus’s side has just been read. Before the people below had time to respond, they suddenly saw a blue and white ball of light covered with an electric arc coming from a distance, and impartially in the middle of Zeus's face. Although this attack seemed to have little effect on Zeus, the face was lost. The whole body of Zeus was trembling, but he didn't know how to vent it. He didn't even know who made the attack, but knew that it must have come from Isinger Mobile Fortress.

Zeus is going crazy here righteously, didn't expect the next round of attacks on Isengard Mobile Fortress to begin again. Because of the pause just now, the protective cover on Mount Olympus finally lit up again, but I don’t know if it consumed almost the same energy before or what, anyway, the protective cover is obviously not as bright as before, but The attack from Isinger's mobile fortress on the opposite side was even sharper.

It’s different from the last shelling and then beam sweeping. This time, three thick beams along with hundreds of slightly thinner beams hit the protective cover, and the protective cover only supported it. It crashed again in less than five seconds.

As soon as the protective cover on this side collapsed, Zeus took the initiative to block the middle beam, but what made him didn’t expect is that the two thick beams on the other two sides started to rotate. , And finally hit him with the three-in-one in the middle. Zeus, who could have resisted easily, finally realized the seriousness of the matter. His whole person began to be pushed back by the beam of light. Although he tried to push it back, the pressure from his hand was pressing. He kept retreating, and the remaining hundreds of slightly thinner rays were indeed attacking various buildings and hidden personnel positions on the mountain.

Looking at the massive loss of personnel and buildings at the Olympus Divine Race, Zeus almost had eye socket cracked, but he didn't expect a way to deal with it, but the whistling sound rang out again in the air. Zeus knew that it was the sound of a cannonball breaking through the air, but he had no way to remedy it. Before there was a protective cover to block it, nothing happened. Now that there is no protective cover, Mount Olympus was immediately exposed to the artillery fire. In an instant, the buildings on the mountain were devastated. Although the temple building was strong, it was not a fortress after all. It couldn't stop the cannonball attack, and it was destroyed by more than half in the blink of an eye.

Until the end of this round of shelling, Zeus finally realized it. He began to understand that there was no point in blocking a person here. He is indeed very strong, able to carry the main weapon on the Isengard mobile fortress directly and attack directly, but after all, he is only one person, can stop here, can not stop there, we fire so many weapons together, he can only stop if we want to stop. Part of it, and the rest that cannot be taken care of will always be destroyed. Therefore, Zeus wanted to understand. Defense is useless. Can't destroy Isinger Mobile Fortress, his Olympus Mountain is impossible and safe, so he immediately separated from Olympus Mountain after the attack was over, and killed Isinger Mobile Fortress far away, which had not yet come into sight. .

After seeing Zeus leave, I immediately turned over and jumped out of the hiding place without the slightest hesitation, and then greeted Vina and the others to catch up.

The three Divine Races are all very high-ranking existences, and the other four mobile angels are expensive super fighting weapons, and their reaction speeds are not slow. In fact, as soon as I jumped out, they had already jumped out, and then quickly followed me and started rushing up the mountain.

The frontal area of ​​Mount Olympus was originally blocked by Formation. Except for the super-long staircase that passes through many temples to the top of the mountain in turn, other places cannot be climbed. The last time I sneaked into Olympus secretly, I relied on Law Power to forcefully break the Formation to get in, but this time it didn't have to be so troublesome. The shelling operation of Isengard Mobile Fortress has completely destroyed this defense system, so now it is easy to climb to the top of the mountain no matter which direction it is from.

The eight of us here are not ordinary people, so there is no need to find a way to go, just run straight forward, even if we encounter cliffs or something, it is easy with our ability Looking through it, I quickly climbed to the square where I was almost beaten last time.

"From here is the danger zone, everyone, be careful." I was born and reminded the people behind me, and then the first thought of a flowerbed on the edge of the square jumped over. Vina and the others followed my steps and jumped over one after another, and then hid behind the flowerbed.

"How do we get to such a large square?" Vina couldn't help asking, looking at the square in front of Pantheon. This was the first time she came, so she was very surprised. Because she thought I already had a detailed penetration plan.

I smiled and calmed Vina: "Don't worry, I have a way." Then I took out the crystal communicator and contacted Isengard Mobile Fortress. "Military god, I'm already on the square outside Pantheon. I can start to break my vitality."


"Fire Interdiction?" Vina was visibly stunned. , But was immediately attracted by the whistling sound coming from behind.

Those objects with a sharp whistling sound flew over our heads quickly, and then plunged directly into the group of buildings ahead. Followed by a thunderous rumbling noise and various fragments and clods flying in the sky, let alone standing on the square, as long as the distance is more than ten meters, you don't even want to see anything.

"Chong." I only shouted a word, Vina, and they rushed out, and they rushed out faster than me. A few ups and downs rushed to the side of Pantheon, and the flames from the explosion even It hasn't been fully emptied yet.

After seeing everyone approaching Pantheon, I picked up the communicator again and said, "OK, we are here. Let’s implement the follow-up plan."


After putting down the communicator, I took Vina and the others into the Pantheon. Behind us, the shelling started again, and it was very messy. The east and the west were always uninterrupted, but mostly It was all useless and basically not a threat to Pantheon, but the surrounding buildings were devastated.

In fact, the key goal of this shelling is not to destroy, but to interfere, to create chaos. Let the remaining Olympus Divine Race chaos, so that we can invade in the chaos.

After entering the Pantheon, we first bypassed the empty hall, and then when we entered the back building, we ran into two Olympus Divine Races running out of the room. The two guys were stunned when they saw us, and then they were killed by Xinghuo and Peacock one by one before they could react. Both of them are second only to the high-level existence of the main god, to deal with these lackey is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

Throw the corpse back to the direction they came out, and then I dropped a bomb casually in, and then started to take these people to continue walking in.

Originally, this kind of secret infiltration mission is still a very unwise act, because it will attract the attention of the enemy and let others know that they have been attacked. But the current situation is just the opposite. Because Pantheon is being shelled, the explosion sound will not arouse anyone's alarm. After all, there are explosions of shells landing everywhere, and no one notices more than one sound.

After passing through the garden behind Pantheon and a large group of fairly dense buildings, we entered a brand new garden area. The plants here are obviously much more upscale than the ones outside. Almost all of them are magic plants, and they are all useful things, not pure ornamental plants that can only be seen. However, although these plants are precious, I don't have time to harvest them here. Greed of money belongs to greed of money, I still know the priorities.

After bypassing the magical botanical garden, a small piece of artificial forest appeared in front of us. Its function is probably to block the building area, similar to a partition wall. After passing through the path in the middle of this miniature forest, what appeared in front of us was a cliff. At the foremost end of the cliff, there was a long chain bridge, and the side of the chain bridge extended all the way into the clouds and mist ahead. Simply Invisible.

"Do you want to go there?" Vina asked when I stopped.

I took out a map provided by Aphrodite and looked at it, and then nodded confirmed: "This is it. After passing through it is Zeus’s bedroom. According to Aphrodite. No one believes Zeus, so although he has set up a lot of hidden divine force core hidden points, he has never put the divine force core in. He has been worried about the unreliability of his subordinates, so he feels that he is most relieved to save the divine force core. "

"putting it that way divine force, the core is in his own palace?" Wei Na asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and said: "Who knows. Aphrodite can't get into Zeus's palace at all. This answer is inferred based on the information collected. Aphrodite. It can be confirmed that the divine force core is not in any of the hidden points that have been declared to the outside world. At the same time, Zeus is so careful, so we count, he can only really feel at ease if he puts the divine force core here."

"Whether he is or not, you will know everything by rushing over and turning over him." Peacock said impatiently.

When I saw the peacock talking, I was about to pass. I quickly grabbed her and said: "Wait. Let me tell you something before going over."

"What are the precautions?" Peacock looked at me questioningly and asked.

"It’s the Hera, she gave me some information after taking refuge in us. As you know, Hera is the queen of Zeus, the wife of Zeus, and also the elder sister of Zeus, so although this place is other Divine Race can’t get close, but Hera has gone in several times."

"en? Don’t they live together?" Xinghuo was obviously quite surprised by this. After all, according to the normal thinking of ordinary people, It is normal for husband and wife to live together, and even if the two places are separated, it is often a conditional restriction. It is really rare for Zeus and Hera to live in Olympus without living in one place.

When I heard Xinghuo’s doubts, I could only explain to her Zeus’s various behaviors against inhuman ethics. I was so surprised that Xinghuo almost fell off his jaw. An obedient lady like Xinghuo is of course impossible to understand Zeus's kind of ghost behavior, but she understands why the two husbands and wives cannot live together. To put it simply, the husband was so troubled by the flowers all day long, and the wife became unhappy, and then separated. In fact, what Hera really wants to do is to divorce and kill Zeus. Unfortunately, Zeus is stronger than her, and Zeus restricts Hera from leaving her because of her god position, so since Hera is dissatisfied, she can only protest by separation. , Can’t really do anything. If it weren't for our attacking Olympus Divine Race this time, it can be said that Hera would never expect to have a turnaround.

After briefly introducing the relationship between Zeus and Herald, I continued: "Note one. After entering the dormitory, you should regard yourself as a stronger body or an ordinary person who knows some elementary magic spells. Don’t think of yourself as a Divine Race anymore."


"It's very simple. Because the Primal Chaos Law is set up in Zeus's bedroom."

This Primal Chaos Law is the same as the Chaos World before splitting heaven and earth apart in the myth, without any rules and order. But this world with no rules at all is precisely the starting point of all rules. It's like the Taoist school said that everything in a lifetime, that is, the entire world is split from "one." The "one" is chaos.

Zeus, as the main god of a local Divine Race, simply improving the divine force is no longer his pursuit. What he pursues is more advanced, and that is the power of the law, that is, the power that the High Gods master. Of course, that kind of thing is not so easy to master, otherwise there will not be only ten High Gods. However, whether or not he can become a High God, at least this is a pursuit, so in order to often understand the law, Zeus spent great efforts to transform his bedroom into Chaos World.

Because this world itself has

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