After twenty minutes of silence, Zeus finally made a decision when the surrounding Olympus Divine Race was about to lose patience.


"Yes." A sturdy man with only a pair of shorts and only a few belts on his upper body came out.

"Notify Sistin and tell him—unblock."

"It's the Father God." The hunk stood up and walked out quickly,

After he left, Athena stood up and asked: "Father, can we start deployment?"

Zeus was nodded, and then suddenly asked: "I just want to To expand the glory of the Olympus Divine Race, isn’t it right?"

Athena didn’t answer after hearing this, but suddenly turned around and left Pantheon, the other Divine Races in the room. They also looked at each other, and then quietly walked down the altar to salute Zeus, and then exited the room. Soon in a huge hall, only Zeus was left standing there alone, and the others in the room had already left to prepare for their work.

Since Zeus’s decision was a bit late, when these Olympus Divine Races started to take action, our guild’s fighters had already gained some advantage on the battlefield, of course this slight advantage In fact, there is still nothing to be seen now, except for some unremarkable data changes somewhere in the military god’s command center, this advantage cannot be noticed for the time being, but afterwards, if someone retraces the entire battle and carefully If he analyzes the gains and losses of the battle, he will find that the balance of war has already begun to tilt at this moment.

"How long will it take?" At the foot of Olympus, in the ghost aircraft, Vina bored a virtual energy line between her fingers, and then played with the opposite Peacock King. With-turn over the flower rope. Yes, it is the flip rope, a game that looks very childish and does not fit the image of Divine Race at all. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, this can be considered the only entertainment item. Because we want to be quiet, we can't play too intense games, lest anyone shouts out of excitement. For this reason, none of the poker and mahjong I brought with me was used. Of course, I actually have other entertainment items, and there are a lot of them, but it's a pity that those items are all in the gate of the earth, and they are usually used for entertainment by Qilin warrior. But now because the space inside the aircraft is narrow, the door of the earth cannot be opened, so everything can't be taken out. Currently there are only poker and mahjong in Fenglong Space, and it is not convenient to play now.

I looked at the time when I heard Vina's words, and then found that it was less than half an hour since Isengard's mobile fortress entered the attack range.

"It's coming soon. You can see the beautiful fireworks in half an hour at most."

"I hope the Olympus Divine Race will not be in the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Fireworks on top." Xinghuo sighed.

The peacock said immediately: "Don’t worry, Hades is sitting in the Isengard Mobile Fortress. Even if you can’t beat Zeus, it’s okay to delay for a while? Besides, there are so many fighters from the Plutos. It's not pretty."

"Unfortunately, we have too few brother sisters, otherwise they can help." A mobile angel interrupted.

I immediately reached out to stop him from continuing and said: "Don't say it, your sister brother is dozens of times more expensive than a pure gold statue, we can't afford that money."

"Attention." As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a mobile angel who was in charge of observing in front screamed softly, and then everyone in the boat fell silent.

"What's the matter? Did you find the situation?" As I said this, I pulled down the observation port above my head that looked like a periscope, and then turned the handle to adjust the angle to observe.

On our right front, in the direction of Mount Olympus, a large group of Olympus Divine Races are coming down from the mountain, and there are more Olympus Divine Races behind. Follow. These people did not disperse after they came out, but all left in one direction. Looking in this direction, they clearly went to Isengard's mobile fortress. Obviously, Isengard Mobile Fortress has been discovered. Even with the mirage system and many hidden means, Isinger Mobile Fortress is a mobile fortress after all. With such a big thing flying in the sky, it is too difficult to not be discovered. Fortunately, in areas with sparsely populated people, it is almost inevitable to be discovered after entering the densely populated areas. After all, the weight of Isengard Mobile Fortress is too large. Because of the gravitational force, when it flies over a certain area at low altitude, the nearby ground will tremble violently due to the sudden change of the gravitational field, and it is in a radius of ten kilometers around it. Within the scope, even an ordinary person can clearly feel the change in the gravitational field.

According to time calculations, Isengard’s mobile fortress is now less than half an hour away from Mount Olympus. It’s normal to be discovered at such a close distance.

As the first group of people left, a group of flying creatures flew out of Mount Olympus, and almost all of these creatures stood on their bodies with several Olympus Divine Races. Obviously, this is the air force of the Olympus Divine Race and their only air power.

As I said before, the Olympus Divine Race will almost not fly, but as compensation, their battle strength is very impressive, and the Olympus Divine Race is a strong battle race, the entire Divine Race Almost everyone inside is a combatant. Unlike other Divine Races, there are many high-status or mana personnel who do not return to the battle. This kind of high battle strength and high combatant ratio is supposed to be very powerful, but the system probably does not want the Olympus Divine Race to unify the world, so it limits their flying ability. The result is that the Olympus Divine Race is very powerful. Strong, but not invincible overall, at least the scarcity of flying units severely limits their battle strength, and in many cases they miss important opportunities.

I was looking at the situation here, and I felt my body sank when I didn't know it, and then a gust of fragrant wind entered my nasal cavity, and at the same time the observation mirror was taken away. There is no observation port on the peacock, so I just sat on my body and grabbed the observation mirror and started to observe the situation outside.

"Wow, a lot of people, I really want to go out and vote."

"Hey hey hey, are you from Buddhism, OK? Don’t say it seems to be a trip down the hill. No?"

The peacock said while observing the situation outside: "Who said I was born in Buddhism? Buddhism is just my last work unit. I am a serious Monster Race born, OK? I used to be King of the Mountain when I didn’t follow the Tathagata, and I didn’t do anything less like robbery."

"Okay, I’m wrong. But this time you don’t expect to go out and fight with the crowd. Our mission this time is to sneak in secretly. The most perfect combat plan is not to be discovered. Come quietly, go secretly, and silently is the best."

"Your wish is destined to be impossible. Realization.” Vina said: “The divine force core is directly connected to all Divine Race individuals that have the Divine Soul Seal mark in it. As long as I connect the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race, the entire Olympus Divine Race’s All individuals will immediately know that the divine force core of their race has been invaded, so your so-called secret operation does not exist. All we have to do is sneak in secretly, and then I will forcefully connect the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race, you Just help me block the people outside before I fix the core and don't let people disturb me."

"No problem, I will block him when Zeus comes." Xinghuo said first.

The peacock also cried, "Anlaan, I think that the cow at the beginning of the Tathagata still let me swallow it. Although he finally ran out, at least I can swallow him temporarily. At most, it's at the same level as the Tathagata. It's amazing that I swallowed Zeus, and when he tossed it out, it's almost the same."

I was really relieved when I heard the peacock. At least they didn't brag. Peacock is known as Buddha, and she has indeed eaten Tathagata before. Of course, he didn't digest it, and he ran out later. But at least it can swallow the Tathagata, this strength is enough to stop Zeus. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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