No matter how entangled you are, you have to make a decision. Although it is not wise to provoke the enemy at this time, if we cannot guarantee the prestige of our Frost Rose League, then there will be more similar situations in the future. , So, sometimes the face problem is really rather swollen face must be filled with fatty.

"Fight back. Otherwise, we won't even think about saving face anymore." I finally made a final decision.

Rose thought for a while and did not oppose my opinion, and then said to the military Shinto: "Just follow Purple Moon’s decision to send mobile angels, but don’t try to deal with Olympus Divine. For those of Race, use the second-tier model."

"For a large-scale battle, mobile angels need support units, can they send flying ships?" asked the military god.

Rose looked towards me, I am nodded. "Just make a smaller one. The guild battle strength in Greece is not very strong. There is no need to use a large support ship."


With the army God confirmed the order, and a spaceship that had just been completed on the airport berth of the Isenger Mobile Fortress was suddenly released by the restraint, and then the spaceship was lit and began to slowly leave the berth and lift off. At the same time, a large group of mobile angels on the take-off platform on the other side of the airport began to lift off, then boarded the spaceship in the air and left the Isengard Mobile Fortress together.

After the spaceship left, the airport of Isengard Mobile Fortress was not idle. A large number of small aircraft began to take off from the airport, and then flew to the Divine Race with many mobile angels and chaos and order. Scheduled battlefield.

Looking at the take-off screen projected on the big screen, I turned to Rose and they said: "Okay, I should act too, everyone, let’s start the action according to the plan."

"According to Sir President." Da Guofan jokingly stood up and saluted me, and then turned around and ran towards their positions.

Seeing everyone started to take their place, I also left the command center and started running to the take-off platform outside the command center. Vina, Xinghuo and Peacock are already waiting for me in this position. In addition, in addition to the three Divine Race, there are also four very gorgeous mobile angels standing here. The two mobile angels standing on the left are obviously male, about two meters tall, very well-proportioned, and the whole body is black mirror effect, although the color is very hidden, but because of the mirror effect, it looks like there is no camouflage effect. It is estimated that this color is only designed to look cool. The two mobile angels standing on the other side are different from the two black bodies on this side. They are obviously female mobile angels. They are about 1.8 meters tall. They look slender and obviously belong to the highly mobile type. Unlike the other two black male bodies, these two female bodies use the big red paint, which is bright enough that you can see them in the crowd at a glance. Of course, the color of the mobile angel is not very meaningful, because the high-end mobile angels are basically equipped with the mirage system, which can not be found at a long distance. In the short distance, unless the enemy is blind, even if you have camouflage all over your body. It will still be discovered.

Although I don’t know why there are four more mobile angels than planned, but I know that since it is equipped with our group, these four must be very Peak models, so I didn’t say anything. . Of course, if you really need other support, there are more than ten models of more than one hundred mobile angels in my wind dragon space that can be used as backup forces, so there is no problem with battle strength.

Seeing me coming, Vina said to me first: "Norraine just came, these four are experimental model mobile angels just off the test bed, she said how to let you take the test Try performance, and try to bring them back as complete as possible."

"Sir, you can actually ignore the latter sentence, we have the ability to protect ourselves." One of the black male maneuvers is talking Angel, but there is almost no difference in appearance between him and his companions, so I don't see anything special about him.

"Don’t mind, Noreen just doesn’t want to lose important experimental data. I believe you will be very powerful, otherwise she will not be arranged by her to participate in our mission. Well, it’s not a chat now. When we are on the road, let us get on the road as soon as possible, and we will get busy soon."

"Yes, sir." Four mobile angels replied at the same time, and then followed us on a specially prepared one for us. Small aircraft.

Vina, all three of them are the most powerful Divine Races in the guild, and of course they can all fly. I have flying birds, and mobile angels have the ability to fly. We are strictly speaking. It can fly, and the speed is not slow, but this aircraft is an indispensable equipment, because this time we are not simply hurrying but to sneak in secretly, so relative to speed, camouflage is the first layer. s things.

The flying speed of this aircraft is not fast, but it has huge wings and relatively light weight. It can glide forward by wind after approaching the target area, and it also has a lot of camouflage installed on it. With the shielding system, it is completely invisible from sound, light, heat, turbulence impact, magical fluctuations, etc. It can be said that this thing is simply a ghost after it enters the gliding phase, completely silent, unless the enemy hits it head-on On the surface, otherwise, even if we flew past him, he would only feel a gust of breeze passing by.

The cost of such an exaggerated aircraft is of course not cheap, but we will have more money. Of course we don’t want to equip it in batches, but it’s okay to equip a few for special operations teams. Of course, another important reason why this thing cannot be popularized is that the carrying capacity of this thing is too bad. In order to glide and silence, this thing loses too much power and space, so the maximum load in the ghost mode is only two and a half tons, and the cockpit can actually only fit six people, which also includes the driver.

We have three Divine Races and I have four people here. There are also four mobile angels. The space is obviously not enough. Fortunately, the mobile angels can be installed in the wind dragon space, so I put three of them All the mobile angels were stuffed in, and only one female mobile angel was left outside. The reason is that the four of us will not use this aircraft, and only these mobile angels can drive.

According to the battle plan, our group’s mission should be the last to start, but because we want to ensure the safety of secret infiltration, we must first arrive at the predetermined location. When Isengard Mobile Fortress was still far away from Mount Olympus, we had already set off.

Although the speed of this aircraft is not very fast in ghost mode, that is, silent mode, the cruising speed of this thing is still good. It only took a few minutes for us to enter the Olympus. Scope. Under the control of the mobile angel, the aircraft began to switch to ghost mode. The propeller turned off and folded into the ship. A layer of optical camouflage appeared on the aircraft shell, followed by the rise of one after another force field, which completely shielded us. In the current mode, we can hardly detect the situation outside, and can only rely on third-party observation points to use the crystal communicator to send surrounding data to guide us in flight. After all, invisibility is relative. The enemy can't see us, and we are almost blind.

Gliding silently to the foot of Olympus Mountain, we accurately landed in a small piece of jungle at the foot of the mountain according to the pre-investigation situation. This jungle is very small, and the trees are not dense, you can see from one side to the other at a glance. Although such an environment seems not conducive to hiding, but because of this appearance, the enemy will not pay attention to it. We just stopped in the woods and waited quietly.

Because the probability of being discovered after landing is much smaller, we have the courage to open the observation system, although this will make us invisible and there are loopholes, but we are in the woods, that little A little bit of observation is really unlikely to be discovered.

"Okay, now assign the task." After the aircraft landed, I released the other three mobile angels. Spaceship cannot take so many people to fly together, but the space is not really small enough to fit eight people. After releasing these mobile angels, I started to talk to them about the mission. The mobile angel that had previously opened spaceship was replaced, and another male mobile angel is in charge of the driving position. Of course, he doesn't need to fly now. His task is to observe the situation outside. Another male mobile angel took the position of the co-pilot. His task is the same as that of driving. It is also to monitor the external situation. If it is really discovered, someone observes that we at least know to run ahead.

After the guards were arranged, I began to ask the two-step female mobile angel to introduce me to the abilities and characteristics of the four of them, so as to facilitate subsequent command. It is very important for the commander to understand the strength of his subordinates during the battle. Otherwise, if a mission beyond the capabilities of his subordinates is issued, the consequences will be very serious.

After the narration of the two mobile angels, I have roughly understood the characteristics of the four mobile angels. The four of them are the fifth-generation mobile angels, and they are super-enhanced experimental types, that is, like the Queen of Blades, they belong to the technical verification machine, and the messy equipment on their bodies is as thick as the dictionary of light weapons. In order to be able to install so many devices in their well-proportioned bodies, these four mobile angels all use compression space technology extensively. However, the compressed space technology used in buildings cannot be used on mobile angels that can move, and the mobile space system is similar to storage ring storage equipment, and these storage equipment are actually very difficult to manufacture. .

Another translation that is difficult to manufacture is "ang expensive", which is not expensive in general, but outrageously expensive. Fortunately, these four are all verification machines, and future mass production impossibles are so exaggerated.

In addition to installing a bunch of bells and whistles and defense systems, the more significant improvement of these four mobile angels is the improvement of fighting ability and basic ability. Needless to say, fighting ability is a matter of reaction speed and skill mastery. Because the mobile angels of our guild use genuine military fighting database information, the improvement in fighting skills is not that great. After all, the previous ones have been quite exaggerated. What really terrifying is the improvement of the basic abilities of these guys. Due to the use of Type II Star Alloy, a super expensive and super tossed metal whose unit mass price is twenty times that of Mithril, the physical strength of these mobile angels has reached a terrifying level. According to my actual test, even if it is eternity, it takes a lot of effort to cut into the bodies of these guys. As long as the opponent makes a little effort, eternity may not be able to continue to cut in, and if it is in battle, it will be really lost. If attacked, the biggest probability is that the weapon will slip and bounce on their body surface, and it is basically unlikely to actually cut in.

Of course, considering the price of Type II Star Alloy, the bodies of these four are not entirely made of this thing. In fact, only their skeleton support system and surface armor are used in the Type II stellar alloy, and their surface armor is not all of this alloy, but only a layer of alloy mesh made of type II stellar alloy is covered on the surface. , The other part uses type I star alloy, although the hardness is lower than that of type II, and the corrosion resistance and distortion resistance are also weaker, but the advantage is that type I alloy is more than half cheaper than type II. Moreover, even the I-type alloy is actually very good. At least so far, the I-type alloy has never let us down, because the giant sword of the mobile angel used for Divine Race is made of I-type star alloy. I have seen so many Divine Races in the war against Divine Race so many times, as well as the weapons of Divine Race, and I have never seen any mobile angel weapons destroyed, so the I-type alloy is actually enough.

In addition to the increased rigidity and toughness of the body structure, the output power, reaction speed, observation ability and most important judgment of these four mobile angels have been significantly improved, basically compared to the active mobile angels. All four of them beat them all, and they won by a big margin.

"Well, I now basically understand your performance, but I am really reluctant to let you participate in the war."

"Why?" One of the female maneuvers The angel asked in surprise.

I said with a smile: "Because you are too expensive! The price of Mithril is already more than eight times that of gold, and your shell is actually more than 20 times the price of Mithril. If you get a little fan, it's worth hundreds of crystal coins, right?"

When I heard my words, several mobile angels all laughed. Artificial souls originally used ready-made undead as the basic core, so their intelligence was not worse than that of humans. My words were obviously joking, so after they heard them, their previously nervous mood relaxed. Speaking of which the high and the others workers’ souls are actually flawed. This flaw is that they are too perfect, just like living people. Low-level artificial souls have no self and emotions, so they are very tough when fighting. They are not afraid of death and never take injury seriously, but the artificial souls of high-level mobile angels are too smart. They are afraid, excited, and angry. , In short, the emotions are very complicated, and these emotions will affect the outcome of the battle. Although sometimes emotions can cause their battle strength to erupt, they have to admit that sometimes these may become weaknesses. Fortunately, so far we have not had the habit of letting mobile angels perform tasks alone, so we are basically not worried about this.

"Okay, now the introduction is complete, let's wait here." I looked at the time and said: "There is more than an hour before the battle begins, and soon we will be able to see the fireworks Performed."

Different from our quiet cabin, the area around Olympus at this time can be said to have been chaotic. Although the environment setting of "Zero" is close to the Middle Ages, the players are all modern, and magic has largely replaced technology to produce similar effects, so our war is not like the war of the ancients. In ancient times, both sides of the battle would often send letters to each other to agree on the time and place of the battle, and then start the battle at the agreed time and place like a date with a lover. However, because of the magic technology and the modern thoughts of the players, especially the battle commander of our guild is the real battlefield command computer, and several of the guild’s staff members are sent to us by the state. Regular combat staff trained, so the battle method of our guild is completely the mode of modern warfare.

What is the modern war mode? The mode of modern warfare is that there is no time and no place. The entire battle actually started after the plan was completed. All kinds of sporadic connections started yesterday afternoon, and now it has basically developed into a large-scale contact war. At least three thousand small battlefields are currently fighting at the same time around Olympus, and the number of combatants on each battlefield ranges from a few to several thousand. It seems that none of the battlefields is small, but In fact, the overall scale of the battle has been quite terrifying.

In fact, there are reasons for such a scattered war, and there is also helplessness. Our guild hopes that the battle will be organized into this disordered mode, because we have a military god. Because of the commanding ability of the military god, no matter how complicated the battlefield is, it will not be chaotic, and compared to us, the commanding method of the opposite Zeus is obviously behind Dole. Therefore, the more chaotic the battle mode, the lower the command efficiency of Zeus, but our command efficiency will not change, which gives us a command advantage. On the other hand, we also have to adopt this multi-group melee mode, because a large part of the battle strength in this battle is not our guild players, but the Divine of Hades who has just taken refuge in us not long ago. Race and Sea Clan led by Poseidon, who had turned to the battle. The personal battle strength of these Divine Races is indeed much stronger than the players, but they are not good at large corps battles. If you put a group of Divine Races in a row to form a long spear array, it would be better not to command them to rush up by themselves. Therefore, it is better to arrange a battlefield for a concentrated battle. It is better to separate the people and let the Divine Race, which often act together, freely form a team, and then we will uniformly command, so that the maximum battle strength can be exerted.

"How is the situation now?" Among the Pantheon on the top of Olympus, Zeus asked anxiously about the Divine Race who came to report.

"Report to the main god, now that the various ministries are completely messed up. The Poseidon family has obviously rebelled, and there are many people within us who are also helping the Poseidon family to fight, and there are some Divine Races of the original family hiding in their homes. Refusal to participate in the resistance operation is obviously intending to wait and see the situation before making a decision."

Athena stood up impatiently and said: "Father, we must act now. Once we lose the first battle, Those who ride on the fence fall to those traitors, our situation is really dangerous!"

"This..." Zeus is obviously still hesitating what can't make up his mind. The other Olympus Divine Race next to him Seeing that he was in a hurry and didn't want to interrupt, he could only watch Zeus together and wait for him to make his own decision. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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