Although the flying saucer that left with the intelligence was very fast, in fact, it was the players themselves who returned to the city to spread the news first, because they flew out on the flying saucer. At the same time, above the moving fortress of Isengard suddenly followed the silver white flight trajectory left by the flying saucer and flew out two red photoelectrics. The volume of the light spot is obviously much larger than that of the flying saucer, but the speed of the two is about the same. One ran and two chased, and disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

The few people below were watching their flying saucer struggling to escape under the thrill of chasing. Suddenly they saw an opening at the bottom of the city above their heads, and then they saw four flashing lights. From the bottom of the city moved towards they came quickly.

"Damn it, I was found." The youngster always reacted the fastest. Hearing the sound, he turned around and ran, reminding his companions to keep up, but compared to their speed, the sky The mobile angel is obviously more dominant.

The four people saw the mobile angel passing over their heads before they ran two steps, followed by a bang. The four people only felt that they were pushed by someone from behind, and then they flew. stand up. Before the four people landed, the four mobile angels had already circled and circled back and started firing a row of red light bombs at the four people from a long distance. One of them was hit by two light bombs, and then instantly He opened two large holes in his body, almost exploding his body. The other three people rolled and fell to the ground in embarrassment. As soon as they got up, they heard the sound of a heavy object falling behind them. They didn't realize what happened. One of them was lifted off the ground with his feet off the ground, and the remaining two hurriedly turned around. , But when the leader turned around, he saw a giant sword stabbed at him, and then there was a pu' sound. There was a hole in his stomach for an instant. As for the one that was just picked up, it is now his head. Abnormally crooked aside and fell to the ground.

The youngster who was left in the end saw the two-meter-tall mobile angel walking towards him, scared to crawl backwards with his hands and feet, but this speed was obviously not as fast as the long legs of the mobile angel , Was caught in two steps. Seeing the big hand extended by the mobile angel, he suddenly quick witted in an emergency yelled: "Your information has been sent out. It is useless even if you kill me." The angel's big hand froze the moment it was about to cover his face. Seeing that the mobile angel stopped, the guy hurriedly stepped back two steps before saying: "Look, our companions all know what you have come. Now it is useless even if you kill me. On the contrary, after death, I You can go back to the city to report, and your news will leak faster."

Looking at the mobile angel being said to stop moving, the guy gradually became proud, and then he wanted to continue to give a speech. , But, just as he was about to continue, the frozen mobile angel suddenly moved again, and suddenly pinched his cheek and lifted it from the ground like lightning. The guy instinctively grabbed the arm of the mobile angel and desperately wanted to resist, but the power of the mobile angel was designed according to the siege weapon. The power was at least equivalent to seven or eight times the average power value of ordinary players. It is obviously impossible to rely on one person alone. Fa was against him. Besides, the mobile angel with tall and long arms did not give him any chance to resist. He directly grabbed his head and twisted it to the side. With a click, the guy's resistance stopped immediately. Throwing away the corpse, the mobile angel opened its wings and lit the propeller and quickly separated from the ground and returned to the mobile fortress of Isengard. It was just that the two mobile angels chasing the flying saucer in front were not as smooth as these four tasks.

The two air combat maneuvering days chasing the flying saucer took more than three minutes to tighten the distance to the attack range, and then they began to attack the flying saucer with the small flame bombs they carried, but because The flying saucer was too small and its movements were flexible, so it didn't hit a hit for a long time. On the contrary, the players on the ground saw a gorgeous firework show.

It took about seven or eight minutes for the flying saucer to enter the sky over the nearest city, and then began to dive into the city. Seeing this situation, one of the mobile angels stopped attacking altogether, concentrated all their energy on the thruster and accelerated to the front of the flying saucer, then suddenly fell to the ground and suddenly turned and raised his hand to shatter the flying saucer.

The sudden appearance of the mobile angel shocked the players in the city. After the mobile angel smashed the flying saucer, it was even more unfathomable mystery. However, the mobile angel would not explain anything, just ignite it. It flew up, but it didn’t expect that it was a city wall not far away from the sky. Suddenly a purple light bomb hit the chest of this mobile angel, and then there was a bang, it just lifted off. The mobile angel was blasted down, and the outer armor had been severely deformed, and one of its wings and one of its right arms were missing.

Suddenly heard the hint that his guild would launch an attack on the Frost Rose League, the guild president of this city, Pu' Sound, sprayed all the drink he had just drunk on the opposite beauty. Then he couldn’t even care about apologizing, he got up and rushed out, rushing and shouting: "Which bastard is so tired and crooked to trouble me?"

Don't care about this person. With a long mind, the mobile angel who was blasted to the ground flickered for a while and then reluctantly stood up again, but he heard a small explosion as soon as he took a step, and then he saw his leg joints. A puff of black smoke erupted from there, and then the guy collapsed again. When the mobile angel on the ground was struggling to get up again, the mobile angel in the sky had already turned all the yellow in the line of sight into red marks, and at the same time began to do all kinds of maneuvers to avoid the flying light bullets. It is a pity that he is now above the city. It is impossible to avoid the concentrated attack of so many weapons by his own strength. As a result, the mobile angel who was turning around was suddenly blown out of balance by a light bomb hitting his wing moved towards the ground. Load it down. However, before falling, the mobile angel insisted on raising its head to lock a row of targets on the city wall in front, and then all the small bullet nests all over the body opened, and then flew from him like a celestial flower. At least thirty small rockets were released.

The players standing at the top of the city saw that the mobile angel that was rolling and falling suddenly spilled a large rocket, and immediately panicked. Unfortunately, the speed of people is still not comparable to that of the rocket. Those are only the size of a pen. As soon as the small rockets came out, they began to fly out, and then almost simultaneously hit the 30-meter-long city wall in front of them. Accompanied by a row of fireballs, the city wall is missing a section of more than 30 meters long, and even the city gate building is gone.

Seeing that the mobile angel had died after the attack hit, it slammed into the roof of a house with a high boom, then went directly through the roof and the second floor and fell into the first floor, and then After a bounce on the ground, he smashed through the side wall and flew into the next room. Finally, after passing through another wall, he fell into the alley on the side of the street and was blocked by the outer wall of the opposite building. However, even so, the wall was full of smashed cracks, and it looked like it would collapse at any time.

"What's the matter? Who made you attack?" When the mobile angel fell to the ground, the guild leader here had already ran to the command center. Although general guilds do not have the advanced magic technology of our guilds, there are still some native methods, so most guild cities actually have command centers. For example, the guild in front of us uses the simplest microphone technology to command urban defense. The principle of the system originally used in battleship is super simple. It is to connect a metal tube at both ends that require communication. Because the metal tube The airtight characteristics of the metal and the resonance characteristics of the metal itself can make the sound travel far and clear in the pipeline. Although the cost and construction amount of this method are not too low, it is also easy to be destroyed, but at least it is simple enough. The guild has the ability to build, and it doesn’t need to be as complicated as the crystal resonance communicators in our guild.

The communication command room on the city wall heard the sound in the microphone and immediately someone replied: "The report chairman, it was Skodas who said that someone had invaded, and then raised the alarm, and then the turrets started. For autonomous shooting, we had already shot one when we discovered the situation."

"Stop shooting immediately. Those are from the Frost Rose League. People like us in small guilds simply don’t like it. They definitely didn’t come at us!"

"That...actually, even if we want to fight back now, I’m afraid we can’t do it. The opponent’s last target was concentrated and launched a lot of things like missiles. We have all the forts on the west city wall in one pot, and even the west city wall is down a lot."

"Damn, you tell me that idiot Skodas, this time if it's Frost Rose Meng used force against us because of this incident, so I kicked it out of the guild. Even if his sister comes, I won’t forgive him again!"

"Yes, the president, but you'd better be with yourself He said, he had already jumped off the city wall during the attack just now and passed at the thing we hit. We can't contact him for the time being."

"What?" President Yi He immediately yelled: "Where did the person you killed you see?"

"A little bit north of West Street, probably near the grocery store in Old York."

"I see. I saw Skodas telling him to stay where I was. Even if someone wants to cut him off, he will not fight back."


After talking to his subordinates, the guild leader immediately started to rush to the location where the mobile angel fell, but although he is not far from the location of the fall, he is a bit slower than the Skodas. He just set off, so when he arrived, he saw that Skodas just kicked a swaying humanoid object, and then the humanoid object fell directly and hit a roadside. The wall knocked it halfway down and leaned against the wall.

Seeing that the mobile angel fell on the wall, Skodas still didn't want to stop, he excitedly raised his double-edged battle axe and smashed it up. The mobile angel on the ground raised a hand to block, but this arm was already broken during the fall, and now it only connected to these few weak connection points, but it was immediately caught by Skoda. Si's axe smashed down. However, even though he lost an arm, it finally blocked Skodas' attack somewhat.

Although this did not achieve the expected results, Skodas did not stop, and he continued to raise his axe and wanted to come again, but when he raised his battle axe, the mobile angel in front of him suddenly heard from him. There was a series of dense explosions, but the strange thing was that the explosions seemed very small and quite dull. The explosion sound of at least 20 consecutive sounds was completely completed within two seconds, followed by a louder explosion sound than before, and with this explosion, the armor on the chest of the mobile angel suddenly flew out and hit. On Skodas' chest, he staggered back and almost sat on the ground.

After the angry Skodas regained his balance, he wanted to avenge him, but he didn’t expect that when he waved his axe and was about to rush up, the mobile angel was lost. The front armored and completely open torso suddenly flashed out several explosive fires, and then a group of black shadows flew out of the mobile angel's body. This group of dark shadows rolled in the air and stretched out in the blink of an eye and turned into a metal skeleton. The metal skeleton did not land, but directly hit Skodas's body, followed by grabbing his axe with both hands, kicking his legs on his shoulders, and kicking Skodas out at the same time. He also flipped back to the ground, and snatched the axe in Skodas's hand by the way.

Skodas, who suddenly lost his weapon, was also taken aback, and then quickly drew out a short sword as a backup weapon, but what he didn't expect was that the mobile angel on the opposite side did not rush up. , But directly threw his axe as a hidden weapon, so scared that he hurried to the side, the axe rubbed his armor and flew over, bringing out a fire star, and then pierced him with a bang. A wall behind flew into a shop.

This time, Skodas was very scared, but he heard a louder and louder rumbling sound from the mobile angel before he spirit slowly recovers. Wait for him. When I turned my head, I saw the mobile angel dragging a long tail flame off the ground and flying into the air, and then before he came back to his senses, the mobile angel suddenly turned around and launched a small rocket against the ground. .

Seeing the Rockets, Skodas thought it was an attack on him, so he was scared to rush to the side, but soon he discovered that the Rockets were not directed at him at all, but directly Dive into the mobile angel shell that is still leaning against the wall, and then a small mushroom cloud rises up. The shop leaned by the mobile angel shell, together with the four shops on both sides, and the one across the street Both shops were turned into rubble flying all over the sky in the explosion.

Although the chairman went to the other side of the street and saw the whole battle when Skodas kicked that kick, in fact, it only took less than three times to reach the Communist Party. It was completed in ten seconds, so in the end he didn't catch up to stop Skodas, but instead caught up with the explosion, and it could be more than a dozen meter away by the shock wave.

Less than ten seconds after the explosion, Skodas, covered in dirt, sprang out of the nearby building, then looked at the empty sky and said angrily: "hmph, count you Run fast, or you will die without a whole corpse."

In fact, this guy named Skodas is simply not an opponent of the mobile angel, so the mobile angel was forced to use it. In the inner skeleton system, that’s because this mobile angel was hit by the city defense-class magic cannon several times in the sky, plus the impact when it fell, it can be said that when Skodas saw the mobile angel, this mobile angel The angel is half disabled. As for the core skeleton after the separation, instead of playing against him, we have to run, this is because we set it like this at the beginning. The internal skeleton system of the mobile angel is responsible for emergency response after the main body is damaged. His function is to run home with the core components of the mobile angel. Unless he has a particularly important mission that must be completed at the time, he will not stay and continue to fight, but choose to fly away immediately. If it weren't for this kind of setting, the mobile angel core skeleton that let go of hands and feet would definitely kill Skodas in one minute.

Here, Skodas despised the mobile angel and was kicked to the ground unpreparedly. He just wanted to fight back when he realized that it was their president who kicked himself.

"Huh? Brother-in-law, why are you kicking me?"

"I kicked you? I can't wait to strangle you and me!" Angrily roared with the bulging veins on the president's head: "How many times have I told you that I have fought a battle first. Look at the battle records. You have no brains or can't understand human words?"

"What's the matter with me?" Skodas asked unconvincedly. .

"What's the matter?" The president almost lost his breath. "Look at the battle record for yourself."

Skodas was still unconvinced when he heard the president's brother-in-law say this, but he opened the record and looked at it, and then found that the battle record was the first one. The article reads: "You attacked the siege equipment belonging to the Frost Rose League, and you and the Frost Rose League entered a hostile state." The following information is basically a similar record, and the two sides written in the last battle end prompt The relationship is that the relationship between Skodas and the Frost Rose League is now more than two thousand seven hundred.

"Understood?" The guild leader saw this stupid man for a long time and knew that he had already seen it, so he asked.

Although Skodas had finished watching, he did not have the emotions he had imagined. Instead, he asked the president: "What's the matter? Didn't I attack the Frost Rose League's equipment? Is there any problem? Oh, by the way, how did the record show that it was a siege weapon? I said why there is a skeleton hidden in the armor of that man! I'm not a human after doing it for a long time."

"I..." That The chairman had planned to continue cursing, but suddenly it softened like a frustrated ball. He didn't lose his breath, but accepted his fate. Who told him to like this kid's elder sister.

In fact, Skodas is not arrogant or mentally disabled, of course his brain is not sound. This guy is actually slightly mentally handicapped, but according to medical classification, he is not really mentally handicapped. If you join the mentally handicapped and have a minimum standard line, he is the existence that is a bit higher than the standard line. It is not mentally handicapped, but it is absolutely indifferent to cleverness. Moreover, this guy has a very bad personality. He is very reckless and savage. Apart from being afraid of his sister and respecting this brother-in-law, he doesn't even pay for his father and mother. It is also because of his reckless and savage character that this kid has been getting into trouble since joining this guild. If it weren't for his brother-in-law to wipe his ass afterwards, this kid would have died a thousand times.

Regardless of their mood here, our mood is quite bad anyway. I was sent out to chase a flying saucer, and the unfathomable mystery was killed. Two mobile angels were killed. Although they were old models, they belonged to us. If they were killed, they were hitting us in the face. If you don’t know this kind of thing , Then really don’t have to stay in Greece. However, the battle with the Olympus Divine Race is about to begin. The enemy who provokes surprises at this time is obviously not wise. As a result, we are either advancing or retreating. It is very tangled. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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