Although Abyss Demon is not a species that knows how to calm people, they know that their condition is not suitable for fighting now, so knowing that we are retreating, they dare not run over to stop everyone. Leave. Of course, the reason for this effect is not only because both parties are now stunned. More importantly, it is not ordinary creatures that are attacked, but a bunch of Divine Race. In fact, Abyss Demon is very offensive but not really lacking in intelligence. Even if they only have the low-level intelligence of wild beast, they at least know what kind of enemies they can't touch, but it was because of the chaos halo before, but now that they are awake, they naturally don't want to match Divine Race. Besides, they are not in a dizzy state now, and they don't even dare to fight Divine Race.

Without the obstruction of Abyss Demon, the retreat speed was naturally very fast. All the personnel in the Star God Temple quickly left the cave, and then all squeezed at the bottom of the rotating passage that came down before. Seeing the people in front of them squeezed in there, I had no choice but to fly over their heads, only to see a large group of people on the other end arguing about something together.

"What's the matter?" After landing on the ground, I asked the little gods who were arguing away from the Star God temple.

Even the twelve Star Gods are very polite to me, these little gods are naturally more respectful, and they immediately calm down when they see me. Upon hearing my question, a little god who had not participated in the quarrel replied: "We are arguing about which way to go."

"What is the way to go?" I looked at him with some confusion and asked: "When I got down, there was only one road, and there was no sidetrack?"

One of the two parties who just quarreled just now rushed to explain: "We When we came down, there was only this way, but after the illusion disappeared, we knew that we were led to another fork in the road. At that time, the adults of Star God decided to return on the same road immediately, but in the end we followed the rotating channel upwards After walking not far, I found that I had entered the cave just now."

"One-way chaotic passage?" I immediately asked in surprise.

The Divine Race nodded and said: "There was indeed only one way when I came down, but when I returned, it was completely messed up, so we are only arguing now. I think since the original path was wrong, then Other channels should be tried, but they thought that they should continue to go up, so the two sides were in a stalemate before they quarreled."

After hearing what they said, I nodded and said: "In that case, let me try it. You can go again."

"Experiment?" The little gods looked at me in surprise, not knowing how I would experiment.

Without answering their questions, I directly released the darts, and then I told him about the current situation. The darts immediately jumped up the channel knowingly, but it took less than a second. He jumped back from the direction of the cave where we just came out at the same time. The speed of the dart is the speed of light. Obviously, this channel is not as long as 300,000 kilometers. At the speed of the dart, it will be completed in less than one second. However, the walk is over, but the result proves that the way back is definitely wrong, because according to this method, it will only circle around here, and simply can't get out.

"Darts, do you remember where you entered the cave just now? That cave seems to have only one entrance, right?"

Darts quickly answered me that he was from just now The Transmission Gate from Abyss Demon entered the passage just now. When I heard this answer, I was stunned, because I didn't expect it would be there.

A Divine Race next to it frowned and asked, "Do we need to get into the Transmission Gate to try?"

"Not sure." Another Divine Race said : "Abyss Demon appeared in the Transmission Gate, indicating that there is more than one connection point, and it looks like this is not a simple one-way Transmission Gate, but a mixed transmission of multiple Transmission Gates. We rushed in without knowing the transmission rules. I will just lose myself in the huge space formed by the Transmission Gate, don’t even think about going out."

"I’ll know if I can go back from the Transmission Gate to try." I just let the darts go to explore Road, anyway, although the darts are not good for battle strength, it is very simple to bypass the enemy at his speed.

Darts ran back as soon as they received the order, and also entered the Transmission Gate in less than a second. Then I immediately felt that the connection with the darts became very weak. Obviously the Transmission Gate is a very far away location, otherwise the contact between me and the pet, ignoring obstacles and distance, would not have become so vague. It seems that the previous experience of being cut off from communication has happened to us. When the two sides are not in the same plane. Putting it that way, is that Transmission Gate really connected to the abyss plane?

"It seems a bit troublesome." The Divine Races next to me didn't know why I suddenly said this, but before they could react, I released the Blazers. "Let’s not take this path anymore, just open another way out."

Although brute force cracking is not the best method, you have to admit that as long as you can do it, this method is usually You can get rid of the traps that make you a headache. Just like this time. Although a circular space link is set up in the channel, it is impossible to connect to all the ground in the entire area. It is definitely feasible for us to open a road from another direction. The key is time and labor intensity.

The pioneer is a full-time burrowing favorite. The speed of digging is not much slower than the speed of human running on the ground, so the time should not be a big problem. As for the labor intensity, this is not to worry about. Trailblazers will not feel tired from digging holes. However, there are so many of us. It is estimated that it will take some time to follow a passage to the ground. This is no way. After all, the tunnel dug by the pioneers is enough for four people to walk side by side, and the rest of the Star God Hall here is at least There are still more than three thousand, and this speed is naturally not much faster. The only lucky thing is that Abyss Demon did not catch up to make trouble. This saves us a lot of things.

In the end, it took about half an hour for the pioneers to dig to the ground, while it took nearly two hours for the personnel of the Star God Temple below to evacuate to the ground. The main reason for this was that the passage was too large. It's narrow, plus there are wounded in the team, so the speed does not raise. But at any rate it finally came out, and it's not very far from the Transmission Passage of the Sea God Temple.

Considering the actual situation of the people in the Star God Temple, I don’t dare to let them go to the Sea God Temple by themselves. I can only escort them. Regarding the recent luck problems of the Twelve Star Gods, the Twelve Star Gods themselves did not know what was going on, but if it was a coincidence, it would be a bit too moldy, but there was no way to deal with it if the reason was not found. In the end, I can only tell them that they will not be allowed to participate in the battle mission against the Olympus Divine Race again when they arrive at the Sea God Temple, lest their bad luck even spreads to us.

I don’t know if the bad luck is over or it’s because I was there that affected their luck. In short, I didn’t encounter any strange things on the way to Sea God Temple, just entering the Sea God Temple. I met the player guards hired by Poseidon before, but because of my existence, there was no conflict between the two sides.

After arranging the hapless Twelve Star Gods to take a break at Sea God Temple, I and Poseidon, who came to greet me, asked about the situation on Isengard’s mobile fortress. As a result, Poseidon Tell me Isengard Mobile Fortress has entered the Greek airspace ten minutes before we arrived, and is now decreasing in altitude and approaching at a low altitude.

After knowing that Isengard Mobile Fortress finally entered the Greek area, I didn't care about things here anymore, but directly teleported to Isengard Mobile Fortress. From the moment Isinger Mobile Fortress enters the Greek airspace, the Transmission Formation on Isinger Mobile Fortress is equivalent to having the function of Transmission Formation within the Greek country. As long as it is within Greece and has transmission permission, it’s okay. Teleport directly into the Eisinger Mobile Fortress. Of course, because Isengard Mobile Fortress is a forward base, it will update the magical fluctuations of the teleportation barrier every time it leaves a mission. This is equivalent to a code lock, whose function is to prevent the enemy from directly entering the city through Transmission Formation and destroying it. Of course, as long as there is a powerful enough transmission type Transmission Formation, it can also be forcibly captured and transmitted, but the technical conditions required for that kind of thing are too harsh, and not everyone can handle it.

From the Transmission Formation of Isengard Mobile Fortress, I immediately saw a large group of players and NPCs coming in and out. Of course, what came in and out was not the domestic Transmission Formation here, but the transnational Transmission Formation. Although we have entered the Greek airspace, just like our own cities are equipped with protective barriers, Greek cities also have their own protective barriers, except for some system cities and some small guild cities that openly accept all transmissions. Transmission Formation, Transmission Formation in most guild cities is closed. We are not a local guild, and naturally we can’t get the corresponding magic fluctuations of Transmission Formation. Actually speaking of which, if you really want to collect, a lot of the magic fluctuations of Transmission Formation can also be collected, but it’s meaningless to collect it when you don’t use it, and you have to spend a lot of money. Besides, the fluctuations of Transmission Formation are not fixed. You waste a long time and get a Transmission Formation fluctuation. Your job will be wasted as soon as people change fluctuations in the second day. So this thing basically has no value in collection, unless it is the cities that we focus on collecting, most cities have no value in collection.

When the busy crowd saw me appearing, they immediately separated a way. After waving to indicate that everyone was busy, I quickly ran to the guild command center. The main leaders in the meeting, except The basics of the front-line command and dispatch work are all here.

"President." As soon as I entered the wisdom center, I heard several people calling me at the same time.

"How is the preparation progress now?"

Hong Yue walked down from the front of the military god’s console and said: "The preparations have been completed. The personnel did the final drill. But the battle started so urgently, our people and Poseidon’s Divine Race have no time to coordinate with each other!"

"I don’t think there is any need for coordination. I'm worried."

"Why?" Hong Yue looked at me questioningly and asked.

"Because we don't need to coordinate." The door on the other side of the Rose Bush Command post walked in, holding a document in his hand and handing it to Hong Yue's hand. "According to our latest tactical arrangements, we have decided to act separately in this battle. The Poseidon is only responsible for receiving personnel and evacuation guarantees. Hades will lead his Pluto gods to block Zeus and his Olympians. As a member of Divine Race, the remaining chaos and order of Divine Race will be left as the place where the reserve support may go wrong depending on the situation. Purple Moon and Vina, Xinghuo and Peacock will be responsible for breaking into the core area of ​​Mount Olympus to find Olympus Divine Race’s divine force core is drawn according to the list to join our Divine Race’s Soul Seal."

"That means we are going to be divided into three parts?" Hong Yue asked.

Rose nodded and said: "We have to fight forces first to come from different organizations, and the time is too short. It is very likely that accidents such as accidental injuries will occur if we fight together rashly, and it is very troublesome to command. , Even with the military god’s precise micro-manipulation ability, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be absolutely no problems, so it is best to open up the personnel, so that the three War Zones are all self-contained combat units, and there is no coordination problem."< /p>

True Red suddenly asked: "But you didn’t calculate the battle strength of our guild? After removing the Poseidon, Pluto and Purple Moon, the players in our guild and the Divine guild What about the remaining battle strength in the Race? Are we responsible for guarding the home? Isengard Mobile Fortress does not need so many people to defend?"

"no no no, your mission is not light at all." Rose I took a few copies from the pile of documents in my hand and handed them to Zhenhong, Kristina, and Gold Coin, saying: "The high level personnel of the guild and the mobile angels are not right. They will be responsible for assaulting the materials of the Olympus Divine Race. Storage sites and various resource warehouses. According to the latest information from Hera, Zeus may execute plans such as burn both jade and stone after discovering the situation irretrievably, so in order to avoid unnecessary losses, you must Hurry up to get these places and completely control them before you get a decisive victory in other aspects. The coordinates of these locations have been marked on your map, and you can ask the military god at any time, and he will navigate for you. In addition, you are needed. Note that these warehouses may be guarded by high-level personnel, so your enemy is not just warehouse keeper. Do not take it lightly."


"Currently, there are so many plans."

Just after the Rose had finished speaking, the god of war actually asked: "What about Isengard Mobile Fortress? You didn't arrange a battle plan for me. The battle began. After Isengard Mobile Fortress is going to stay here all the time?"

"Oh, forget your side." Rose took out a crystal memory stick on her body as if she only remembered it and threw it away In the past, then while the military god read the memory stick, he said: "Isinger Mobile Fortress will keep its current direction and move forward. Three hours later, when the Greek side enters midnight midnight, Isinger Mobile Fortress will Will enter the visual range of Mount Olympus. At that time, the mobile fortress of Isengard will be used as a firepower platform to carry out a covering attack on Mount Olympus. The goal is to attract Zeus and the others to leave Mount Olympus and help Purple at the same time. Moon's dive team cleared ground obstacles. There are some specific plans in the memory stick, you can see it for yourself. "

The military god probably has finished reading the memory stick, nodded, and stopped talking. Naturally, everyone on our side picked up their own plan and looked at it carefully. After the war, we How much battle strength can be played depends on everyone's implementation of the plan. As long as everyone can ensure that the mission is completed 100% as planned, then our battle will be perfect.

< p>While we are intensively preparing for the war, the atmosphere in Greece is also with swords drawn and bows bent, like a huge gunpowder barrel. Although the players do not know what happened to the first, but all All the regional NPCs were nervous, and this sentiment also affected nearby players. As a result, everyone was nervous about unfathomable mystery, but they didn’t know what was going on. However, this kind of thing happened. It was broken at 10:30 in the middle of the night, Greek time, because someone saw Isengard Mobile Fortress.

"Exhale...inhale...exhale...inhale...Master the rhythm, yes That's right, that's it, control the muscles of your whole body, and shoot the feather arrow in your hand at the moment when your breathing alternates, because only in this way can you ensure that your breathing won't affect the state of your body, yes, very good, that's it . Now aim at your prey, pay attention to its movement, and then..." A player who was teaching his men to shoot arrows suddenly yelled in anger, because he discovered that his men had actually given up their breathing rhythm and unconsciously handed them. As soon as it loosened, the arrow not only failed to shoot out, but also bounced horizontally, almost hitting his instructor who was standing on the side. "Damn what are you doing? "The player was completely angry, but after he scolded for a long time, he found that the scolded subordinate did not react at all. He just looked sluggishly at the upper side, so he looked aside again, and found that the two companions accompanying him were actually both. So he turned his head and glanced over there, and then he himself stood on the spot as if he had been petrified, completely dumbfounded.

Because the moonlight is very bright tonight, so At a glance, he saw a huge black outline gradually emerging from behind the top of the mountain, and as that outline gradually approached, he first heard a commotion in the woods, and then less than ten seconds later he saw a large amount of it. Devil beasts and various animals rushed out of the forest, and then swarmed past them as if they hadn’t seen them at all, just as if they didn’t exist.

After these devil beasts and animals’ frights , The four people at the scene all eased from the dullness, but before they could remember what to do next, the four people felt the slight vibration from the ground at the same time, and with a low rumbling sound, this The vibration is gradually increasing and expanding. It feels like an earthquake, but it is different. Everyone just feels that what they are stepping on is not the ground, but a screen-type vibrating concentrator.

"Na Na Na ...What the hell is that? "

" Ai... Ai Ai... Isinger Mobile Fortress! "The player who was instructed by Arrow Technique was the first to call out. Compared to his own instructor, this student likes the crazy forum, and he has seen screenshots of Isinger's mobile fortress, even though it is night , But because the moonlight is very good, and there are many glowing green Nether Souls flying around outside Isengard’s mobile fortress, that image is so easy to recognize, and this person recognizes it after only a glance.

Although it looks very slow, the moving speed of Isengard Mobile Fortress is actually not as slow as it seems. The reason why I don’t think it is moving quickly is entirely because Isengard Mobile Fortress The volume of is too huge. Because it is too large, it takes a long time for Isinger Mobile Fortress to move a length of itself, which also leads to naked eye. I think the moving speed of Isinger Mobile Fortress is special. Slow. But no matter what people’s senses are, Isinger Mobile Fortress is really not slow at all. Just when several people recognized Isinger Mobile Fortress, its front end was less than one kilometer in front of the four. Place.

Don’t look at the distance of one kilometer as it seems to be very far, but just like the sense of speed of people is not accurate, the sense of distance we feel is actually not accurate. When a tiny object is far away from you When you are very close, for example, if you put a sesame seed five meters away from you, you will feel that the sesame seed is far away from you, but if you park an aircraft carrier just five meters away from you In terms of location, you will feel that you are really too close to it. The feeling of this distance is completely determined by human self-judgment, not actual data. The volume of Isengard Mobile Fortress is not compared with that of an aircraft carrier. I know how big it is, so even though there is actually one kilometer away, all four of them feel that they have reached the foot of the city wall, and the vibration of the ground at this time is almost the same as that of a trampoline, and even naked eyes can see the ground. The rocks on the ground are all bouncing on the ground.

"This is the Isengard Mobile Fortress? "The guy who taught the arrow technique before asked his student: "Isn't that the secret weapon of the Frost Rose Alliance?" Why did you come here? "

The student probably just read the news on the forum recently, so he immediately replied: "The weapon is correct, but it's not secret at all." The Isinger Mobile Fortress of the Frost Rose League has gone out more than once, and it has been spread on the forum for a long time. There is basically no such thing as a secret weapon. And I don’t know why Isengard’s mobile fortress suddenly appeared in France two days ago, and then attacked a small city. It is said that the entire city was turned into ruins afterwards. Looking at the current direction and speed calculations, they should be returning to their base in China. "

"That means it's just passing by?" Asked the person next to it.

"I don't know this. I just guessed based on what I know, and that thing is not mine. What it will do depends on what the Frost Rose League wants it to do. "

The few people around me also reacted to their problems as idiots. My companion just likes to visit the forum, and he is not a member of the Frost Rose League. How could he know what they want to do. However, they did. I don’t know what Isinger Mobile Fortress is doing here, but I’m not worried at all, because they are free players. These four have no guilds at all, so we are absolutely impossible to run all the way here to trouble them, and they There was nothing to lose, so naturally I didn’t worry about anything. However, although they were not worried about being attacked, a few people immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to make money. The mobile fortress flies so low again, it can be imagined that not many people have seen the Isengard mobile fortress enter the Greek airspace, so the information in their hands becomes new news, and the new news can be sold for money. /p>

The four people who understood the situation could not have the mind to wait. They all took out the crystal balls and started shooting the scenes and prepared to go back to find large guilds to sell to each other, and the video of the memory crystal was used as evidence. But , When the four of them took out the crystal and began to record a message to leave, the previous archery player yelled.

"Damn, what's the matter? "

"What's the matter? "The other three who had already taken out the scroll of city return and prepared to flash people stopped when he heard him yelling and looked towards him and asked what was going on here.

The one being watched The guy immediately took out his crystal ball and said, "I just made a recording, but it turned out to be like this when I played it back. "Speaking, he entered the magic power again to activate the crystal ball and chose the public play mode. As a result, the picture displayed was still the environment here. The only difference was that the bright moon was in the sky, but there was nothing above the forest.

< p>"Huh? "The three people next to me were taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that they took out their record crystals to open them, but they were surprised to find that their crystal ball was not recorded at all.

"Why? What's going on? Why is it not recorded? Isinger Mobile Fortress is there! How can you not be photographed so close? "

"Wait. "The player who first discovered that there was no recorded information suddenly screamed. "Did we not use Eagle Eye and Eyes of Truth skills to increase night vision when we were learning archery?" "

"Right? Is there any problem with this? "The person next to him obviously doesn't understand what's going on.

The player reminded again: "Turn off both of your skills. No, just turn off Eyes of Truth." "

Although the other three didn’t understand why, they still did as they were told, and then they were surprised to find that the mobile fortress Isengard was missing. No, it’s not missing, it’s still there. , Because the ground vibrations and the sound above their heads are there, and because of the blessing of the Eagle Eye technique, they can see that the air above their heads is obviously distorted. If it is on the road in the midsummer afternoon, it is understandable. Because it was the distortion of the light caused by the heat wave, but it was night, and it was also winter. Several people understood it in an instant.

"Damn, that thing has an invisible system! "

" is not invisible. "The young player said: "This is one of the secret technologies of the Frost Rose League. It is said to be called the Mirage system. It first appeared on the large battleship of their guild, but now it seems that it is not only the battleship equipped with that thing. That's it. "

"Isn't this mirage system just a stealth system?" "

"You have to understand it this way, but that thing should be called optical camouflage. You can use light and shadow projection to create false images to deceive any unit that depends on light to observe. We have been driving Eyes of Truth before, which is equivalent to using anti-stealth, so we found Isinger Mobile Fortress a long way away, but the Frost Rose Alliance is not stupid, how could it be possible to sway the Isinger Mobile Fortress to us Come on top of your head? They are simply arrogant, because they think that no one will be so bored that they drive Anti-Invisibility and run out to see the stars in the middle of the night. It's just that didn't expect met us. "

"But how can it prove that we saw Isinger Mobile Fortress if we couldn't take it? "

"No need. "The player who first instructed the youngster arrow technique said: "Although we did not take the image of Isengard's moving fortress, the vibration and sound on the ground can not be blocked, and we only need to make sure that we are telling the truth and we can sign with the other party. The system guarantee agreement, as long as Isinger Mobile Fortress really appears, we can get money, although this will lose a ratio of the contract fee, but we can always make a lot of money. What's more, we can sign a conditional payment agreement. If the information we said is correct, then the guarantee fee shall be borne by the other party. We lied to us so that the other party would definitely agree, and what we said is the fact, so we definitely don’t have to bear the guarantee fee. "

"Yes, the boss is right. We don't have to worry about whether we have photographed the Isinger Mobile Fortress, as long as there is evidence of these scenes. Anyway, the guarantee agreement can guarantee that we will not cheat the money so that the other party will not doubt it. We still hurry back to find someone to sell information. The value of news lies in time. The sooner it is, the more valuable it is. "

The youngster next to it also said: "It makes sense. Moreover, the fact that Isinger Mobile Fortress can be invisible should be considered a good thing for us, because this means that we may be the first person in the country to discover this news. In this case, our intelligence can be valuable. "

"haha, that's right, let's flash. "The more they talked, the more excited they became, and then they gathered together and took out a small group of Transmission Scroll to start the magic, but...

"I rely on, what's the matter? "Just after the reels were activated, along with the reels burned and scrapped, the Transmission Formation, which was supposed to send the four people out, suddenly went out after halfway through, and then the four people discovered that they were still in place.

Although the other three people in the team are older and stronger, they don’t visit the forum much, so they don’t know as many things as the younger one. Therefore, this time the youngest guy is the first to react. yelled: "Damn it, Isengard's mobile fortress of the Frost Rose Alliance is simply not passing by, they are here to fight! "

"What did you say? "The other three obviously didn't realize why their companions said this.

Youngster asked annoyedly: "Do you know why we failed to transmit?" The three shook their heads together, and the youngster immediately followed, "Because of that. He pointed to Isinger Mobile Fortress. "Because that thing is a city, and it's Fortress City." Although that thing can fly, it is indeed a city, so it must have a spatial barrier generator. Do you know the air barrier generator? It is the thing that prevents players from directly using Transmission Scroll to enter the city during a siege. That thing is almost equipped in a slightly larger city. It makes no sense that Frost Rose does not have it? "

"Do you mean that because Isengard Mobile Fortress opened the space barrier, the transmission within a certain range around it was blocked? "

"No, it's just that our transmission is blocked. The space barrier generator will leave a special channel for the transmission of its own guild, just as the electromagnetic interference system of the military will leave a channel for its own communication equipment, this kind of space shield will also open a channel for its own people. But because you don't know what frequency their channel is, you can't use it at all. "

"But this just shows why we can't teleport. Why do you say that the Frost Rose Alliance is here to fight?" "One of the more stupid guys among the other three still didn't react.

Without waiting for the youngster to answer, the guy next to him patted him and cursed, "Are you stupid?" The shielding system is used to prevent the enemy from teleporting into the city during the battle. When Isengard Mobile Fortress turns on this thing, it means that it has entered a state of war! That guy is here to fight! "

"But who is its target?" "The idiot player asked.

The boss who taught youngster archery before said: "That's not what we need to care about, we just need to find a way to send the news quickly. Now that we know that Isengard Mobile Fortress is here to fight, then we can even ask for a high price. "

"But the transmission failed! If we run with legs, we can't run that stuff, right? Regardless of the size of the thing, it is actually very fast! "The idiot player continued.

"hehe, signal that I still have this thing left, this time it finally came in handy. "The boss laughed at hehe and took out a metal frisbee from the storage ring. This thing looks like two silver white metal plates upside down together, just like the classic UFO shape. However, this is not an alien’s aircraft, it is actually a magic item, and its function is similar to that of a homing pigeon, except that it is faster and comes with an automatic tracing function.

A few others obviously also know it. What is this for, so when I saw this thing, I was happy. The boss quickly recorded a video with a crystal ball, and told the receiver to be responsible for selling the news, and then put the crystal ball on that. On the top of the small flying saucer. Although the crystal ball seems to be a circle larger than the entire flying saucer, and the thickness is far greater than that of the thin flying saucer, the magical thing is that the basic crystal ball of the two disappeared.

After getting the crystal ball, the boss immediately grabbed the flying saucer and threw it out, but the flying drop did not slow down after being released, but accelerated moved towards one direction and shot away. With that thing After leaving, the Greek players will soon grasp the news of Isengard’s mobile fortress entering the Greek airspace, but... will we care? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( ) To vote for recommended votes,

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