The distance between the two opposing men and horses is not very far. Although I am only advancing at the normal production speed, this distance is quickly over. So shouting, I stopped in front of the other person taking the lead.

The position of this guy is really bad, because he just happened to be in front of me. If he stands a bit crooked, I will go over him and directly face a certain player behind. Those players don’t have his command. Most of them will choose to let me pass, no matter what excuses are used afterwards, anyway, I can find excuses to vague the past. Although it will lose face, it will not be too serious. But unfortunately this guy happened to be on my path, and if he himself gave way, there would be no excuses.

"Are you trying to stop me?" After stopping in front of this guy for three seconds, I suddenly asked, and when the other party heard my question, a big sweat Zhu slipped off his forehead.


"Sorry for my hurry, since you won't give way, then I have to make my own way out." Without giving the other party any time to speak, I Lifting the leg directly is to kick that guy to the ground with one foot, and then roll back and slide out for a dozen meters away, and several people stop by knocking over along the way. And because of his relationship, the battle formation behind this was directly opened out of a channel. Without waiting for the surrounding players to react, I snapped my fingers out of Yekage Summon, then turned over and rode up. With a flick of the rein, Ye Ying immediately took a small leap and briskly ran across the tunnel created by the group of wounded. It was not until I penetrated the formation that someone finally reacted and yelled rushed up.

pu... The first guy who reacted and rushed up suddenly fell within two meters of Ye Ying, and the people around didn’t even see how he died. It wasn't until the guy fell to the ground that everyone saw the hole in his throat that was spurting blood, and they understood where he was hurt. Then they looked up towards me, but they didn't know when my hand was three meters longer. What a long heavy hook and sickle gun, I carried it upside down with one hand and slung behind me, this position can be shot at any time, and it does not affect Ye Ying's running.

Although the first person to rush out fell down, the people behind had already rushed out instinctively before they realized it. After all, their boss was beaten by me. Before thinking more about the stakes, most people’s first reaction is definitely to help them deal with those who bully them, so after someone takes the lead, others start to charge. The guy who killed... To be honest, most people didn't see what was going on. When he fell to the ground, he ran so fast that he was already in my attack range.

Looking at the crowd around, I didn’t feel any tension at all. I took the eternal hook gun and shot each of the people who rushed up. The position was all in the throat, and it was all light. Draw it back at one point. Because the speed was too fast, many people still rushed to my side by inertia after being hit.

As the people around me surrounded me, the group of people on the other side felt like there was an invisible barrier around me. As long as people close to this barrier, the power supply was suddenly turned off. The robot slumped down, but in fact all of these people really died.

Because there are too many people who died in an instant, and the location is concentrated, and all the pharyngeal arteries I poked, so the speed of blood splashing is quite amazing, people behind can clearly see There was a path of blood paved by the corpses left where I walked. The blood flowed out of the corpse piles along the gaps between the corpses, and finally gathered into a small pool of blood on the side of the road.

Although the death of the first person did not scare the people behind, or because the speed was too fast, many people rushed up before they could react, but now, the corpses in this place are Blind should have noticed, so, except for the part of people who rushed up first, the rest of them hurriedly stopped at a place five meters away from me, because once they entered this distance, they stopped. It's safe. The Eternal Scythe Gun looked only more than three meters long, and I was not at the very end, but the Eternal Scythe spear attack range was far more than three meters. The eternal hook and sickle gun is eternally changeable, and eternity is a universal weapon that can be deformed. The small thing of telescopic length is really not a problem, so after so many people died, those who survived have learned their lessons, not only did they not He rushed forward and took the initiative to stay away from a safe distance.

I looked around and confirmed that no one was rushing forward. I turned the Eternal Scythe gun sideways and held it in my hand. Then the two sections of the Eternal Scythe gun began to collapse toward the center. It took two seconds to turn into a red ball and I put it back into the card slot on the back of my hand.

After finishing the eternity, I urged Ye Ying to move forward again. Although my weapon has been put away at this time, no one around dared to rush upwards. After all, there are many impulsive people, fools. Not much. The forward rush is caused by impulse, and now seeing the lessons learned from this place, only fools and those who truly reach up to the clouds dare to rush forward. It's a pity that neither of the above two kinds of people are here, so no one dares to come out and stop me.

After crossing the blockade of the players, I let Night Shadow accelerate and ran towards Olympus. This time I came out to find trouble for Zeus. There are no fixed goals at all. It can be said that it is only the stage of layout and mutual testing before the start of the battle. The real battle cannot begin until Isengard’s mobile fortress arrives. Before this, I will not have any real mission, it is nothing more than just getting involved in the battle, anyway, I try to accumulate the advantage at this stage and slow down Zeus' preparations. As for the battle with those players just now...that actually has a reason.

At that time, I was arrogantly walking through the crowd. It was actually a very obvious provocative behavior. If it was purely for the sake of face, I would never do that. Those who are usually arrogant and domineering are either mentally disabled, or their strength is not derived from themselves, so they want to show it, for fear that others will not know that he is very difficult to deal with. But my intelligence is obviously normal. As for showing off strength, that is definitely necessary, but I can’t show off in this way. My current strength is mainly reflected in two aspects: 1. I am Ranked 1st on the world battle strength list; 2. I am the president of the Frost Rose League. Regarding the strength of the battle strength list, there are not many people who don't know the truth, and at my level, if you need to show your strength, you have to find some decent opponents. If the current world sprint champion wants to show his strength, he should look for Peak athletes or former record holders from other countries to compete, so as to demonstrate his strength. A world sprint champion runs on the road and finds an old man to sprint. That is not a show of strength, but that is embarrassing. For me, the players in the two guilds just now are all ordinary persons, so dealing with them can't show their strength at all, and it will make me look very petty. However, at the time, I couldn't make a move.

Those who want to enter the cave are obviously taking the task of Zeus. Their job is to detect and destroy the operations on the Sea God Temple, so letting them in the past will definitely affect our plan. . As for the players who guard the caves, this is thanks to the guild think tank. They had previously proposed that Poseidon could issue a mission opposite to Zeus to interfere with Zeus's plan. These people who guard the cave are obviously taking this task to help us.

Because of the above reasons, I can't ignore this kind of battle, but standing blatantly on the offensive side opposite the defender's attack is not enough. Although Zeus has basically determined that Poseidon has fallen to my side, this is only his inference after combining various intelligence and Poseidon’s behavior. Poseidon himself has never stood up until now. Called her to be independent. It's like some international affairs in the real world, everyone knows the truth, but they all agree to a false propaganda. This is a political method with many goals and often complicated reasons. However, there is one basic point that will not change, that is, unless there is an indisputable and definitive news that has already been known to the public, otherwise, even if the fact has happened, you cannot publicly shout it out.

Zeus now roughly guessed that Poseidon would go out independently, but we did not actively shout out, so he could not shout out. Even though both of us now know that this battle is inevitable, but as long as the battle doesn't start, we can't shout like this. Now if I help those players who have taken the Poseidon mission to deal with the opposing players who have taken the Zeus mission, then it is equivalent to telling everyone that I and Poseidon are in the same group. And my current identity in the Olympus Divine Race should be their mortal enemy. At this time Poseidon and I get mixed together, it is tantamount to pulling Poseidon to the dark side of morality. After that, Zeus will get the excuse of just and honorable to act on us in advance, and some neutral and indeterminate forces will directly fall to Zeus as a result.

I can't bear such a big loss, even if I don't care about the two groups of players, I can't really do that. However, depending on the situation at the time, the strength of the guard seemed to be weaker than the other side, so I had to take action again, otherwise it is very likely that they would rush to the Sea King Palace and cause some unexpected things. For this reason, I finally pretended to be arrogant and deliberately provoked the opponent, and even finally faced the opponent's leader face to face. That was all deliberately. In terms of human pace flexibility, as long as there are two or three meter away, you can actually avoid obstacles in advance without changing the pace. So if I really don't want to get involved with this thing, I just had to turn a little bit in advance and get around that guy. However, not only did I not give way, but also corrected the wrong direction. I walked directly to the guy, and even took the first shot without giving the other party a chance to speak. This was all to help the next group of players, of course, mainly to help myself.

Actually, even if the guy who blocked me at the time gave way, I would find other excuses to deal with them. Anyway, they were destined to be unlucky since I discovered their intentions. No matter how they dealt with them, they will eventually be I attack.

Leaving the battle scene of these people, I basically no longer worry about the situation there. On the surface, it seems that I only killed some of the opponents. In fact, the ones who died were basically those with a certain strength. After all, the weaker people didn't rush so fast, so at least the ones running ahead would not be too rubbish. In addition, as long as these guys fight with me, they will be hit by the curse attributes attached to my familiars and me. Because many curses are collective, no matter whether these people attack me or not, as long as someone in their team attacks me, then their entire team will be affected. Although this influence will gradually diminish over time because I left the scene, the battle is actually the most important thing at the very beginning. Winning a round first means that the subsequent battles will have higher morale, more preparation time, and more choices. As long as the guards are not really muddy and can’t support the wall, they won’t be gaining. After my help, I was still defeated.

Here I was thinking about what was just now, and suddenly I heard a fighting sound coming from the front, and it sounded like there were still a lot of people.

Ye Ying has been with me for so long, of course, knowing that I must go to see it, so I changed the direction and rushed towards the battlefield without reminding me. Turning around the section of the forest where we are currently traveling, there is a very narrow gorge in front of it, and the battlefield is on the opposite side of the gorge. The length of this canyon is only a dozen meters, but the widest place is a little over three meters, and the narrowest place is even less than 1.5 meters. The size of Ye Ying was a bit reluctant in the past, so I simply collected Ye Ying. I got up and walked through the canyon to the edge of the battlefield on the opposite side.

The landform on this side of the canyon and the other side of the canyon more than ten meters away are completely two worlds. The environment on the side of the canyon is the same as the primitive forest, with lush vegetation and beautiful environment, but on the side of the canyon is a standard rocky hill. The surface of the earth is basically composed of earth-yellow rocks, but they are of different sizes. Even the canyon behind me is simply a gap between two giant rocks.

In front of the mouth of the canyon, there is a relatively flat ground with an area no more than the size of two basketball courts. The ground composed of sand and stone looks good, but it is actually a pitfall. The hard ground has no elasticity at all. The sand grains and the nearly round stones all over it have the same effect as glass marbles on your ground. At this time, the two sides of the war are almost like fighting with roller skates. The posture is awkward and awkward, and from time to time you can see someone accidentally falling down.

Across this area, on both sides, there are slopes that gradually slope upward, which is similar to the ground, and there is also a stone world. However, compared to the pitted site below, the hillside is more reassuring. I believe that both sides of the war are also aware of this, and they can understand it by looking at their positions, because these people are basically moving up the hillside while fighting, and the people in the ground below are basically accidentally sliding down the mountain. After all, the hillside is still a hillside, no matter how it is said, it is also inclined, not to mention the mess of covering the mountains and plains. The reason why those people want to fight on the mountain is entirely because the ground below is too cheating, otherwise the ghosts like to fight on the slopes.

Looking forward from the open space here, the front is a winding canyon surrounded by mountains on both sides. Of course the width is much wider than the Heaven's Line I just came over, but the back part is covered The curved mountain was blocked, and only the part about 200 meters in front could be seen, and it would be invisible any further. However, now my sights are basically people, and they are all fighting. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that I don't know where to help.

The two sides of the battle are both Olympus Divine Races. Of course, most of them are reserves, that is, Saint Seiyas. There should be real Divine Races, but there are too many people to find where they are. .

The costumes of these people are all in one style. Basically, everyone is a set of heavy silver plate armor, without any mage or support unit. In addition, although the patterns on the armors of these people are different, I can't see the pattern at all, so I don't even know who the two sides in one battle group and the two sides in another battle group are. Who are you with? How can you help me in such a chaotic scene?

After standing in Taniguchi in a daze for a few seconds, a Saint Seiya solved his enemy and suddenly noticed my existence, and then he rushed towards me aggressively. I have to say that this guy gave me inspiration, and I knew what to do when I saw him rushing over.

I really can’t tell which of these people are Zeus’s and which are the ones who want to take refuge in me, but do they always know? Therefore, I only need to move forward, and the person who attacks me is the enemy, and the person who does not attack is definitely my own. Although this method is somewhat passive, at least it will not accidentally hurt one's own people.

The low-level Divine Race is always one cut in front of me, let alone Saint Seiya. The guy who inspired me was wiped with a lightning sword on my neck as soon as he rushed in front of me. After striding over the body of this guy, I walked directly towards the depths of the canyon. The scuffled crowd here is obviously not dense in the distance, indicating that the core of the battle is in the depths of the canyon. If nothing else, there should be enough weight over there. When the time comes, just ask him or her to figure out the situation. Of course, we must first find a way to get there.

As I formally stepped into the valley, a prompt sounded suddenly. "You have entered the blocked area. Before the area disappears, this area can only be entered, and you cannot use any means to leave the area."

I was taken aback by the sudden sound of the prompt, and I quickly turned my head and touched it. Sure enough, an invisible wall appeared, and I tried to punch it lightly. The system records showed that the defensive power of this invisible wall is infinite, which means that this thing is invincible. It seems that if you want to go out, you must first find the reason for the poor student, but I guess it should be an individual, or a Divine Race. After all, the field is a high-end skill. There should be many people in Divine Race. The ability in some areas is just exaggerated. As long as you can find the guy who releases the domain and kill it, the domain will naturally disappear. But I guess that this time I shouldn't have to kill the guy in the release domain, because I have already faintly guessed why he wants to release this domain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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