"Did you not even think about it?" Poseidon's super fast reaction stunned me.

Poseidon did not react abnormally to his decision, but directly said: "What is there to consider?"

"Is there nothing to consider?"

Poseidon looked at me and asked, "Will you abuse her?"

I shook my head decisively.

"Will you make her stronger?"

"Of course."

"Will you prevent her from meeting me?"< /p>

"Why should I stop it?"

"Why do you oppose me?" Poseidon asked me back: "If you follow you, she is equivalent to having an Immortal Body, and you She will also improve as her strength increases. In addition, you were originally the president of the Frost Rose League. I will be a member of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order in the future. It is also a member of the Frost Rose League. It is also easy to meet younger sister. So what am I dissatisfied with?"

"This..." After thinking about it for a long time, it seems that there is really nothing to object to. After all, I originally thought that Poseidon and her younger sister became my favorite. That's not bad. That's why I made this request. Later I asked Poseidon why she didn't oppose it just because she thought she agreed too quickly, but she didn't have any other ideas.

Since Poseidon has agreed, there is no need to waste time. I greeted Poseidon directly and rushed to the Sea God Temple. Anyway, this familiar has been decided to take it. If you start early, you can catch up with the Divine Race against Olympus. This will give you some experience. In addition, I found that fighting together can also speed up the cultivation of loyalty, because of the battle. Chinese personnel need to cover each other and assist each other. After a battle, they don’t know how many times they have helped each other or how many lives have been saved. Can this kind of relationship be cultivated unpleasantly? No wonder one of the few major irons in life has carried a gun together. It is really the easiest to cultivate feelings among comrades-in-arms. Of course, this comrade-in-arms refers to a comrade-in-arms on the battlefield. They only train together and have never actually been on the battlefield. In fact, they are not really comrades-in-arms. We must know that those comrades who crawled back from the dead man on the battlefield can block the bullets for the opponent without the slightest hesitation. How many people in the average comrades dare to say that they will help those who are in the army to block the bullets?

Although the Familiar is different from its comrades, its status is lower than the master by Level 1, but this thing actually depends on the attitude of the master. If I don't treat the demonic pet as a demonic pet, there is no difference in status. Therefore, the familiar can actually be regarded as a kind of comrade-in-arms, so when everyone fights together, they can quickly develop loyalty.

After I left the Sea King Temple and ran into the passage of the Sea God Temple, I quickly found Poseidon’s younger sister along the route I walked last time. This probably has some detection ability , I discovered my arrival far away and turned into that kind of huge monster intending to continue to lie to me. Of course, I didn't prepare last time. How can I get the trick if I know it's a phantom this time? Bring Emenis directly with him, and when I entered the room again, I realized that the picture in front of me was completely different from what I saw at the beginning.

When I came last time, I clearly remembered that I saw a huge cell, but now it seems that this place is the place where she is being held, but it doesn't touch the cell at all. After turning in from the outside rock passage, the first thing you see is a hall the size of an indoor basketball court. There is a circle of gorgeous white stone pillars around the hall, and both ends of the pillars are golden. The dome of the hall is a saphire blue base, with a large number of golden patterns and various gem decorations. The surrounding walls are all white stone slabs with many reliefs and painted decorations. The ground is not the big stone ground that I saw at first, but smooth marble floor tiles that can be used as mirrors.

With such an exaggerated decoration style, let alone the cell, the Imperial Palace is only this. Moreover, this place has no doors, chains or railings. After discovering this, I deliberately searched for it with magical induction, and found that there was a magical barrier at the interface between the passage where I entered and the hall, but this thing obviously did not react to me. I guess that thing is the real yoke that seals this Miss Sea monster. Although I can get in and out of here without hindrance, she definitely can't get through, otherwise she won't stay here honestly.

"I remember you, you were here before." I was observing the environment in the hall, and the sound of the monster suddenly came out from the air opposite, but I could see that sea monster The young lady is standing less than twenty meters in front of my left. Because of the relationship with Emenis, I can now clearly see the actual environment around me. As for the phantom part, it is projected into my sight in a faint ghosting manner, so I can say that I can see it at the same time. In the two scenes, the illusion is very light, and the real scene is clearer. As for the sound, of course, both can be heard, so as to ensure that my judgment will not go wrong.

The sea monster lady obviously intends to lie to me, but unfortunately I already know her identity, this little trick is impossible.

"Miss Shana, it is not a polite behavior to treat your guests like this." I said directly to where Shana's real body was.

The other party was obviously shocked. My words and the direction of her sight all indicate that her vision has failed, and I have obviously seen Poseidon, otherwise it is impossible to even know her name. Legend has it that Poseidon and Zeus are brothers, but in fact Poseidon is a daughter, so Poseidon’s identity must be kept secret. For this reason, Shanna's existence has become a taboo, so except for Poseidon, basically few people know Shana's existence, let alone her name.

Since the illusion has completely lost its effect, Shanna simply removed the illusion. Without the ghost of that layer of illusion superimposed on real vision, the surrounding scenery immediately became much clearer.

"Huh, you finally got rid of those illusions, it made my eyes sore!" I pretended to rub my eyes a few times and said, "You may not know me yet, but I and Your elder sister has a very good relationship, and she will soon become one of my subordinates."

"You nonsense." Shanna's appearance inherited the characteristics of the mermaid family, very beautiful. Moreover, because of blood relationship, some Poseidon's shadow can be clearly seen in Shanna. Of course, there is a big difference in temperament between the two. Although Poseidon’s image should be considered sweet, in fact, because of her rank and status, she gives people a feeling of aloof and remote, with a rather terrifying aura. However, although Shanna and Poseidon look alike, if you talk about aura, it would be a million miles apart. Shana's aura is almost nonexistent, except for her beauty, she has no strong temperament, and she has a sweet feeling like Little Princess. Of course, she is indeed the Princess, but the Princess of the Abyss Mermaid Race.

The thing that matches her temperament very well is that Shanna's character has no characteristics of Poseidon at all. Compared to Poseidon, who has a strong leadership breath, Shanna’s personality is completely like a little girl, so I just said that her elder sister, that is, Poseidon will become my subordinate, she will directly call out my nonsense. Come this way. If I changed to Poseidon, even if she thought I was talking nonsense, she would definitely not shout out so directly.

"Whether I am talking nonsense or not, this is not the point." I said directly: "Your elder sister has encountered some major changes now, so it may need to move collectively. As her dearest younger sister, Of course you and her will not forget, so I am here to take you away this time."

I know that little girl is very suspicious, so I took a small key while talking. come out. This thing was given to me by Poseidon before he left, and it told me how to turn off the seal system.

According to Poseidon's words, Shanna had been in and out of this place many times before, so of course she recognized the key.

"How do you prove that this was not something you stole?"

Slap. With one of my fingers snapped, Yeyue suddenly appeared behind Shana without warning, then hugged her shoulders and fixed her arms to her side, and then the huge tail turned directly around and used her tail. The tip wrapped around the opponent's legs, so Shanna couldn't move at all. Before Shana started resisting, Pepper and Princess appeared in front of her together. Then they didn't see what they were doing, but Shana's eyes were obviously staring, as if she had been frightened, she completely gave up resistance.

I didn’t speak until the opponent was completely controlled, "If I repeat what I just said now, you shouldn’t be suspicious?" Although he gave up resisting, Sha Na's head is still a little stupid, and she still doesn't understand what I mean. Seeing her looking at me with an expression that I didn’t understand, I had no choice but to explain: “I can subdue you in a few seconds, which means that if I want to harm you, I can start now. Didn’t you make this extra effort?"

It seems that she had just reacted, and Shanna finally nodded and said: "Okay, I understand. Can you let me down? It's hard to be fixed like this."


With a wave of my hand, Yeyue, Chili and Princess immediately disappeared in place. But Shana, who was regained freedom, seemed to really believe what I said. Instead of continuing to resist, she asked: "If the elder sister asks you to take me away, aren't you afraid that I will run away again?"

" In fact, I already have a solution for this problem." As I said, I took off the armor on my arm and stretched out my hand and said: "Apply to me for a pet contract."

" What are you talking about?" Shana looked at me with a surprised look.

"The pet contract. Don't tell me you don't know."

"No, I mean you let me be your pet?" Shana's tone is obviously quite similar. surprise.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"Your name is Shana, Princess of Abyss Mermaid Race One, the other is Poseidon’s younger sister. It seems that that’s all, right?"

"Do you know you dare to let me be your favorite?"

"Why do I Don't dare?" I looked at her with a puzzled look and asked.

Sana thought for a long time before she said: "My elder sister is Poseidon! Poseidon! Divine Race. You turn her younger sister into a demon pet, you are not afraid of her..."

"Have you forgotten what I said before?" Seeing that Shana didn't react at all, I had to say again: "I told you that Poseidon will soon become my subordinate. Didn't you hear? "

"What? You can't tell the truth, do you? I thought you were just..."

"It makes no sense to lie to you!"

Because Shanna still didn’t believe me in the end, I had no choice but to explain to her the current situation of the Olympus Divine Race, and then introduced the situation of our Frost Rose League and the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. Finally, in order to increase Persuasiveness also opened the door of the earth, let her stretch a hand in and feel the breath of High God, and finally convinced her to believe my words.

"Huh, really, I haven't been so tired when I told lies and deceives before. It's rare to tell the truth once and nobody believes it, so I must be forced to do a trick!"

After I believed my words, Shana didn't resist anymore and became my favorite, but the process was more painful, because there was a piece of meat directly missing on my arm.

"Ah...you you you..." Seeing that there was an obvious missing piece on my arm, I quickly took Xiaochun summon out to treat my wounds, and Shana on the other side was full of blood. That was chewing something. Of course, I know very well that what she is chewing is my meat, because I watched her bite it off.

According to the recognition Master method, if the familiar is forcibly collected, it is captured first, and then a few drops of blood are applied and the array is used to force it into the opponent's body. If the pet takes the initiative to take refuge, the process is simpler, just get some blood for the opponent to drink. Because it's just a ceremony, the blood volume is not the point, one drop or more is enough. Although it seems that every one of my beloved recognizing Masters took a big mouthful at the end, but it is the first time that it is such an outrageous thing to bite a piece of meat directly. Even the bite of Ling at the beginning is just a bite. It's just tooth marks, how can there be such a cruel thing?

"Damn, didn't your sister say that you are not the part of the abyss mermaid who eats people?"

Sana seems to have enjoyed it, she just swallowed the meat in her mouth. said with a smile: "Of course I am not the abyssal mermaid that likes to eat people, but I am not an ordinary vegetarian. I actually have a special ability, that is, I can devour the enemy's flesh and blood to obtain one or several skills of the opponent , There is still a certain chance of getting the opponent’s strongest basic attribute enhancement. Of course, this probability is not very high, and it can only be used once for each biological entity, and it can’t be used again regardless of success or failure. But I think , Biting a few more targets can always get some benefits."

"So you even bite me?"

"Anyway, I am your favorite, change It’s cheaper if you are strong, and you don’t suffer."

"If you burn a pound of meat for no reason, it’s not a loss? Fortunately, there are nurses on your side, or you will be dying even if you only bleed!" Jian Xiaochun has completed the treatment process, the wound on my arm has completely recovered, and the missing piece of meat has grown back. There is no major problem except that it is slightly whiter than other places.

Because of Shanna’s swallowed and absorbed attribute, when I introduced her to other familiar companions, everyone was far away from her. Of course, except for Lilith, because compared to Shanna Lilith is more like a monster.

After getting things done here, I took Shanna into the training space and exchanged more feelings with other monsters. I myself walked towards the exit to the ground while checking Shanna’s attributes.

Actually, accepting Shana as a familiar is not mainly for her battle strength. To be honest, I didn't plan to let her be the main battle force before. The main purpose of receiving her is actually Poseidon, which is tantamount to expressing a long-term cooperative intention to Poseidon, which is regarded as a means of stabilizing people's hearts. As for Shanna's actual ability, this is not important. Of course, she did occupy a familiar position, but instead of hanging her under Purple Moon's familiar position, I hung her on Yinyue's body. Considering the charm value of Yinyue, I think the amount of magic pets carried is basically not considered for Yinyue, because I can basically predict that this amount will not be used up in my lifetime. Besides, Shanna is an abyssal mermaid, and the mermaid is a humanoid pet. It comes with two familiars, and now she doesn’t have a single familiar, so after taking her, not only did she not reduce the amount of familiars carried, it should be said that it has increased instead. A carrying capacity.

Because I didn't really regard Shana as the main station demon, so I didn't care about her strength very much, but from this look, I found that I seemed to have made some mistakes.

When I asked about Poseidon’s strength, Poseidon just expressed a strong meaning and didn’t say anything in detail. Looking at her proud look at the time, I thought she was boasting of her younger sister, but now it seems that Poseidon should use a modest term at the time.

Sana's strength is not only strong, but also ridiculously strong. In her attribute column, the first line is marked with her name, and below is the race, and there is actually a bracket after the four characters of the abyss mermaid, which reads the two golden characters of "quasi-god".

What does quasi god mean? In other words, Shanna is a Divine Race who only takes a step to become a Divine Race.

It is said that Ling was originally Divine Race, so this quasi god should be nothing. However, unlike Ling, Ling’s Divine Race attribute disappeared after becoming a familiar. Although you can do quests to make up for it when you have a higher level in the future, it is a problem for the future after all. But Shanna’s attribute didn’t know why it was not cleared. Although her quasi Divine Attribute might not be a big deal in my pets later, it seems to be quite sturdy now, because of this quasi Divine Attribute. According to the explanation, this attribute is similar to the attribute of divine force. It can be used to suppress all non-Divine Race units, because she is not a real Divine Race, so it can’t get the tenfold suppression of Divine Race. But her suppression ratio is five times. To put it simply, as long as it is not fighting Divine Race, when Shana is in the battle, all attribute calculations must be multiplied by five. Therefore, even though Shana’s basic attribute looks slightly lower than my other familiars, she will become the strongest existence if she is against a non-Divine Race opponent, because her attribute is multiplied by five. Then it becomes a comprehensive attribute strongest. Of course, battle strength may not be based on attribute numbers, but in any case, does the super-high basic attribute take advantage after all?

I didn't think anything at all when I saw it. At most, I thought Shana was a relatively powerful monster, but after opening the quasi-Divine Attribute explanation information, I found that there was still content behind.

According to this explanation, Shanna’s Quasi-Divine Attribute actually has a status effect, that is, her suppression of non-Divine Race will be passed on to me and my other monsters, but What we get is not a five-fold attribute enhancement, but fifty percent. Although it is only 50%, this ratio is quite exaggerated. You can imagine that a track and field athlete who used to be 9 seconds per 100 meters suddenly accelerates by 50% and becomes 6 seconds per 100 meters. Isn't the result scary enough?

My demon and I are not ordinary creatures. Our original attributes are already very exaggerated. This is an increase of 50%, which is definitely an attribute that can scare people to death. Although this attribute is useless when encountering Divine Race, the problem is that players are not Divine Race, so the usefulness of this attribute is definitely wide enough. After all, Divine Race are all NPCs. If you don’t provoke them, they rarely take the initiative to provoke you. , And the battle between players is the mainstream.

In fact, in addition to this quasi-Divine Attribute that can strengthen my pet and me, there are also several auxiliary and attack skills in the attributes behind Shanna. After my observation, Shanna seems to belong to that kind of remote support unit. Her main combat ability is pretty good, but when the meat shield is weaker, the speed of assassination is not fast enough, so she stays behind the team to provide auxiliary support when she is the most suitable job. Her auxiliary skills can greatly strengthen my other familiars, and those very good control skills can contain the enemy, and finally she has a few attack spells that can be used as a fort, even if it can’t be the main one. Damage output, but it's definitely okay to mess up or something.

After reading Shana’s attributes, I finally understand the importance of her. It can be said that she is basically a team support creature, just like a mascot, as long as she is there, she can’t fight. It's almost the same.

After reading the attributes here, I happened to be on the ground, but the difference from the last time I came to open the map of the Sea King Palace is that now not only has it become very lively, but also special confusion.

"Sell my face, as long as you don't pass from here before tomorrow, our Holy Warr League will remember your help." A Greek player dressed in gorgeous equipment stood in a ticket with In front of the Greek player of swords drawn and bows bent, Yan Ran is the leader of the team, and opposite him, there is also a Greek player with a lot of nervous players holding weapons. The atmosphere on both sides is obviously very tense, and it seems that there will be fights at any time.

The position I came out of was at the entrance of the cave, and the team with the leader of the two teams was blocking the entrance, which means that their intention should be to prevent the opposite person from entering the passage. Because of the angle problem, the players in this team of protecting the passage obviously did not see me coming out of the hole, but the people outside found me. To be precise, I saw the hair on the top of my head.

To be honest, the dragon soul suit enhanced by Hades is good at everything, except that the hair on the top of the head is a bit speechless. It seems that the Knights in the Middle Ages in Europe like to put a feather on the top of the helmet for decoration. After my dragon soul suit was strengthened by Hades, there was such a thing inexplicably, and it was still upright old. It's high, so I can't hide with a helmet. After all, even if I lie behind a rock, I can see the erect feathers on it. There is such an obvious thing that few people will miss out except blind.

"Cross, you said you wouldn’t let us pass, why can he pass?"

The person on the other side suddenly pointed at me and shouted, while the one who intercepted the entrance heard The other party's words immediately looked towards the inside of the cave, and the other team members who followed him immediately turned their heads and looked back together curiously, but they happened to see me.

It feels a bit weird to be watched by so many people suddenly. Fortunately, we are the president of the Frost Rose League. It's a lot, so I quickly returned to normal, and then continued to move forward when everyone was gone. Anyway, my helmet and visor are pulled down, and no one can see my expression.

Those guarding here originally wanted to intercept me, but when someone tried to do it, they were caught by the people next to them. Obviously someone recognized my armor, and then told each other that the people over there were all automatically scattered to the two sides and gave me a way out.

After crossing the defenses of these players, I walked straight ahead without any intention to stop and say anything. Captain, the player guarding the hole here, saw me passing through their team and immediately relaxed. Previously, their entire Greek player guild tried so many times that they failed to complete the map task of the Sea King Palace, and I did it alone. With such a record at the bottom, the Greek players can also be considered to have a general understanding of my ability. Although there must be people who are dissatisfied and disapproved for various reasons, the gang in front of them are obviously not the kind of brain-dead people. It's a fool to kick on iron plates like me with steel nails.

Compared with Captain relaxed here, the one on the opposite side is not calm, because after I passed the crowd on the opposite side, it was like walking towards them. Although they probably saw that I didn't seem to want to participate in this event, after all, I came from the opposite side. On the battlefield, it's okay for an unrelated person to walk from the back of your own troops to the front line, but if you let the opponent walk all the way from the front line to the back, the problem will be serious. Although both of them passed through the battlefield, they looked completely different in face.

Because of this face problem, the player leading the team is now very entangled. He doesn't know whether to let it go or not. If you let go, your face will be lost. After all, the battle formation is lined up, because the person who comes across will immediately let out a way out. Doesn't it make it clear that you are afraid? But if you don't let it... Anyway, this one guesses that it's not a good thing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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