The closed area can be said to be of no help to the personnel already in combat, because it does not produce any auxiliary effects, but only blocks the War Zone area. Then, it is strange to waste a high level Divine Race capable of releasing the field to maintain this field. However, apart from mental disorder, normal people will not do things without reason. Even if some people do certain things for stupid and boring reasons, it is still the cause. Therefore, there must be a reason for one of the two sides to waste a person to maintain this field.

If a closed field cannot bring any substantial benefits to both sides in a war, then its role is not internal, but external. This kind of external situation can be divided into two situations. One is to prevent something outside from affecting both sides of the war. For example, one of them has reinforcements. The other is to prevent internal personnel from affecting external things, such as someone who wants to report a letter, or someone may run away.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is only one more reliable situation I can think of, that is, some rebellious Olympus Divine Race is here and Zeus’s Olympus Divine Race Warring.

According to the content that we specifically explained to Aphrodite before, Aphrodite once told those who wish to take refuge in our Olympus Divine Race, our plan did not start, let them keep Be restrained and never be found. And if they are discovered, we will take care of the overall situation and ensure the safety of other Olympus Divine Races that have taken refuge in us. We will not start action ahead of time for some of the discovered Olympus Divine Races.

Based on this situation, we can infer that the Olympus Divine Race, who is planning to take refuge in ours, knows that if he reveals his identity before the start of the plan, he will not get our rescue. For the safety of the plan and to prevent someone deceiving us into the content and start time of the plan in the name of taking refuge, these Olympus Divine Races contacted by Aphrodite do not know the mission time. The only thing they know is At the beginning of the plan, there will be more obvious incidents. They only need to follow the action after discovering that our plan has started.

In contrast to the Olympus Divine Race, which is preparing to take refuge in us, the Olympus Divine Race under Zeus must be that once someone finds that someone wants to betray, he will immediately think of reporting to Zeus. Therefore, the side of the two warring parties belonging to Zeus absolutely does not want such a blocked area to exist, because if they have just discovered that someone is going to betray, they need to go through this thing to report, and if they have sent someone to report. , It also needs to ensure that the road is unobstructed to allow Zeus's reinforcements to come in, so they don't need to block here at all. As for the possibility of raising the blocked area because of the fear that the mutineers may escape, I think this is very small. After all, there seems to be no significant difference in the number of personnel between the two sides, so the number of personnel is enough to kill the opponent. At this time, an extra high level Divine Race to help out is obviously cost-effective without starting the blockade, even if this Divine Race cancels the blockade and replaces it with one. Auxiliary or curse field, that will greatly influence the situation of the battle.

According to the above situation, the only possibility to raise this blocked area is that the Olympus Divine Race is ready to take refuge in ours, and the reason is most likely to prevent the Olympus on the side of Zeus. Divine Race sent people out to report the letter. As for the probability that someone has already gone out to report the letter, raising the blocked area to prevent reinforcements from entering, I think this may basically not exist. After all, the impossible blockade has been maintained, and attacking will reduce the maintenance time, so sooner or later the people inside will be exposed to Zeus, so that it doesn't make much sense not to use this field. The more important point is that this field is one-way. It allows people to enter but not to leave, indicating that it is preventing people from going out to report, rather than people from outside coming in for reinforcements.

Now that these things are thought of, the situation now becomes clear. I just walk up to the Olympus Divine Race who maintains the field and see who is protecting him and who is trying to attack him. It must be his own people to protect him, and those who try to attack must be Zeus's minions.

With this thought, I quickly moved towards the mountain valley. Naturally, many combatants noticed my presence along the way, and their reactions to me would be completely different when they saw me. Just look at the person's reaction and you can immediately know the relationship between the enemy and the enemy. Those who are obviously excited or happy after seeing me are definitely friendly forces. As for those aggressive rushing up, they don't need to think about the enemy.

Compared with the genuine Olympus Divine Race, the battle strength of the Saint Seiya is really not enough. There are at least dozens of Saint Seiya who intercepted me along the way, but none of them can stop me even a little. One second. The strength of these guys was not as good as the Olympus Divine Race, and because of the melee, only one or two people rushed up each time, and when they did not form a group advantage, they met me simply because of courting death.

Although the canyon is very deep, because I am fast, I rushed to the depths of the canyon within a few minutes. This is a strange landform. This place looks like a huge crater. The pot-shaped crater is surrounded by a mountain range, but the edge of the giant crater is very small, so although the area of ​​the crater is large, it is not. How deep.

In the canyon outside, I saw the saints covering the mountains and plains fighting in a melee, but when I came here, I found that the outside scene was really weak compared to here. In this huge pothole, at least tens of thousands of people are fighting, and at a glance, all the densely packed heads below are human heads. If it weren’t for the fact that I was on the edge of the pit, which was taller than the bottom, I wouldn’t be able to see so many people at once. Panoramic view of melee. However, there are not many people everywhere in the pit. At least I saw three areas with relatively few people when I glanced over. As long as I pay a little attention, I can find that there must be several high level Divine Races in these areas. There is a melee over there, and the reason why people around you don't get close here is completely because they don't want to die. After all, both sides are high level Divine Race versus high level Divine Race, neither side can keep their hands, they must do their best. In this kind of unreserved attack mode, it is difficult to guarantee the accuracy of the attack. Therefore, it is not considered a safe zone to pass around the War Zone, and the minions on both sides have wisely chosen not to get close, so as not to be killed directly without knowing how to die.

Because the melee can't see the trend for the time being, I can only work hard to find the Divine Race in that supporting field, and I really found it. Originally, the person supporting the domain must be in the center of the domain, but because the domain is too large, it is impossible to locate his position in space. Moreover, when the domain is released, there is no sound and light effect, and certain special phenomena cannot be used to confirm who is releasing the domain. However, there are two things to confirm the location of the person in the release area. The first is magical induction. After all, the domain releaser is equal to the domain, so just find the person who is consistent with the domain's magical fluctuations. However, there were tens of thousands of people on the scene, and I couldn't sense each other's magic fluctuations one by one, so the only way left was visual inspection.

If it is a general combat domain, the releaser will not have any special performance, but this super large-scale non-combat domain is different. Maintaining this area will be quite hard and requires concentration. Therefore, the releaser can only do some simple evasion and movement at most, and is basically unlikely to directly participate in the attack, and even he may not be able to move at all.

Although it’s not easy to find a guy who doesn’t move much in a crowd of tens of thousands of melees, the headquarters relies on magical induction to find it much faster, besides, I am not alone. Hula, release all my summon creatures, and then clean up the opponent Saint Seiya who was in the way nearby, and then all began to look into the crowd below. We look for so many pairs of eyes together, and everyone's attention position is definitely different, so someone soon found the target.

"There, there." A Qilin warrior pointed in a direction and suddenly yelled.

"Yes, I saw it too." With his pointing, everyone's eyes focused on the approximate location, and soon more people noticed the location. I quickly took the Qilin warrior and other summon objects back to prevent the crowd from being confused, and then only left a few humanoid familiars by my side. There were also a few familiars who found their positions, and then pointed them to me directly. With their guidance, I finally saw the goal.

The target person is actually in one of the areas where there are relatively few people. This is actually a matter of as it should be by rights. The rebellious Olympus Divine Race didn’t want the opponent to go out to report, so the release area blocked this area. The other party definitely hoped to send someone out to report, so they must find a way to kill the guy in the release area so that they can clear the area and send people out. . Those Olympus Divine Race who rebelled on one side must also know that the companions in the release field will become the target of the public, so the most powerful of them gathered around this companion, and the strongest person of the other party naturally gathered. Come here. In this way, it became an expert concentration area, and the surrounding soldiers naturally flashed as far away as possible, so it became a blank area.

I probably guessed this situation before, so at first was looking for the target in three blank areas of personnel, but the one I observed first happened to be not, and Qilin warrior found the target first.

Now that the target location has been determined, you must hurry up and help. Temporarily put away all the familiars around me, and then I spread my wings directly and moved towards the bottom of the big pit, and the largest blank area glide past.

Thanks to the Olympus Divine Race, there are very few people who can fly, and I have barely been intercepted all the way through the air. Although occasionally some long-range attacks flew up, the opponent's strength was too weak, plus one or two feather arrows, long spear, etc., which were impossible, really hurt me, so I finally reached the core area easily.

The number of both parties in this core area is just the same, and the strength seems to be basically the same, so everyone has done their best, and now they can’t be distracted, so until I landed, only one person found me , Because this one didn't participate in the war at all.

"Purple Moon President!" Seeing me land, the Divine Race in the support field immediately ran over excitedly.

"Iris?" I was also taken aback when I saw the visitor, because this one I know, he is the Aries Star God Iris of the Twelve Star God Temple. After seeing this guy, I immediately glanced around, and it turned out to be exactly the same as I thought. I said how to look at the glittering piece of gold here from afar, it turned out to be the twelve Star Gods. The armor of these guys is the same as the golden saint in the Saint Seiya cartoon that was very popular at the time. Although part of the armor is different in shape, the style is basically similar, and the golden piece has been inherited quite well. At least I dare not stare at these guys under the big noon sun, otherwise I will definitely be blinded. . Of course, although the number of personnel and equipment are similar to those of the twelve golden saints, the twelve Star Gods in "Zero" are the serious Olympus Divine Race, and the saints here are basically At the level of the Celestial Court equivalent to Celestial Court, bullying the ordinary person is still okay, and he will die immediately when he encounters a person who can fight. The most important thing is that the Saint Seiyas here are severely biased, and they don't know how to fly. They still like to fight melee without weapons. If their health points are much higher than those of the heavenly soldiers, these guys are simply trash troops. Of course, there are also advantages and disadvantages in the Saint Seiya, but those are individual cases and do not represent the overall level.

As a whole, the Twelve Star Gods have always been united to the outside world. Basically, these guys rarely act alone, at least in groups of three or four each time they are dispatched. Anyway, these guys are rarely alone like wolves during the breeding season. Based on this situation, it is not difficult to imagine who are fighting around.

In addition to Aries who is approaching me, I also saw Star God Parsis in Pisces and Star God Saori Tirells in Sagittarius and Star God Kan in Capricorn Proknos also has an Aquarius Star God Equeris, but this guy is lying on the ground vomiting blood, apparently crippled.

"How could it be you?" To be honest, although I guessed that it must be a certain Olympus Divine Race force who was intent on taking refuge in it was discovered, but I really didn't expect it to be twelve Star God, after all, this group of guys are quite good people. Not only battle strength, but their intelligence is not low. After all, other Olympus Divine Races are afraid to ask someone to discuss this kind of life-threatening matter, but their twelve Star Gods can discuss it together. This person If there are too many, you can check the omissions. as the saying goes, three heads can still top a Zhuge Liang, how can twelve Star Gods surpass four Zhuge Liang, right? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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