Although a lot of research has been done in advance, and there is intelligence support from Aphrodite, Rose and Hong Yue are just players after all. They are about the Olympus Divine Race. Naturally impossible and Hades, the natives of the Olympus Divine Race, know more about it. After handing all the information obtained by Aphrodite to Hades, Hades immediately began to discuss with a group of Divine Races under him.

Because Zeus has been oppressing the Hades in the past, the Hades rushes to the front in every foreign war, so they are obviously very experienced in wars and other things. The gang of Underworld who followed Hades's hard hits are not ordinary people, they are all experienced high-level personnel. These guys got together and quickly came up with a set of general tactical and strategic arrangements, which were finally passed to the military god to simply deal with the details.

There is basically no need to hold subsequent meetings. The discussion meeting has become a press conference. You only need to remember the parts related to yourself.

Compared to the perfect coordination of Isengard’s Mobile Fortress, the situation on Poseidon’s side is a bit messy.

Because Zeus has a list of Olympus Divine Race who agreed to join our guild, in order to prevent Zeus from purging these people, we must start the plan before Zeus takes action. , Do not give him time to discover and cleanse these people. Fortunately, that list is encrypted. Even with the strength of Zeus, it will take time to crack it forcibly. This has bought us time. However, the group of people under Poseidon's hands was really inconvenient to use to tell the truth, each of them had a low understanding and acted out all kinds of small problems. Fortunately, the Heavenly God system as the opponent is not much better than the Poseidon system, and may even be worse.

The reason why the Olympus Divine Race split is because Zeus treated the three Divine Race unfairly. The Plutos are basically coolies. I will send you to death and harvest the spoils of war. Although Zeus took good care of it for balance considerations, it is obviously not as good as the Heavenly God system. Therefore, although the Poseidon system does not have wars like the Poseidon system, at least the Poseidon system will occasionally give the Poseidon. Tie up and contract part of the battle. So Poseidon’s people have fought anyway. Except for the hundreds of powerful Divine Races under Zeus who have participated in real battles, most of the people are empty. The attributes look very high and they really fought. It's not bad to be able to play half the strength.

Thanks to the fact that the Heavenly God system has basically zero combat experience, some minor mistakes of the Divine Race idiots of the Poseidon system did not cause any problems.

"Is there anything that worries you?" Poseidon suddenly appeared beside me, looking at the busy Divine Race in the square under the balcony.

I stretched out my hand and gestured below, and then said, "This is the source of my troubles."

"My man?" Poseidon was obviously a little surprised.

Because Poseidon’s status will actually be below me after joining our guild, so I didn’t treat her politely, just nodded and said: "The attributes of these people may look beautiful , But it’s good if they can show half of their strength in the war."

Poseidon didn’t react badly to my evaluation. She also knew what her army was like. In fact, she is not to blame. After all, she hasn't fought much in actual combat, and training alone will not create a super army. What's more, the training intensity on Sea God Temple has not been great. After all, Poseidon has to consider Zeus's ideas. The strength of the Olympus Divine Race is actually very strong. Zeus is the key reason why we fell apart. His suspicion and internal balancing methods have seriously affected the strength of the Olympus Divine Race. Even if Poseidon had a large group of high level Divine Race underlings, she would not dare to train them to be super warriors, because that would make Zeus think she had any bad ideas.

"I know the shortcomings of these people, but after joining the Frost Rose League, I think this will not be a problem. They are all good subordinates who are willing to endure hardships. The main reason why they are not performing well now is because There is no actual combat training, and I dare not make them too strong because of Zeus. But I heard that the Frost Rose League wars are very frequent, I believe there should be a chance for them to exercise there."

When Poseidon said this, I couldn’t help but said with a smile: "Don’t worry, when we get to our guild, you only need to worry about not having time to rest, and don’t worry about having nothing to do. In addition, regarding training, I think the method of our guild will help them quickly improve their combat and logistics management capabilities. The method you are using is too bad, but the war is about to start, and I have no time to tell them about our management methods!"

Poseidon shook his head and said: "You don't actually need to worry so much. Our mission this time is just to delay the time for Zeus to discover and clean up the defectors. Are you still planning to rely on us to complete the whole plan? ?"

"Of course not. By the way, Isengard Mobile Fortress may take an hour or two late to arrive."

"What's wrong?" Because I went out to arrange the battle before. So Poseidon didn't know about the attack on Isengard's mobile fortress.

Poseidon and I talked about the situation of Isengard Mobile Fortress in general, and finally said: "Fortunately, it’s all done now. The damage of Isengard Mobile Fortress is still within the acceptable range. And it’s basically repaired. It’s speeding up. It’s just that the trip was slowed down because of the explosion. Originally it should be early tomorrow morning, and now I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until the sun comes out!"

Saidong nodded and said: "It doesn't make much sense to build a few hours and a few hours later, as long as it arrives. By the way, you plan to stay here after the battle begins?"

"Do you think I can Free time?" I looked at Poseidon in surprise: "I want to be able to become Monkey Sun's Avatar Technique, and become hundreds of thousands of myself, and then I don't have to worry about anything. Oh right. , There is one more thing that needs your attention."

"What is it?" Poseidon asked.

I directly took out a small crystal ball and handed it to Poseidon. Then when she checked the crystal ball, I asked: "I ran into it on the way when I came to the Sea God Temple. A monster that looks like a dragon and a human. It looks very powerful. I don’t know which creature is it."

"You don’t think that it is a very powerful creature and intends to Conquer her?"

"She?" I was taken aback suddenly. "Are you sure you didn't use the wrong word?"

"It seems that you were really cheated!" Poseidon explained with a smile: "You said it yourself, there was originally a connection to the Sea God Temple. The passage to the ground, what kind of creatures do you think is the most normal in this place?"

I thought about it for a while and suddenly reacted. "That's not a monster, but some kind of marine creature that can use fantasy?"

Poseidon nodded and said: "You actually came across my younger sister."

"Huh? Your younger sister?"

Poseidon nodded confirmed: "You know, I am Mermaid Race, and Mermaid Race is actually divided into several branches. Yours Isn’t there a mermaid named Anna in the Familiar?"

"Yes, she is the Princess of the Mermaid City of Atlantis."

"Yes, her One is called the blue sea mermaid, which is the largest population of mermaid. And I belong to the category of clear water mermaid. It is a slightly smaller population with a large number but not as many as the blue sea mermaid. As for my younger sister... …She should actually be regarded as a sea monster, a mermaid of the abyss, a very rare branch."

"Wait, you and your younger sister are not the same race?"

" How do you say it!" Poseidon thought for a moment and said, "Actually I am a hybrid. I am a hybrid of the abyss mermaid and the clear water mermaid. My mother is a clear water mermaid, and father is the abyss mermaid. But father is also a mermaid. The other wife is a pure abyssal mermaid, so I also have a younger sister of the pure-blooded abyss Mermaid Race. But because she is a pure-blooded abyssal mermaid, I dare not let her move around outside after the father died. , She had to be sealed in that cave. She herself couldn’t get out of there. The reason why she became a monster at that time must be because you were thinking about how to harvest a monster, so she changed her mind when she saw you. It's what you imagined, and I hope you can take her out. Of course, I promise, if you really bring her out, she will definitely immediately kill you without leaving any bones."

"Damn, is your younger sister the abyss mermaid or piranha?"

"The abyss mermaid outside is called sea monster. They eat everything, and the humanoid creatures belong to them. My favorite, it’s not wrong to say that they are piranhas. After all, almost half of sea monsters are eaten by mermaids of other races."

"So cruel? Putting it that way you Good luck."

"Why?" Poseidon didn't understand what I meant.

I explained to her: "You think. You said it yourself, half of the abyss mermaid will eat other mermaid, and your mother was not eaten by your dad, this is already very Good luck, because without your mother, there would be no you. After that, your younger sister didn’t eat you. This is considered second luck. Are you still good luck?"

" What do you say!” Poseidon explained to me with a smile: “Menmaids of the Abyss are all females. They have a certain probability to grab the males of humanoid creatures of other races during the spawning period, and then use them only in A special ability possessed during the spawning period is to transform the male individual into an abyssal mermaid. Therefore, none of the males in the abyssal mermaid were originally merfolk, at least not the abyssal mermaid. Because the transformation process does not erase the memory, the transformed male He will definitely not eat people unless he originally eats Human Race. So, my father is impossible to eat mother. As for my younger sister... Although she happens to be the fifty percent abyss that does not eat people. One of the mermaid, but even if she really eats people, it is impossible to eat me. First, we are relatives. The abyss mermaid will only eat other humanoid creatures, not that they are irrational. Anyway, it is impossible to eat their relatives. Besides, even if she is really crazy to eat me, do you think she can beat me? I am an elder sister, older than her. When she was born, although I was not a Divine Race, but it was only worse. A little bit. With my strength, even if she doesn't resist, she will definitely not be able to chew on me."

"But is it a bit bad for you to seal your younger sister like this? After all, she It’s your younger sister. Isn’t it the same as imprisoning you to seal her like this?"

Poseidon somewhat helplessly said: "I can’t help this because the younger sister’s mother is the Princess of the Abyss Mermaid Race. Later She has also become a queen, so the younger sister now has the right to inherit the throne of the abyss Mermaid Race. As you know, the throne battle is very cruel. The younger sister has always wanted to return to the abyss, but she has been separated from her mother for so many years, The relationship is definitely not good. In addition, her mother actually has other male favorites, and her offspring is not the only one, so once she returns there, she will definitely be framed by other sisters. Although she is an abyssal mermaid, she is too thinking Innocent, I'm afraid she won't be able to come back when she goes back, so I dare not let her go. There was father who was able to restrain her before, and then fa ther passed away I always took her with her, but she ran away more than ten times. Although I was arrested every time, I couldn’t guarantee that there would be a problem every time. It's closed. As for things like going to jail, this is no way, and I will often take her out when I am free, and only lock her up when I have something to watch her. It's a pity that the Avatar I operated after being sealed on that island by Zeus was inconvenient to move, so I seldom visited her. "

"Didn't expect your family's history is so complicated!" "I thought about it suddenly asked: "By the way, how is your younger sister's strength?" "

"My younger sister, what do you think?" "Poseidon's tone is obviously with a strong sense of pride. I think Poseidon is raising this younger sister completely as a daughter. Because the average elder sister will not have her reaction!

Since Poseidon has said so, I nodded and said: "Since your younger sister is very strong, how do you think I will accept her as a favorite? "Poseidon obviously didn't expect me to say this kind of thing suddenly, so she was stunned for a while, but then she frowned and started thinking, and I added: "This time you are moving. , She is definitely going to go together. This time will be quite chaotic, and even if you arrange for someone to watch her, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no accidents. Besides, don't you think it would be unfair to her to keep her in this way? Of course, I don't want her to go back to die, but I just feel that this kind of thing is her thought after all, even if it is for her good, you can't force her to be sealed, right? So, keeping her locked is not the solution. If she becomes my favorite, her soul will be protected by the law. As long as I am still there, she will not disappear, even if she dies, it is nothing more than a decline in strength. When the things here are over, I can even accompany her back to the abyssal mermaid city to fulfill her wish. What do you think? "

At first I thought Poseidon would think about it. I didn’t expect that as soon as I finished speaking, Poseidon grabbed my hand and said: "Okay, my younger sister will do it from now on. Entrusted to you. "Didn't expect Poseidon to make a decision so quickly, but it stunned me. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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