Diversified ideas are quite brave, but the effect is a bit unsatisfactory. After he walked a few steps forward with a difficult step, they suddenly heard a neat footstep coming from behind, and hearing the footsteps was not like a normal player running, but rather like a regular army. Is marching in a hurry.

As the footsteps approached gradually, Duoyuan soon discovered the source of the footsteps. I saw that at the exit where they wanted to escape before, a group of heavily armed skeleton soldiers stepping in neat steps was quickly running into the warehouse. After seeing them, the skeleton soldiers immediately divided into two columns without the slightest hesitation. They bypassed the crowd on both sides and surrounded them. Behind these skeleton soldiers, several Dark Palace Knights wearing black armors also One after another came in.

After seeing these creatures, the Japanese present almost immediately realized that they were finished. The mist of negative energy not only brought low temperature, but also severely weakened their battle strength. Not to mention that these are not ordinary low-level undead creatures, even if they are, their current physical condition is absolutely impossible to hurt each other. But relative to their distressed shape, these undead creatures here are as refreshing as a fish back in water. The undead are originally negative energy creatures, and the negative energy here is so abundant, not only will they not feel any discomfort, but they will get an extra boost in strength. And in this state, the undead will get an additional attribute, which is the acceleration of the automatic regeneration of health.

"Sure enough, we still underestimated the Chinese defensive methods!" Shi Gang looked at the undead ahead and said with regret.

As these Japanese sighed, a group of people dressed like astronauts suddenly walked out from behind the few Dark Palace Knights. Probably because the clothes are too thick, these people move slowly and look like mummies. One of them stopped in front of them after they walked over. Although the helmet he was wearing seemed to be one-way transparent, so he couldn't see his eyes, but the Japanese players immediately felt that the other's eyes were watching. On myself.

Just standing like this for a while, the person who walked into the encirclement suddenly walked over to a few Japanese players. Those Japanese players want to do it right away, and they have to pull back before temporarily. However, just when they were about to launch a surprise attack, they were suddenly surprised to find that they could not move. It's not that I can't move at all, it's just that the movements are already stiff and it takes a long time to lift the legs, let alone resist, now even walking is a luxury!

The player in the guild who dressed like an astronaut was awkward to walk because of the heavy clothes, but at least he was much faster than them. Easily walked to a few people, and then walked around behind a Japanese, then the player slowly put down a white suitcase and opened it, and then drew a huge needle tube from it. Standing behind the Japanese player again, the guild player directly pointed the needle at the base of the Japanese player's cervical spine and inserted it, and then pushed a full tube of green liquid into the opponent's body. After completing all this, the player immediately waved his hand outwards, and several Dark Palace Knights outside the encirclement immediately came over and pulled the Japanese player out.

The Japanese player who was injected with an unknown liquid wanted to struggle, but because his body was completely stiff, he couldn't resist. He could only let the Dark Palace Knight pull himself out of the crowd. But instead of being pulled into the room, he was put on a box next to him, and then the Dark Palace Knights stopped paying attention to him. As for the player in the guild in the encirclement, he now took out a thin syringe from the box that was a little thinner than the little finger of the child. Compared with the first extra-large syringe, this one is obviously an ultra-micro syringe, and the liquid dose in it is also very small, only a few drops.

Poke this small needle into the cervical spine of the female Japanese ninja next to it and quickly push it in, and then the player immediately took out a huge needle exactly the same as before and continued to give this female ninja He injected the potion, and when the big syringe was finished, he immediately put everything away and left the encirclement. The female ninja in the field suddenly regained her mobility, but she did not pursue the player from our guild. She squatted down, trembling with her hands around her shoulders, and she seemed very cold.

Just when the female ninja was trembling, the player from our guild had already walked to the Japanese player who was carried out first and gave him an injection before giving him an injection. The same tiny black potion injected by a female ninja. Now the two people are equal to the same injection of medicine, the difference is only the order.

With the completion of the injection, the player who was carried out suddenly regained his mobility, but unlike the female player on the ground who was shivering with cold, this one seemed to be burning. Like, not only was the whole body red like a cooked lobster, but he was also tearing up his clothes desperately.

"You...you...give me the injection...what did you inject?" The female ninja on the ground was trembling desperately with her hands on the ground at this time, although the surrounding mist was quite dense. But everyone could still see that her mouth was covered with white smoke, as if she was colder than the surrounding environment. And the male player on the other side was the opposite of her. He was rolling all over the floor as if he was suffering from severe pain, and whether his mouth and nostrils would spray some black smoke, it looked like It's as if there is an old-fashioned coal-fired boiler in the body.

As for the female Japanese ninja, no one on our side answered, but one of the Dark Palace Knights suddenly walked over, and then grabbed the female ninja on the ground and pulled her head in front of her. Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, the Dark Palace Knight suddenly opened his helmet, and then kissed the female ninja's lips, but the other party just touched it, and then moved his head back for a certain distance. , But everyone can clearly see that a large amount of white gas is flying out of the female ninja's mouth at a terrifying speed and being sucked into the mouth by the Dark Palace Knight.

The Japanese players immediately thought of what this is. This is simply not a kiss, but a hidden skill of Dark Palace Knight-Soul Extraction. Those who are sucked out are not smoke, but the souls of female ninjas.

After completing the extraction in about ten seconds, the Dark Palace Knight loosened the body in front of him, but the corpse that should have fallen down was nothing like what the Japanese imagined. Falling down like that, but stabilizing his body shape after shaking it twice, and then holding his forehead with one hand and shaking his head a few times as if he was unconscious, finally he straightened his body slowly, looked around, and then lowered his head again. After taking a look at her body, she finally said: "It's really bad, this body doesn't look like it will last long."

The player who injected her with the potion before used it with a strange echo through the helmet. The voice said: "It will be just a moment. Anyway, I don't expect to be guaranteed for a hundred years. It is enough to support one or two hours."

The female ninja, or the new will that occupies this body, said : "Two hours should be fine, but longer. I don't like watching my body slowly decompose. Oh, by the way, what is her name?"

I kissed a female ninja before The Dark Palace Knight said: "She's called Yuki Maiko, and her career is a magic ninja. I..."

"This is too much trouble, give me the fragments of her soul, and I will see for myself."< /p>

Dark Palace Knight nodded spit out a black crystal from her mouth, the female ninja without the slightest hesitation took it and stuffed it into her mouth, and then closed her eyes as if she was experiencing something, for a few seconds Then he opened his eyes and said: "Okay, I have seen all of them. Let me take the rest."

"Hey, I will share my share when the fragments are used up. You have read them all. , I don’t know anything yet.” I don’t know when it will start. The male player who was injected with the potion has also resumed normal actions at this time, but like the female ninja, his thinking is obviously not the same as the previous player. Thinking about it.

After hearing this guy’s words, the female ninja over there also spit out the ball before handing it to the opponent like the Dark Palace Knight before. The guy swallowed it directly after receiving it, and then she and the girl The ninja was silent for a few seconds before getting used to that thing, then stood up and left the warehouse with the female ninja. The Japanese player next to them saw the two leave. Although they had a lot of questions and probably guessed what they were going to do, they couldn't stop them at all. The negative energy fog in the warehouse has been increasing since just now. With the powerful engulfing attribute of negative energy, the surrounding environment temperature has been dropping, and the low temperature is only a collateral effect. It is not low temperature that really makes these players impossible to move. It's energy loss. The mist of negative energy can swallow the neutralizing positive energy, and the energy required for human activities is positive energy, including life force. Therefore, in the mist of negative energy, the human body's movement ability will become lower and lower, and the health value will continue to decline. However, this kind of energy loss is not felt, so Japanese players just feel cold. On the surface, they seem to be frozen, but in fact it is a precursor to the exhaustion of life force.

As the two people left, the remaining Japanese were picked up one by one by the surrounding skeletons and dragged out. On the way, they saw the bomb they placed again, but they didn’t. Unexpectedly, this thing is now completely covered by a thick layer of frost, and even if it is another ten thousand years, it will be impossible to explode.

The Japanese players who were dragged out here, of course, could not escape the end of the game. However, one death in the game is only a matter of losing one or two levels. Therefore, although the players are not willing to sacrifice in vain, Few people are afraid of death. Of course, they are not afraid of death nor need to bear the humiliation after being captured, so these people collectively chose to force off the assembly line after determining that there is no possibility of breaking free, leaving the fleshy body aside.

Unlike them, the two already controlled players actually quit the game a long time ago, but instead of forcibly offline, they were killed by the system hint. It is not the two players themselves who now occupy these two bodies, but two artificial souls. Of course, it is not the same as the artificial soul in the mobile angel. This artificial soul exists in liquid form and can be injected into the enemy's body. However, this thing is still in the experimental stage, and the effect is temporarily unstable. In particular, it is also a major problem that the occupied body cannot be preserved for a long time. As long as the time is long, the fleshy body will rot, and it has no practical value at all. But it can be used this time.

Isinger’s mobile fortress is our home court. The Japanese players reacted differently after being attacked by a mist of negative energy. They were directly frozen and reached the third team like this pair. One of the next three teams found out in time after being affected and started to transfer, but because of some impact, it moved a little bit slower. When passing by a cat-eye monitor, it was swept a bit, so a large number of us flocked to us. The guard blocked the team alive in a narrow passage, and the last two shock bombs were dealt with.

The last two teams were more alert. One team found the problem immediately when the smoke appeared, and then voluntarily started to escape, just because the entire Isengard Mobile Fortress was releasing this kind of smoke. Several passages were safe, so these people followed the smoke-free passage and finally ran into a huge space that looked like an indoor sports field. As a result, before they turned and ran back, the door they came in was automatically closed with a bang, and then they saw a row of doors opened one by one on the opposite wall, and strange creatures with different images began to enter this space. And yelled at them more than ever.

Compared to the previous teams, there is finally a team that is the smartest. This team is different from other teams. Although they are also affected by the negative energy fog, some of the people in this team soon discovered that the negative energy fog is heavier than the air, and it happened to be near where they were at the time. There was an upward passage, so they started to run up. Although the ventilation ducts inside the entire Isengard Mobile Fortress are spraying negative energy mist simultaneously, because the proportion of the negative energy mist is too large, it is as if the water pressure on the floor of the water pipe is high and the water pressure is low. The more the ventilation pipe on the Internet comes out The mist of negative energy becomes thinner, so this group of people finally ran to a safer upper zone before the body function dropped significantly. However, although they ran to the upper zone, they exposed their whereabouts.

Previously, Hong Yue ordered the blockade of all passages inside the Isengard Mobile Fortress. Of course, the most important one was the serial passages between the upper and lower floors. In order to avoid the mist of negative energy, the invaders could not care about being blocked. I found the problem and rushed to a level. However, although they successfully broke through the level and reached the upper level, they also paid the price of a player and three NPCs. However, there were a few unexpected guys in this team, so that the team who rushed to the next level The guild players actually failed to stop them. Not only did they let them continue to run a long way, but they also killed one person and was injured a lot. This still took advantage of our population. If the number of people is quite estimated The casualties will only be greater.

Two Japanese players in the first team that were imaged by the negative energy mist were physically plundered by us using special artificial souls for this team.

Compared with several other teams, this team has a notable feature of being crowded. According to the intelligence obtained from the NPC before, the enemies who entered the Isengard Mobile Fortress were divided into eight groups, and seven of them had only ten to twenty people, but in the end this group was actually left after some people were killed. There are as many as twenty-three people. What's more, different from the formation of the previous teams, six of the first seven teams are purely mixed teams of Japanese players and NPCs, and the first team of CNOOC is a mixed team of two Russian players and a team of Japanese NPCs. The team, and the last team is a mixed team of Russian players and Japanese players, as well as a small number of NPCs from the two countries.

This mixed team has many people, and the battle strength of the personnel is beyond imagination. The first time to force a breakthrough level is not surprising. After all, there are too many channels inside the Isengard Mobile Fortress. We are impossible to gather a large number of troops at every intersection, so we can only arrange a small number of personnel to act as a scout post. These people's job is not to intercept or eliminate the intruder, but to find and delay the action of the other party. This setting determines that they are impossible to stop the other party, so it is normal to be breakthrough. But the reinforcements of the team that later caught up were still defeated. This is even more amazing. You must know that these reinforcements are already led by people with certain battle strength in the industry, and there are a large number of NPCs in the team to assist, such battle strength is actually defeated, which is more exaggerated.

However, even if one of the reinforcements was defeated, it was impossible and safe to fall into the siege. No matter how they can fight, they are still not as strong as the top 100 in the battle strength list, so they are impossible to wade through the army like me without any hindrance. In the end, they can only be gambled by our guild players and NPCs. Into a dead end. However, the dead end they were looking for is not easy to fight. The main reason is that the internal structure is too spacious and shock bombs cannot be used. We are not willing to use high explosive bombs. After all, this is our own city. Our people can only think of other ways.

Just when the group of people hid in this temporary material transfer point and put up a desperate struggle, a metal plate behind them suddenly shook. Because of the nervousness now, those people immediately heard the sound of the metal plate rubbing and turned around. The one who reacted the fastest even rushed up with the dagger, but when the cover was opened, the sticking out head let it go. The man stopped moving anxiously.

"Maiko?" Seeing that the acquaintance who crawled out was actually an acquaintance, the player who rushed to the entrance of the cave was also quite surprised.

At this time, the female ninja who was still at the entrance of the cave did not completely get out, but made a very anxious look and whispered to them: "If you have any questions, let's talk about it, hurry up and follow me. I will take you out of here. The Chinese people outside brought a high-pressure flamethrower over and they were almost at the door."

"What?" The Japanese and Russians present were surprised. This place is obviously a cargo transshipment point, except for a relatively narrow exit, not even a door. There are all metal boxes stacked in the room. Although I don’t know the thickness, the fire resistance is definitely much stronger than that of their bodies. That is to say, if the flamethrower arrives, people outside can spray fire into it without restriction. Don't worry about the goods and the building itself being affected. After all, the walls and floor of the room are a mixture of metal and rock. I don't know if it is resistant to explosions, but it must be fire resistant.

The situation is so critical that these people didn’t think much about it. They just followed the female ninja into the passage, and then they found that the inside of the passage was slightly more spacious than the outside, although they couldn’t stand. Get up, but you can run with your legs as long as you hook your waist, without crawling on the ground.

After entering the passage, the group of people quickly saw another of their own, so they were even more sure that someone was here to answer, and then they ran forward with the female ninja in front of them with confidence.

After running a short distance down the passage, the female ninja suddenly stopped and pointed to a pipe that looked like a slide on the side of the main passage and said: "Below this pipe is a A safe room, but the exit is a bit high from the ground. When you go down, be prepared. You must quickly control your body and balance in a passage, otherwise it is easy to fall. I will go down and notify the people below to take care of it. You wait After I got down, I jumped down two seconds later. Pay attention to the interval and don't get too close." After Nina said, she jumped directly.

Because of this reminder, these people above are naturally more susceptible to him, so they jumped down one person every two seconds as instructed, but when they flew out of the passageway and prepared According to Nina’s reminder, when they mastered the balance, they found that they fell directly into a big net. Then before they could react, the big net suddenly closed, and then the body was thrown out and waited until they realized. By the time the situation was wrong, it was too late to resist. The mist of negative energy that was so dense that they couldn't see their fingers made their bodies instantly feel the bone-chilling cold. In addition, they were only bound by a layer of velvet-like things, and simply couldn't react. As for the sound to remind the back People with people are even more unlikely, because when they were dropped on the Internet, they were immediately covered by a mass of things, and now they can’t even open their mouths.

In fact, if you adjust the smoke in the room and then stand by and look at it, these Japanese and Russian players will find that just in front of the passageway, there is a huge black spider lying with its belly upside down. There. There is a huge white spider web on the eight legs of this spider, and the eight corners of the web are connected to the tips of the eight legs of the spider. Whenever someone slips out of the passageway, it will just pounce on this net, and then the giant spider will fold its eight legs at lightning speed, and the net will immediately wrap up the person who jumped on it. , And then it kicked the person straight up and threw the person away. The big spider beside it that had been exactly the same length immediately caught the person who had been covered with a layer of spider web, and then used super fast speed like a zongzi. In the same way, a few more circles of wire mesh were added to this person and they were completely fixed. At the same time, the third big spider in the room will put a newly completed web on the eight legs of the big spider lying on the ground, and then the spider will spread its eight legs again to spread the web. , Waiting for the next idiot to bump himself up.

The three spiders cooperated tacitly. Because no one had time to make a sound, the people above didn’t know that the people who went down first were recruited. As a result, the people in the front had been tied into dumplings, and the people in the back People are still silly in line waiting to jump down.

Originally, if these people had a communicator, they would not have this embarrassment. Unfortunately, Isengard Mobile Fortress is our guild city, so here, any means of communication by the laymen must be first Announcement, we can only use it if we agree. This is the advantage of a guild city. Many rules can be set by yourself. In addition, if these Japanese players and Russian players are online together, there will be no such problem, because they can force offline, and then directly wake up their companions in reality to notify him of the news, and then let the other party go online and tell others That's it. Unfortunately, none of these Japanese players and Russian players are online together, and the communicators have been blocked, which has caused the current sad situation.

As the people who jumped down were wrapped into cocoons one by one, the players on our side began to relax. However, just when everyone thought it was okay, suddenly another player slipped down from above. The big spider below stretched eight legs as before and waited for the opponent to hit the Internet, but what was surprising was that the person confirmed the scene and made an amazing move within a few tenths of a second after flying out of the tunnel. He actually cut a sword glow ahead of the air.

The blue and white sword glow cut open the spider web directly, and then the lingering prestige centered on the big spider’s belly, and instantly divided the big spider’s abdomen into two, the yellow-green mucus quickly Squirted out.

After the end of the move, this person directly stuck to the chest of the spider, and then flew forward with his feet at one point, although a few quick-reaction players in the guild pulled out their weapons He stepped forward to stop him, but he was still a step slower and was dodged over. However, just as she rushed over our player's head and was about to leave the room, a dark shadow suddenly flashed out of the door and said that the small passageway was tightly covered.

Although the road ahead was blocked, this one didn’t mean to stop at all. He swung the crystal sword in his hand directly in the air and cut it up, but the dark shadow on the opposite side She raised her head, and then she saw a pair of eyes burning with red flames violently flashing, and a ring of red ripples visible in naked eye suddenly agitated. The woman was knocked back by the shock wave only when she covered her eyes with her hands, and landed smoothly after a dexterous turn over in the air.

"Who should I be so powerful, I didn't even stop the commando of our guild. It turned out to be the ice-bound Banshee Eldest Young Lady."

"Hong Yue, you If an old maiden dares to call me Eldest Young Lady, I will tear your mouth."

The players in the guild in the room looked at the two women and women glaringly at each other, and they all wisely chose to stand aside, no matter what In any sense, neither of these two are easy to provoke, so it's better to flash as far as possible, so as not to be affected by the pond fish. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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