Although when gold coin commented on roses at the beginning, the way to describe roses is usually rather tricky, but this time it is indeed literal, because roses are true The thing is to bring hell to the world.

"Ready?" Each of the two players grasped a huge wheel-like winch, and then one of them confirmed to the other.

The person who was asked nodded said: "Okay, let's start counting."

The other person heard the confirmation and immediately counted down: "Three, two, one, Run!"

Following the word “Run”, the two suddenly loosened their own winches at the same time and turned around and rushed, and as they let go, the two winches held by them Suddenly it started to fly, and with the rotation of the two winches, a metal gate next to the winches also began to slowly move to the sides, revealing a gradually expanding door gap. Along with the appearance of this door gap, a thick, insoluble purple mist rushed out of the door gap like a waterfall, and then began to diffuse rapidly in the passage at an abnormal speed and went all the way. Rush forward.

The two players who loosened the winch rushed all the way to a place more than a hundred meters ahead and saw a relatively large lifting platform in front of them, and at this time a platform was standing on the platform. The players beckoned to them desperately and shouted: "Quick, quick!"

The two people lowered their heads and started gritting their teeth when they heard the man's shout, and the speed suddenly increased a lot. Seeing the two rush to the platform with the extreme speed they can reach, the person next to him immediately pushed up a lever next to him, the metal platform immediately rose, and the opening on their heads was also rapidly shrinking. , When the platform quickly passed the gate, the opening was quickly closed. And less than two seconds after the gate was closed, the purple mist had already rushed past the gate. As long as the gate was closed a little later, the mist would inevitably leak out.

Because the gate was closed in time, the purple mist could not enter this gate, so I could only move on along the passage, and then after less than ten meters forward, the passage suddenly turned to the side. A giant wind turbine with a diameter of more than three meters is in high-speed rotation. The purple smoke was quickly sucked in by the fan, and then sent out along the pipe.

"Duan Jun? This looks very similar to the warehouse area on the map." A Japanese player said to another person next to him.

The guy called Duanhua listened to his companions, and he couldn't help but lower his voice angrily: "Why are you still looking at the damn map? Isn't it bad enough for us to be hurt by that thing? That thing is just a thing? Trap, hurry up and throw it away."

The person who spoke before immediately explained: "no no no, Duo Duojun, I found that although this map does not match the area we walked through, but also not completely useless. In fact, there are many rooms whose markings and structures are correct, but the wrong parts are mixed in them, and some rooms and passages are not in the right position, but if you split it up and look at it, you can I found that the map of a single room is actually correct."

"So what's the use? I don't know the direction of the passage and the way of connection. What's the use of just knowing the room?" Multi-element asked impatiently. Since they started attacking Isengard Mobile Fortress, they felt that everything was wrong. First, the expected explosion did not cause the expected damage. After entering the Isengard mobile fortress, it was discovered that the map did not match the number. As a result, the eight teams dispersed completely and lost contact. Although they had planned to hang back when they came to perform the task this time, even if they die, they can't die in vain, right? But now the map information is wrong, and they can't even find a target worth attacking. From the previous explosion, it can be seen that Isengard’s mobile fortress is far more robust than they expected. So many liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs just opened a hole for Isengard’s mobile fortress, even if the interior The hardness is not as high as outside, and it certainly won't be much worse, and their remaining liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs are not much. If you just find a place to detonate the simply impossible, it will have any practical effect, just blast off some useless walls, it is too worthless for them to die. It is precisely because of all of this that Duoyuan is in a bad mood now, and it makes him feel that there is flame hair spreading because he is being chased by our guild, so even if he is angry, he dare not scream loudly. , Can only suppress his own voice, which makes him feel even more embarrassed.

Compared with the diverse artistic conception that is about to explode, Shigang who came with him will be much calmer. Shigang, holding the map, immediately said, “You don’t understand what I mean by Diversity. I mean, we can use the map as an identification map. Now, in our opinion, these rooms are basically the same, unless It’s in some special locations. We don’t actually see much in most areas. Some large-scale equipment looks ordinary, but it may be the hub of a certain power system, and some things seem very important, but they are actually possible. It’s just a ventilating fan, so it’s better if we simply don’t know what to destroy. Even if we walk under a very important thing, we can’t recognize it. However, with this map we at least know where we arrived Somewhere, if you find a room with a special name, it means that this place is really important, and you won’t suffer if you destroy it."

After listening to Shigang’s explanation, Duanyuan immediately became excited. . "Shigang, you are worthy of being a talent valued by Mr. Nobunaga Guishou, you really have unique insights. This is a good way. You quickly see where we are now? As long as we confirm the target worthy of attack, we will immediately use all the bombs on our body. Drop. It would be a waste to use these things to perish with those Chinese people."

Shi Gang immediately said after listening to what the other party said: "In fact, I explained this to you just to tell you , The room we are now in is the warehouse area, and this should be the place where special materials are stored. The price of these special materials may not be high, but they are all hard to find without exception, so once these things are destroyed, they will be given The Frost Rose League has brought huge losses, so..."

"hahahaha, didn't expect this kind of place. What are you waiting for? Hurry up, put the bomb down and we will move it right away. If it's just destroyed Some materials, a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb is enough, we still have the ability to attack a few more targets."

"Okay, let me find a position closer to the center point."< /p>

Here Shigang is looking for a place to put the bombs, but they don't know a very unremarkable location above their heads. Clouds of purple mist are gushing out of the vents. The specific gravity of these mists is obviously larger than that of air, so as soon as they appear outside the vents, they quickly fall to the ground.

Because he is not a professional blaster, Shigang just found a relatively central location to install the bomb, so it didn’t take long. However, even if it was only delayed for more than ten seconds, he had already missed the last chance.

Just when Shigang put the bomb and set the time for the clockwork timer, he suddenly shuddered. She seemed to feel a strange look up and looked around, but she didn't seem to find any problems, so she lowered her head and continued to set the time. After a few minutes of delayed detonation, he stood up and greeted others to leave quickly, but at this time, the surrounding situation was obviously not quite right.

"Have you noticed that it seems to be getting colder here." A thinly dressed female ninja asked aloud.

An Onmyouji next to him is frowned: "I feel a lot of Death Aura, and it's still increasing."

"Death Aura?" The team led by multiple doubts He glanced at him, but considering the bomb, he finally said: "Don't worry about the breath, let's go quickly, the bomb is about to explode." Then everyone remembered that there was a countdown beside them. The bomb, so I didn't care about the slight temperature change anymore, and ran in the opposite direction when going back and forth, because there was another exit over there. However, just as they approached the exit over there, they found that the closer they were to the exit, the lower the temperature, and they hadn’t felt it before standing in the center of the warehouse. This movement became more obvious. . As the fog entered more and more, someone quickly noticed a large amount of fog in the warehouse, and then someone discovered the purple fog that was spraying out from the vent. Compared with the thin mist that spreads to the warehouse, the purple mist at the vent is much thicker, and you can see the almost completely opaque mist at a glance.

"Chinese people don't use poison qi in their own city, right?" A Japanese player looked at the purple mist and asked stupidly.

The Onmyouji who spoke before suddenly called out: "Damn, this is not poison qi, it is Yin Qi!"

"Yin Qi?"

"Yin-Yang Realm's Yin Qi can also be called Death Qi, Ghost Qi, or simply negative energy mist. In short, these things cannot be touched by living people!"

" Did you touch it?"

"First, the body temperature continued to decrease, feeling cold, then physical strength and physical function decreased, and finally died. And after death, it will be 100% transformed into undead creatures."

"Then what do we do now? Is there a way to protect it?" Shi Gang asked.

The Onmyouji stood there for a few seconds and then shook his head: "If there is a low concentration, there are many ways to protect it, but this thing is the higher the concentration, the greater the formidable power. You can see the smoke from the tuyere. The concentration has reached the point where it is absolutely unstoppable. If the entire warehouse becomes the kind of dense fog like the air outlet, we can persist in that environment for up to five minutes and we will be finished."

"Aren't you Onmyouji? Are you afraid too?"

"I am Onmyouji, but I am still alive. Even Necromancer can't resist this negative energy erosion without using Undead Transformation on myself. Yes!"

"What do you do with us? Just wait for death?" the previous woman asked with endure.

Shi Gang shouted: "Don't worry about so much, run out first. Even if the fog concentration here reaches that state, it will take five minutes to die, but the bomb is not five minutes away. And. How do you know that other rooms must be the same as here, and they are all negative energy fog?"

I heard Shi Gang’s reminder that everyone reacted and ran quickly, but as they moved forward, everyone I found my condition was getting worse and worse. The people wearing heavy equipment were better. Those ninjas and wizards obviously began to feel that their hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably, and they found that the breath they exhaled actually condensed into white mist, just like winter. What is even more exaggerated is that some of them actually started to appear hoarfrost on their hair.

"Damn, I feel like my hands and feet are completely unconscious!" A ninja called this as he ran, and his movement speed was said to be running, but it was actually a little faster than walking. Because his movements are as rigid as those of a 90-something old man, and he is still the kind of frail and sickly old man.

"No, so we can’t get out of the explosion range and the bomb will explode!" A player shouted: "Shall we go back and turn off the bomb first?"

Duanyuan immediately scolded: "Baga, the people of the Frost Rose Alliance are obviously going to kill us. We may not have the opportunity to put another bomb. If we don't get some gains now, are we going to die here in vain?" < /p>

"Sorry, I was wrong." The guy who proposed earlier apologized immediately.

The Japanese players here have agreed to continue running desperately, but the speed is really like the old man walking. The warehouse is now filled with a layer of purple weapons that can be seen by naked eye. Although it is not as exaggerated and rich as the air outlet, there are already obvious purples, and they are basically invisible beyond fifty meters. Clear things, this concentration of mist is actually quite exaggerated.

"Damn, we definitely can't get out of the explosion range." A player shuddered, and he felt like he was about to be unable to move now.

At this time, Shi Gang frowned, and then sighed: "I think we will sacrifice for nothing this time!"

"Why?" Originally, I was still immersed in the satisfaction that was about to cause great harm to us, but suddenly I couldn't calm down when I heard such a sentence.

Shi Gang stretched out and handed out a pocket watch with a shiver. After seeing the other's puzzled eyes, he said, "This is my timer. It has stopped now, but it was still running just now. "

"What does this mean?"

"It means that the timer on the bomb will never reach the detonation position. Our timer is a clock that winds up. The working principle of this timer is the same as mine. Look at the surroundings. Obviously, this negative energy is not just as simple as making us feel cold. The temperature has really dropped. There is a layer of frost on the surrounding things, indicating the temperature. It's really low. My timer stopped because of the low temperature when I was wearing it. The timer on that time bomb must have frozen earlier, so it was impossible to detonate when it reached the explosive position. "

"Damn it!" Cloudy roared angrily. At this time, he could no longer hide his whereabouts. After cursing, he immediately turned around and hobbled towards the center of the warehouse.

Shi Gang shouted from behind: "What are you doing, Mr. Duan?"

Duan said without looking back: "I'll detonate it manually, even if I die, I can't let China People have a better life.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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