"It's mean!" Hong Yue slowly walked into the room with a provocative tone. Her Death God stayed by her side to prevent the ice-bound Banshee from doing it. Sudden attack or something. After all, no matter how strong Hong Yue is, he is also a mage. It is obviously not a good thing to be close to the warrior. "What's the matter? How come our lovely leader of the enemy country has time to come to us as a guest? Don't say hello anymore. Don't you know that sometimes, the host doesn't want to be disturbed? Especially if you come in without an announcement Guest."

"Well Hong Yue, we all know who we are and where we stand. You don’t have to turn around and scold me on purpose. I know that neither of us can say anything good. But today In this case, don’t you think that instead of standing here and scolding each other, it’s better to use martial power to solve it?"

"no no no, of course it is good for us to stand here to scold each other , Of course, that’s only for me.” After Hong Yue finished speaking, he stepped aside, and then he saw a huge silhouette at the door as soon as he bent over and got in. "Please allow me to introduce to you the latest achievement of the guild's construction biotechnology-the fifth generation of mobile angels. Oh, forgot to mention, the prototype of this thing is the use of mobile angels for Divine Race, so... Ask for your own blessings."

Frozen Banshee, who had no fear in the first place, changed his expression when he heard this name. Other players may not know the use of mobile angels for Divine Race, but Russian players are very clear, because their Divine Race is now almost all done by our guild’s battle, and this battle appeared. A lot of mobile angels are used for Divine Race, so Russian players know very well the terrifying of this thing. Since this one is based on the use of mobile angels for Divine Race, and it is still a new generation version, it only shows that this thing is more powerful than those terrifying use of mobile angels for Divine Race. Although the ice-bound Banshee thinks that his strength is good, it is inevitable that a person will be somewhat guilty in the face of something that can compete head-on with Divine Race with just one. Besides, her current state is not very good. Don't forget that this room is full of negative energy mist. She has been here for such a long time.

"hmph, don’t think you can beat me with a broken iron can. I won’t lose to this thing." Even though I was afraid in my heart, Banshee Frozen didn’t intend to talk about it. Suffer.

Hearing what the other party said, Hong Yue was not only not angry but laughed. "Who said I only use one to deal with you?"

Following Hong Yue's words, three mobile angels walked in immediately outside the room. They are a little different from the previous one. The latter two The shape of each is obviously different.

The mobile angel who entered the room first was more than three meters tall. Even though the room was quite spacious and the entrance was very large, he still had to bow his head and bend to get in when he entered. In addition, besides the size of this guy, his body is also covered with an exaggerated steel armor. There are no decorations on this armor, it is purely a metal structure, but as long as you look at it, you will find this thing very scary, because it looks too thick. This kind of armor can no longer be called an armor, but should be called a wall. That's right, the armor on this mobile angel looks like a wall made of steel. From the movable structure of the joints and other parts, it can be seen that the thickness of this thing is at least ten centimeters. This can no longer be called an armor. The whole is a large ingot of steel.

In addition to a terrifying armor, two chain saw swords are cross-hung on the back of this giant mobile angel. The sword light is a sword hilt that is at least one meter long, and is about the same thickness as the middle of an adult male's calf. The front blade is nearly one meter wide, but because of the length of this thing, it actually looks very slender. Of course, adhering to the consistent style of the mobile angel, the blades of these two chain saw swords are also pieces of jagged blades. Only when they are activated, the smooth blades can be seen, and when they stop, they will feel like the sword. There are more hacksaw blades than a sword.

Behind this super-heavy mobile angel is one of the two mobile angels Hong Yue later put in. Compared with the previous one, the size of this mobile angel is obviously much smaller. Although the height of about 1.90 meters is definitely not short, but compared with the previous one, this one feels much smaller. After all, the previous one is almost four meters tall, and this one is only half of the others. nodded.

It’s different from the mobile angel in front that is nearly four meters tall and looks particularly strong. Even though this mobile angel is only 1.9 meters tall, it still looks quite slender. The proportion of the entire body looks like those beautiful figures in anime, the upper body length is only one third of the leg length, and it looks like the legs are very slender. Of course, the long time is very long, the lines are also very beautiful, and the sleek curves seem to have a very sexy feeling. However, even no matter how beautiful, these legs are still not thin. The reason why it looks slender is because of its proportion to the body, not because of how thin the two legs are, and the structural curve of the legs hides its actual size very well, which makes people look and feel It is slightly thinner than actual size.

In fact, except for the legs, the whole body structure of this mobile angel is similar. The sleek curves and perfect lines have long formed the body structure like an artwork, and the perfect silver, red, gold, and black shell looks really gorgeous. In addition, unlike the previous mobile angel whose body is black like the brown bear, this mobile angel is inlaid with a lot of gems and crystals, and her body structure shows that this is a female mobile angel, not a standard model.

The fact that mobile angels have genders actually started from three generations, because at that time we started to use artificial souls, and artificial souls have genders, so mobile angels also have genders. However, the gender of the early mobile angels was only reflected in some small habits. It was not until the fourth generation that they began to differ in appearance and function. In fact, the output of female mobile angels has not been high, and only some trials have been done. However, starting from the fifth generation, our mobile angels will use a large number of mixed-group mobile angels, and female mobile angels will also appear in large numbers.

Because of the slender figure, this mobile angel is not a power type at first glance, so her weapon is also very special. In fact, no external weapons can be seen on her body, because her weapons are her nails or claws.

This female mobile angel has a sharp blade-like magic cutter at the tip of her finger. This thing cuts steel plates just like tofu. Moreover, when she brings her palms together, the entire palm becomes a sharp sword, and there are pop-up blade combinations in many places above and below her body, so it can be said that there are weapons all over her body.

In addition to the first two mobile angels, there is the last mobile angel in the room. Unlike the previous mobile angel, the body structure of this mobile angel looks normal, that is, the body structure of the ordinary person is slightly modified and beautiful. However, there are three things on this guy that look special. One is that this guy has a slightly protruding light blue crystal on his chest, which is slightly larger than a large soup bowl, and the other is that this guy’s arms are connected to something like a multi-tube cannon. In the end, there are two long long boxes hanging behind this guy's shoulders, and he doesn't know what's inside.

After all the three mobile angels entered the room, Hong Yue started smiling and introduced: "Please allow me to introduce you to the features of these three. First of all, the big man here is super The reloaded mobile angel is specially designed to deal with large creatures and land fortifications. His speed is very average, but believe me, definitely don't think about hardening his attacks. You will be impossible to block it. Also, if possible, It’s also best not to attack him, because you can’t wear his armor. As for the aristocratic beauty next to her, her specialty is speed, so open your eyes and stare at her. Don't let her run out of your sight, because you will never have a chance to lock her again. Then, in the end, this one who looks more like a future warrior is actually a remote support mobile angel. You see what is in his hand. Now, doesn’t it feel like a rotating machine gun? In fact, you guessed it, this is the thing, but it’s not physical ammunition, but magic bullet, so don’t expect him to run out of ammunition. Trust me, his firepower Persistence is definitely better than your endurance. In addition, if you attack him, there will be surprises waiting for you. So, this is the end of the introduction of the warriors. Now let's take a look at your fighting arena. "

When I heard Hong Yue’s last sentence, Bingban Banshee already realized that it was not good, but it was a pity that his reaction was slow, and the ground under his feet suddenly opened and fell directly after her. Go down, and fell directly into a huge square along a slide. In fact, this is a system-licensed fighting training ground. Of course, the bloody mode is now on, that is, in addition to protecting the audience and the facilities around the venue, the inside of the venue is the same as the outside, without any personnel protection. The only difference is that unless one party is completely dead or someone outside closes the fighting arena, people on both sides don't think about it.

Falling here means that Banshee can’t escape completely, and because the fighting arena itself is invincible, even if it is devastated, it will automatically restore after the end of the battle, so even if it’s frozen Banshee still carried the bomb on his body and it was useless. Detonating the bomb here can at most bring the three mobile angels in front of them to perish together, and it will not hurt Isinger Mobile Fortress at all.

"Hey Frozen Banshee, come on, I bet you win." Hong Yue also appeared in the stands outside the training ground at this time, but her words were to win the Frozen woman Monster Qi. Half dead. Fortunately, besides Hong Yue, there are only a few players who came down with Hong Yue in the stands. They didn't imagine that they were all spectators. Otherwise, the ice-bound Banshee would definitely feel ashamed. He failed to invade other people’s cities and was finally thrown into the fighting arena. What is the difference between the ancient Roman throwing the slave into the Colosseum? This is simply an insult, a deliberate act to embarrass her. If you really want to kill her, just let the guild Divine Race take the shot. Anyway, this is our own city, and the guild Divine Race can do anything here.

Although he knew that he was being tricked, Banshee Frozen did not intend to commit suicide. In fact, she still wanted to play with these mobile angels to test the depth of each other. According to Hong Yue, this is the fifth-generation mobile angel of our guild, which means this thing will soon appear in the battle sequence of our guild. The Russians have been planning to invade us again during this time, so they will definitely encounter these new mobile angels. It is also very important to be able to master the combat characteristics of the following things in advance, at least without having to take human lives to fill the hole and pay the tuition.

Frozen Banshee, who wanted to understand, immediately assumed a fighting stance, but the three mobile angels in front of him did not move at all. What was up there before, and what was down there. The super-heavy mobile angel stands at the front of the team, the female mobile angel is a little bit behind his left hand, and the remote support type stands a little behind his right hand.

After staring at these three mobile angels carefully for a few seconds, the Frozen Girl Monster Art must take the initiative to attack. After all, there are too many people to wait for them to do it first, or they will fight back if they are besieged. The opportunities may be gone.

The determined ice-bound Banshee suddenly kicked the ground and jumped forward, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the big guy, and then suddenly fell into a state of no response from the other party. The sword slashed on this guy's thigh.

The imaginary metal shattered and the sight of electric sparks flying randomly did not appear. Instead, there was a sound. Following the ice-bound Banshee, she felt that her hands were unconscious. At the same time, she still I saw my crystal sword whirled back and flew out.

The astonished Frozen Banshee looked at her hands dumbfounded, and found that her palms were red and swollen fingers burst apart, and then she looked up at the face of the giant in front of her, and the opponent was just slow at this time. I dropped my head and looked towards her. Obviously, the other party did not take her seriously, because judging from the generations of mobile angels before our guild, even the heavy mobile angels would not slow down so much, so now this guy's actions can only be explained. He didn't regard her as a target, but completely indifferent. It's like a kindergarten kid punched a boxer, and the other party would definitely not fight back immediately. He would just look down at the kid, because he didn't regard it as an attack at all after calculating the strength of the blow.

I was completely stupefied by the perverted defense of the monster mobile angel in front of me. The ice-bound Banshee stood there for more than ten seconds before remembering to step back to pick up his weapon. If those mobile angels attack now, she must have died early.

Because she was originally playing with her, none of the three mobile angels moved, so she stood there watching her actions until she retrieved her crystal sword and ran to the center of the venue. Moving place.

I glanced at the giant mobile angel again, and finally Frozen Banshee did not dare to go up and try again, but chose the female mobile angel as the target. This time her speed was still very fast, but the other party did not move, until she slashed towards the opponent's head, but the result was an unexpected blow. The crystal sword passed directly through the opponent's neck, without any feeling of force, as if it had cut a mass of air and passed directly through it.

Because of too much force, the ice-bound Banshee, who almost brought herself somersault, looked at the sword in her hand in surprise, and then immediately understood what she threw with a reconnaissance technique, but the result surprised her even more. , This is a real mobile angel, but the sword just now cannot be explained. She tried to cut different positions again, but the result was as if a person was swinging a sword at the laser projection, she couldn't touch anything at all, and she used all her identification and investigation skills all over again, still It reminded her that this was a real mobile angel, not an illusion or an Avatar.

Frozen Banshee, who felt his head was about to crash, finally gave up his plan to continue after hacking back and forth dozens of times, but backed back in fear. Her previous confidence has completely collapsed. Although her battle strength ranking is not very high, she is recognized by everyone on the forum after all, and the only possibility to defeat my existence with the help of special scenes. Several fights with me afterwards also confirmed that she was indeed only a little weaker than me in the extreme cold environment. However, the three mobile angels in front of her made her confused. The super-heavy mobile angel in the middle can't chew at all, and the female mobile angel next to it is just like a ghost, so I can't see it. Although I haven't tried the last one, but the first two are like this, the latter one is not bad, so now Banshee Frozen doesn't even have the thought of trying it.

"Why? Don't you want to try to attack the last mobile angel?" Hong Yue stood in the stands and provoked her intentionally: "Maybe you can deal with the last one?"< /p>

Frozen Banshee, who had already lost his confidence, wanted to say something when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he suddenly made a move. Not because of Hong Yue’s words, but because she thought that her goal was not to defeat these mobile angels. She just wanted to try the strength and battle method of these things. She wanted to collect information, so it didn’t matter how strong the other party was. Just try it and know their characteristics.

Although the frozen Banshee had decided to attack again, he did not lean on it. Instead, he threw away a sword glow from a long distance, and then saw the long-range support mobile angel's chest flashed. , A circle of light blue light film suddenly appeared around him, and then the ice-covered Banshee's sword glow installed this light film and disappeared without a trace.

"It turned out to be a protective cover!" Frozen Banshee muttered silently in his heart. "Then, try other things again, maybe you can find something else."

Just as the ice-bound Banshee was planning how to test the abilities of these three mobile angels, Hong Yue was just right. Use the communicator to whisper an order to the three mobile angels. "You use this to attack her and show her your abilities, but be careful not to play with her to death."

Obviously, Hong Yue is not afraid of the ice-bound Banshee to test the strength of the mobile angel. In fact, this is her purpose, and why would she do it? Let it be...(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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