When several huge machines started roaring and working, the guys fixed on the metal chair began to twist and struggle violently. The process of memory reading is not a gentle action, this action is a bit like the ancient torture of Lingchi, the difference is that the torture of Lingchi cuts the body, while the memory reads cuts the soul. Compared with the body, the soul cannot be unconscious, so the pain is completely irresistible.

& Bleeding water began to flow from the air, and at the same time, a large amount of foam mixed with blood began to be sprayed out of the nostrils and corners of the mouth.

Hong Yue looked at the struggling guy and said: "It seems that this is not working. Did you make the reading scale too big?"

A technical player frowned: "It's only eighteen, shouldn't I have such a big reaction?"

This person is frowning and thinking about how he broke one so quickly, but the rose next to him makes a sudden reaction. He came over and shouted: "Stop, these people have been caught in the soul trap."

"Oh, damn!" The technical player next to him immediately reacted and quickly turned and rushed to the machine. I slapped the emergency stop, and then saw that those who were immobilized suddenly lost their strength and limp in their seats. I tried the pulses of these people one by one, and after making sure that they were all alive, the technical player sighed, "Hhoo, fortunately, shut down in time! Otherwise, all these tongues will be destroyed!"

"But what's the difference between being unable to read the memory and keeping them and killing them?" Hong Yue asked anxiously.

Rose reminded: "The machine cannot read it because there are soul traps on the souls of these people. Once someone is forcibly connected, they will be taken into the trap. The final result is that the captive soul completely collapses. At the same time, it turned into a soul bomb and bombarded our machine. But the machine can’t read it doesn’t mean that Death God can’t read it either."

"Death God?" Hong Yue's first reaction was to think of his own Death God. , And then realized it should be Hades that Rose said. "Yeah! Why forgot him!"

The prisoners were finally taken to the Temple of Chaos and Order. Hades and the others are waiting for news here. I heard that there are some in the prisoners’ souls. Soul trap, Hades immediately began to help torture information by himself. Compared with the time-consuming machines, Hades did this too easily. Seeing that he followed beckoned, the prisoners softened together at the same time, and then there was a row of undead souls in front of Hades, and it was obvious that they belonged to the group of prisoners.

After extracting the souls of these people, Hades just flicked each of their foreheads and bounced black dots out of the souls of these guys, and then he They said to Rose: "I have separated the traps in their souls and their main consciousness from their souls, and now what is left is just an empty shell. But the memories are there. If you want to know something, find an undead creature. Eat these blank souls directly, and what they know will be transferred to the memory of undead creatures."

"I am good at this." Hong Yue directly released his Death God, which was originally High-level undead creatures, and the ability to read the soul will be a little bit, just suitable for this. After swallowing the souls of several captives in a row, the Death God got all the memories of the other party, and Hong Yue wanted to know what he just had to ask him.

After a simple questioning, Death God quickly said what those people knew, but these NPCs really didn't know much. According to their memory, there are a total of eight teams of enemies coming this time, and the total number may exceed one hundred, which means that each team has more than ten people.

The task of those NPCs is to carry bombs containing special explosives to follow the player. In addition to helping the player fight, the task of these NPCs also includes acting as a suicide bomber to attack our guild when necessary. Personnel or important facilities.

Unfortunately, the group of people who blasted our power core before was not the group in front of them, so they didn’t know where those people were, and the eight groups of them didn’t contact each other after they got on the ship. . The plan made at the beginning was also to fight separately after invading. Finally, if you can run away, you will run, and if you can't run away, you will self-destruct. So these people are simply a group of terrorists. From the very beginning, they came with the attitude of suicide attack.

It can be said that the information provided by these NPCs is really useless. The only thing that is more useful is to know the source of the opponent.

These NPCs themselves are all NPCs from Japan, they belong to the subordinates of Nobunaga Onitou. After the last Sino-Japanese War, with our support, Matsumoto Masaga has become a Japanese player idol, and thanks to the help of Sakura Yujinhina and August Kaoru, now Matsumoto Masaka can basically be said to be The player leader in Japan. Although it cannot be compared with Masaka Matsumoto during the Black Dragon meeting, at least he has returned to the Peak of power. However, many people are not convinced by Matsumoto's success. Among them is Nobunaga Oni Shou.

Although he is not convinced, Masaga Matsumoto’s current position in Japan is exactly like the sun at high noon. With the aftermath of several battles against China, Masaga Matsumoto’s current position is not at all. People can shake, so even if Nobunaga was not convinced, he was not stupid enough to think that he could overwhelm Matsumoto Masaga head-on.

Because he knew that he could not confront him head-on, Masaka Matsumoto wanted to slowly manage his own power, in order to gradually grow in the future and eventually regain the position of the Japanese player leader. Of course, because Matsumoto Masaka has our support, and he can now order many Japanese players, the actions of Nobunaga Onisha have been greatly restricted. For this reason, he felt that he needed to find some foreign aid, so he called, some special allies appeared in his sight.

From the previous Sino-Japanese war, it can be seen that the ghost hand Nobunaga has a good relationship with Russia’s Frozen Banshee, and Frozen Banshee herself has a huge influence in Russia, saying that she is Russia The underground godfather of regional players is not an exaggeration. Because of the existence of such a relationship, this time Guishou Nobunaga was the first to think of Frozen Banshee, and Frozen Banshee, who suffered several losses in our hands, are now in need of help from foreign aid. . Both sides have common needs, so after contacting, they hit it off, so they planned various actions to strengthen themselves.

The Isengard Mobile Fortress that attacked us this time was a temporary plan, because the ice-bound Banshee felt that this plan could weaken the strength of our guild, and at least enable what we were planning. Making mistakes, and weakening us will be of great benefit to the Russians in the future, so Banshee is very in favor of this kind of action. As for Nobunaga Onitou, although he didn't know our relationship with Matsumoto Masaka, that is, he didn't know that attacking us could actually weaken Matsumoto Masaka, but he thought of how terrorists could profit. Because the anti-China thinking is very strong in the hearts of Japanese players, any action that can harm the Chinese forces, especially our Frost Rose League, will be welcomed by Japanese players. The way we previously supported Masaga Matsumoto’s superiority was actually to flexibly use the minds of this Japanese player and through several scams, thus thoroughly establishing Matsumoto’s position in the hearts of Japanese players.

The current Guishou Nobunaga has discovered this method we have used. Although he does not know that we have used it, he can guess that this method is effective, so he has This action. Once Isengard’s mobile fortress is hit hard, things will inevitably spread through the Internet, and when the time comes, Onihand Nobunaga has to do, as terrorists often do, to stand up and announce it after the attack is over. Just take responsibility for the matter. When the time comes, he can naturally gather a lot of popularity for him, and even get a lot of sponsorship from some patriots like a real terrorist.

It can be said that Guishou Nobunaga's ideas are very good, and the Russians' ideas are also very direct, but this thing is not perfect. First of all, they seriously underestimated the defensive power of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and secondly, they finally launched a high-level guild that broke into our guild. The structure diagram of Isengard Mobile Fortress given by the spy was wrong. of! These two major changes are absolutely fatal.

Actually, we didn’t know about the explosion that opened a hole in the mobile fortress of Isengard until Hong Yue’s Death God said these things. In fact, we didn’t close the hapless guild at all. what's up. The explosives they buried were all ordinary goods, and at best they could blacken the external armor of Isengard Mobile Fortress. The reason why the entire hilltop was leveled and a hole was opened for Isengard Mobile Fortress was entirely because of these Japanese-Russian terrorists. They also discovered that people from the guild planted explosives, so they simply borrowed their burial site and directly helped them add more material. Because the liquefied magic crystal steam technology was first developed by the Russians, the bomb this time is naturally the formidable power amazing liquefied magic crystal steam bomb, and the number is astonishing. This is why the people in that guild were shocked by the formidable power of the bomb they buried, because what they buried was just ordinary bombs, but what exploded was actually a lot of liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs, these two Although everything is a bomb, this formidable power is not the same.

In fact, the original purpose of the Japanese was not only to make a hole in Isinger Mobile Fortress, their real purpose was to directly blast Isinger Mobile Fortress down. It's just that they underestimated the defensive power of Isengard Mobile Fortress. So many liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs not only failed to blast Isengard Mobile Fortress down, they did not even cause functional damage. The only result was that a hole was opened in the outer armor of Isengard Mobile Fortress to give them a chance to get in.

Originally, the impact of the failure of the 1st Step plan was not great. After all, they had the intelligence provided by the spies, and they carried a large number of liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs into the interior of Isengard Mobile Fortress. It is said that Isengard's mobile fortress can be easily destroyed, but they are really unlucky.

In fact, because of the existence of the city tree, the cat’s eye surveillance array all over the city, and the military gods, we have actually mastered the information of all the spies who have mixed into our guild, including these people. The specific identities of the people, and for whom they work for these things.

Because it is known in advance that these people are spies, we will take special care of any information they obtain. For example, this time the spy suddenly became interested in the structure diagram of Isinger Mobile Fortress during the period after Isinger Mobile Fortress set off. Not only did he use his identity to walk around and record the terrain information, but even He also directly inquires or purchases part of the structural information through some people familiar with him. Of course, because we know that he is a spy, the information given by those familiar with him is arranged by us. So what this group of sneakers finally got was a set of structural drawings with many problems. Although it was correct in some areas, more of it was information that was not correct. That's why the spies infiltrated the Isengard Mobile Fortress immediately after the mountain explosion, but they didn't start to act until we had to punish the troops to wipe out the unlucky guild. Not because they didn't want to start the attack right away, but because they were lost. The map information given by the spy is simply wrong, and I don’t know where to go as I walk along that map. As for the team that successfully touched the power core, this should be purely an accident, because according to the memories of those NPCs, their target should actually be the anti-gravity devices located throughout the mobile fortress of Isengard, not the power core. It can only be said that a certain team of intruders walked the lucky dog ​​excrement and actually touched that place. Of course, even if they touched it, they couldn't destroy the power core.

The power core of Isinger Mobile Fortress is the heart of Isinger Mobile Fortress. How can the protection of this thing be very general? Therefore, it is actually impossible to destroy it with a few liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs. Not to mention that they didn’t bring many liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs for the convenience of their operations. Even if they brought all the liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs that had been bombed before and installed them around the power core, the final result could only be to destroy the power. All power pipelines between the core and the outside world, and the power core itself will never be destroyed. Because the power core itself uses the circulating energy barrier that uses the spaceship power chamber, only when the energy of the explosive exceeds the total energy of the power core, it is possible to destroy the barrier, otherwise it can only be attacked by charging it. . The power core of Isinger Mobile Fortress must support such a big city to fly, and provide the energy needed for battle. You can imagine what a terrifying amount of energy, so such a little liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb will come to it. It's useless to say fart.

Because of the problem with the map information, these people first discovered that they couldn't find the anti-gravity device at all after sneaking in, and then they couldn't find the way out. Finally, after the explosion that attacked the power core, Isengard Mobile Fortress immediately entered a state of combat, and the sudden increase in the alert level made these people utterly devastated, with checkpoints and guards everywhere. If they hadn't used an extremely expensive special one-time equipment to enhance their stealth ability when they came this time, they would have been killed.

Knowing who the attacker is does not have any real help for the rat-catching operation, but this information is of great significance for our guild to formulate the overall strategy.

There are people like Rose who sell people and help her count the money, and are grateful to her before leaving. How could such a good opportunity be let go.

Onitou Nobunaga wants to use this opportunity to gain popularity in Japan, so we just won't let him succeed. As Rose’s communication reached Japan, Masaga Matsumoto immediately issued a notice on major Japanese forums and public information channels in the game, declaring responsibility for the time.

Just like many terrorists in reality will rush to take responsibility for something, there is no possibility of humility in the game. The key is to see who can win the trust of others. After all, you declare that you are responsible for the matter, and others can't go to the scene to verify it. So in the end, you still have to look at the guidance of public opinion and your credibility.

In the case of the attack on Isengard’s mobile fortress, Masaka Matsumoto is undoubtedly more reliable than Nobunaga Onitou, so after Masaka Matsumoto announced that he was He immediately jumped out and claimed responsibility for this matter and accused Masaka Matsumoto of taking their merits, but the people who really want to believe in him are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. Of course, there are not many people who firmly support Masaga Matsumoto, just a little bit more than Nobunaga Onitou. Basically, about 3% to 5% of the players in Japan believe that this was done by Nobunaga Onitou, and a dozen or so people believe that it was done by Masaga Matsumoto, but the remaining percentage More than 80 people are just skeptical. They just made sure that someone actually attacked the Isengard mobile fortress of the Frost Rose League, but they were skeptical of both Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou, and they didn't really approve of either. However, this situation soon changed.

On the basis of personal abilities, the gap between Nobunaga and Matsumoto Nobunaga is actually not very big. To say that Nobunaga’s intelligence is definitely lower than that of Matsumoto, but there are not many real high-level leaders. Is a consultant, military advisor and the like around to help make suggestions? Therefore, if you really want to fight for strength, Oni Shou Nobunaga may not lose Matsumoto Masaga. But the point is that Masaka Matsumoto has an advantage that Nobunaga can't keep up with the game, that is, Masaga Matsumoto has us to help him.

In fact, compared to your own, the words of the enemy are sometimes easier to believe. There are some things that Wang Po selling melons and boasting is useless. Let your throat break your throat. If people don't believe it, they don't believe it. If you say you can fight, no one believes it, but if your enemy says you can fight, nine out of ten people will believe it.

Matsumoto Masaga did not attack the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and Nobunaga Onitaka took control, but what about? Japanese players don't know what they really want. Can they still go to Isengard Mobile Fortress to do on-site interviews? As for the rhetoric of the group of Japanese who participated in the operation... can this thing be believed? Those people are all under Nobunaga Onitou. They said that Nobunaga Onitou sent them to carry out the action. Couldn't Masaka Matsumoto find a group of people and say that they carried it out? Therefore, the remarks made by both of them have no credibility at all. Otherwise, more than 80% of people would be skeptical.

However, they said it was useless. We Frost Rose said it would be useful. Of course, we can't stand up and help Matsumoto Masakao and say that he did it, the traces are too obvious. Therefore, we have adopted a more direct approach.

A large fleet of our guild appeared in the coastal waters of Japan a few hours after Isengard’s mobile fortress was attacked, and then carried out a series of investigations on several coastal cities under the control of Matsumoto Masaga. At the same time, thirty-six divine arrow missiles fired from Isinger’s mobile fortress also landed in several cities controlled by Masaga Matsumoto. In addition, Masaga Matsumoto himself was attacked by high level personnel from the guild. The assassination of Matsumoto, and caused serious injuries to Masaka Matsumoto, and directly caused one of Matsumoto Masaga’s capable men to hang up once.

This kind of attack is usually nothing, but as soon as Matsumoto Masaka here announced his responsibility for the matter, our guild began to attack Matsumoto Masaka. Is this unclearly an act of revenge? Even though Nobunaga Onihand had heard about these attacks desperately shouting that he sent someone to attack the Isengard Mobile Fortress, but more than 70% of the players fell to Matsumoto Masaga.

Those players satirized directly at Nobunaga's words: "You said that you attacked Isengard Mobile Fortress. Why did the Frost Rose Alliance take revenge on Matsumoto Masaka? You were beaten by Panasonic, could it? Will unfathomable mystery run to beat Mitsui for revenge? The Frost Rose League is not so stupid that you don’t even know who was beaten, right?"

This kind of argument almost instantly gave Nobunaga the ghost to It's dumb, because he himself didn't know why we ran to attack Matsumoto Masaka, and what made him even more depressed was that Matsumoto Masaka then took out a video recording of several of his players and our guild. The scene of people fighting in Isengard Mobile Fortress, because there are silhouettes of Hong Yue and some high-level players in the guild, so there is no way to fake it, and the Japanese players in the screen are indeed Masamoto Matsumoto. He's general members, and these people are not fresh faces. They often appear in public with Matsumoto Masaka. It can be said that they can be considered a celebrity.

This kind of video was also shot by the ghosts of Nobunaga, but they didn’t have battle scenes, only scenes of security bombs and some scenes of the environment inside Isengard Mobile Fortress. They sneaked in secretly. There were not many people. The guards in our guild were so powerful. When the fight really started, the ghosts had time to stand there and shoot videos. So, Nobunaga Oni’s screens are not battle screens, and there are no people who can be recognized by Japanese players, and it is said that the pictures of the environment inside Isengard Mobile Fortress cannot be verified, because those places are not open to the outside world. , So the Japanese don’t know if these images are the environment inside Isinger’s Mobile Fortress at all.

The gunmen arranged by Masaga Matsumoto came out directly to point out these doubts, and then said that these things may have been taken by Nobunaga Onihand casually, because there is nothing that can be directly confirmed. . But in contrast, the picture of Masaka Matsumoto is irrefutable, because in the minds of Japanese players, the senior staff of our guild is impossible to cooperate with Masaka Matsumoto to shoot the video. But they wouldn’t think that this video was actually shot several hours after the battle by some members of our guild in cooperation with Masaga Matsumoto. It can be said that this video was just shot when it was released. That's it. Of course, these Japanese players do not know, nor does Onisha Nobunaga, so Japanese players all believe that Matsumoto is a great hero, and Onishe Nobunaga is a shameless liar trying to steal the hero's merits.

The final result of the whole plan is that Nobunaga Onishu ran in tears. I originally hoped to use this attack to improve some of my own popularity, who knew that having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it, not only bought a lot of money for bombing and attacked, but in the end it also became notorious. Not to mention people looking at him, now he is almost a rat in Japan. If it hadn't been for Masaka Matsumoto later to stand up and use a very high attitude to persuade everyone not to trouble him, it is estimated that Nobunaga Onishu would have been blocked at home and scolded. Of course, Masaga Matsumoto is not really good-mannered to help the ghost hand Nobunaga, he just used this statement to show his Transcendent Realm world.

Being pitted by us and Masaka Matsumoto, Nobunaga Onishu was not wronged this time. If this can still make him wish, then we will cry in June Feixue. Of course, the above incidents are all after we got a series of arrangements after the attacker incident and the final effect, but at this time, after just getting the enemy’s information, Hong Yue and they are still working on how to clear Isinger. Moving the mouse inside the fortress has a headache.

"Your plan can really deceive Nobunaga, but what shall we do now?" Hong Yue looked at Rose who had just finished talking about the plan and asked, "There was only one team who was beaten before. One person ran away and is still chasing around like a rabbit. The other team was captured and captured by us and completely resolved. That is to say, there are six complete teams moving around in the Isengard Mobile Fortress. And they also carry a huge liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb with formidable power. We can’t wait for them to detonate the bomb and then find them out one by one, right?"

"About those mice, I actually There is a way," Rose said confidently.

"Is there a way? What way?"

"It must work anyway." Rose smiled sweetly, but Hong Yue shivered unconsciously. According to a widely recognized evaluation previously given by gold coin: When Rose smiles like an angel, her enemies are not far from hell! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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