Since the decision has been made to find a scapegoat, it should be fast, because a faster response speed is also a manifestation of attitude, which shows that our Frost Rose League has a firm attitude. Of course, the more important thing is that the battle with Olympus Divine Race is about to begin. We have no time to waste. Besides, Isengard Mobile Fortress is still on the move. Its speed is not very fast, in order to be able to catch up with Olympus. Divine Race arrived in Greece before the battle of Pace Divine Race, Isengard Mobile Fortress must continue to advance midway, if it stops for some reason, it will definitely affect the time of the final rush to the battlefield, that is something we absolutely cannot accept. .

Because Isengard Mobile Fortress cannot stop, the battle cannot be executed by Isengard Mobile Fortress. Besides, there is no need to dispatch a large equipment such as Isinger Mobile Fortress to deal with a few people. Therefore, the gang The fool is honored to have seen another ultimate weapon in our guild.

"Wow... the formidable power is so big! What did you put on it?" The president of the group of guys who blasted off a whole mountain was standing in the distance and watching. Isinger's mobile fortress moving with smoke, of course he wants to know what exactly he found to make such a big move.

Compared to the president’s doubts, those responsible for collecting explosives are question marks. One of them racked his brains for a long time and said to their president: "I don’t think we have to Something!"


Another female player who participated in the placement of explosives said: "Yes, President, we just collected some very common explosives and Some detonating magic arrays, and we also bought some smuggled liquefied magic crystal steam from the black market, but the quantity is very small, there shouldn’t be such a huge might!"

The chairman said: "Whether it was caused by the explosion of the things we placed, we just need to know that we have overfulfilled the task. Look, the smoke billowing in the Isengard mobile fortress is definitely not a minor injury. We This is considered to have overfulfilled the task, and I might get an unexpected reward after I go back."

"But the president, although it looks serious, it looks like it's still moving!"


"Idiot, there must be a backup system in such a large mobile city. We are thankful that we can destroy part of it." The chairman taught.

Another younger player said with some worry: "But we blew up the mobile fortress of the Frost Rose League, what if they come to retaliate against us?"

" Don’t worry, the mission is issued by the Holy See. At worst, we said that we took the mission. The Frost Rose League will not be entangled with our small guilds."

After listening to the president’s words, the following Those players are also a little relieved, but unfortunately they don't know, this time we just made them the main target. Because neither we nor the Holy See want to make trouble at this time, both sides need a buffer zone, an intermediate existence that can be used to step down both sides, so their unlucky group has become the most suitable target. This matter teaches us that it is best for children to stay away when adults fight to avoid accidental injury.

When those idiot members became more relieved after listening to the chairman’s words, they soon discovered something that was not quite right, because the top of Isengard’s mobile fortress seemed to have opened up. Then they saw a rectangular object rising from the top of the city.

This rectangular thing looks very thin and not too big, but the reason for this feeling is entirely because of the distance. You must know that even if the Isengard Mobile Fortress is not as big as the Isengard Twin Cities, its area is definitely more than half of the medium and large cities. Even if you say Isengard Mobile Fortress is a large city, it is not wrong. With such a big object as the background, you can still see an obvious cuboid appearing, you can imagine how big this thing is.

Just when these people looked at the thing in confusion and didn’t know what it was, the thing suddenly turned around, and then they saw that the thing suddenly spewed out from below after turning a certain angle. The white smoke, and then a stick-like object was ejected from the front end of the cuboid. After the stick flew out for a certain distance, the tail section suddenly spewed out a long flame, and then suddenly accelerated moved towards one direction, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What is that?" a player asked in surprise.

"It looks like a missile."

"And it's a large one."

A female player asked: "Are we putting Frost Rose The people from the alliance are making trouble?"

The president paused for a while and calmed down his emotions before saying, "It's okay. The direction is not towards our city. It means they I don’t know that we did it, so there will be no problem."

As soon as the guild leader here finished speaking, he heard a player next to him reminded: "But the guild leader, the mission release office There seems to be a record of task reception?"

The president's mind just calmed down as if someone had thrown a high-explosive bomb, and it was messed up in an instant, but he still said calmly: "No... it's okay, except for the person who took the task, the record of the task release office can't be seen by anyone else."

"But what if they grab it?" The member said again: " It seems that the Frost Rose League can deal with the city guards. If we can’t see it, doesn’t it mean they can’t grab it? Suddenly two loud noises were made from the Singh Mobile Fortress, and the people following them saw two small black dots rising from above the Isenger Mobile Fortress, and then moved towards them and flew towards them.

At first they had no reaction, but as the thing quickly approached, they soon discovered that the thing was not as small as it seemed. In fact, this thing is not only not small at all, but rather large.

This is a very magical aircraft. Its main body is like a big sailing ship, which may be more than one hundred meters in length. The surface of the hull is completely covered by a shiny silver white metal, and there are many prominent reliefs and magic patterns on it, which looks quite gorgeous. Of course, what is even more surprising is that there is a huge ring at the bottom of this thing. The central part and outermost circle of this ring are composed of pure energy bodies. The blue light and shadow effect with various magic Talismans looks gorgeous and powerful, and in the middle of these energy bodies is a circle of golden The metal disc, this disc should be the device that produces the magic array, but it itself is covered by the magic array, so it does not look very conspicuous.

With the slow rotation of the magic array, the spaceship above was approaching at a very fast speed, and then quickly passed over a dozen meters above their heads in the stunned crowd. Although the thing was actually more than ten meters away from the ground, because of its huge size and super high speed, everyone couldn't help but bow their heads to avoid its approach when it passed over their heads.

They completely ignored the group of people on the ground. Two aircraft with only slightly different details flew above them at high speed, and the wind blowing everyone staggered, and then disappeared behind them. Over the forest.

Until the two flying machines disappeared, one of the people said slowly as if talking in a dream: "That thing seems to be heading for the city. Our task is to pick it up over there!"


The last sentence made everyone suddenly react like a start command, and then it was as if a nest was blown up. A group of people began to frantically turn around and ran, but their president shouted: " Stop it for me. Are you chasing that thing? Hurry up and drive back to the city scroll!"

When I heard the president remind this group of talents, it suddenly became clear that they all took out the city back scroll to expand, and compared with flying machines. Speed ​​is obviously an idiot behavior, and Transmission Scroll is much faster in comparison. Even if this thing requires one minute preparation time, it is much faster than an aircraft.

After one minute, everyone disappeared on the hillside and returned to their city. This city is not a player city, and naturally it was not established by their guild. In fact, they are just this management guild.

There are three types of cities in "Zero": player cities, player managed cities, and system cities. A player city is a city established by a player's guild. This kind of city does not exist at the beginning of the game. It is something that players build after entering the game. Because they are completely built by themselves, the guilds that build this kind of city have all the rights in the city, such as planning safety sectors, setting up arenas, opening various services, and enacting laws. Anyway, as long as you don't oppose the basic rules of the game system, things in the city can be set arbitrarily. Of course, if you want to enact laws in the city, you must have the corresponding law enforcement ability, otherwise the players will not listen to you, and the enactment of the law will be useless.

The system city is the city corresponding to the player city. This kind of city already exists at the beginning of the game. The city is managed by NPC forces. There are complete city regulations and various systems. There are many special services and special products. In short, the functions are generally complete, but everything is not strong. The laws in this kind of city are maintained by NPCs themselves, and the game system will only ensure that the basic rules of a particular building are absolutely inviolable, and other things in the system are ignored. Of course, if the city is occupied by the player, then the system city will become the player city, and the rules of the player city will be implemented.

The last type of city is the player-managed city. This kind of city is strictly speaking or system city, the ownership is system, and the management right is in the hands of the player. However, the player guild only has limited city management rights. This kind of city is generally not a large city, because a large city will not be managed by the player unless you have the ability to knock it down.

There are one or several leading guilds in the player's management city, and this or these guilds have the right to manage the city and make corresponding laws. However, this kind of law is not maintained by the guild personnel, but by the system NPC. In other words, guilds make rules, and NPCs make sure that they can be executed. The advantage of this is that weak guilds can also control city regulations, because the level of urban law enforcement NPCs in the system city is very high, and the battle strength is amazing, so Young Master streamers basically can't do these NPCs. Of course, there are good things and bad things. Although the management guild does not have to worry about the martial power issue, they can't own all the city income, they can only get a certain percentage, which is much less than if they completely own the city anyway. Moreover, some basic rules cannot be changed, such as the rules and pricing of many urban facilities, which cannot be controlled. In short, there are many restrictions.

The guild that bombed Isengard’s mobile fortress is the city’s management guild and the only manager. They have limited rights to control NPCs in the city, but they are really very limited.

When they returned to the city, they immediately ran out of the Transmission Formation, and then the soldiers ran in different directions in several ways. Some people went to the barracks of the city's law enforcement NPC to deploy troops. These law enforcement NPCs will not appear in the siege mode. Unless someone directly attacks the city without declaring a war, these NPCs will not take action. This setting is mainly designed by the system in order to ensure the effectiveness of law enforcement, but also for fear of affecting the guild wars. The battle strength of the law enforcement NPC is super strong, but the number of people is small, which can ensure the effect of the implementation of the city regulations, and their non-participation in the guild war can ensure that the guild battle will not occur due to these super NPCs in the city during the siege war. Always lose.

Our guild is here to collect information. Obviously it is impossible to declare war on the city, so these law enforcement NPCs can come in handy.

In addition to looking for the law enforcement NPC, some of those people went to the guild headquarters, ready to summon the guild personnel to fight to the death, while the last part went directly to the mission release office. They have two tasks, one is to find a way to destroy the record, and the other is to issue a task against our investigation.

However, these guys obviously underestimated the speed of our spaceship.

In fact, the mountain is not very far from the city, so Transmission Scroll did not buy too much time for these guys. When the players rushing to the Law Enforcement Group had just pulled the Law Enforcement Group out of the barracks, the members who had convened the players had just convened the personnel, and the people rushing to the task release office had just arrived at the door of the release office, they heard a sound of breaking wind , And then saw that the two aircraft had entered a decelerating state over the city.

When many players in the city stared at the two gorgeous spaceships above their heads in amazement, these two things were completely still, and then in the stunned group of players, the two of the spaceship The side suddenly opened a row of covers, and then saw rows of mobile angels jumping from the opened covers in line. These mobile angels didn't even spread their wings at all. They only activated the propellers to offset the inertia before landing, and then landed smoothly on the ground.

As the group of mobile angels landed, those dumb members who went to the release office finally reacted and desperately wanted to rush into the building, but the two-step mobile angels blocked them faster than they did. They were blocked by the door, and then seven or eight players were held by several mobile angels and jumped off the spaceship, and then landed smoothly on the ground. Seeing these people land, the mobile angels immediately made a way for them like conscientious guards, but the people next to them who were going to prevent them from viewing the mission information were anxious like ants on a hot pot. He didn't draw his sword and rushed forward. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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