"I was deceived, the list was dropped!" Aphrodite roared angrily.

"You were deceived? What's the situation?"

Aphrodite said with a complicated expression on his face: "It's Hebe! I think she is my good sister, I am going to join the Frost Rose League with me, who knew she would...!"

I thought about it for a while and frowned and asked: "Then putting it that way, the thing that records the list of defections is in the hands of Zeus. Are you here?"

Aphrodite nodded and said: "From the time point of view, it should have been in the hands of Zeus, but I don’t know if Zeus has seen it, and the seal I set is not ordinary. , Even Zeus will take time to open."

"So do we still have a chance?"

Aphrodite nodded and said: "But to It is not easy to grab something from Zeus. The most important thing is that we are not sure whether the thing is in the hands of Zeus or not!"

I thought about it and suddenly relaxed. "Actually, we don't have to care about whether things are in Zeus's hands."

Aphrodite, who was nervous and annoyed, was amazed when he heard what I said suddenly, and then wondered. I asked: "Why?"

"Didn't you say that it takes time to open?"

Aphrodite was habitually nodded, and then said: "But even if it takes time, it should take less than a few hours. When the time comes, once Zeus sees the list of people inside, those who agree to join our Olympus Divine Race are in trouble!"

< p>"Yes, once Zeus sees those things, those Divine Races will be in big trouble, but it takes time for Zeus to find their trouble. As long as you don't give him this time, it will be fine?"

"Don't give him time?"

I nodded and said: "We will start to act now and don't give him any time to react. As long as our Olympus Divine Race dismantling plan is launched, Zeus There is absolutely no time to worry about this."

"That's what I said, but unfortunately I can't help!" Aphrodite said a little depressed.

I smiled and asked her: "This is the first time you eat this potential to stimulate Immortal Pill, right?"

Aphrodite looked at me suspiciously and asked:" What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

I explained with a smile: "Although this thing is said to have a side effect period of more than two days after use, it is the effect of the full potential explosion. It’s not like that every time. How long have you been fighting after you just ate Immortal Pill? Is the fighting intensity strong?"

Aphrodite thought for a while and said: "I won’t have two minutes after I finished eating. You are here, and you are just running away in the middle. You didn’t participate in the battle, but at the end you stubbornly resisted an attack by Zeus."

Your potential explodes so that you can use them, but they are always in your body. If you don’t use them, they won’t decrease. I heard you say that the process of escape and fighting is short, so although the potential has exploded, in fact The consumption is very low, so I estimate that you can fully recover from your softness for an hour or two when you go back, and you won’t lie down for two days so exaggerated."

"Really? That's very good. Me. There are still a lot of friends waiting to be rescued. But I definitely can’t help in the early action. I can only participate in the last part of the war."

"Don’t worry, such a big operation is impossible. At the beginning, let’s talk about chaos and order. Divine Race is still working outside now. I have to call them for a showdown with Zeus. You don’t think I can single out the entire Olympus Divine Race alone, right? ?"

Aphrodite said with a smile: "I forgot this, then I don't care. Call me when the war starts."

I Talking to Aphrodite here, the side effects on my body have gradually disappeared. After all, my combined state also has side effects based on the use of the same as the Immortal Pill. Previously, it was just a fit that hit Zeus and ran away. There is no one minute time for the party, so the side effects of such a short fit time are naturally very low.

After the side effects on my body disappeared, we landed directly on the Sea God Temple channel, but when Aphrodite was about to get off Lucky Back, I stopped it. After all, she has no medicinal power yet. However, moving a little more will increase the burden on the body, so I summoned two Qilin warriors directly, and then I turned over two unused long spears from the wind dragon space and used them as sticks. Then I found a few mage robes on the sticks. Once it is worn, it becomes a simple stretcher after being stretched tightly.

It’s probably the first time Aphrodite has slept on a stretcher when she grows up. She always feels something is wrong when she lay on it, especially when there are players passing by. This is even more blushing like two apples. . She didn't know that the more she blushed and shy, the more people would be attracted to stare at her instead. In any case, Aphrodite is also a goddess of beauty. Since it is Goddess who is in charge of beauty, Aphrodite's appearance is naturally not much different. The usual appearance of aloof and remote can reduce the level of voyeurism of some others. Now the blushing look is like sending a signal to men saying "Come on and eat me".

"That...President..." Seeing me walking in front, Aphrodite finally couldn't help but yelled to me.

I looked back at the shy Aphrodite, then looked at the people around me, and then realized Aphrodite’s troubles, so I waved my hand and threw away. Purple smoke, and then people around me began to flee.

Aphrodite sat in the middle looking surprised at the fleeing crowd, turning around and asking me: "What happened to them?"

I said with a smile: "I was scared by you Yes."

"Huh?" Aphrodite was stunned, but didn't understand what I meant.

I explained with a smile: "Just now that is a simple little skill, our guild players entertain themselves. Because I am the president, so everyone in the guild invented their own creation Skill, as long as he enters the guild skill list, I will automatically learn it the next time I visit the library. I think this skill is pretty good, so I put it in the list of common skills, did not expect the effect is not bad. Don’t look at it I just threw a cloud of smoke and it quickly dissipated, but this smoke can produce illusions, making the wrapped things appear distorted visual effects."


"Well, it’s basically the reverse of black and white. The bigger things look the smaller, the more disgusting things look more delicious, the more beautiful things look more so, you’re so beautiful, I guess it’s Once reversed, they estimated that they saw a peerless ugly girl. It’s not bad to scare people to death."

"Ah! President, how can you do this!" I heard that I became an ugly girl and scared away. After so many people, Aphrodite stopped doing it immediately, but she also knew that I just wanted to help her get rid of embarrassment, so it was just playing around with me, not really angry.

In this way, we arrived at Sea God Temple smoothly, and then we randomly found a local guard and asked about Kameda, and then Kameda led us to see Poseidon.

When we arrived at Poseidon, Poseidon was slaughtering people, not in the extended meaning, but in the literal sense. Those who were slaughtered were the spies sent by Zeus to the Poseidon family and some guys who were originally in the Poseidon family but were bought by Zeus.

Before I kept these people from moving them because I didn’t want to anger Zeus. Now I’m about to start the counter-offensive process, so there’s no need to worry about it anymore. Naturally, I took these people before the war started. , On the one hand, eliminating internal instability factors to deter those half-hearted guys, on the other hand, it is equivalent to the flag ceremony before the war, which can boost morale.

As soon as Aphrodite came together, I saw this scene obviously a little uncomfortable. Although what I said before was pretty good, Aphrodite is still Olympian after all. The people of Divine Race. The members of the Olympus Divine Race have more or less relationships with her. Some of them may not have a good relationship with her, but most of them must have a slight positive relationship. Just like other Olympus Divine Race defection reasons, they couldn't stand Zeus, and they didn't oppose the other Olympus Divine Race around them. The hostility was also because of their disagreement, not really hated. In this situation, seeing so many Olympus Divine Races executed at one time, Aphrodite would still feel a little uncomfortable.

"I know you feel too cruel, but I didn't fail to give them a chance." Poseidon knew her thoughts after discovering Aphrodite's performance. It is different from a flower like Aphrodite that has been taken care of by others for a lifetime. As the boss of the Poseidon family, Poseidon's intelligence level clearly surpassed Aphrodite by a large margin. Just a look in the eyes understands the key. "Aphrodite, what you see now are diehards who refuse to join us. Even if we let them go, these people will continue to trouble us. Even if Zeus does not exist, things will not change. So. We and them are impossible to reconcile the probability. In fact, the traitors and spies caught this time are far more than these, but under my persuasion, many of them agreed to join us or not help each other. These people are now They were all detained by me, and they will be released after the battle is over. So, don’t think I’m cruel. This is the pain that must be experienced by the change of power."

Aphrodite although not very Understand the principle, but Aphrodite this girl has one thing better, that is, she can understand the most basic principle. Although she doesn't know what the killing has to do with their job-hopping, she knows that she is now a member of the Frost Rose League, and these are matters of the Frost Rose League. She can dislike and not participate, but she can't interfere.

Because Aphrodite did not want to see the process of these guys being killed, and her period of weakness just came, so Poseidon arranged for someone to send her back to rest, as for me of course He stayed with Poseidon.

"Since it is to be executed, it is better to maximize the benefits." I looked at Poseidon and asked her opinion.

How smart is Poseidon? As soon as I heard what I said, I immediately understood that I wanted to execute the death penalty on my behalf. Don't forget that this is the game, the gang to be killed are Divine Race, and I am a player. Although I now think that the level is too high, ordinary monsters can’t get EXP, but the EXP of Divine Race is still an item of great nourishment to me, not to mention that I have kneeled at least 20 Divine Races, and all of them are Is tied up. How refreshing is this blade to kill one?

After I understood what I meant, Poseidon immediately nodded. Anyway, whoever kills is killed. For them, cutting off a few Divine Races does not have long experience, so Poseidon naturally does not mind being a good favor. . Anyway, in the future, they will all want to eat under my hands. This kind of good selling opportunity should not be missed.

Poseidon agreed to my request, and I naturally took over the job of the executioner unceremoniously.

The slaughter of Divine Race was originally a troublesome thing. After all, Divine Race is powerful and it is not easy to defeat. What is even more troublesome is that the opponent’s life force is tenacious, even if it becomes Divine Soul. The consciousness body is not really killed if it is not shaken. However, because I am wearing the Hades modified Dragon Transformation Soul Suit, I have Divine Attribute on board, so the advantage of Divine Race in front of me can't be played out at all. With the high outbreak of critical attacks, and the fact that these guys who refused to surrender had undergone fierce resistance when they were caught, almost all of them were injured now. I naturally dealt with such a goal with ease.

Looking at the Divine Race lying on the floor, I hurriedly checked my EXP. It was not bad. It actually went up a very obvious period. It seemed that this execution could be upgraded by another execution.

After getting this bunch of Divine Races, naturally I can’t just throw them away. First, Poseidon stood up and said something, then dealt with the corpses of this bunch of Divine Races, and finally the task was assigned. The conference, of course, this kind of conference is not a meeting to discuss things, but to assign tasks. It is a notice-type meeting. The people below just need to listen.

I went to Aphrodite while Poseidon’s swearing ceremony was held here and asked her to write a new list silently. The most critical issue in this plan is to The divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race extracts these Divine Souls that took refuge in our Olympus Divine Race, so Vina must know which Divine Race refuges and which ones are immovable Divines. Soul.

After having the list, I drew some low-level sea fighters from Poseidon to act as messengers, and then asked these sea fighters to take the tokens of our guild to find those Aphrodites. Those who have been in contact have agreed to join our Divine Race to send them the latest notice and specific plan implementation details. Because I was afraid of someone leaking the secrets before, even Aphrodite didn’t know the specific details of the operation. Naturally, the Divine Race she contacted didn’t know the cultivation plan. As for now, it doesn’t matter. The operation is about to begin anyway, even if Zeus is now. Knowing it is too late to prepare.

The whole plan is proceeding step by step, and I am now the busiest person here, because all kinds of things need me to coordinate. Many people think that being a leader seems to get a lot of benefits from never working. I admit that it is true that you can get a lot of benefits, but not working is definitely impossible. The job of a leader is not to do something after it has started, just as the director of a manufacturer does not need to participate in production. The real job of the leader is to plan, organize personnel and various resources to start the whole thing, and to ensure that it can go on smoothly in the process. This is the job of the leader. As for the specific content, then It is not something that leaders need to deal with.

Now our guild’s entire dismantling plan for the Olympus Divine Race is being launched. Although the plan hasn’t actually started yet, it’s all sorts of messy things at my busiest time. It made me unable to stop at all. In the past, there were think tanks and military gods in the guild and their help was much easier. This time the plan needed to be sudden, and the people in the guild were scattered in many different places for a series of reasons, so I am fundamentally Without support, I can only arrange various things here. Fortunately, Poseidon was originally the boss of the Poseidon family, and he was also very good at management and scheduling. In addition, Poseidon also has a whole set of leadership teams, so he can help me a lot, if not for them to support , Even if I'm exhausted, don't expect to come here busy. This is a big battle after all. If I can come here busy alone, then I will be the Superman of Superman!

The preparation work is a bit longer than I expected. The main reason is the inability of the staff. Although the Divine Race of the Poseidon is still serious, because of the previous strategic arrangement of Zeus, the Poseidon has not participated in the war much. The Divine Race of Olympus has always been in charge of Hades’s Pluto system for the foreign war, which is why Hades and the others decided to rebel in the first place. But you have to admit that everything has two sides.

Indeed, Hades's Hades has been suppressed by Heavenly God. The hardest and most tiring work is theirs, and they often participate in foreign wars as the main force, causing heavy casualties. However, because of the heavy casualties, the Plutos are all elites, and everyone is the main force; it is because they are always in charge of foreign wars, so the Plus's team has excellent coordination ability and rapid implementation of decision-making; it is because they have always been Oppression, so internal unity, can condense the strength in one place to resist external humiliation. So, the reason why Hades's Pluto system is strong is because Zeus is always trying to weaken them. Of course, although objectively speaking, the power of the Plutos was caused by Zeus, because of the starting point, the Plutos was absolutely impossible to thank Zeus, but to regard it as the greatest enemy. It is as if New China was broken because of the Japanese war of aggression against China and then emerged from the weak state of Manchu rule and re-entered the ranks of world powers. But can we thank the Japanese for invading us because of this? This is obviously impossible.

Anyway, Poseidon’s Poseidon system received preferential treatment because Zeus wanted to woo them to deal with Hades’s Poseidon system, even if it did not have as good benefits as the Heavenly God system. Nor did he experience the kind of ordeal of the Underworld God System. As a result, even though Poseidon’s efforts have strengthened the Poseidon’s life, the Poseidon family is still quite weak. The reason is that life is too easy.

Because this kind of war plan is rarely dealt with, even if Poseidon and I are in command, the execution of the various operations personnel is still a little insufficient. The final result is that my plan is deployed faster than expected. It was a lot slower, and it was not completed until dawn, and it was already noon when the plan was notified in the end. Of course, I didn't delay during this period, and took the opportunity to contact the guild to inform the plan.

Compared with the slow efficiency of the Poseidon system and those of the Heavenly God system that have taken refuge in, the execution of our guild is so fast. In a morning time guild, various units that were able to take part in the battle against Divine Race were put on standby. At the same time, these people were all sent to Europe, and they were transported to the outer circle area of ​​Greece with the help of the Transmission Formation of Dark God Palace. Finally, all the high level transport teams sent by the Sea Gods were drawn to the Sea God Temple. However, the number of people coming here is still not complete. Before our guild was doing the ruling guild mission, we encountered a guild that was against us. As a result, we even used Isinger Mobile Fortress to complete the mission. Now there are many Divine Race and Isinger Mobile Fortresses. Stayed together in Europe and didn't come back.

According to what I meant, I asked Isinger Mobile Fortress to jump to Greece again to send people over, but Rose said that this was too expensive, so she didn't let it. Finally, I checked the location of Isinger Mobile Fortress, and confirmed that it was not very far from Greece, so I finally decided to let Isinger Mobile Fortress fly over by himself. Although the energy consumption of the anti-gravity device that supports the entire Isengard Mobile Fortress is not low, compared with Space Jump, it is the same as the fuel consumption comparison of economic cars and heavy tanks, which is definitely several orders of magnitude difference. Of course, apart from the slow speed, flying from the sky has some other problems, such as...

"What? I was attacked? Who would dare to attack the mobile fortress of our guild? You didn't Hang the flag?" I was surprised to hear the voice coming from the communicator. I didn't know what to say.

Rose is also quite angrily replied: "Who else, the birdmen on the Temple Mount!"


" Yes, it is his subordinate."

"Is it because I hacked his Temple Mount before, and he is going to sink the fortress. We have to move the fortress to find balance?"

Rose Said: "It shouldn't be the case. I guess Jehovah just wants to disgust us, not really going to war with us."

"They all attacked the Isengard Mobile Fortress, aren't they going to go to war with us?"

“It’s not Jehovah’s people who attacked us, but a group of players, but they are under the command of Jehovah, so they still have to be counted on Jehovah’s head, but he didn’t let his own hands do it this time. It means that I don't want to be stalemate with us, but just want to show an intention."

I nodded and agreed with Rose's statement. The key to Jehovah's move is to show his attitude. I just knocked down the Temple Mount not long ago. This kind of thing can be said to be a real face-slapping behavior. Now Isengard’s mobile fortress is passing through Jehovah’s territory again. If he doesn’t react to it, then People will be considered weak and bullied, but Jehovah is not stupid. On the contrary, this guy is quite cunning in Divine Race, and he is also one of the few in Divine Race that doesn’t take his face seriously. Guy. Therefore, he guessed based on the route of Isinger's mobile fortress that our guild is going to fight the Olympus Divine Race this time, and this battle is good for him. But at the moment he is in conflict with us. If he doesn’t make a move, it won’t make sense. If he makes a move, it will interfere with our plan and cause the benefits of the Olympus Divine Race. When the time comes, he just wants to face and suffer, but he is wrong. He is the person who values ​​face and dignity the least, so he can't do that kind of thing. However, if he didn't do anything at all, he felt that it was really inappropriate, so he thought of such a way to release a mission and ask a group of players to come out and give us some eye drops. He knows how powerful Isinger Mobile Fortress is, and he also understands that several players are basically impossible to cause substantial damage to us, so the key to this move is to express an attitude, and the result of the battle actually has no meaning at all.

However, although Jehovah thought so, we also guessed what Jehovah meant, but the problem is that everyone ignored a group of people, that is the guild that took over the task. This guild is only a small and medium-sized guild, with average strength and not many personnel. Because the guild is small, there are no high level talents. As a result, this group of people rushed into the game between us Great Influence without knowing the situation, and they didn’t even realize this. , They thought it was Jehovah who was testing them, so they took the task seriously.

You have to admit that fools can be terrifying sometimes. Because fools have simple thoughts, they often do things more seriously than smart people, and don't know how to think about the mess of benefits and losses. In some respects, this should be considered an advantage, but most of the time it is not a good thing. For example this time.

After receiving the task, the guild did not realize that their actions are actually simply not important. If they are smart enough and collect some important information from forums and other places in time, then they can analyze the Lord’s The purpose of this task. If they understood the intention, they would just throw a few stones at our Isengard mobile fortress, and after they were caught, they said that they had done this after receiving a task from Jehovah, and they would have nothing to do.

Unfortunately, they did not know any additional information, and they also prepared for the task seriously. Although they are idiots, they are not idiots, their intelligence is slightly higher than that of idiots, so these people know that they can't handle Isinger Mobile Fortress alone, so they think of something else.

Because Isinger Mobile Fortress is relatively large, and we didn't hide anything along the way, we just flew over directly, so many people can see Isinger Mobile Fortress. During this period, many people even waited under Isinger Mobile Fortress just to see this world-famous mobile aerial fortress. Because of these people, the location information of Isinger Mobile Fortress is not confidential at all, and the gang of idiots have mastered the path of Isinger Mobile Fortress accordingly.

The power system of Isinger Mobile Fortress uses a gravity resistance device from Germany. Although the crawler structure solves the problem that the gravity resistance device cannot move horizontally after it is started, the steering is still a problem. . Now Isinger Mobile Fortress needs to stop moving forward before turning, and then land, or use another set of rotating chassis system to turn in place, and then wait for the direction to be adjusted before it can continue to move. Because this process is very complicated, we usually adjust the direction before taking off, walk straight along the way, and try not to turn as much as possible. It was for this reason that the gang of idiots mastered the forward route of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and then drew a straight line on the map with a pen, so all the forward routes after Isengard Mobile Fortress came out.

By observing this route map, they found that there was a mountain on the way to Isengard Mobile Fortress halfway, so these guys started to prepare in advance. They used various methods to obtain a large number of explosives, and then they were all buried on this mountain. When Isengard’s mobile fortress passed the mountain, it didn’t turn around. Instead, it brushed the mountain at a distance of more than ten meters from the side of the mountain. . Because there are still more than ten meters away from the mountain, Rose and the others did not turn Isinger's mobile fortress to avoid, so they drove from the side of the mountain. However, just before half of the time when Isengard Mobile Fortress looked over, the mountain suddenly exploded.

Because the group of idiots are stupid and don't know how many explosives can produce enough damage, they collect as many explosives as possible. The result is that the explosive point on the top of the mountain is amazingly explosive. When the gang of idiots activated the detonator, they heard a boom, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky. Not only did the Isenger Mobile Fortress explode directly through the outer wall and blasted out a hole, even the mountain next to it was completely gone.

This attack can be said to be a surprise to everyone, including the gang of idiots who planted the bomb. They didn't expect the explosive formidable power to be so big, we didn't expect to be attacked, and Jehovah didn't expect what the people he was looking for could really do to us. However, the reason why accidents are called accidents is that they always happen in unexpected situations. Anyway, Isinger Mobile Fortress was blasted out of a hole. Although it did not damage the key components, it also appeared such as some people accidentally fell and broke their head, some people were walking down the stairs to their feet, and some people were there. Eating and almost choked to death and other special casualties. Of course, the more important point is that the Isengard Mobile Fortress now has an extra hole, and it penetrates the outer armor layer and the main armor plate and the city shell, and caused slight damage between the first and second pipeline layers. Many pressure pipelines burst, and because of a leak in a fuel-carrying pipeline, a fire broke out in the pipeline layer. In the end, those unknowing players saw that Isengard's mobile fortress was fine when it entered the mountain, but when it came out, there was an extra large hole that was venting out, and the smoke was billowing.

"Is this a terrorist attack?" Listening to Rose's report, I don't know what to say!

"Do you want to ask me how to deal with my attitude towards Jehovah?"

I nodded and said to the rose opposite the communicator: "Originally, Jehovah just wanted to show his attitude, but it was obvious that the group The idiot has done things too far. But the fact is that the mobile fortress of Isengard has been damaged, no matter the degree, but it is indisputable that we have been beaten in the face. The result is that the situation between us and the Lord is now down. Came over, and we are facing a worse situation than Jehovah, that is, we care more about our face than Jehovah."

Before Jehovah issued a mission to let people attack us to show his attitude, and we Now that we have been attacked, and the other party's attack is too heavy, it becomes time for us to show our attitude. But the problem is that we and Jehovah both know that this is not the time for a war between us, and more importantly, that we and the Olympus Divine Race have actually gone to war. Although everyone agrees that the Frost Rose League is the strongest guild in the world, we must be self-aware. At least I don’t think that our Frost Rose League is capable of fighting two wars against Divine Race at the same time and winning, even if one of them is going. The same goes for a cutscene. Divine Race is not a soft persimmon, not so easy to pinch. We were very cool before because there is Celestial Court behind us. Now whether it is the Olympus Divine Race or the Holy See of Jehovah, it is a million miles apart from China. The Celestial Court's hands can't reach here no matter how long it is. Speaking of which Egyptian Divine Races are quite close here, but unfortunately our relationship is not good enough for them to come forward for us to confront other Divine Races head-on.

"It's really troublesome!" frowned went there N circles, until Poseidon next to him started to feel dizzy, and I finally made up my mind. "Rose."


"The policy of Jehovah not to go to war with them remains the same. We will not do things that we must face to face and suffer. But face is still a struggle. , Just need to master the degree."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Find a scapegoat. killing the chicken to frighten the monkey."


Although what I said is very simple, Rose is my wife after all, so tacit understanding is not a problem. But having said that, this is also easy to understand. We cannot go to war with Jehovah now, and the environment, time, and resources can't keep up, and the most important thing is that even if Jehovah’s power is eliminated, what good can we do? Things that are completely unprofitable, don't we have to rush upward if we have a brain disease? Therefore, we cannot fight the Lord head-on, but we have to show our attitude, so we must fight back, but we can't hurt the Lord.

Thinking about it this way, the best target is the gang of idiots who bombed our city. The problem is that this group of people came up with it. When we hit them, Jehovah will understand what we mean, and won't get mad because of it. However, this is only a slight counterattack, and the strength is not enough, so we still need to kill the chicken to warn the monkey. As for the target, there are naturally too many targets. Just find a branch temple of the Holy See and bomb it. Don't forget that Isengard Mobile Fortress is a military fortress, and the range of long-range artillery strikes is quite large. Besides, there is a divine arrow system comparable to intercontinental missiles on the top of Isinger Mobile Fortress. It is enough to bomb a temple.

Being bombed off a temple is tantamount to demonstrating strength to Jehovah so that we will not lose face. At the same time, for Jehovah, losing a regional temple is nothing at all at the worst. And we got the Isinger mobile fortress that was indeed blown up this time. Although it was not the intention of Jehovah, he provoked the matter and he also had to take part of the responsibility, so in doing so, everyone can find a reason to step down. Then this matter can be calmed down temporarily. After all, if we fight with the Holy See at this time, the happiest one is definitely Zeus, so even if it is to make Zeus happy, we cannot fight against Jehovah at this time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest moti

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