Seeing the people in our guild walk into the mission release area, the players who came to stop them are all anxiously turning around, but the mobile angels in front of them are simply blocking the way. Don't give them any chance. If a person is in front, it is possible for them to push it with brute force or go around it with skill, but this trick is useless for mobile angels. Since the mobile angel is listed as a siege weapon by the system, you can imagine how powerful this thing is. It is impossible to shake them by brute force. As for wanting to go around them quickly, let alone that. Mobile angels may be completely at a loss when it comes to formulating complex strategic plans, but in terms of body reaction speed, the speed of these artificial souls is much faster than that of ordinary people. Mobile angels without complex thinking have simpler thoughts, so the reaction speed is naturally fast, so it is not a good idea to compare speed with them.

After trying several times to no avail, the group of people became more anxious, but at this time they suddenly heard a player from the guild in the alley next to him stretch his head out and call them over. After a few people ran over in confusion, they discovered that the man had climbed to the roof behind. Seeing them appear, the person immediately waved to them: "Quickly, there is a skylight here."

When it heard that it was a skylight, several people immediately became excited, and then all climbed up and down. I went up and entered a room on the second floor of the mission release office through the skylight, and then walked out of the room to the first floor.

At this time, several players in our guild in the lobby on the first floor had already quarreled with the NPC over there in front of the counter. As the NPC here, according to the rules, outsiders are naturally not allowed to watch the mission record, but the people in our guild are here to look up the record. The goals of the two sides conflict, and of course it is necessary to fight in the end. However, the people in our guild also know that this kind of thing 80% cannot be resolved peacefully, so without a word, they just reached out and grabbed the collar of the NPC in the counter, dragged it out of the counter and slapped it. On the ground, he stepped on his chest with one foot, and then raised his head and shouted to the surrounding mobile angels: "Hands."

The mission release office was completely messed up. The mobile angels who entered the room directly kicked the counter and walked to the archive room behind, while several NPCs over there rushed to stop them. Unfortunately, the clerk NPCs here are all ordinary NPCs, and they are all personnel without battle strength. Compared with these mobile angels, it is really the difference between a lamb and a Tyrannosaurus. The two leaping NPCs were directly caught by the mobile angels and threw them out, but this group of mobile angels obviously received special instructions. The two NPCs fell on it just to make the sofa back a little bit and listened, and it didn't turn over or broke completely.

Without NPC blocking, the mobile angel who walked up to the door directly grabbed the door lock, then turned his wrist, and directly pulled the door lock down with a click. Throwing away the doorknob that had fallen, slapped the entire door to the ground, then stepped away and walked away.

There are no guards in the archives room, and the mobile angel's big iron hand is obviously not suitable for flipping books, so it is useless for them to enter. The two following players walked in directly after the mobile angel stepped aside, and then quickly found the files they needed and walked out according to the date order on the shelf. Don't shy away, just put the information on the counter at the door and read it directly in front of the NPCs.

As soon as the guys who came down from the stairs turned the stairs, they saw the pictures of the players coming out of the file room holding the information. They were calm when they saw the situation. When he came down, he immediately hurriedly rushed up to stop those players from reading the information. But...what surprised them was that the mobile angels standing at the top of the stairs didn't mean to stop them, and they didn't even move at all, so they just let them go, and then the few players on the counter didn't have any. Anyone who wanted to compete with them, when they saw them rushing over, they stepped back and stood beside the two mobile angels who opened the door.

Several people rushed to the counter regardless of why the other party did not stop them. Anyway, they picked up the materials and threw them on the ground, and then a Fireball Technique smashed them to turn the thick pile of materials into ashes. Seeing the flames on the ground gradually extinguished and the pile of materials turned into a pile of black ash, these talents showed a relieved expression. However, just as they relaxed, the player leader from our guild on the opposite side spoke.

"It’s easier now, aren’t you? Stupid?"

When the other party suddenly said that, one of the few people who didn’t suffer a loss immediately retorted and said: "You are What a fool. Haha, the information was burned by us, let's see how you can check it!"

Hearing this, the player who led the team across from our guild simply covered his face with his hands and shouted: "Well, I admit defeat. It's really unnecessary to play tricks with someone like you!"

"What tricks? What are you talking about?" The few people here obviously haven't fully understood it yet.

The players in our guild over there seemed to have not heard them at all. They directly stretched out their hands to pull up the NPC who was stepped on the ground, and then helped the other party to take the dust off their bodies. One side said: "It's really sorry, I made such a mess here. Thank you for your cooperation, this is a little compensation, please accept it."

The atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent before. It's completely different. The NPC that was pulled up didn't look angry at all. Instead, Manchester United smiled and took the big bag handed over by the other party, and then said: "It is an honor for us to be able to help a generous person like you, let's talk about it. Doesn’t violate any regulations, right?”

“Yes, yes, this is absolutely in line with the regulations.” The leader of our guild immediately affirmed, and then to other people over there and mobile The angel said: "Okay, let's close the team, it's time to meet our real goal."

"What about these few?" a player next to him asked.

The player leading the team has already walked to the door at this time. Hearing this question, he stretched out his hand and wiped his neck without looking back, and instructed: "Don't use the knife, it will save others trouble. "

The idiots in the room listened to the other party's words and didn’t even react to what’s going on. They suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming from behind, but they felt themselves before they could react. Leaving the ground, his head rotated back one hundred and eighty degrees involuntarily, and then he saw the familiar option interface of the Palace of Resurrection.

Throwing the corpse in his hand on the ground like a rag, several mobile angels filed out onto the street. Several of them hugged our guild player with one hand, and then spread their wings. Squatting, then squatting hard on the ground, while the propeller behind it ignited, it rushed to the spaceship hatch above with a bang, and then waited for all the mobile angels to return, the spaceship closed the hatch and began to move forward. As for the group of NPCs who had been quarreling with our guild people before, they waved goodbye at the door at this time.

Why are these NPCs reacting so badly before and after? This is about the content that the group of people didn't see when they climbed the stairs.

The few people in our guild first entered the mission release area, and those few people later tried to hit the isolation zone composed of mobile angels, and then found a skylight to climb in. This process was actually delayed. A little time. And one of the players in our guild is a special type. His battle strength is basically zero, but he has a lot of attractive equipment and skills. In "Zero", the player’s charm will directly affect the NPC’s attitude towards the player. Players with high charm will often be favored by NPCs, while players with low charm will be dealt with by business affairs. Of course, if you have any special attributes and The hobby of some special NPCs is different, and the charm effect may even appear as a negative number. In this state, the NPC will not only give you preferential treatment, but will also find your fault. The player brought by our guild is a negotiator who specializes in developing charm and all affinity attributes and conversation skills. At present, there are still many people like this in our guild. This is mainly due to my promotion. Because I developed faster than others, a large part of the reason is because my charm value is relatively high, so I have been favored by many NPCs, and I have gained a lot of benefits in vain. Although those benefits may not be worth mentioning now, but in the early stage of resource-poor, these benefits are the key to make me stand out from many players.

Because I knew the importance of having a good relationship with NPC early on, I later specially set up a special negotiator type player in the Frost Rose League, so that people’s job is to work with NPCs. Deal with.

The negotiator from our guild just used the time those people were looking for a way to make an agreement with the NPC director here, and the content of the agreement was to act out a scene. In this scene, we will destroy the counter and the door of the archive room, but we will not touch the information in the door at all. As for the data held by the two players in our guild, in fact, it was simply a pile of waste paper, which they took out from their own Phoenix Dragon space, and simply was not the data in the archives.

Because we promised not to touch the materials, we did not violate the regulations of the mission release office that outsiders cannot view the materials, which means that those NPCs did not violate the regulations at all. Although we destroyed the facilities of the mission release office, the double compensation agreement was included in our agreement. Therefore, those NPCs felt that they were taking advantage. In addition, the skills of the negotiating experts took effect. Therefore, the NPCs decisively agreed to help perform the show. , The result is that the idiots rushed out and burned a pile of waste paper. As for the information we need...Does this still need to be asked? We ran to find out who took the task of attacking Isengard Mobile Fortress. At this time, whoever stops us from checking the information is equivalent to standing up and shouting that I did it. This is simply not a trick.

The leader of our guild actually didn’t believe that anyone could be so stupid at first, so he made a bet with other people who acted together this time, and finally he covered his face and said admit defeat. Just talking to a few other people shows that he has no hope for the intelligence of this group of people.

Actually, when the guys rushed into the room, they admitted that they had planned the attack, so our guild players just looked at the guild badges on their chests and even questioned them. I left without asking.

If you remember the badge style, you can go to the city management office to check the country's guild logo record. This thing is public and can be checked for free. With this thing, you can know what kind of guild the other party is. Now that we see their badge style, the people we sent to the management office can directly inquire about the other party’s guild information, and then use the communicator to send back the two spaceships, so the people on the spaceship will also know the city very quickly. It is the city of the opposing guild.

Now that I know that the other party is the management guild here, it's much simpler. If you deal with the management guild, you don't even need to declare war, just attack in normal mode. As long as you pay attention not to destroy the main facilities of the city, you will basically not be forced into a state of war.

Because the target to be attacked is in the city, the spaceship barely accelerates to the top of the opponent's head. Because the speed is too fast, even the few players who have been killed use the resurrection method to come back and fail to catch up with the report, but even if they come back earlier, it is useless, because in fact the people in the guild headquarters have already rushed to the task to release Go somewhere.

After reaching the opponent's guild headquarters, our guild player asked the player who led the team. "What do we do now? Destroy it or do it? Are there instructions on it?"

"The big sister said, free attack, don't leave any room."

"That is Do you mean to destroy as much as possible?" asked a player sitting in the driving seat.

The player who led the team didn’t pay attention to who said it at first. As a result, he habitually nodded and said yes. As a result, it was too late for him to react. In between, the guy excitedly clicked the button. The seat descended directly from the command cabin to the bottom of the ship, and directly entered the control platform of a turret. The leading player above wanted to come down to stop, but unfortunately there was no dedicated passage and it was too late to get down. As a result, he could only take a detour from the cabin. It was a pity that he heard a muffled noise before he went out, followed by a sound from below. Loud explosion sound, when he ran to the side of the ship, he saw a large group of flames rolling up from the side of the hull, so that he had to retreat into the cabin.

After the explosion here, it didn’t end yet, the gun below turned out to be banging, and then I listened to the continuous explosion sound coming from below, and finally even I can't tell how many explosions there are, because the explosions before and after are too close, and I can't tell how many explosions there are.

"’s still cool!" Unlike the leading player with a wry smile above, in the gun room below, the player is holding two hands like an airplane joystick. The thing squeezed the trigger on it to the end, and with his movement, the two rockers vibrated violently. With every vibration of that thing, the twin-mounted transmitter below will eject a flame nearly two meters long, and at the same time it will make a bang, and a large Fireball will inevitably burst on the ground below.

In fact, the thing he is holding is a double-mounted rapid-fire gun. The gun itself is nothing unusual. The key is that the ammunition is strong enough, because it is loaded with liquefied magic crystal steam ammunition, so Regardless of the fact that this thing is only a millimeter caliber, in fact, every shell that landed is no less than the formidable power of an ordinary aerial bomb.

This guy was playing cool down below, and suddenly he felt something wrong, because the weapon in his hand suddenly stopped, and he didn't respond to whatever he was dressed up. The anxious guy immediately stood up and checked the bomb feeder, only to find that the bomb feeder didn't move anymore. At the last glance, the indicator light above his head went out.

"Strange, how come there is no energy? Is it...?"

When that guy is below, in the control compartment on the upper floors, the player leading the team He was holding a magic wire that was forcibly broken by him and wiped the sweat from his forehead. At the same time, he sighed, "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Two people drag the madman up to me and shut him in the small black room. Before returning to Isengard Mobile Fortress, he is absolutely forbidden to go out. You must ensure that at least two people are staring at him every second, understand? "

"Understood." After hearing the command, several players ran off immediately, while the next one was still studying why the weapon did not respond.

Actually, this man did not deliberately make trouble, he is actually a mentally ill person. It is not a derogatory one, but a true mental patient, and the medical unit has issued a certificate. However, he is not the kind of dangerous violent psychopath, but he will behave out of control in some things. His intelligence is actually very high. He is currently a high-level researcher in the technical department of our guild. He is basically responsible for the current miniaturized spaceship project. It is precisely because these two spaceships are new products that I am not sure about the specific reliability. Bring an expert on board, if something goes wrong, at least someone will fix it. However, this person's mental illness is more troublesome. He will be intermittently excited, especially when he encounters things he likes, he will be more excited than the average person. The average person is a little forgetful when they are over-excited, but that doesn't happen often. His psychotic feature is that as long as he gets excited, he will inevitably forget about it.

This guy usually likes to do research, and he is excited when he starts research, but because of his extreme excitement and enthusiasm, his research efficiency is very high, so our guild will accept he. But he also has a hobby who likes weapons, especially guns. Those heavy units are better. The worst thing is things like heavy machine guns and machine guns. He will get excited as soon as he touches them. Will forget about it. If the one who led the team didn’t pull the control line, he would definitely not stop when he didn’t hit all the ammunition in the magazine, but the guild station below was obviously not enough for him, so if you let him Continue, then after the guild resident is gone, he will start to bombard the nearby urban functional buildings and private houses, and then this guild challenge will become a siege war.

This city is a system city, not a player city, so we don’t want to have a siege war against this city, otherwise it will lower our guild’s evaluation of all system cities around here, which is why our people The reason why I had to bring negotiation experts when I went to the task release office instead of directly solving the problem with martial power.

Although the psychiatric researcher was crazy, he was not crazy all the time. After the people who waited to pull him out of the gun room, he also realized that he was sick again, so he did not resist and followed them back to his room. Honestly went there.

Seeing that this guy was finally under control, the player who led the team finally felt relieved, and then waved with a big hand: "Go past two people and use a cannon to blast away the guild building here. It's time to flash people."

"Then what..." A player next to the player pounded the leader until he turned his attention and whispered: "We have no guns!"


"No cannon?" As soon as he heard these two words, the leading player shouted angrily: "How could there be no cannon? We are not..." At this point, he suddenly found that the other person was looking at him. His hand, so he moved his gaze over, so he almost saw the wire that was still spraying sparks from time to time, and then his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally asked in a very gentle tone in a low voice: "Can't this be taken back?"

The player opposite was nodded. So Captain turned around like a chicken and whispered: "Then what... or trouble everyone to go down and do it manually... I'm sorry, sorry!" Everyone laughed out of the room one after another. Then they went to pick up a few mobile angels and jumped off the spaceship to start the manual work to demolish the house. Although two ships came this time, in fact only one had weapons, and the other was simply an empty shell, at best it could be regarded as a transport ship.

The giant spaceship on the steel city is still undergoing final decoration. The spaceship on Isengard’s mobile fortress is also a prototype designed and manufactured temporarily after miniaturization based on the experimental results there. A total of three miniaturized demonstrators have been built, and only these two can fly. The other one is still welded on the berth. It doesn't mean that these two searches will be completely completed. The ship they are in is a bit more complete, with basic functions completed, but many indicators are not installed, and there is no interior decoration. Many places are directly piled up with piles of wires, which looks messy. The other ship not only has no weapons, but many cabins have not been completely isolated. There are only some supporting frames, which are simply pulled out to test the carrying capacity of the lightweight Dragon Transformation bone.

Because of the above reasons, the only ship with guns was actually the only ship with guns. As a result, Captain pulled the line of control and became two transport ships directly. Fortunately, the power system of spaceship is independent. Otherwise, if this one falls, the fun will be great.

Just when Captain on our side was embarrassed, the guild leader who was attacked was surprised, because his subordinates were pointing at the smoking guild station and shouting at him. He said: "President, look quickly, it seems to be the resident of our guild!"

"Isn't that the spaceship we saw before?" Someone saw the spaceship floating above the resident with sharp eyes.

Some smarter people immediately thought of the reason. "It must be that they have obtained our information and are taking revenge!"

"What should we do now?" someone asked.

"What should I do? Of course I went back to rescue." Someone shouted.

The guild leader over there is now at a loss. Hearing someone yells like this and he has no idea, but nodded agrees, so the guild members who have just left the station start to run back again, while the other side is from the city The members who came out of the law enforcement NPC station also saw the thick smoke and spaceship, so they decisively took the group of Law Enforcer moved towards the guild station and ran over.

This city was not very big at first. These people were not far from the station at the time, so when they rushed back, they happened to see our mobile angel battallion and the players demolishing houses, and they were being demolished. What was demolished was their guild residence.

"Stop." The people in the guild were immediately angry when they saw the station in the fire sea, but their shouts did not stop the mobile angels, but instead let the mobile angels and our guild. Of players have found their target. Compared with demolishing houses, hacking people is obviously more deterrent, and what this action wants is to strike this guild forcefully to deter other guilds and the Holy See. To put it bluntly, this guild was unlucky and hit the muzzle, and it was regarded as The chicken that killed the chicken to warn the monkey.

Because there has been an arrangement, the players on our side did not hesitate at all. When they saw the opponent appear, they pointed to the mobile angel and shouted: "Attack, those are all enemies."

When the mobile angels heard the order, they immediately stopped and continued to compete with the ruined wall in front of them, turned and walked to the street facing the players and NPCs, and followed their movements neatly and took off the huge chain saw sword from behind. As the mobile angels moved their wrists, all the chain saw swords roared at the same time, and then the mobile angels rushed up with their swords. Although these chainsaw swords are a bit close to demolishing the house, they are definitely easy to use for cutting people, and with this size, even if this chain saw sword can't cut people with the rotating serrated blade, it can still shoot people with the spine of the sword. .

The fighting on both sides is basically not suspenseful. The players on the opposite level are uneven, and most of them are in the average state. Individuals with higher strength can reach the level of the third-line expert, and their president can barely be regarded as the bottom of the second-line expert. But the battle strength of the normal version of the mobile angel is a level between the first-line expert and the second-line expert, which means that the strongest of this group of people, their president is also a whole class lower than the mobile angel. Such a big difference in strength can only be described as horrible in fighting a war. The mobile angels in the first row swung their chainsaw swords all the way forward, and then all the people on the opposite side became small pieces and scattered on the surrounding walls and ground. The ground and walls that had just been blackened by the explosion would have been washed with blood and re-stained with other colors.

"This should be almost the same, right?" Hong Yue, who was sitting in the command center in Isinger's mobile fortress, said while looking at the screen on the display crystal.

The rose next to it is also nodded and said: "You can notify them to return. We have to have an attitude that has shown that we are not demeanor if we compare with these small firms. Big guilds must have big guilds. If you dare to move us, you will make him cry and cry, but we will not go back to torture and humiliate the loser."

Hong Yue said while sending a notice to the front line: "But why do I feel this way? Already very wicked?"

Rose said without hesitation: "Because this is indeed very wicked, but the benefit has never been clean. We just have some wickedness and it is considered noble. Oh yes. Yes, after sending the notice, I’ll beg you here. I’m going to Purple Moon to help him direct the actions there. Now, tens of thousands of people on the Olympus Divine Race are involved in the war. He is alone. I must be too busy."

"It's okay, just go. Isengard Mobile Fortress is not paper, even if I don't direct, can someone really beat him down?"

Hong Yue has just finished speaking here. Before Rose had time to respond, she suddenly heard a loud explosion sound. At the same time, the entire command center trembled violently, and both Rose and Hong Yue felt at the same time The ground under the feet seems to be a bit sloping.

Hong Yue had a forced a smile and said: "Hey, don't you bring something like this? Am I really a crow's mouth? What do you say?" (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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