"I'm going to kill you!" Zeus's angry roar resounded through Heaven and Earth, and the surrounding Olympus Divine Race also began to hide in fear, but think about this It was their own boss who gathered around again and tried to help Zeus deal with the person who hit him.

In fact, it was me who ran into Zeus and saved Aphrodite, but it was too fast and Zeus didn't see it.

After we entangled each other and rolled out more than ten meters, I took the initiative to release Zeus and kicked him, so the two people who were tumbling directly separated, and I continued to roll. After a few laps, he regained his balance. After sliding his feet forward on the ground for a while, he stabilized his figure, but Zeus couldn't control his body all the way to the foot of the mountain before he stopped completely.

This time I'm here to save people instead of fighting. Besides, I can't take advantage of all the other party members, so I didn't plan to fight Zeus here at all. As soon as Zeus was knocked out, I immediately turned and ran in the direction of Aphrodite, and a row of thrusters had been deployed under the wings of my back as I ran. Accompanied by the loud engine noise, I completely left the ground before running a few steps and started flying horizontally. When passing by Aphrodite, I hugged her and rushed into the air.

As soon as Zeus got up from the ground, I saw me holding Aphrodite flying into the sky. The angry Zeus immediately raised his hand to the sky again and tried to summon the lightning, but just when the lightning took shape After that, he realized that the lightning was wrong, and immediately saw in the sky hundreds of winding thunder snakes suddenly appeared and fell to the ground, and then these meandering lightning thunder snakes began to follow the ground irregularly. Sweeping around, the surrounding Olympus Divine Race was blown up by thunder and lightning. Even Zeus had to cover his eyes with his hands to withstand the damage caused by electric light.

The terrifying Razer has been raging for nearly twenty seconds before it completely ended. At this time, Zeus discovered that there was a golden silhouette in the sky slowly floating there. Behind this golden silhouette, The huge golden metal ring is slowly rotating. As the thunder and lightning ended, the metal ring that was still shining with a large number of arcs began to fold and shrink from the crack crack, and finally shrank from a huge ring with a diameter of more than ten meters into a small ring with a diameter of only one meter, and then inlaid into the golden ring. behind the silhouette.

"The lightning storm is over, the mission is completed, and the retreat begins." In the sky Brigitte, who had just retracted the golden ring, suddenly turned around, and a few flames spurted out from behind, and then plunged into the clouds and disappeared. .

Zeus on the ground looked at the disappearing Brigitte and hated gnash the teeth, but he was helpless. Olympus Divine Race is not good at flying, and the speed itself is not fast, although these can be compensated by flying mounts or something, and the slow speed is relatively speaking. Unfortunately, their speed is relative to me, so Zeus didn’t chase me anymore when he saw me disappearing in sight. Anyway, he knew that chasing was useless, so he trained to follow behind at their speed. Ash has no qualifications.

"hmph, I will kill you sooner or later!" Zeus who couldn't catch up could only speak harshly to the sky, and then turned to Olympus Divine Race strange eyes Walk up Mount Pease.

On the other side of in the sky, Aphrodite was being held in my hand while escaping very fast. I looked back and saw that Zeus did not catch up. Only after I lifted my unity and released my luck, then He fell directly on Lucky's back with Aphrodite. In order to save Aphrodite, I had already entered the combined state before I hit Zeus, but because there would be side effects when the combined state was released, I did not have all the familiars of the combined, but left the luck and Brigitte. It was used as a reserve force. At least when I really can’t do it, I can get lucky to block them, and then open the door of the earth to get in and escape. Even if Zeus borrows ten courage from him, he will definitely not have the courage to drill in, so this is the last way to save his life. .

"Huh, I'm finally safe!" Lying on my lucky back, I was finally relaxed. Although I didn't have any strength due to side effects, I was more relaxed because there was nothing nervous about it.

"Thanks to you, the president!" Aphrodite also changed at this time, but she was not tired, but scared.

Compared with players who can be resurrected indefinitely, Aphrodite is also an NPC. For them, they have only one life. When they die, they really disappear. So in most cases, NPCs must be More afraid of death than the player. Just now, Aphrodite was chased by Zeus and ran all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. The journey of speaking of which is not long, but the psychological pressure is very high. In this short section of the road, Aphrodite almost exhausted all his energy. If it weren't for the potential to stimulate the role of Immortal Pill, it is estimated that Aphrodite would have passed out.

"You are now a member of our guild, of course I have to take care of you. Tyrants like Zeus will only cause people to betray their relatives, and I will not be as stupid as him. So you can rest assured and enter. The welfare of our Frost Rose League is definitely N times better than the Divine Race in Olympus. Of course, the collection speed of Power of Faith may not be as fast as others, but our distribution is relatively even, so for you personally, you get The Power of Faith might be more than you got in the Olympus Divine Race before."

Aphrodite nodded said: "Anyway, thanks to you, the president this time. , If it weren’t for your prompt reminder, and finally rushed over to rescue me, I would not be able to escape this time."

"You are lucky this time. Contact me just before entering the deep point, if you Without saying those things, I’m also impossible to know that you are in trouble."

Aphrodite suddenly became interested when I said this. "By the way, President, how did you know that Zeus had discovered that I was a spy before? I didn't find any problems in Olympus. You can guess by just listening to me, this is too awesome Right?"

"hahahaha, without these two brushes, the Frost Rose League can develop from a small guild of more than a dozen people to what it is now? But this time it’s really not a guess, but Because there have been similar incidents before, I know you must have been exposed."

"Similar incidents?" Aphrodite looked at me suspiciously and asked.

I thought for a while and felt that there is no need for confidentiality of this kind of thing, so I directly explained to Aphrodite: "You should know that the relationship between our Frost Rose League and China's Celestial Court is very good, right? "

Aphrodite nodded and said: "This is God knows."

When I heard Aphrodite say this, I continued: "Since you know That’s easy. In fact, the good relationship between us and Celestial Court is only on the surface. To put it bluntly, we are a combination of interests, and there is no actual friendship at all. So although the two of us seem to be harmonious on the surface, in reality, On the other hand, we often stumbling each other. Once before, our guild received a mission, because the content of the mission is to help Monster Race, so it will harm the interests of Celestial Court. On the surface, Celestial Court and we are still in the honeymoon period, so At that time, we dared not tell Celestial Court but were doing it secretly. At the time Celestial Court might have discovered something, but they were not sure that we did it. In the end, they kept releasing various messages telling us that various misinformation was misleading. We. We were not sure which information was true and which was false, and the task progress happened to be stuck. We had no choice but to try one by one. Although the traps given by the Celestial Court were finally broken by us. , Didn’t really catch our evidence. But you think. People deliberately released false news and set up so many traps. Every time you happened to appear near the trap, even if they didn’t catch your evidence of entering the trap, Wouldn't people think about it?"

Aphrodite is not stupid, and she finally reacted to what I said. "It turns out that's the case. Zeus has long guessed that there are spies in the Olympus Divine Race, so he keeps releasing all kinds of false news to make us think that the core of divine force is in these places, and then he only needs to stare at these places. You can determine who did it by looking at who would go to those places."

I nodded and said: "Yes, Zeus used this method to preliminarily rule out other people's suspicions. Although many do not know it. The Olympus Divine Race will enter the traps released by Zeus for various reasons, but because these people entered accidentally, impossible will appear in the traps every time, and the only person who will enter each trap must be Spies, so when you confirm that these traps are fake, you also expose yourself at the same time."

Aphrodite nodded said: "You bosses are your brains. Okay, don’t talk about battle strength, just your brain can be played to death by you!"

"Don’t blame yourself. If you can run out alive, you will be fatal. You didn’t see the chasing after you. What kind of people are they. Zeus prepared for such a big battle and even let you run away, this time I must be crazy on Mount Olympus."

Aphrodite immediately said with this. a smile: "haha, deserve it, who told the old bastard to want to harm me." After saying this, Aphrodite thought for a while suddenly asked: "By the way, I gave the medicine pill you gave me before After eating it, it may be about to enter the side effect time, so I may not be able to help with the subsequent contact work."

I shook my head and said: "No need. We are ready, anytime. You can go to war. You just need to give me the list of personnel that have been determined."

"Oh, if you don’t tell me, I have forgotten it!" Aphrodite listened to me and followed the list of personnel. The space ring she carried with me took a box out of her fingers, and when she opened the box, a small crystal ball appeared inside.

"Is this the list?" I asked after taking the crystal ball.

Aphrodite nodded and said: "This is the list. I added a magic seal on it. You just need to follow the magical release method of the Great Fireball Technique and enter it in reverse to open seal and see the list. "

I nodded start to input magic power in the way Aphrodite said, and then...

"Why is it empty?" This was called by Aphrodite Because she was even more surprised than me. After stunned for a few seconds, Aphrodite jumped up suddenly, and then yelled: "Damn it, it's her!"

"What's the matter?"

"I was cheated, the list was dropped!" Aphrodite roared angrily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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