Sure enough, just as I thought, Nuwa has only a little bit of impossible enhancement to Yeyue, and the real changes are behind.

The first is agility.

Ye Yue's agility has been strengthened sixteen times. Although Yeyue's original agility was not as high as that of highly sensitive creatures, it was definitely not inferior. Everyone knows that the attack speed of snakes is very exaggerated. Although Ye Yue only has a snake's tail, her behavior is really like a snake, so her speed was originally very fast. At least I couldn't run her on flat ground, the obstacle course was even more complete, and I was threw away a few blocks directly. From the mountain to the sea, the tail is obviously better than our legs. Even the four-legged white waves are still not the opponent.

Yeyue with such an exaggerated speed has been strengthened sixteen times its agility. What effect is this? The effect is... the action is like a teleportation, and the attack is like a phantom. When Ye Yue moved, her speed was so fast that she could change positions in the blink of an eye, saying that it was good that her whereabouts were erratic. The attack is even more scary. The original six-arm attack form has been enhanced by Nuwa and turned into eight arms. The eight-armed Naga was originally the ultimate form of Nuwa Divine Race, and the previous Yeyue was probably due to the thin bloodline, so it needed the help of props to complete the six-armed transmogrification, but now it doesn't need to be so troublesome. After being strengthened, Yeyue can directly rely on herself to complete the arbitrary transformation of the eight-arm or two-arm form, and it can be changed at will, that is, four arms or five, six or seven arms are fine, whatever she likes Certainly.

The speed has been strengthened sixteen times, and now it has become an eight-arm. I can already roughly imagine what Yeyue’s current attack will be like. Those eight arms simultaneously grabbed the eight-handed snake sword and slashed fiercely, and they could definitely chop the enemy into dumpling stuffing like meat.

In fact, the speed enhancement is not the most scary. Don’t forget that Nuwa’s real strength is life force, which is the enhancement of the upper limit of life, and Yeyue is her home again, so she got Special care. The result of all this is that Ye Yue's life value has been strengthened-twenty times. That's right, it's twenty times. Sounds scary, doesn't it? The facts are really scary.

What does twenty times the health value mean? This means that Yeyue’s current health will surpass all my familiars except Lucky and Lilith, who has just been strengthened, and become the Ranked Third of my familiars.

Don't underestimate this third. Lucky is originally Dragon Clan, a blood bull. And it has just been strengthened, and now it has become a monster dragon. Super but lucky that it is as it should be by rights. As for Lilith... People rely on life force to eat, which belongs to a single specialty, so the high value is understandable. But the problem is that Yeyue is not blood awesome! Although she often fights on the front lines, she is Minzhan! It mainly relies on dodge and block instead of hard attack. Therefore, the health value is very important to Ye Yue, but it is not her root. However, with such a terrifying health value now, Ye Yue has completely become Blood Bull, let alone her current eight-arm state has been strengthened by 16 times the speed, the chance of blocking will be high to the point of what kind of abnormality, just this health value, I am afraid that the enemy will have to cut for a long time to stand there. It can fix her, and once she starts to block and fight back...In addition to the super-powered single attack skills of the wizards, I can't think of anything that can cause substantial damage to Ye Yue. As for those who want to kill her...I suggest that this group of people commit suicide directly, because Nuwa probably also thought of this, so he added a new skill to Ye Yue-blood pupil, whose effect is to suck blood.

Yeyue had blood-sucking skills before, but it wasn't the blood-sucking that absorbs the opponent's health after attacking, but the blood-sucking in the literal sense, just like vampire, he rushed forward and bit his mouth. The blood sucking speed of this trick is surprisingly fast, and the replenishment effect is obvious, basically it is one-to-one blood, which means that as much as the opponent's health is sucked up. The data I tested before was three hundred and fifty points per second, which means that Yeyue can replenish blood for three hundred and fifty points per second. This speed is definitely much faster than the recovery speed of most medicines, but the problem is that the enemy will not let you suck, so the enemy must be subdued first, so this skill seems a bit tasteless. Being able to subdue the enemy actually doesn't need to suck blood anymore, without subduing the enemy and can't suck blood, so this skill is a bit tasteless. However, this problem is not a problem now.

The new skill is called Blood Pupils. By hearing the name, you know that this skill is effective with eyes, and the eyes are effective remotely. Even if you are nearsighted, you have never heard of must touch the target. Will see each other, so the advantage of eyes is that it is non-contact and can take effect remotely. Since the blood pupil is a skill that is activated by the eyes, it naturally has the general characteristics of the eyes.

When the blood pupil skill is activated, Yeyue’s eyes will turn into a bloody dark red. If you look closely, you will find that there is a little purple in it, which looks like the eyes. There are a lot of blood roses in full bloom, very beautiful. However, based on my understanding of the pupil technique, it seems that the more beautiful the pupil technique formidable power after startup, the greater the formidable power. This pair of dark red pupils is very beautiful, so it is also very deadly. As long as Ye Yue turns on this skill, when her eyes look towards which target, the health of this target will begin to be absorbed by her, and its speed mainly depends on the comprehensive strength score of Ye Yue and the opponent. If Yeyue’s overall strength is the same as that of the place, the bloodsucking rate is one percent of the opponent’s health per minute, which means that if the opponent cannot resolve the battle within one hour and forty minutes, even Yeyue will not attack. He, he will also be sucked to death. If the opponent’s overall score ratio is higher, then the blood sucking speed will decrease, but the rate of decrease is very low. Unless the opponent’s overall value reaches more than ten times Yeyue’s overall value, he can be completely immune to this blood sucking. Yeyue’s value, I think, apart from High God, no one can surpass her ten times. That is to say, all the characters I can think of who may fight with us are within her blood-sucking range. Of course, if the opponent's comprehensive value is lower than Yeyue, then I'm sorry. The blood sucking speed increased, although the rising speed was not fast, but after all, it accelerated the blood sucking. Moreover, if the opponent's comprehensive value is less than one percent of Yeyue's comprehensive value, then Yeyue's blood pupil will be transformed into a very terrifying and perverted ability-true death gaze.

What is true. Death stare? It's an enhanced version of the death gaze. Death gaze can directly attack the soul, there is a certain chance that the opponent will be dropped directly in seconds, and regardless of the strength gap between the user and the user, as long as it encounters this probability, it will die. Of course, if the strength gap is large, this probability will become very low, but anyway, this skill is still quite abnormal. In the entire "Zero" skill tree, one of the three most hated skills is this death gaze. Because even if this skill doesn't have the probability of hitting a kill, it will be like a stick on your head, and it will produce dizziness for at least one second, and there are not a few people who are directly knocked out. So this skill is abnormal. However, in comparison, the death gaze is even more perverted, because this skill has no failure rate, 100% of the opponent will be dropped directly, as long as one glance, 100% mortality, without any skill determination, no matter what the opponent has It doesn't matter what magic feedback, physical attack is invalid, magic attack is invalid, or what defense is. Anyway, as long as you are alive, you can drop it at a glance, and there is no room for bargaining. Fortunately, this skill is only effective for targets whose comprehensive value is less than one percent of Yeyue's comprehensive value. Otherwise, Yeyue will be renamed Death God afterwards. If this one glances over, the enemy will die in pieces! However, even so, the future Yeyue might become a miscellaneous killer. Because Yeyue’s strength has been strengthened, the comprehensive value has risen quite terribly, so this range of standing less than one percent of her is actually not small, at least several types of miscellaneous soldiers that are often seen on the battlefield. Are all within this range.

Twenty times the health value plus a blood-sucking skill, I think Yeyue is almost becoming an undying bird. At least Xiaofeng's health is not as exaggerated as hers, and Xiaofeng can't suck blood either.

After reading all the attributes of Yeyue, I can be considered to understand why Nuwa has tossed for so long to complete Yeyue's strengthening. Now it seems that this time is really worthwhile.

After completing the enhancement of the familiar, staying in the gate of the earth is useless. I directly sent Yeyue back to the training space to adapt to her new abilities as soon as possible, and I was quick Went to the small conference hall of Isengard to watch the advanced course of Machining and Metal Smelting of Lord Vulcan. What surprised me was that Amorad didn't finish all the content to deal with the errands as quickly as he imagined, but was still on the stage seriously talking about all kinds of theories that I didn't understand at all.

Amorad talked about these all are high level smelting techniques. Although I have some knowledge of forging and smelting because of the technical foundation of the guild, I am not a professional blacksmith after all. I also know a general idea about things, but I still don’t understand things that are too deep.

Since Amorad is so serious and responsible, I won’t be bothered. As for the rest after’s not Divine Race here, or the one who squatted in the laboratory for two or three days without taking it out. A great man, I believe that holding one day and one night is not a problem, so I went to make trouble.

Because there is a lot of chaos and order here, Divine Race listens to the class, and Nuwa’s professor’s course has to be postponed, so I don’t plan to continue to find Nuwa for the time being, but go directly to it. Greece.

The matter on the Olympus Divine Race must be done as soon as possible. Now that the Force Stone has been taken away by me, it means that Zeus has already known that their divine force core trap has been exposed, so I must First find a way to figure out where Zeus put the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race. It is said that the thing is now being replaced by Zeus every day, and the core of our plan this time is to temporarily control the divine force core and strip off the Divine Soul of the Olympus Divine Race that wants to betray. Therefore, whether the divine force core can be obtained is the key. .

To find the core of divine force, you have to meet our spy Eldest Young Lady first, but Hephaestus is still attending class in Isinger, so Aphrodite and I There is no contact person in between. Fortunately, I left a crystal communicator for Aphrodite at the beginning, otherwise I can't even find anyone now.

"Purple Moon President? What do you contact me now?" Aphrodite's voice is obviously cautious, indicating that she may not be able to speak now.

I quickly discovered this problem, so I hurriedly said: "I will wait for your convenience."

After I cut off the communication quickly, I thought about it or ran to Hephaestus first. Si’s nest informed his wife Medea that we can’t do things like Zeus, causing all the betrayal and the last personnel to defect. We must be in order to long-term plans, so we must ensure that everyone who takes refuge in us is sincere. Of course, this kind of sincere refuge can't just rely on play, and there must be a certain amount of profit temptation and emotional expenditure. Among them, gathering the relatives of these Divine Race family members is a must. Of course, most of the Olympus Divine Races don’t really care about family affection. Otherwise, there will not be so many family fights and complicated relationships in the Olympus Divine Race, but Hephaestus is definitely one of them. Hephaestus is a very special Olympus Divine Race. Although he looks ugly, he has a simple and honest feeling. He is sincere and sincere to Medea. Therefore, in order to make Hephaestus fall in love in the future. , You have to ensure that Medea arrives safely in Isinger.

Because of the class before, Hephaestus was a little excited and forgot about it, and simply forgot Medea, or did not consider the problems for the time being. But Hephaestus couldn't think about me but had to think about it. Hephaestus is now in Isengard, which means that Zeus will definitely find no one when he comes over. Medea is the existence that I left behind to support the facade, at least Hephaestus is not at home, and Medea can still stand up for a while, at least it can be fooled for a while. However, as our plan unfolds, we must arrange a retreat for Medea as soon as possible, otherwise it will really fight, and the high level Divine Race can still fight for a breakthrough or something by themselves, but Medea is just a mortal, even in In the ordinary person, she is a very good female mage, but in the battle of the gods, she is not enough. A group of mammoths are fighting. It’s better to stay away from kittens and puppies. Not to mention that she can't hurt anyone. If she is rubbed casually, she may be finished. Such a fragile target is really not suitable for staying on the battlefield.

After seeing me, of course, Medea asked about Hephaestus in the first sentence. After all, this is the first time Hephaestus has left him for a long journey, and Hephaestus Thoth's thinking is a little bit so, so it's normal for Medea to be uneasy. Of course I was comforted, and then told her that we were ready to do it.

Medea thought for a while and wanted to ask: "Then am I going to stick to the end? Will Hephaestus come back?"

I shook my head and said:" We are busy transporting people to foreign countries. This time, we used the relationship of High God to smuggle Hephaestus out. Wouldn’t it be troublesome for ourselves when we come back? So after the end of the Hephaestus study this time, we will be there directly We stay there, as for you, you don’t have to wait till the end.” I looked at the time directly and said: “It’s 8:30 pm local time. You can now start telling the people who are going to take away to pack things up and prepare, wait. After dark tomorrow, as long as I don’t come to inform you, you can leave here by yourself."

"Where shall I go, then?" Medea asked, "At this time, Zeus. No matter how stupid it is, it’s impossible to let me go out of the country, right?"

"You don’t need to go out of the country. Just get to this place." I directly gave a map with a route marked on it. The target point is in a cave.

Medea is obviously better at gathering intelligence than Hephaestus. Although it has only been opened for a short time, Medea already knows it. As soon as she saw the map, she immediately recognized the location marked on the map. "This is the Transmission Formation of Sea God Temple?"

I am nodded. "The Poseidon family has collectively fallen to our Frost Rose League. We have talked about the Poseidon side, and we have also contacted the Guardian God of the Seven Sea God Pillars. Now all the upper-level personnel on the Poseidon side know ours. Act and actively prepare. You first take people to hide to the Sea God Temple. Once the action starts, Poseidon will lead people to counterattack Mount Olympus. Although it may not be attacked, it will definitely not affect the Sea God Temple. Here. You can leave with the low-level gods of the Poseidon family from here. I will inform Poseidon to prepare a special escort for you. Don’t worry, Hephaestus is of great significance to our guild, so You are of higher importance than those low-level gods. Even if the low-level gods of the Poseidon family are damaged, I guarantee that you will reach Isengard safely."

Medea shook his head and said:" I am not worried about this. If the plan is like what you said, I can leave safely as long as I reach the Sea God Temple. The question is how we can reach the Sea God Temple safely. This route is an open public route. Talking about the inspection problem of Olympus Divine Race, those adventurers are also a variable. Our group of people are high-level personnel with great value, and our battle strength is not high, what if those adventurers have any plans for us Do?"

I was also taken aback when Medea said that. To be honest, I didn't expect so much before. Even with the aid of electronic brains, we Dragon Clan are still used to thinking about problems with this part of the brain that belongs to biology. It is inevitable that such large-scale projects will always have some details that cannot be taken care of. What Medea just said is the obvious problem.

The adventurer mentioned by Medea is the player. The Transmission Passage that leads to the Sea God Temple is now a public section, which is an area that players can use, and it’s a newly opened passage that I just opened recently, so it’s like a playground that just opened. Many people will bring early adopters. I want to go shopping, which means that there will be a lot of traffic in this area recently. What's more, Sea God Temple was originally a large map. As a result, the Greek players were disappointing, and I have been dragging it until I open it. They naturally want to go in and take a look.

Such a large flow of people means that Medea will meet many, many players. Hephaestus’s subordinates are all ironsmiths, and more than half are technicians. The value of these people is very high. If they go out, they are equivalent to mobile treasures, and their battle strength is weak, which means temptation. Huge and low risk. "Zero" This game is not as invincible as other NPCs. The NPCs here are very fragile except for those great characters. Therefore, players are very likely to focus on this group of NPCs, whether it is to capture back to charge the logistics organization of the implementation, or kill to exchange experience explosive equipment, that is all right.

In this case, letting Medea and the others go through the Transmission Formation to the Sea God Temple is equivalent to letting the mouse go to the cattery to steal cat food. This kind of "what's gone can never come back" didn't expect. I can't do it when I think of it.

" looks like this is really a problem!" I thought for a while and said, "Or else." I said, I opened the Fenglong space and turned it over, and then after a while Let me pull out a huge burden. After unfolding the baggage, you can see that there are a lot of badges inside. "This is the badge of our Frost Rose League. If you bring it, it's under the banner of our Frost Rose League. Even if others want to do it, they have to weigh it. In addition, I will notify Poseidon to send it in advance tomorrow night. People come out to pick you up. It’s not that your own battle strength doesn’t exist, it’s just not enough deterrence for your value. As long as there are a large group of Poseidon Sea Fighter guards, I think people who have no disease in their heads should be willing. Don’t put your idea on your head."

"But the Sea Fighter is guarding us, and we have to bring your Frost Rose League badge. This is not equivalent to publicly acknowledging that the Seagod Element has taken refuge in you. When the time comes, those guys from Olympus Divine Race will definitely come to attack us! If those players take advantage of the chaos..."

When I heard this, instead of worrying, I laughed stand up. "Hehe, don't worry about this. By tomorrow, the guys in the Heavenly God department won't have time to care about your affairs."

Medea was the first to hear this Stupefied, but quickly understood what I meant by this. She didn’t say anything, she just nodded and said: “Then I’m relieved. Is there anything else President Purple Moon has to say?”

“No, you’re ready, I’ll pay I have to go to Aphrodite to find out about the current situation."

Leaving Hephaestus’s nest, I received a call from Aphrodite before I knew where to go.

"President, you can talk with confidence now. What happened before?"

"I just want to know the current progress. By the way, what were you doing before? Convenient to talk?"

Aphrodite suddenly became a little excited when I asked. "Hehe, you can never guess what I just discovered."

"The core of the divine force?"

"Wow, how did you guess it right away?" Aphrodite Di Te asked in surprise.

"Except for that thing, I really can't think of what I found now can make you so happy. Okay, hurry up and tell me where is the core of divine force?"

Aphrodite Immediately said: "I previously investigated a lot of information about the current location of the divine force core from many channels, but because there is too much information, I think there must be problems in it, so I investigated one by one."

"The final result was that the Old Guy of Zeus did not place the divine force core anywhere."

"What do you mean?"

< p>"That is, the news that I have heard is all false. There are no divine force cores in all placement locations, and the real divine force cores are simply not placed."

"Not placed?" Listen At this answer, I was stunned at first, but then I realized that something was wrong. Before Aphrodite could say the rest, I interrupted her and asked: "Wait for Aphrodite."

"Ah? What's the matter?"

"Is the core of the divine force on Zeus himself or beside him?"

Aphrodite's surprised cry was heard immediately from the communicator: "Ah, President you That’s great, can you guess this too?"

When I heard this answer, my heart immediately chuckled, and then hurriedly asked: "Just leave it alone, tell me where you are now?"< /p>

"I'm on Olympus? What's the matter?"

"Why are you going there?" I frowned and asked.

Aphrodite replied with some confusion: "The Old Guy of Zeus asked me to come over, and he said there is something for me to do."

"You have already gone up the mountain?"

"Well, I just arrived in front of the mountain temple. What's the matter?" Aphrodite seemed to hear the wrong tone in my tone.

I immediately yelled: "Leave there and go to Sea God Temple right away, don't care about anything, don't stop anyone, don't talk to people, hurry up, run, use your fastest speed. "

"What the hell is going on?" Aphrodite was obviously frightened by me.

"You have been found a stupid girl!" I yelled as I summoned Asuka and jumped up and let the Asuka rush towards Olympus while shouting at the communicator. Said: "Don't be in a daze, run! Most urgent!"

"Ah? Oh, I'm going now!"

Aphrodite cut off over there I immediately regretted that I didn't equip Aphrodite with a long spear guardian beast, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome now. Although the speed of the long spear may not be able to escape from the pursuit of the Olympus Divine Race, it is definitely not a problem to persist at least for a period of time. It's a pity that it's too late to think about anything. There is no Regret Medicine for sale in this world.

"Flying bird, speed up, how fast you can fly, hurry and help!"

"Understand." Flying bird directly starts life force burning, and then the speed soars instantly. Even with my physique, I felt the oppression force generated by the huge acceleration, and the whole person felt like it was going to be shortened.

Just when I hurried to the Olympus, Aphrodite was flying down the mountain. Although he was not a speed person, Aphrodite was after all It is Divine Race, the speed is not too slow, and although this girl is not sensitive enough before the overall situation, she is still a little clever. After rushing two steps down the mountain, she directly took out a pill that I had specially prepared for her when she came out of the guild and swallowed it. This thing is a defective medicine pill obtained from Celestial Court. It is said that the defective product is mainly because the side effects are a little bigger. After the medicinal power has passed, there will be a 48-hour period of weakness, so it is not suitable for us players, but it is just right to escape Aphrodite. This is because although the side effects of this kind of pill are great, the effect during the effective period of medicine efficacy is really not mixed with water at all. As long as this thing is taken orally, the effect can be seen in ten seconds. The effect is that the overdrawn body can produce a one-hour limit burst state. In this state, during this hour of medicinal power, the user can get the full attribute three times strengthening. Although Aphrodite can't do the same with Zeus by triple-strengthening, it can at least triple the speed, isn't it? At the current speed, she can rush to the Sea God Temple within an hour of using medicinal power, and she will be safe there. After all, Poseidon can compete head-on with Zeus, and it is not that simple for Zeus to deal with the Poseidon system.

As I guessed. Zeus on the mountain had already set the trap and waited for Aphrodite, the silly girl, to jump in. Didn't expect Aphrodite as if to play with them deliberately, and suddenly stopped when he walked to the gate of the temple. Then, after a while, it seemed that Aphrodite suddenly turned around, and used it to rush down from the mountain in a completely different state. The Olympus Divine Race was taken aback.

Although he didn’t figure out where he went wrong, Zeus knew that Aphrodite must have discovered this trap, so he immediately rushed out without the slightest hesitation, and the others were ready Zeus's loyal loyalists also jumped out one by one.

Although Aphrodite ran seriously, she was always confused, but she heard the shouts from the mountain as soon as she arrived halfway up the mountain, and when she looked back, she found Zeus face looks Sinister's initiative rushed down. If she didn't understand this, she would be an idiot, so Aphrodite immediately exploded with a potential of 120,000 points and rushed down the mountain frantically. It is a pity that Mount Olympus is the territory of Zeus after all. Divine Race at the bottom of the mountain received a divine force call from Zeus and immediately got in the way. Fortunately, Aphrodite itself is not a low-level Divine Race. There are some little gods under the mountain. In addition, Aphrodite has just swallowed a potential to stimulate Immortal Pill, and his strength has soared more than three times. So these little gods There was no one with her at all, and he was almost beaten up after just one touch. However, a few times, everyone can knock them into the air with only one move, but after all, the enemy will bear the reaction force, so Aphrodite's speed is affected. Although it is still not slow, Zeus is faster, and the distance is rapidly getting closer.

Feeling the pressure of the rapid approach, Aphrodite was also taken aback, and added a bit of force in his hand, but unfortunately, he still couldn't get rid of the current situation of Zeus's rapid approach. Fortunately, before Zeus rushed, she finally made her rush to the bottom of the mountain and broke through the encirclement of those little gods and rushed out, but it was a pity that Zeus also chased up at this time, and she could no longer run.

Feeling the murderous aura suddenly coming from behind, Aphrodite had no choice but to turn around to resist. Aphrodite was blown away by a blow, and he couldn't keep his balance in the air. After turning over two bodies, he fell to the ground and rolled and slid more than ten meters before it was completely stopped. However, the scepter in Zeus's hand was shocked to bounce back after a blow, and even the forward state of Zeus was forcibly blocked.

Feeling the power of that moment, Zeus was visibly stunned. Aphrodite also came out of the Olympus Divine Race anyway, she has how many catties and how many taels. Of course Zeus knows very well, but only then left the Olympus Divine Race for a few days, didn't expect Afu Rudite's strength suddenly more than tripled, and Zeus couldn't help being surprised. Of course he didn't know that this was the reason why Aphrodite had the potential to inspire Immortal Pill, and he couldn't hold on for long, otherwise he wouldn't be so surprised.

Although he was taken aback by Aphrodite's sudden increase in strength, Zeus quickly reacted and strode towards Aphrodite lying on the ground. However, before he could walk to Aphrodite, Aphrodite, who was lying on the ground, suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then threw a small sphere at Zeus with a shake of his hand. .

Zeus saw that this little ball was round and not too big. He immediately took the scepter and swiped it to the side as if he was blocking the ball. Who knows? The ball suddenly shattered when it touched the scepter. Just after that, a bang was heard. The visible shock wave of a circle of naked eye instantly swept across the ground with a radius of 30 meters. Some stations were close. The Divine Race was thrown off directly, and Zeus himself flipped back two somersaults and embeds it in a rock embarrassingly.

Actually, what Aphrodite threw out was just an ordinary glass ball, but the contents of the ball were more dangerous. It is a high-concentration liquefied magic crystal steam, and it is a feeder version prepared by a special method. Although the output is not high due to cost issues, this formidable power is really nothing to say.

Zeus, who was so dizzy, jumped out of the rock and shook his head before he was awake. Then he looked up and saw that Aphrodite had already run far away. He was angry. Immediately angry roar stretched out his hand to the sky, and the originally clear night sky was instantly covered with dark clouds. Accompanied by the muffled rumbling sound, a thunder and lightning fell from the sky and flew directly into Zeus's hands, and then it was pinched by Zeus into a lightning javelin and raised his hand like Aphrodite in the distance and threw it over.

Aphrodite, who was concentrating on fleeing, suddenly felt the magic fluctuations around him, and immediately recognized that it was Zeus’ thunder lightning. As the daughter of Zeus and his subordinates, how could Aphrodite not recognize this trick? Although she realized that she was not good enough to evade in time, but the difference in strength was still too big. Lightning Spear directly hit the place where Aphrodite just stood and exploded, and Aphrodite was lifted up. At an altitude of more than ten meters, he turned somersaults and fell to the ground, then twisted and struggled on the ground for a long time without getting up.

"hmph, this is the end of betrayal of me." Zeus angrily walked to Aphrodite's side. A conqueror looked down at Aphrodite, and Aphrodite Tu could only endure the pain and struggled backwards on the ground, hoping to stay away from Zeus in rage as much as possible. Probably he was completely irritated by Aphrodite’s frightened eyes. After saying this, Zeus suddenly raised his hand to the sky again, summon thunder, preparing to condense Lightning Spear, but when a thunder and lightning fell from the sky, The black shadow suddenly slammed into Zeus and rolled out with Ze

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