After discovering that the volume of luck became larger, I started to check the specific attributes of luck in detail, and it really shocked me at first glance. Nuwa enhanced creatures seem to be in a fixed mode, directly strengthening the basic attributes, so luck is also improved by strength, agility, defensive power and health. However, it is a bit different from the reinforcement that the big cat gets, luck seems to be strengthened a bit exaggerated.

With the enhancement of Nuwa, the power of luck has actually increased six times, and its power output is close to the level of Vajra, and he is the absolute most powerful existence among my favorites.

In addition to this 6x strength attribute, fortunate defensive power has also undergone significant changes. Now his defensive power has increased by a little bit more than twice, which means he has more than three times the original defense. This defensive power has completely surpassed the defensive power of the tank. Although it is not invincible, it is unlikely that ordinary creatures want to chew him.

In addition, the agility of luck has also increased three times, this is the same as the big cat, but luck is not agile in the first place, so agility is not a very important attribute for him.

Finally, the attribute enhancement Nuwa is best at is naturally HP. The reason why I temporarily changed Victoria to lucky is because luck needs life value. After all, he needs to be on the front line many times, so super high life force is very important.

Facts have proved that my choice is right. Fortunately, the health value has indeed undergone a huge change, and it is even more exaggerated than the big cat, because the lucky health value has increased by more than five times. Don't think that five times the health value is not as good as the eight-fold health value of the big cat. You must know that the base of the health value of lucky and the big cat is originally different. Even if it is a big cat that has strengthened eight times its health, its total health is just a little bit more lucky than before the strengthening, and it's not even as high as the plague's health. Relatively speaking, luck gets more than five times the health value enhancement. If this is added to the big cat, it is basically equal to the actual value that the big cat can get forty times the health value. It can be seen that the five times the health value of lucky is definitely an astonishing ratio.

"My God!" Seeing the five times more health, I called out directly, and Nuwa turned his head and glanced at me and then started to operate at Yeyue.

Although I was taken aback, I quickly returned to normal. At least this is a surprise rather than a shock.

Except for the basic attributes, the lucky skills have not changed much, but a new devouring attribute has been added, which means that luck can return blood by eating.

Originally, the food in "Zero" has the Blood Attribute, but it is different from the professional medicine in that the blood return speed of the food is very slow, and the amount is also very small. However, now that you have this swallowing attribute, you can replenish your own health by swallowing the enemy's corpse, and this replenishment speed is very fast. But luck said that the biggest advantage of this skill for him is that he can eat boldly in the future, because with this skill, he will never eat until he is lucky. Even if he is already full of blood, continuing to eat will only have no effect. That's it, there will be no supportive state. For the giant dragon, Danger Land is the Divine Grade attribute, because in addition to the shining treasure, the hobby of the giant dragon is actually very similar to the pig. Eating and sleeping is the biggest Dragon Clan apart from collecting treasures and mating. The two dragons gave birth to hobby. Having a stomach that will not support how to eat is definitely a blessing for Dragon Clan.

After reading the lucky attributes, I asked him to return to the training space to adapt to his new body. Of course, the big cat was also stuffed back by me, and then I got to Yeyue again. Go over there to see the final reinforcement of Nuwa.

Big Cat and Lucky are foreigners after all. In contrast, Yeyue is the most suitable to be strengthened by Nuwa, and since Yeyue is also one of my main battle monsters, she also needs health. Quite exaggerated. Regardless of how Nuwa strengthens his own clan, there is one thing I don't worry about, that is, Yeyue will definitely have a very exaggerated health value after strengthening, at least five or six times more than it is now.

Probably I felt that the body of the clan needs to be treated with care. Nuwa's strengthening time for Yeyue was really unexpectedly long. We actually continued to strengthen Yeyue until midnight.

"Huh, I finally got it done." After Nuwa was over, it was obviously quite tired. This was beyond my expectation, because in my impression, High God would not be tired at all. But from this we can also see how great Nuwa's efforts have been this time. Of course, this is the most beneficial to me, because the more Nuwa pays, the more Yeyue gains, and the more benefits for me.

Watching Nuwa is so hard, of course I can't rush up to see how Ye Yue is going. This is quite rude behavior, and only the spoiled Prince Princesses can do it. So I didn't rush to see Yeyue's situation, but thanked Nuwa for her help first, and then asked her if she would like to rest.

Nuwa did not refuse this time, but she did not return to her own territory. Instead, she decided to live with the mother of the earth, because in a few days she would help the gang of our guild. Chaos and Order Divine Race conducts training, so it is more convenient to live here. Of course, Nuwa will not wait forever, she only gave me a seven-day promise, which means that if she does not start training after the time has passed, she will consider me to give up this training opportunity.

Of course I won’t let Nuwa wait for seven days, but two or three days is at least. Then Dongfeng will have to blow for a day or two to get it done, right?

Sent Nuwa to the mother of the earth to rest, and then I came back to check the changes of Yeyue.

Yeyue waited at the gate of the earth and greeted me as soon as he saw me coming back, then deliberately circled me around, and then excitedly asked: "Look at how I am different Now?"

Because of the previous enhancements, the appearance of Big Cat and Lucky is almost the same, so I didn’t pay attention to Yeyue’s appearance. Now when she asks, I think of it and check it. I was surprised.

"Your eyes...?"

"Haha, did you find it?" Ye Yue approached me excitedly and grabbed my shoulder with both hands, and then flashed it The eyes of the stars rays of light leaned in front of my eyes and said, "Have you seen? I can now control my pupil technique. Even without goggles, I can guarantee that I will not petrify others casually."

Ye Yue had always carried a crystal goggles on her head before, but it was said that it was a goggle. In fact, that thing was not used to protect Ye Yue’s eyes, but to protect others. Because if there is no such thing, anyone seen by Yeyue will turn into stone, and with this thing, Yeyue can control the onset of the pupil technique at will, only petrifying the target she wants to petrify. Of course, carrying such a thing is always somewhat of a hindrance, but compared to turning everything you see into stone, this trouble is still acceptable. However, it would be better if you could not bring that stuff, so Ye Yue is only so excited now.

I looked at Ye Yue’s eyes with excitement. But not because of Ye Yue's ability to change, but because these pupils are so beautiful. Ye Yue’s eyes are so beautiful before, the big pupils are always slowly changing various colors, especially the flash of light in the pupils, with the dark pupils, there is something that sucks you like a black hole. The feeling of going in. However, I have admired this pupil once before, but I was still petrified. Fortunately, Yeyue is my own demon, and he immediately dispelled me from petrification, but I never saw it again. . Don't worry now, Yeyue's Petrified Eye can be controlled, that is to say, you can watch it whatever you want in the future, anyway, it won't hurt me anymore.

I admired Yeyue’s eyes for a while, and I started to check Yeyue’s attributes again.

I have to say that Nuwa's strengthening method is really fixed, and it is the basic attributes that have been strengthened.

Yeyue's strength has not increased much, only more than twice, but this may have something to do with her original strength. Although Yeyue's figure is only a little bigger than human beings, her original strength can be opposed to giant dragons. Although it is slightly inferior, it is already quite impressive. However, after strengthening it more than twice now, it is obviously more powerful than the average giant dragon. Of course, it's incomparable with luck. That guy is now a monster dragon, and pinching a steel ingot with a single claw is like kneading plasticine.

In addition to more than twice the strength, Yeyue’s defense is not very obvious, probably more than doubled, and it is not very high, and it seems that Yeyue’s defense is not very high. High, now after strengthening, it is just above the average line of my Familiar, and it is still not high. However, speaking of which Yeyue seems to have fought so many times, the chance of injury is really limited. This is mainly because her enemies usually have no time to hack her. After all, Ye Yue has six hands and a big tail that is more flexible than a hand. When most people run into her, they can only resist her attack in a hurry. How can there be time to fight back? Besides, Yeyue’s pupil technique is not beautiful, even if the enemy’s strength cannot be directly petrified, it’s okay to interfere. So Yeyue has been with me for so long, and it seems that I haven't been injured much, and even the number of hits can be counted with just one slap.

Twice the strength enhancement, plus more than twice the defense enhancement, but it seems that Yeyue is really limited, and it is not even as good as the big cat and lucky, but I know, Nuwa Having been busy for so long is impossible, only so little change. Sure enough, the following attribute immediately changed dramatically. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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