The final enhanced list is Yeyue, Big Cat, and Victoria. According to the order, I plan to strengthen Yeyue first, because of the three, Yeyue’s strengthening may be the largest.

Nuwa stopped talking when I had confirmed the goal of strengthening, and asked Yeyue to stand in front of her, and then began to look up and down around Yeyue.

This is also the first time Yeyue has seen Nuwa. Although she is a descendant, Yeyue does not have the respect of many elders to Nuwa, and some of them are only in awe of powerhouse.

Nuwa kept spinning around Yeyue. Yeyue didn't know what she was doing, and she didn't dare to ask, so she just stood like this. However, after Nuwa circled Yeyue a few times, she suddenly moved in front of Yeyue, and then reached out to take off the goggles on Yeyue’s head, but she was so scared that Yeyue hurriedly reached out to block it. Unfortunately, Nuwa moved faster. He took off her goggles. Ye Yue realized that she hadn't kept up with the opponent's speed, so she hurriedly closed her eyes for fear of hurting the opponent. However, Nuwa did ask indifferently: "Are you worried that I will become a stone?"

Yeyue was taken aback when she heard this question, and then he reflected it. Not to mention that her petrified pupil was originally caused by the inheritance of Nuwa Divine Race special physique, even if this ability did not come from Nuwa, how could it be possible to hurt High God at the level of saving her?

As soon as he thought of these Yeyues, he immediately understood, and then opened his eyes. Of course, nothing was released. No matter how you think about it, Yeyue’s Petrified Eye is obviously impossible to hurt Nuwa, so even if Yeyue opens his eyes, there is nothing at worst.

After Ye Yue opened her eyes, Nuwa stretched out her hand to pinch Ye Yue’s chin and pulled her face closer to herself, and then stretched out her hand to press Ye Yue’s left eye and move the upper and lower eyelids up and down, so that Fully expand Ye Yue's eyes, exposing the entire eyeball.

After looking at this eyeball for a while, Nuwa took a closer look at the other eyeball, and then nodded.

Ye Yue asked nervously: "Is there any problem?"

Nuwa shook his head: "It's not that there is a problem, but it's completely okay. Your eyes are well inherited. Because of my strength, that’s why after so many generations, I can actually awaken a strong ethnic innate talent like the Petrified Eye."

"Then can my eyes be strengthened?"< /p>

"Strengthening is only a small modification, you don't need those at all." Nuwa said, and explained while starting to strengthen: "Your pupil technique has actually reached a fairly high level. , The reason why it seems that the effect is not so exaggerated is mainly because you have other physical problems that limit your strength. So before strengthening, I will help you adjust your physical functions."

" Okay. How do I cooperate?"

"You just have to stand, and don't resist my input."


Nuwa started to poke up and down Yeyue’s whole body when he finished speaking. It looked like a naughty child was tickling an adult with his finger, but Yeyue followed Nuwa's expression changes drastically every time he taps. Obviously, this seemingly simple touch is not really as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Okay, all we need now is to wait a while." After a few pokes, Nuwa called the big cat next to him, because Yeyue still needs time to get his body Completed the transformation completely, so there is no continuous strengthening for the time being.

Although big cats are Legion beasts, they are felines after all, and felines are extremely vigilant. However, even the big cat, who usually shows unusual vigilance, walked over without the slightest hesitation after hearing Nuwa's call. This is not entirely because I gave orders to the big cat. The more important reason is that the big cat felt the majestic Life Power exuding from Nuwa. This comfortable feeling made the big cat want to get closer. After all, wild beast's intuition is always very accurate.

Nuwa didn't start directly after the big cat approached. Instead, he showed the big cat all over the body first, and finally reached out and touched several different places on his body. After spending five minutes thoroughly observing the various characteristics of the big cat, Nuwa was nodded, and then he found out a white centipede-like thing and stuck it on the back of the big cat, and then stroked it with Nuwa's palm. The white thing, this thing is directly integrated into the body of the big cat, it seems that it should be connected to the spine of the big cat. Finally, Nuwa reached out and clicked on the center of the big cat's eyebrows, then reached out and took out a crimson pill and surrounded the big cat. After getting all this done, Nuwa nodded and said: "Finally, I got one."

"Is it done?" I heard Nuwa say this and wanted to check the attributes of the big cat. Nuwa moved away from the position and walked to Ye Yue's side and began to check it, while Wei stepped forward and took a closer look at the attributes of the big cat.

Compared with the original big cat, the appearance of the strengthened big cat has not changed at all, but the attributes have undergone tremendous changes. In terms of basic attributes, the power of the big cat has more than doubled, and now the big cat has far surpassed the power level that a creature of his size should have in terms of strength. Thanks to him, he is slightly bigger than the tiger. According to this power ratio, if the big cat is so lucky, it is estimated that his power is at least four lucky.

Know that luck is a dragon, and the power of giant dragons has always been exaggerated. Being able to achieve four times the power of a giant dragon in the same size, this is absolutely incredible data. Moreover, the most important point is that the big cat is not originally a power creature, he is just an agile and a group of war creatures, so power is not his specialty. Now that he has obtained such a huge power, I believe that the battle strength of the big cat can definitely rise by a large amount, at least when he pounces on the enemy, he will become extremely strong.

Of course, Nuwa didn't just strengthen his power. In addition to strength, the big cat has agility, defense, and upper limit of life. The defensive power of the big cat has been strengthened by about 50%, which is one and a half times the original appearance. This ratio is not very large, but it is quite impressive. In addition, the agility of the big cat has increased three times, which is even more exaggerated than the strength-enhanced one, and the big cat is originally an agile creature. Although the Legion beast is a fictional devil beast in the game, his appearance is exactly the same as the black panther, so it is conceivable that the flexibility of this creature must be extremely exaggerated. The original big cat is also worthy of this good figure. Although the speed is not as exaggerated as darts, the flexibility is definitely quite outstanding. After being strengthened three times now, although it is still not as fast as darts, it really threw away other creatures a few blocks away. At this speed, if it appears in reality, it would be trivial to hide from bullets. If you rush forward against the barrage of a heavy machine gun, it is estimated that you can flexibly pass through the gap of the bullet. With this agility, others have no hope of hitting him unless they rely on Meng. Aiming at him can only hit his afterimage.

In fact, although agility is enhanced very exaggerated, what is really exaggerated is not agility, but the value of life. Who calls Nuwa the Goddess in charge of life? As God of Life, Nuwa's enhancement of life force is almost the same as drinking water. When the big cat was strengthened by her casually, the health value was directly increased by eight times. Thanks to the big cat is originally agile, fast, low defense, low life. If the original big cat is the same blood bull type as the tank or lucky them, it is estimated that it will become a bunker directly after strengthening it.

Thinking about the issue of strengthening health, I suddenly realized that I had made a mistake. "Wait a minute!"

Nuwa, who was surrounding Victoria to study how to start strengthening, was startled when I shouted. "You suddenly wanted to scare people?"

"No, I suddenly thought that I had made a mistake." Seeing that Nuwa didn't understand, I just pulled Victoria back. Then he waved his hand to let the luck out and put it aside. "I suddenly remembered that I shouldn't strengthen Victoria. You should change your target and strengthen your luck."

Although Victoria has the shortest long-range strike ability in my demons, I do. The focus of reinforcement is wrong. This enhancement is done by Nuwa, and as Goddess of life, the focus of Nuwa enhancement must be health. Regardless of whether she is strong or not, Victoria is a remote assistant, and she is never in front of her turn, so for Victoria, magic is more important than life force. I asked Nuwa to strengthen Victoria's health and it was a waste. For a familiar that is not destined to top the front line, it is enough to ensure that its health cannot be easily lost by the enemy. It is a waste of so much health.

Compared to Victoria, luck is different. As Dragon Clan, he is the main melee force of skin is rough and flesh is thick. For this kind of existence, the health value is obviously of great significance, so the benefits of allowing Nuwa to strengthen luck are definitely much stronger than strengthening Victoria. Thanks to remembering it in time, otherwise it would be a big loss for Nuwa to strengthen Victoria!

Nuwa hasn't started to strengthen Victoria, so I don't mind my temporary substitution. When she heard that she was going to be lucky, she walked over and began to study the physical characteristics of luck.

While Nuwa is studying lucky attributes, I will study the attributes of big cats again. In addition to the basic strength, sensitivity, defense, and health, the skills of the big cat seem to have undergone some changes. Originally, there were a total of seven skills of the big cat, namely camouflage, Legion Avatar, phantom, paralysis, shadow projection, shadow shuttle, and larvalization.

After the enhancement, the camouflage and Legion Avatar of these seven skills of Big Cat have undergone some changes, and an additional attribute has been added.

The original ability to camouflage the attribute should be to make the Legion beast completely integrated into the surrounding environment, and it is almost impossible to find it without paying attention. However, now this attribute has been enhanced. In addition to being immobile and unable to be discovered, Legion beasts also have a life force hidden attribute, that is, the existence of their life force cannot be sensed by ordinary detection magic. With this attribute protection, basically 80% of remote detection spells will be completely invalid to Legion beasts.

In addition to the camouflage skills, the Legion Avatar, the most important skill of the Legion Beast, has also undergone tremendous changes. The Avatar from the original Legion Avatar skill summon should have only half the attack power of the main body, but the other attributes should be all the same as the main body. However, now this attribute has become, the Legion Avatar’s attack power will only become 80% of the body’s attack power instead of half, which is equivalent to an increase of the attack power of this skill by 60%. The attribute of the fork has changed.

The above two are the existing attributes that have undergone tremendous changes, and the new skill of the big cat is called life absorption. The characteristics of this skill are more powerful. Its effect is to make the main body of the big cat and his troupe Avatar all have the blood-sucking effect. As long as they successfully attack the enemy, then they can replenish the main body of the big cat a little, and at the same time provide all the Legion Avatars. Five o'clock to replenish blood.

Don’t underestimate such a small amount of replenishment. You have to know that the number of Legion Avatars of the big cat is quite scary. So many Avatars will replenish blood every time they hit an enemy, so the supplement that the big cat gets will definitely be It is a continuous increase, although each time is not too much, but everyone should know the truth of gathering sand into a tower. As long as the blood volume of little by little is concentrated, the blood volume of the big cat can definitely be greatly supplemented, even if it can't completely make up for the battlefield consumption, at least the blood volume value of the big cat is greatly increased. You have to know that the current blood volume of the big cat has been enhanced by Nuwa by eight times. This value is already scary enough. If you add an automatic blood sucking, it will definitely be a half blood cow!

However, this is not over yet.

This new attribute not only allows the Legion beast to replenish the blood for the big cat with every attack, but also absorbs an additional 1% of the opponent’s blood loss based on the enemy’s blood loss. Supplement to the main body of the big cat.

Compared with the previous one, this one is more ruthless, especially when dealing with a large number of low-level creatures that are not strong. Because high level creatures have higher defenses, and the attack power of the big cat itself is not particularly exaggerated, so when fighting with high level creatures, the attack of the big cat should not consume too much blood of the opponent. Naturally, the amount of blood that can be absorbed by the big cat is also few. However, if there are a lot of enemies and all low-level creatures, that's great. The blood damage caused by the cat attacking low-level creatures is bound to be exaggerated, and with the number of Legion Avatars, this replenishment speed will even exceed the blood damage speed. The big cat in this case is simply Immortal Body.

After reading the attributes of the big cat, Nuwa over there has also dug into the check of luck and started to strengthen it, but it is different from the other two. Because Lucky is too big, just a few pokes by Nuwa is obviously not enough. Therefore, Nuwa used the method to shrink Small Accomplishment to the size that can be held by a palm, and then use the other hand to hang on the top of the lucky head and continuously drop some colorful light spots into the lucky body.

It took Nuwa more than half an hour to complete the enhancement of luck and put it back on the ground. This shows how right I chose to let Nuwa enhance luck. Nuwa must have paid a considerable price for spending so long, so the benefits of luck are definitely not small.

The luck that was put on the ground immediately changed back to its original size, but I looked at it and found that luck was obviously a few times bigger than before. I quickly compared the plague summon and I became more sure of my judgment.

Fortunately, it was originally about the same size as the plague, and the head and tail were more than a hundred meters long. Although the neck and tail occupy a large proportion of them, even so lucky and plague are very giant creatures. However, now that luck and the plague stand together, it can be clearly seen that luck is much bigger than the plague. You must know that the plague was a little bit bigger than the luck before. Now not only has it been overtaken, but it has also distanced itself.

At this time, Lucky's body length may have reached 130 to 140 meters. Standing beside Lucky is obviously one more head than Lucky. In addition, compared to the previous luck, the luck at this time seems to have matured a lot.

The lifespan of a giant dragon is quite exaggerated. After being lucky, the growth process is speeded up, but even so lucky it still looks very tender. This tenderness is mainly manifested in some small structural differences on the body, for example, there are many spikes and small horns on the plague. Although these things generally have no effect in battle, they will make the giant dragon with it look more mighty and evil, and more vicissitudes of life. Although the previous luck is also called horns, there are very few things on the body, and it looks very smooth and flat, so it is said that luck looks very tender, and the plague is obviously much older. However, this situation does not seem to exist anymore.

At this time, there are a lot of horns and spikes on the whole body of fortune, which looks more ferocious than before, and the furrows between the scales on the skin seem to become more obvious. This makes Lucky's look more three-dimensional and layered, and he no longer feels that his skin is smooth as before. All of this shows that luck has grown up and grown up. The luck at this time is the real adult giant dragon. The previous luck was just a young man. Although it looks not much different from an adult, it is actually inferior to an adult in many places.

Seeing my release of the plague, fortunately, I immediately realized that I had grown bigger. Because I can’t visually see what I look like, I haven’t noticed my luck before, and now I have a reference object and I immediately find that I’m getting bigger when I compare it.

"wa ha ha ha, now I am the biggest one." Seeing the plague is a bit shorter than me, luckily laughed wildly. Dragon Clan attaches great importance to size, because the size of giant dragons is directly related to their strength. As a top-level creature closer to reptiles, giant dragon's body has no upper limit of size. From the moment of birth to death, the body of the giant dragon will continue to grow. Therefore, the older the giant dragon of the same race generally speaking, the larger the size. At the same time, as the age grows, the giant dragon’s combat experience and magic value Something will continue to grow, so basically the size of Dragon Clan is equal to the strength, and giant dragon worships powerhouse, so it is also a habit to compare your body size in Dragon Clan.

Fortunately, the one who had been smaller than the plague before suddenly realized that he was throwing a lot of the plague, and immediately became excited. If I hadn't kicked him in time, I guess this girl would laugh at the plague again. A few sentences. Fortunately, the plague doesn't seem to care about these at all, otherwise it has to fight! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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