"Are you really not willing to give up any of them?" Seeing me rolling around there, I tried to ask.

I looked at Nu nodded and said pitifully: "In addition to the potion, there is the energy synthesizer fiercely, and the heart can give up. I really can’t handle the other energy synthesizers! And I also do that energy synthesizer. I really don’t want to let it go!"

After hearing my words angrily, he thought for a while, and then said: "Or else. The potion synthesizer is abandoned first, so there are only five synthesizers left. . Your share is three, that is, two more are not available. But you said that the energy synthesizer can barely be given up, so there should be only one. I can see that the face of the Egyptian Divine Race is given to you more One, so you just need to abandon the potion synthesizer and energy synthesizer."

"Really?" I jumped up excitedly, and then grabbed Nu to confirm.

Nu pushed away my hand and said: "Of course I will not lie to you, but you only did three item tasks, but you took four items, so you must compensate me."


"Let’s say, I need to do something. Is it looking for something or investigating something? Or do you want to kill someone?"

"It’s not that complicated." Nu said, "You Just help me finish this thing.” Nu said directly and gave me a scroll and a space ring. "Assemble the things according to the design on the blueprint, and you are responsible for supplementing the missing materials. You can send it here after you have all done, and the mother of the earth will transfer it to me."

I nodded , And then asked: "Isn't this thing lacking a lot of materials?"

"Don't worry, you won't lose money."

"That's good."


The remuneration issue is settled, and the remaining issues are easy to handle. First of all, we must select a list of people who will learn smelting and forging techniques from Amorad. This should not only let Hephaestus listen to it alone, but also all the technical personnel of our guild must come early. The two Jiaha Archmage and Norin are definitely coming, Hephaestus counts as one, and there are some NPC technicians in the guild. Of course, all who can come are the existence of Peak, and I will not let him participate a little bit later, because the number of people must be controlled. Even if Amolad said that he didn't care about the number of people, it could not be too exaggerated, otherwise it would easily affect Amolad's mood. But even so, in the end I calculated a total of thirty-seven members of the lecture team, which does not include Hephaestus, plus he is exactly 38.

Because Hephaestus is also a Divine Race, and then he will learn some rules and things from Nuwa, so Nuwa’s lectures have been postponed. Anyway, Nuwa said when he wanted to All she needs to do is to inform the Mother of the Earth. Regarding this, I plan to wait until the work on the Olympus Divine Race is done, because I want to give instructions to all Divine Races in this guild, so it’s best to wait for us to dismantle Olympus this time. The battle of Divine Race is over, so that our chaos and order Divine Race will add a lot of new companions, and with these new companions, the value of this tutorial will also increase. Even I plan to let the high level players of our guild listen together. Although it may not be effective, what if it is effective? After all, High God is preaching! Whatever more attributes can be added.

Nuwa intends to help me strengthen the familiar because I don’t have to go to class for the time being, but I thought about it and asked her to postpone this work, after all, I’m still in the secret warehouse of Olympus Divine Race. Here, this place is not a long-term place. As for the teaching task of Amorad, this must of course be postponed. After all, the scheduled students are still in Isengard and the new continent floating island, not that they can come.

Since there is no way to deal with too complicated things for the time being, I first left the gate of the earth with my things, and there is a stick Divine Race outside to deal with.

I have to say that the formidable power of the mushroom bomb is really not covered. The Olympus Divine Races out there are still like dead dogs. But compared to when I left before, now this group of people are not tied up like rice dumplings, and everyone has a note on their forehead just like a domestic zombie film. Of course, this is not a spell to deal with zombie. In fact, this thing is still an invention of Zeus, but it was plagiarized by us, because this thing is an array of energy collapse.

This energy collapse array is slightly different from Zeus. Although the main part is similar, we have made a little modification. After this group of Divine Race bring this, as long as no power is applied, then this thing will be the same as if it is not posted. However, if they dare to use divine force or some other force, then I am sorry. This disintegrated array will absorb all the power they have gathered, and at the same time, the Divine Soul that absorbs them will be used to store these powers and turn the magic array itself into a crystal of energy. In other words, as long as these Olympus Divine Races use magic power, they are drawing their own souls. Even if they can endure the pain of tearing souls to complete the magic gathering, they will eventually become walking corpse because of Divine Soul being separated.

Looking at so many Olympus Divine Races with enchanted arrays neatly placed in the small square in front of the crystal building, I waved my hand and threw them all into the gate of the earth. NS. Although Mother of the Earth usually doesn’t like me to treat her as a transfer station, but I just gave her face in that transaction for a little bit of benefit. She It shouldn’t be so soon to turn my face with me. .

After getting the Olympus Divine Race, it’s time to leave here. Because this place has become an empty city in the true sense, the process of leaving is also very simple, but when I reached the surface of the lake, I found that the rare beast was dying and foaming by the lake. Curiously leaned over and took a look, and confirmed that this guy was also confused by the mushroom bomb, so without the slightest hesitation, he captured this rare beast and put it away as a pet egg. Of course, considering the strange appearance of this thing, I wouldn't use it as a demon pet, so I will use it as a guild welfare when I go back. Anyway, many people in the club don't have high level beasts. Although this kind of stuff is a bit ugly, but at any rate, the battle strength is not mixed with water, and the high level rare beast is solid. There are definitely a lot of people who want it.

I left this lake area after I collected this rare beast, and just as the bird took off, I just saw a large group of Olympus Divine Race flying here in the distance. Obviously it was I found something went wrong here. It's a pity that they were one step late and almost failed to stop me. As for chasing or something... The speed of the Olympus Divine Race really doesn't need to be considered. As long as the opponent can fly, they will not be able to catch up.

After running successfully, I went directly to Hephaestus and told him about Amorad’s promise. The happy Hephaestus immediately began to speak incoherently, but I let him calm down first, and then let him enter the gate of the earth to take him back to Isengard to teach.

According to my request, Amorad’s lecture will be held in Isinger’s large conference hall, which is basically the same structure as the previous opera house. The Amorad platform At the lecture, the 38 people sitting below were not crowded at all, but it was quite empty, but this was just right, which helped to improve the effect of attending the lecture. Of course, in order to prevent the 38 colleagues from missing any problems, we still decided to make a complete preparation and directly put eight memory crystals in the venue to record the entire class. After that, if those people can’t remember You can look back at the video.

After preparing all this, I threw Hephaestus and the re-educated experts into the conference hall, and then invited Amorad out to let them adapt. For half an hour, it was confirmed that these people had adapted to Amorad's breath and would not start to attend classes after being overly nervous.

Because I am not engaged in smelting, it is useless for me to listen to this class. After seeing them enter the formal class procedure, I will leave with peace of mind.

There are still many things to deal with next. The first thing is that the synthesizers that I tried to give me must be put in place first. This matter is just thrown directly to Rose to handle it. For a fan like her, doing this kind of thing is not a job at all, it should be regarded as a kind of enjoyment, because The most enjoyable thing for money fans is to watch their money increase. Although those synthesizers synthesize all substances, in our opinion, this thing is also a disguised money printing machine. After all, if there is a machine in reality that can directly synthesize oil with seawater without consuming anything else, you What is the difference between this machine and the money printing machine?

After processing the synthesizer, all that remains is the large group of Divine Races in the Earthgate. The previous mushroom bomb brought down at least thousands of Olympus Divine Races. Of course, there were less than 100 genuine Divine Races, most of them were Saint Seiyas, although they were also considered Olympus Divine Races. But in fact, there is still a difference from Divine Race.

Because these saints are not a real Divine Race, I was directly placed in a general prison. After the meeting, Rose Club arranged for someone to discuss with them about joining our guild. If they agree, they will be transferred to the glorious Frost Rose League NPC guards. If they refuse, they will be glorious, but they will become glorious experimental materials for our Frost Rose League’s Divine Race biological research to make a huge contribution. contribute.

Leaving these saints, the remaining part is the real Divine Race, and... "Damn, what's going on?"

When Race woke up one by one and convinced them to join our guild, I first thought of Athena and Apollo. After all, these two are powerful factions. If they are willing to join, it will be of great use to our guild. However, when I wanted to find them from the crowd, I unexpectedly found that these two were not among the prisoners.

"Are there so many captives?"

Ling looked at the list and said: "We brought so many people back. It seems that Athena and Apollo should be in our They have escaped before gathering these unconscious crowds."

"How did they escape the mushroom bomb?"

"I think they didn’t escape, just because of some For these reasons, some of my physical strength has not been completely lost."

When I heard Ling's explanation, I just got a bit taken aback and understood. But as Ling said, Athena and Apollo should have been recruited too, otherwise they would definitely not have watched me kidnap so many Olympus Divine Races. The Stone of Strength was also evacuated, and they didn't care about such important things. It was definitely not that they didn't want to, but they couldn't. And the only reasonable explanation is that they were also recruited, but because of some reasons they were slightly affected, and they should have retained their mobility, so they escaped our capture, but they were not able to fight back.

After I want to understand this, I can only regret it. After all, I ran away, and now it's too late to regret it. In addition, the formidable power of this mushroom bomb will definitely be discounted. After all, Athena and Apollo have suffered a loss. When they go back, they will definitely tell Zeus about the mushroom bomb. After that, the entire Olympus Divine Race will be especially alert for this. In the future, the formidable power of the mushroom bomb will be greatly reduced. Of course, it is not completely useless. After all, with the characteristics of this mushroom bomb, even if the other party carefully shrinks his mental induction and does not touch the magical fluctuations, if it is too far away It will still be slightly affected in the near future. There is no such thing as a coma, but dizziness and decreased reflexes caused by nausea and nausea are definitely there. So this thing can still be used, but the effect will not be as exaggerated as this time.

Send all the remaining Olympus Divine Races to the Temple of Chaos and Order and temporarily detain them. By the way, I talked to Vina and the others about Nuwa giving them lessons. Order Divine Race are very happy. After all, that is High God's special counseling. Such things are usually hard to think of. This is the same as when an ordinary graduate student suddenly got the opportunity of one-on-one tutoring by a world-class scientific master. Who is unhappy with such a good thing?

After dealing with Divine Race, my work is not over yet. First of all, we have to solve the problem of that zombie MM. This poor zombie MM is still floating in the garden of the Mother of the Earth. The whole body is completely frozen, and it floats around as if it has lost its weight. It will move with a light push, even if a breeze blows. She will also drift in the wind like a balloon.

According to Nuwa's promise, she will help me solve the problem of zombie MM, so after I came back, I found Nuwa directly, she still didn't leave here with Mother of the Earth.

"Do you want to turn her into a favorite?" Nuwa asked zombie MM in front of me.

"For the time being, I don’t think about it, mainly because I don’t know what you will strengthen her into. Her original ability is that her defense is relatively high, but I don’t lack a meat shield, so if that’s the case, I Just transfer her to someone else. There are a lot of people in our guild who need a strong human shield."

Nuwa nodded said: "If this is the case, let me first see how she can strengthen it. Specific strengthening I can’t manipulate the attributes at will. It’s mainly based on her foundation."

"Then you should take a look and talk about it." (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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