"Then what... May I ask, what does it mean to supply her to me? There seem to be many problems in the middle?"

"Problems? What? Question?" Nuwa was pretending to be confused.

I helplessly said: "First, she is not yours, how can you dominate her? Second, she is my prey, and you can compensate me for what you invade me. It seems to be Why not make it up? Third, is a zombie count as compensation? Doesn’t it make sense?"

Nuwa obviously doesn’t care about this, she said directly: "So you are worried about this. Then I will give Please explain. First of all, although she is not my thing, but I can easily control her, this is no different from mine. Second, I admit that you say that she is your prey, but even if you I caught her, and it was nothing more than adding one more magic familiar to myself. Although she is indeed quite powerful, but if I reform it for you, it will definitely be even stronger. As for you, zombie can’t be regarded as compensation for this. One point, I don’t think it makes sense. As long as it has value, it can be regarded as a supplement. What do you think?"

Help me strengthen a familiar that I can get. This kind of effort seems to be too little. Compared to Amorad, are you stingy? If you agree to help me strengthen half of the familiar, I agree. "

"Half? What's the joke?" Nuwa pretended to be very angry and said, "Don't you know how many familiars you have? Half? One third is scary enough. Tell you, Two at most."

"Hey hey hey, don’t you have such a bargain, right? Cut half of my familiars into two in one breath, are you too cruel? Or else? We all return a sum and tell me some actual numbers. I also know that I have a lot of familiars, but it is really too much if you cut them directly into two. In this way, five. I only want you to help me strengthen five. Just one pet."

"No, up to three."

"Zombie doesn't count."

Nuwa paused, then nodded. "Zombie doesn't count."


Although it still strengthens the three familiars, but because zombie MM is not included in this quota, it means I have four Places. As for whether the zombie MM will be kept as a familiar or for others to use, it depends on the attribute after strengthening. To be honest, in terms of current attributes alone, zombie MM is not in my consideration. Her specialty is just defense, and I don't lack defensive means. There is no need to get a meat shield. If you really want to be blamed, tanks are enough.

After confirming Nuwa here, I looked towards Nuwa, but Nuwa is much easier to talk than Nuwa.

"I have nothing to teach you, but I have something I can use as a reward." After finishing speaking, Nu added: "But I didn't take things with me, you talk to the earth first, I'll go Go and go back. After talking about Nu, I just disappeared."

I was not anxious about Nu’s departure. Anyway, I know that he was born in Divine Race, Egypt, that is, he has roots there. I'm not afraid of this kind of Divine Race with a foundation. The so-called monk can't run to the temple after running. Although Nu can run, but the Egyptian Divine Race can't run away, so I have many ways to find him. Besides, High God itself is more sincere than Low God, and basically there is no deceptive probability. Besides, Nuo is considered to be a better character even in High God, so I am very relieved of him.

After Nu left, the mother of the earth did not say what payment was left on the scene, so as soon as Nu left, she proactively said: "What payment do you want me to pay?"

< p>I thought for a while and I still don’t know what I want. In the end, I can only let the mother of the earth watch and give it to me. Anyway, the mother of so many High God species has the best relationship with me. After all, I have been borrowing until now. People’s back garden, so I also need too much stuff from Mother Earth’s side.

Although I think so, as I said, High God is very real and generally does not take advantage of people, so the mother of the earth did not think about renege on a debt, but true Thinking about it. After thinking for a while, she suddenly said: "Yes. You wait for me for a while."

I was wondering why the mother of the earth also ran away, but didn't expect the mother of the earth. It just disappeared in a flash, and then flashed back in less than two seconds, and there was an extra sceptre in his hand. This short stick is white all over, and it looks like it was made by white jade. The total length of the rod is about forty centimeters, and the top is inlaid with a golden gem, but the shape of this gem looks like an eyeball, and it seems to be able to rotate.

"Is this a reward, right?" Mother Earth asked, passing the sceptre.

I took this stubby-looking stick in doubt, and was shocked when I looked at the attribute. This thing is actually called the scepter of the earth, and the description suggests that this thing is not a weapon, but a kind of prop, and its ability is to change the terrain. As long as there is no advanced lifeform in the target area, you can use this arbitrary manipulation of terrain ups and downs to change arbitrarily. As long as I have this thing, I can build a city wherever I want to build a city, because the leveling of the land is a piece of cake for the scepter. In addition, if you need to dig a channel or something, it will be very convenient to use this tool. As for the war, let alone the function of this thing. In the landing battle near the coastline, if we are the offensive side, we can use this thing to create a dock and a suitable place for us to land on the beach. In this way, the enemy can't block the coastline at all, because we can land anywhere instead of Go find an area with suitable water depth and low slope to log in. Conversely, if we are defending the coastline, it is even simpler. Directly turn the beach into a vertical cliff tens of meters above the sea, and then turn all the reefs within a few kilometers in front of the coastline into a group of reefs. I see who will climb it up.

Except for naval battles, land battles are still very useful. With this thing, we can construct a line of defense anywhere. When we want to block the enemy, we can construct a cliff like a city wall anytime and anywhere. Although there is no system attribute bonus, it is always cheaper to be condescending, let alone "Zero". The game is set with this attribute of geographical advantage. For example, the cavalry attribute in the plain area is strengthened, and the mountain area is weakened. These are attribute changes related to the terrain. If we build a city wall at any time during the battle, any battle the enemy launches against us will turn into a siege war, and they won’t be exhausted. Moreover. With this thing, we don’t have to worry about the city wall at all, because we can build a city wall one after another on the enemy’s only way, and then give up one after another, and retreat one after another, the enemy will be here. Their last drop of blood drained on the roads all over the city wall, and we can minimize casualties.

Of course, the above are all battles in a peer-to-peer state. If we are in trouble and need to temporarily avoid the enemy, it is even simpler. Open the tunnel directly on the spot. With this scepter, we won't have to dig tunnels in the future. It is not a problem to get a Underground City on the spot. As long as you are sure that you don't want to fight the enemy, let's burrow into the tunnel collectively, and then close the entrance again, and no one will even want to find us again.

Although the above functions are all feasible, the functions of this thing are not really strong enough. For one thing, you can’t directly modify the area where the higher creatures are located. This is a huge restriction. Otherwise, I will make a sinkhole directly under the enemy’s feet and lead it into the mantle. It is simply a weapon of mass destruction, even directly under the enemy’s city. A large area collapsed, that's also a terrible thing. So, this kind of function is restricted as it should be by rights. However, even if restricted, the use of this thing is still very huge.

In addition, in addition to the restriction that it cannot be used in the area where the higher creatures are located, this thing has a restriction that is troublesome, that is, it needs magical support to change the terrain. Of course, this demand is very cost-effective. Compared with the skills of Earth Element wizards that can change terrain, this thing changes the same range of terrain and landforms, and consumes less than 100% of the magic power consumed by the wizards. One, but this one is dedicated to large-scale warfare after all, so once it is used, it will definitely consume a lot of money. However, considering that there are so many people in our guild, this problem can be ignored. At worst, just find a group of mages in turn.

Anyway, this thing is definitely a weapon in guild warfare, especially during a siege battle. If it is directly outside the enemy’s city wall and the enemy’s artillery fire is out of range, it is a lot higher than the opponent’s city wall. The artillery position, what do you think will happen to the opponent?

After considering the various uses of this thing, I directly nodded and said: "This thing is great, even if it is paid."

"Doesn’t I need to add anything? "" the Mother of the Earth asked.

I nodded and said: "No need. But if you are willing to give me more, I don’t mind."

The mother of the earth knew I was joking, so I didn’t When I talked again, Nu came out again at this time, and it seemed that he had found what he wanted to give me.

"Huh? Did you bring the things?"

Nu nodded and said: "I brought them all, you can see for yourself." Nu nodded and said, just waved to change. A table was taken out and placed on the ground, and then a bunch of things were taken out of the body and piled directly on the table. "You can choose three of them."


"Don't worry, the three are absolutely worth the price of your Force Stones, absolutely nothing more Less."

I thought about it and decided to take a look at it first. Now it seems that I am busy bargaining for a few more items.

Simply picked up the nearest small thing that looked like a small flashlight, and I opened the attribute and took a look. I originally thought that the value of this thing should not be high, but when I looked at it, I was surprised to find that the value of this thing was not only not low, but rather terrifying, because it was a crystal synthesizer.

The crystals in reality are actually metal salt hydrates, which means that those crystals are not very much related to water. They are called crystals mainly because they look crystal clear and have a water-like feeling. , And it's true that most of the places where the crystals appear are also filled with water. However, in the game, crystal and metal salt have nothing to do with each other. The crystal here is crystal, a mythical ore. Think about the crystal technology of our guild and the black liquid crystal powder that I often use. This thing is more of an energy substance in the game than a simple ore. Moreover, the crystal formation method in the game is also very unique, not what it is in reality.

This little thing that looks like a flashlight that Nu took out is a mythical item that can make crystals, and its use has almost reached the point of fully automatic. There are only two things you have to do. 1st Step, hold it, and imagine the kind of crystal you want to get. Second Step, throw it into the water. Lake water, river water, sea water, even stinking ditch water, as long as there is water. Then, this thing will start to grow crystals around itself in the water. These crystals will continue to grow and grow like plants. If you want a particularly large piece of crystal, you only have to wait until the crystal is big enough before collecting. That's fine, because this growth method is very fast, so even if it takes a few tons of giant crystals, it usually takes only a few days. Moreover, this thing does not only grow one crystal at a time, but will grow at the same time within a radius of ten kilometers around the water area where it is located. The closer it is to it, the faster it grows, and the outermost one hardly grows.

Looking at me picking up this thing to study the attribute, Nu just said to the side: "I remember your guild seems to need crystals very much. I think this should be useful to you, and there are many in your territory. It's by the sea. Just find a place and throw it into the sea. After two days, collect it once and you can get crystals continuously, and the output is not lower than that of a large crystal mine. The most important thing is that this can be almost endless Resources, as long as the sea water is not dry, you can continue to produce, and the crystal types can also be arranged by yourself, and the quality is the best, which is very suitable for you."

Although I don’t want to admit it, I’m still nodded. Said: "Indeed, this thing is too practical for me. If you have the same thing, give me three directly and I won't ask you for other rewards."

Nu shook the head "I’m the only one here. You don’t want it anymore!"

"It’s a pity. But since this thing is so good, shouldn’t the other things be bad?" I said I took something on the table that was almost indistinguishable from the one just now in shape. This thing has almost the same shape as the flashlight-like metal rod just now. The only difference is that it is larger, almost three times the length of the thing just now, and it's thicker several times.

Seeing that I picked up this thing, Nu immediately said again: "This thing is a mineral separator. The method of use is the same as a crystal synthesizer. Just imagine the type of metal you need and throw it directly into the water. .But it is best to put it in the sea, because this thing consumes water very difficult to deal with, if it is a small lake or a river with a small amount of water, it is likely to be drained by it."

"The water is so powerful. "

"Well, after all, it is a synthetic metal. It is normal that it needs to be larger than crystal. And this can not only synthesize a single metal, but also directly manufacture alloy materials, as long as you also combine the alloy material formula Enter it, and you can make the alloy you made."

"How about the output?"

"This may depend on the type of metal you synthesize. I suggest you the most So go back and try it yourself, because the rules for synthesizing metals are changed according to the energy of the metal itself, so the value is not necessarily so high that the synthesis of metals is slow. For example, the speed of synthesizing mithril with this thing is faster than synthesizing gold essence. It’s much, but in fact the value between the two is basically the same."

"How fast can you use this thing to synthesize steel?"

"More than 10,000 tons per day, right? . I haven’t calculated it in detail."

"More than 10,000 tons? Damn, this thing is almost reaching the output of a steel city!"

Nu said: "if I were you, I would never use this thing to synthesize steel, because it is a waste. The greatest value of this thing is to synthesize those magic metals, especially those magic metals that you can't get."

"For example, black gold steel?"

Nu heard me say that black gold steel was stunned for a moment, and then continued: "That can be synthesized, but are you planning to synthesize in the sea? That is..."

I didn’t wait for Nu to finish, and immediately interrupted: “I’m not stupid, how can that kind of thing be synthesized in open water? Of course it’s a pool. As for the consumed water, I can use The water truck is drawn in."

"That's okay."

The reason why Nu is so worried is mainly because the black steel is too terrifying. The origin of this thing is much more famous than its own, because the origin of black gold steel is the sea of ​​silence, which is the black negative energy ocean in the Seventeenth Layer hell. Black gold steel is produced in the deep sea area of ​​the sea of ​​silence, and it is seabed. Let’s not talk about how terrifying the weak water that dissolves all positive energy matter like antimatter. Think about the black inflammation from the Sea of ​​Silence and you will know how terrifying that place is. A super monster like Heiyan can be used as a tunnel through the mountain directly after drilling a hole in the mountain, and it is also the kind of two-way sixteen lanes. But even so, Hei Yan is only a medium-to-level 1 existence in the Sea of ​​Silence. According to him, the highest monster is in the deep sea area of ​​the Sea of ​​Silence, and all cats are seabed. Those guys are said to be very lazy, generally do not appear on the sea, and rarely attack other creatures. However, as long as they want to make a move. A god like Athena's strength, thirty or fifty people together may not be able to do it. This shows how terrifying these monsters are. And this black gold steel is something that is only produced in the nest of those monsters, you can imagine how difficult it is to make it. The metal I know so far is all held in the hands of Deity Clan, and I have seen it, firstly because I have a good relationship with Divine Race, and secondly because I am the King Yama of Eleven Temples. So it can be said to be near the water platform, because this black gold steel is produced in hell, and only the Divine Race of the underworld can occasionally pick up some at the seaside of the sea of ​​silence. Of course, the probability is as low as terrifying. Which of those Divine Races has a history of millions of years, and the result is not a small piece of the big fist?

Although it is really difficult to do, but I really want this black gold steel, not for anything else, because this thing is too obvious for the black Dark Attribute career increase. Not to mention more, as long as I can get a piece as big as a fist and blend it into my armor or eternal sword, my personal battle strength can at least increase by 30%. Don't think that 30% is not much. You know that my current strength is already terrifying, an increase of 30%, that's a lot of money.

However, although it is very useful to me, this black gold steel is really dangerous, at least this thing pollutes very difficult to deal with. Not the kind of industrial pollution in reality, but the attribute pollution in the game. Like blasphemy, this thing pollutes everything nearby. If it is in the water, it will pollute the water, if it is on the ground, it will pollute the land, and it will also pollute the air. Polluted water will turn into stagnant water, fish and shrimp will disappear, and then a large number of undead creatures will emerge. After the land is contaminated, it will barren, and animals will quickly become undead on this land. As for the air, it will directly become a miasma, and most people will be poisoned when they smell it, and if they inhale too much, they will directly become undead. Of course, it will not be so exaggerated after being integrated into the equipment, but the pure black gold steel element is still very dangerous. If I put it in the sea to synthesize, it will not be long before the sea around Isengard will become like ink. NS. And within two weeks Isinger can become a rare beast paradise.

Of course, this kind of dangerous thing needs to be handled carefully, but considering the huge benefits, I still decided to take this synthetic metal equipment. After returning, we will synthesize black gold steel. Anyway, our guild’s Dark Element There are a lot of players, and I am not the only one who can make a profit, and after this thing is made into black gold steel, it can also be made into other metals, which is too versatile.

After putting this thing away, I glanced at the other things on the table, and I even began to suspect that all that Nu had brought were synthesizers, but the synthetic items were different. With this idea, I took another thing out and took a look. It turned out that my guess was not true, because although the shape of this thing is very different from the previous two, the function is really similar. This is actually a gem synthesizer, specially used to synthesize gems. I quickly picked up the remaining ones and flipped through them. The result was completely confused, because I wanted each one, but as Nu said, my things were really only worth three.

I have read all the items just now, and as I expected, they are all synthesizers. Including the two that I put away first, these things are crystal synthesizer, metal synthesizer, gem synthesizer, potion synthesizer, food synthesizer, special substance synthesizer, and energy extractor. Except that the food synthesizer is a bit trash, I want all six of them, but I only have three shares.

The most painful thing in this world is when a money fan sees a bunch of gold coins, only to find that he can’t carry it back and can only take part of it. I am in this state now. In addition to the food synthesizer, I wanted the other six, but I only gave three, and I was not willing to let go of any of them.

"Then what...Can I have it all?" I asked cheeky.

Nu didn't answer, just looked at me and smiled, and I finally lost the battle and decided to take only three. "Damn it, I'm still too shameful! A little shameless may really take away all six." The devil in my heart said to me, but the sensible angel told me: "If you take six So, this is a one-off deal, and don’t expect to get any benefits from High God in the future."

Although heaven and humans have fought for a long time, in the end reason has overcome desire. Maybe I didn't fully transform into Dragon Clan before I might have gotten all my head. But after becoming Dragon Clan, feelings became a little colder and my reason improved a lot, so my reason finally defeated desire.

However, although I have won my mind, how do I choose these six? I really don't want to throw anything! This is the same as someone said to chop your three fingers and ask you which one to cut. How do you decide? Although everyone knows that cutting those fingers has little effect on life, the question is which finger does not hurt after cutting? Are you willing to cut if the impact is not significant?

"Have you decided yet?" Nu still looked at me and smiled, making my head sweat. This is definitely anxious. Mother of the Earth has a pleasant climate. Besides, my dragon soul suit comes with a constant temperature, so this sweat is impossible.

I think it’s rare to see me being so entangled. The three people over there also surrounded me and stimulated me with your words, which made me even more entangled.

The final synthesis of the six synthesizers is crystals, gems, metals, potions, special substances and energy. Choosing what to take is equivalent to choosing what is of high value.

Don't say crystal, the foundation of our guild! Do you still need to ask about gems? What is the price of gems in the game? Not to mention metal. Who doesn't use metal? Besides, there is my black gold steel! Potion... This looks like it can probably be discarded, although it is also very useful, but if it doesn't, it will have little effect. Special substances, this is really hard to deal with. You have to know that the things that can be called special substances are very, very difficult things. Although they may not be used in many places and the demand is small, but because these things are not in large demand, they are all kinds of strange. things, so the market supply is basically paralyzed. After all, the demand is too low to form an industry. Everyone is looking for it with whomever, and it is best to send a task to ask someone to find it. However, these things are often difficult to do, and many large projects end up stuck on these special materials. I remember that when our guild was building the world library not long ago, the construction plan was almost stranded due to the lack of two grams of overweight water. Fortunately, after the world mission was released, only two grams of this thing were collected from the hands of three players. However, although it is resolved this time, you cannot guarantee that you will not encounter similar incidents in the future, so this special substance is really very, very important. In contrast, the final energy part is okay, but this thing is directly linked to money. After all, everyone’s energy is supplied by magic crystals. The ability to synthesize energy with this thing is equivalent to synthesizing magic crystals. ! If you give up... it hurts to think about it.

"Ah...I can't do it at all!" After thinking for a long time, I finally held my head like crazy and grabbed it, because I really couldn't help giving up which one. Except that the potion can definitely be given up, I don't want any of them! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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