Nuwa judged the zombie MM for a long time, and finally said: "Well, I probably checked it all clearly. This little zombie has a good foundation, and it should still have great potential if it is remodeled. I just don’t know which direction you like to change."

"More than one evolutionary direction?"

"Yes, there are three in total."

" Three? Which three directions do you have?"

"One is the strong combat system, the other is the warfare system, and the other is the auxiliary system. But I think you probably don't like the auxiliary system. So pick one of the first two."

"How do you know that I don't like the auxiliary department?" Hearing Nuwa directly deleted one for me, of course I have to ask what's going on.

Nuwa immediately said when he heard what I said: "Her physique is very suitable to be cultivated as a fleshy body drug introduction, that is, to absorb Spiritual Qi into the body, and then transform her body into a spiritual medicine fairy grass. A type of existence. In the future, you and your familiars can continuously strengthen themselves by cutting some meat from her from time to time, and as long as you don’t cut too much at one time and kill her, it can provide you with strengthening for a long time. Meat food. How about? Do you like this auxiliary system?"

My face turned green as soon as Nuwa explained. "Eh...when I didn't say it!"

"hmph, would I still harm you?" Obviously my inquiry just now made Nuwa think I didn't trust her, but the explanation is useless at this time. , So I had to pinch my nose to recognize it.

"So what, Empress Nuwa, which one is better, this strong battle system or the tactics system?"

"Why? Don't you have a strong opinion of yourself? You choose it yourself Now." Nuwa was obviously still angry.

I hurriedly said with a smile, "How can I do it! My humble opinion, what you say is the insight, and you still listen to you."

I wear flattery for thousands of years. If you don’t wear it, even High God likes to be held by people. Besides, it’s not a major event. Seeing my attitude is so good, Nuwa didn’t care about it anymore. Instead, he thought about it and said, “I personally think It is best to strengthen into a strong battle system. Although the total output of the battle system is relatively high, it will not be too much when it can fully use the battle strength. In contrast, it is not as cost-effective as the strong battle system. Anyway, you have more monsters. I am not afraid of being restrained. As long as she is not completely restrained from enemies of the melee system, she can exert her super battle strength."

I nodded and asked: "What kind of attribute will become after the strengthening of the strong combat system? "

"I don't know the specific attributes, but the melee ability will be very tough. If you can get me some colorful Divine Stone or mud, I can even help you strengthen her to adult Divine Weapon "

Nuwa said, but I heard a question mark in my head. "Then what... the colorful Divine Stone, I know, there are still several kilograms in Isinger's warehouse, but the mud is a magical thing? Stirring people into mud? It's a bit disgusting, isn't it? What else? What kind of thing is Divine Weapon?"

Nuwa said with a smile as soon as I heard it: "I am not the Great Demon King. How could I let you do it? The thing? Human mud is an unfinished active substance when Heaven and Earth was first established. It is basically the initial state of the event. Whether it is a mountain spirit or a human god Demon, including the giant dragons and elves in the West Whatever, it’s all formed from this human mud in the original form, and then evolved into your current image. But this thing is hard to see now, and you probably won’t find it. As for Divine Weapon... How to put put it simply, it is a kind of combat profession that takes the body cultivation success as a weapon. After reaching this state, the whole body becomes a weapon, and every move is a killer move. It is basically a natural killing machine, a real humanitarian weapon. , So it’s called Divine Weapon, which means Divine Weapon in humanity. It also means using fleshy body as a weapon in it."

I nodded and said: "I have a few kilograms of colorful Divine Stone, no That person can strengthen the Divine Weapon like this?"

Nuwa thought for a while: "The colorful Divine Stone can strengthen the Divine Weapon, but the effect is not as good as not. After all, the Divine Weapon can be strengthened. There is also a side effect. Compared with the increased strength of being a human Divine Weapon, if only the Divine Stone is used to strengthen the formidable power, the formidable power is too low and not cost-effective."

"But I don't have that person?"

"I know where it is, but I don't know if you can't get it." The girl said.

"Do you know where they are?"

Nuwa nodded and said: "If I remember correctly, there should be some in Celestial Court, but I don't know if they are willing to give it to you. "

I thought for a while and said: "Will you wait for me first? I'll go to Celestial Court to see if I can get it."

Nuwa nodded and said:" I'm fine anyway, just go."

As soon as I heard that Nuwa agreed, I ran out of the gate of the earth and went straight to Celestial Court. I went straight to South Heaven Gate through Transmission Formation. After I jumped out of Transmission Formation, I rushed directly into South Heaven Gate. Four Great Heavenly Kings wanted to say hello when I saw me there. As soon as I opened my mouth, I saw a gust of wind from among them. I passed through, and my voice came from a distance: "In a hurry, I'm sorry!"

The wind hit Yaochi directly, but I didn’t see the Jade Emperor, so I found a fairy and asked about it. Knowing that the Jade Emperor had gone to discuss the Tao with the Tathagata, I had to turn around and ran to the Buddha Hall. This temple of the Buddha is a newly built complex after the destruction of Buddhism, and it is dedicated to the Divine Race dug from Buddhism. Of course Da Ri Tathagata also lives here, and since the Jade Emperor is discussing the Tao with Da Ri Tathagata, it must be here.

Compared with the original crew of Celestial Court, the impression of Buddhism on me is that there is a branch of extremes. Some of the Buddhism Divine Race who know the truth about Buddhism are very, very scared of me, because they know Buddhism is almost broken by me, and some people don’t know me at all, because these people don’t know at all. Who. Although I was the main frontline force in the Buddhism offensive and defensive battles, after all, on such a large battlefield, only a few people could really come into contact with me, and most of them died. Most of the people who survived did not know me. This caused this group of people to actually not understand how terrifying I am.

Unfortunately today, the guard of the Temple of the Buddha happened to be someone who didn't know me. As a result, two fierce appearances stood at the gate and blocked my way as soon as they saw me rushing over.

"Where are the monsters, Celestial Court dare to rush into the heavy land. Not yet..." Before that guy finished speaking, I went straight up and knocked this guy down, and then used the big hammer that eternity became Facing that guy's forehead was a smash hit, and finally threw away the fierce appearance that was full of the bag and looked towards the other one.

"What else do you want to say?"

The appearance of the fierce who was stared at me was shivered with fright, and then quickly hid to the side to make way. And directly stretched out my hand and said: "Please."

"humph." After humming like this with my nose, I walked in directly without even looking at the person next to me. After all, I dismantled Buddhism, so this group of Buddhism Divine Races is equivalent to a defeated country. As a victor, I have to look at each other's eyes on the land of a defeated country that has been captured by myself. Isn't it ridiculous? Therefore, for these Buddhism Divine Races, in addition to the existence of some really great strengths, such as the big day Tathagata and the like, I don't pay attention to the other Buddhas, Vajra, Bodhisattva, and so on. Not to mention that most of these guys are not my opponents, even if they are better than me? The loser has no right to show his teeth to the winner. Seeing that they are now considered Celestial Court members, I will be more polite if they are polite. Of course, those who dare to bargain with me will not be wrong, even if the Jade Emperor and the Tathagata come, I am not afraid.

After entering the building complex, I easily found a Buddhist Divine Race and asked about the route, and then ran directly to the place where the two bosses discussed the road. This kind of place is of course guarded, and there are many Divine Races listening to it, but most of the people who can come here are people on the table, so at least more than half of people here know me.

There were eight guards, six of whom knew me. The two who didn’t know wanted to come up and were dragged back by their companions. After an explanation, they quickly stood aside. Pretend to be a sculpture.

I stepped directly into the great hall, because there were originally only two bosses talking about it, so it was very quiet. I was covered in heavy armor and I was shocked by the sound of this step. But after seeing me, most people chose not to make a sound anymore. A few people who didn't know what happened didn't mean to get angry and didn't become the first bird. Those who can mix here to attend classes are not nameless juniors, so naturally they will not rush out courting death too impulsively. Even if someone wanted to court death, they were quickly frightened back by the words of the two bosses above.

"Hey...why did President Purple Moon come over to us? Are you here to talk about Taoism too? I remember that you are not learning Taoism?" The Jade Emperor pretended to say, actually On the other hand, it's just a scene, purely meant to draw a relationship.

There are no idiots below. When I hear the words of the Jade Emperor, I know that I can’t offend someone, so even if there is someone who wants to show up, I quickly retracted my head to install a tortoise. Birds in their early days will be shot!

Dari Tathagata also said with a smile after the Jade Emperor finished speaking: "Jade Emperor, you really don’t know how to look at your face. President Purple Moon is so energetic and bustling is obviously in a hurry. I don’t know about us. What can I do to help?"

When I heard the Tathagata say that, I was not polite to them, and directly said: "This time I really have something to ask for. Empress Nuwa promised to help me improve. I need to use human mud, but I haven’t seen this thing. Empress Nuwa said that I remember that Celestial Court is in stock, so I’m here to ask if I can borrow some."

Originally, I wanted to directly say that I want to use it. The Emperor and Tathagata should also borrow it, but this process may take a little more trouble, and maybe it needs to be exchanged for things or labor export, anyway, it is unlikely to be for nothing. But I said here that Nuwa said that they have this thing here, and those few immediately became calm. The Tathagata came from India at any rate. It was a little better, but the Jade Emperor jumped up directly. High God! What level of existence is that? Is this the same as a mortal seeing Divine Immortal?

After the Jade Emperor jumped up, he said quickly: "Since Empress Nuwa said it, it can't be wrong, but I don't know how much is needed?"

I directly took out one The jade bowl said: "One bowl is enough." According to Nuwa, this human mud is more prone to deterioration, so it can only be stored in jade, so I brought a jade bowl out. Of course, in fact, only a little bit is enough to strengthen the zombie MM. If the bowl I bring is full, it will be enough to strengthen the zombie MM ten times or eight times. But it is rare to use this kind of tiger skin as a banner, but it is too wasteful to make good use of it.

Although I have deliberately asked for more, although the human mud is precious, it is not so rare that a bowl is not enough, so the Jade Emperor almost immediately nodded and said:" Some, yes, wait a minute, I'll get it by a celebrity."

"I'll do it myself, so I don't have to bother you at Celestial Court."

" no no no, it’s not troublesome at all. President Purple Moon will wait a moment, and I’ll order someone to get it.” The Jade Emperor is not polite to me, he doesn’t dare to let me approach the treasure house. With my personality of three feet high in the sky, I was asked to go to the treasure house to fetch things. Basically, it was the same as throwing the mouse in the granary, so the Jade Emperor blocked me directly and sent someone to speed. To fetch.

Divine Immortal, who was sent out, probably also knew what the Jade Emperor meant. When a secret art was just a secret art, it turned into a streamer and disappeared, and then it flashed back in less than one minute to the convenience. This speed is absolutely It broke the Celestial Court record.

The returning Divine Immortal didn't take my jade bowl, but a small bottle. It seemed that the mud inside was not enough for a bowl. I guess he knew that I must have asked for more, so he didn't pretend to be that much. Handed the bottle to me directly, and then Divine Immortal said: "This is human mud, I think it should be enough."

I thanked the hall for a while, then turned and left, and waited. The great hall suddenly became lively after I got some distance from here. Some Buddhism Divine Races who didn't know who I was started to inquire about the people around me, and then the people around me naturally began to gossip about my evil deeds, and the one who listened was stunned.

I was not there for the discussion at Celestial Court, so I didn't hear it. Even if I heard it, I wouldn't care. At this time, I was rushing back in a hurry, and soon returned to Isengard. In fact, the gate of the earth can be opened anywhere. I can enter the gate of the earth when I get the things, but it is the Celestial Court after all. After all, it’s not good to get in and out on other people’s ground, so I returned to Ai Xin first. Grid, a Transmission Formation found a place where there was not much personal flow, and then entered the gate of the earth again.

"Are you coming back fast." Nuwa said with a smile when she saw me appear.

I nodded and said: "The Jade Emperor gave me a bottle of mud as soon as he heard that you told me that there was someone there, and it really was Empress Nuwa with a lot of face."

" I knew that you were going to use my name to bluff, but it doesn’t matter, it’s just a bottle of mud.” Nuwa said, took the bottle in my hand and waved to the zombie MM, which was still floating. Before, I took out all the mud in the bottle with a single finger and floated in the air to form a large mud.

In fact, if Nuwa hadn't spoken, I would have doubted whether the Jade Emperor was lying to me, because the simply got out of the bottle was a mass of ordinary mud, and I didn't think it was anything special. But since Nuwa didn't speak, it shouldn't be fake. Now I know why there are so few things. I don't think there is little mud, but no one has noticed it. Regarding the appearance of this thing, even if it is everywhere, no one will notice it. After all, it is a small number of people who shoot everything with the Appraisal Technique. Most people will only find something that may be valuable before shooting Appraisal. Technique, and like this human mud, others simply wouldn't appraise it, and in the end it must have been ignored as ordinary mud.

Nuwa moved the mud that came out to zombie MM’s head, and then divided it into two parts, one part was poured into zombie MM’s eyes, ears, mouth and nose from the holes of zombie MM. In the body, the other part is covered along the zombie MM's body surface. Soon the whole zombie MM can no longer see any skin, and the whole body becomes a clay figure, although there is only a thin layer, but because The coverage is too even, so it looks as if the whole person is made of mud.

When the zombie MM was completely wrapped in the mud, Nuwa took away the colorful Divine Stone from me, and then directly crushed it into powder in the air and sprinkled it all on the zombie MM. As soon as the colorful Divine Stone powder touched the body of zombie MM, it immediately turned into a black substance, and then quickly fell off from zombie MM. At the same time, there were large chunks of human mud that fell off with the powder, but The human mud that fell was no longer in the state of yellow mud, but a pile of black solids, which looked as if the black mud dug out of the sewer was dried in the sun.

"Wow, it smells!" Just as the mud fell to the ground, I suddenly smelled a pungent stench. The smelly people wanted to vomit and were extremely disgusting.

Nuwa didn't respond to the smell, and she didn't know whether she didn't care or blocked the air around her. She didn't seem to notice the foul smell at all.

As the mud on zombie MM continued to fall off, I suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Before the mud was covered, zombie MM was obviously wearing clothes, but I don't know what happened. After the mud fell off, zombie MM became naked. Although I also like beautiful women without clothes, after all, Nuwa is standing next to him. It’s like you and your wife have a mandarin duck bath, but if your female boss or elder relatives are also in the room, you will definitely be at this time. Very embarrassing. I am in this situation now. I'm very happy to see beautiful women, but watching with Nuwa is totally different!

"What are you doing?" Nuwa was busy transforming zombie MM, but the surrounding movement did not escape her surveillance range at all. I just turned around and she immediately noticed NS.

Hearing Nuwa's question, I had to replied embarrassingly: "Isn't she wearing no clothes!"

"It's just a pair of fleshy body, you don't want to pretend it. I. Knowing that you don’t care, it’s only because of me that you want to avoid suspicion. In fact, you don’t need to care at all. Don’t forget that I am in charge of life. Love between men and women is the process of life multiplying and increasing. It can be said that I specialize in handling this kind of things. So you really don't have to hide anything in front of me."

"This..." I was a bit sorry at first, but listening to Nuwa's explanation seems to be true. Nuwa was originally the High God in charge of life. Her ability is to control life force, and reproduction is the basic state of life continuation. How could she care about such things as the Goddess of life? If she is shy when she hears such things like a little girl, how can she manage the reproduction cycle of everything in the world? "It seems that I think too much!"

"Just understand." Seeing me turning back, Nuwa simply asked again: "While it is still not finalized, you have some thoughts about her appearance. No requirement? I can change the skin tone and skin type."

The zombie MM floating in the air can only be regarded as a human-shaped object at best. Although the skin exists, it does not look like human skin. , I really want plastic, and the color is pure white, unlike human skin with other variegated colors. Moreover, the current zombie MM doesn't even have a single hair on his body, and even his head is a bright, big bald head.

Listening to what Nuwa said, I really feel that it is necessary to adjust it, not because of my special needs, but because I am afraid that Nuwa will directly set the shape for me. I don't want to run around with a plastic doll. Although the attribute of appearance does not have any direct effect in battle, you have to admit that the quality of appearance does have a great influence on a person. At least a very beautiful person wants to be better than a person. It is much easier for people who are very stubborn. Besides, after this zombie MM is strengthened, it will probably stay by my side as a monster. If it is too ugly, I usually look uncomfortable, isn't it? Our Familiar team is all handsome and beautiful, even monsters are very cool, and the sudden appearance of an indecent presence will destroy the image of the team!

"Well, can everything be changed?"

Nuwa nodded: "The foreign trade can be changed, but the figure will have a certain impact on the battle strength, but the magnitude is not Big."

I nodded and said: "I want to lengthen her a little bit. Now this one is one meter six to five, right?"

Nuwa looked at the bare zombie MM and said:" About 1.6 meters tall, this height is not too short for women!"

"I know, but she is a melee type and has high defenses, which is destined to be meat. The one in front of the shield top. If it’s too small, I don’t think it’s too reliable to live!"

"Since you say that, lengthen it a bit. How tall do you want her to be?"

"How about one meter eighty-five?"

"So high?" Nuwa looked at me in surprise and confirmed.

I am sure nodded.

Nuwa looked at me and turned around and waved to the zombie MM reluctantly. The zombie MM immediately grew a lot longer, from 1.6 meters to 1.85 meters.

After I got my height, Nuwa asked me if I wanted to enlarge my body in proportion. The figure of zombie MM was quite well-proportioned when it was just 1.65 meters, but now it feels like a skeleton after being stretched to 1.85 meters, so it is necessary to add some muscle and fat to ensure a well-proportioned figure. Of course I have no objection to this, and for a small idea that suddenly came to mind, I specially asked Nuwa to help make zombie MM's figure a little bit devilish. To be honest, although the proportion of this figure looks very beautiful, if you look carefully for a long time, you will find that this proportion is actually a bit distorted, because the waist of a normal person is impossible so thin, even though many women have an S curve, but S is Such an exaggeration is absolutely very rare.

"Is this all right?" Nuwa looked at the messy zombie MM in front of her and asked with a weird expression.

I know Nuwa must have misunderstood, but I didn’t intend to explain, anyway, I knew in my heart that I was just and honorable, so I didn’t feel guilty at all. Instead, Nuwa was a little confused and didn’t know me. What do you mean.

After I got my figure, I took out a very special black memory crystal. General memory crystals are transparent and rarely have other colors, but black ones are even rarer. But Nuwa obviously knew this kind of crystal ball, so after receiving it, he immediately activated the crystal ball and projected a full-length portrait of a beautiful woman.

"Who is this?" Nuwa looked towards me questioningly.

"This is a Princess, I don’t remember the name."

Nuwa curiously asked: "It seems that you don’t really care about this Princess. Why do you have to make it? What does she look like?"

"Because I have a familiar called the king, he is a hero."

"This is his Princess?" Nuwa knows what a hero is, So immediately understood the reason.

Heroic spirits are a kind of materialized souls born on the battlefield. Strictly speaking, they should be regarded as an advanced form of Nether Soul. They are actually the same thing as Lich and Evil Spirit. It's just that the Heroic Spirit has two characteristics that are different from most Spirit Physiques. One is that although the heroic spirits are incorporeal, they use physical attacks, and most of them are in a physical state. The second is that the heroic spirit is not a Spirit Physique that a person becomes after death, but a Spirit Physique that a large group of broken souls merge with each other. Although there is usually a soul fragment that seats the main consciousness during the synthesis process, because the heroic spirit is produced by thousands of soul fusions, its thoughts will no longer remain on the cognition of the main consciousness, but will Keep the collective thoughts of these souls, and those different thoughts will gradually be merged into a new world view.

The king is a heroic spirit, a heroic spirit born on the battlefield. He is actually a collection of the souls of all the people who died in that battle, and according to the soul strength tested when I first obtained the king It is estimated that at least hundreds of thousands of people died in that battle, otherwise such a strong hero would never be born. Of course, the king now is countless times stronger than when he first joined me, especially after soaking in the sea of ​​silence. As the Evil Spirit body, the Sea of ​​Silence is a super big pill for the king, so the current king is very strong.

However, no matter how the king is strengthened, it will increase his strength. There will not be much change in thinking. The king was the soul that gathered after hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, and there was no clue as to why the battle was fought. After all, when I first saw the king, he had been formed for a long time, and he himself There is no memory of the original, so we know almost nothing about the battle. However, one thing was recorded about that battle, and that was this woman.

The king who became the heroic spirit remembers almost nothing except killing, but he remembers this woman. For the king, this woman is his past and all his memories, so I want to copy this woman. Even if it is not the real woman, as long as the appearance is the same, the king's impression of this woman is limited to foreign trade anyway. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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