Zombie MM over there seemed to understand that I was not easy to deal with after fumbling around with me, so he started to change his strategy. After pulling the distance away, this girl turned around and rushed towards the passage next to her. As soon as I saw her move, I immediately understood what she was going to do, so I hurried to catch up.

The zombie MM ran from the side passage to the head with great speed, and found the door facing the outside, so he rushed towards the door as soon as he turned. However, when she was still dozens of meters away from the gate, a black shadow suddenly blocked the gate.

Although there are not many people in this crystal warehouse, it does not mean that there is no one outside. Don’t forget that my pets and summon creatures are outside helping to gather the Divine Race that was stunned by the mushroom bomb, so as soon as I saw the zombie MM was going to run, I immediately contacted the tanks outside with my contact to tell me about the gate. Sealed up. Although zombie MM's defense is good, but her attack power seems to be a little bit half, there is a tank that is known for defensive power blocking the door, even if she opens a hole in the wall to go out, it is much simpler than going through the door.

The gate was blocked, and zombie MM did not give up the plan to escape. After looking around, she immediately turned and rushed towards me, but I didn't stop her at all, just flashed and let her pass.

Actually I have now guessed what zombie MM did when it suddenly turned. She thought about running away when she found out that she couldn't beat me, but at the time I had my back to the gate of the earth, so she turned around and ran over here. Now that she finds that the gate is blocked, she turns back again. Isn't that obvious? She just felt that there was no way to go here, so she wanted to go to the gate of the earth. She simply didn't realize that the Gate of the Earth was not another exit of this building, but a special Transmission Gate, and she only treated it as another exit of this room.

Since I know where she is going, I don't have to bother. After flashing and letting her rush over, I immediately followed along, and then I saw that zombie MM rushed into the door of the earth without looking back, and I followed her in and closed the door after she entered. It's closed.

Zombie MM realized it was not good as soon as he rushed in, after all, the breath of Mother Earth was too strong. However, although she realized that it was not good, the speed was not so fast that she could stop immediately if she wanted to stop, so even if she started to slow down as soon as she came in, she still rushed more than ten meters before stopping, and waited for her to turn. When I came, I happened to see the picture of the gate of the earth disappearing behind me.

"Hiss..." zombie MM uttered a low and hoarse roar at me, the meaning of threat is obvious, but it is a pity that unless the mother of the earth wants to kill me in this kind of place, it is absolutely impossible for others It hurt my hair. Although zombie MM tried hard to threaten me and wanted me to open the door again, I didn’t take it seriously, even the luck and plague next to me were sitting on the two stone houses that had just moved in, ready to watch the excitement. Stance.

"No need to call, in this place, even if you have been cultivation for a million years, you will only be abused. Just stay there and wait for me to finish my business and then come back to deal with your problems."


"Hi..." zombie MM was obviously dissatisfied with my suggestion, yelled at me again, and then directly blocked in front of me, meaning that you don't even want to leave if you don't let me out.

Seeing her blocking the way, I didn't plan to do anything with her, but raised my head and shouted: "Mother Earth, your express is here, come out and sign for it."

I just finished shouting, and I saw there were four more people beside me. They didn't expect Nuwa and they haven't left yet. It's an easy job.

Zombie MM was shocked when she saw four more people suddenly appeared, and she already felt fear instinctively. However, this person's behavior is a bit of a death. Although she was terrified of the breath of these four people, she did not evade it according to her rational behavior. Instead, she completely lost her rationality because of excessive fright, and chose to act according to her instinct. Just as we often find that small dogs tend to bite people more than big dogs. This is actually a reverse behavior caused by fear. Because of fear, we must be more brave, so that we can have a greater chance of defeating powerful enemies. Of course, this instinct is only applicable in the real world, but not in human society or games. Humans in human society are Sovereigns, and no matter how fierce a dog is, they will definitely not be able to do people. The biological strength gap in the game is too wide, showing hostility to overly powerful targets, which is basically courting death.

Zombie MM is now courting death. Not only did she bark her teeth at the four High Gods, but she also did it. I saw that she suddenly went mad and rushed towards the four High Gods, and then, the one closest to her became her target. It's a pity that even the best tempered of the four, but no matter how good the temper is, he is still a High God, how could it hurt her?

As if the pause button was pressed, zombie MM suddenly froze as soon as he rushed to Nu, and then the whole person seemed to have entered a gravity-free environment, unexpectedly began to slowly float up.

"Is this your friend?" Nu asked, looking at me.

I shook the head with a smile, and then said: "This is an unexpected harvest I found when I was collecting snacks for you, but didn't expect it was quite difficult, accidentally let her get in. "

"You guys lie and don't write drafts. It's not surprising that she can get in by herself. She didn't close the gate of the earth? You simply let her in on purpose." Morad directly exposed me with a little don't give face. But we have a thick-skinned face and don't care at all.

"haha, I really can’t lie to you! Let’s talk about business now. The snacks you want have been found for you, and it’s in this stone house, but time is tight, I didn’t have time to unlock it. , It’s just the pot end. I don’t need to pry it open for you one by one, right?"

Hearing my words, the mother of the earth waved her hand directly, and all the stone houses on the shore were swarmed. He disintegrated, and Lucky and Plague, who was sitting on one of the stone houses, fell directly on a pile of wooden boxes, and then directly crushed the wooden boxes and fell into a pile of debris.

Looking at the two dragons looking embarrassed, Nuwa couldn't help but laugh, and then waved his hand. The wooden boxes were also shattered, and then he saw piles of black force stones. Flew up and gradually moved towards our side.

"wa ha ha ha, there are so many!" Amorad looked like a victim who had been hungry for ten days and half a month suddenly saw a table full of seats, like that. It really doesn't have anything to do with his identity. If there is no such strong terrifying aura, a hundred people will see him and say this is an old bastard.

Compared to Amorad, the expressions of the other three are obviously much better. Ladies should pay attention to images anyway, so there is nothing excessive except a look of excitement. Because Nu is a water god, his personality is as gentle as his attributes. Even if he is happy, he will not be too much. In this way, Amolad’s behavior is actually quite normal. Vulcan’s attribute is fire, and fire itself is blatant, passionate and violent. This Amorald’s character is exactly the same as this attribute.

Those Force Stones were divided into quarters immediately after they flew in front of us. Although I don't know how to divide them, but seeing the other three have nothing to say, it should be no objection to this division ratio. However, after these four had finished dividing the Force Stones, they waved their hands and collected their shares, which made me anxious immediately. "Hey hey hey, the price hasn't been discussed yet!"

"We are not those who like renege on a debt, what are you anxious for?" Amorad grabbed a force stone while gnawing While saying: "We have accepted things, now let's talk about your request. We are High God, and we can't directly interact with human affairs, so if you want us to help intervene in human affairs, you just don't speak directly. I suggest that you better ask us for some treasures. We have advantages and are not restricted, so we can rest assured to give it to you."

"I know you don’t intervene in human affairs, but if you ask you to help Train my people, don’t you have any comments?"

"Training?" Nuwa looked at me and asked, "How did you think of this kind of request?"

"Actually It’s not what I thought of, but one of my men wanted to improve the ability to make equipment. He was originally a god in the Olympus Divine Race. Of course, it’s a false god to you. But now he It’s clear that I’ve joined my organization, so I’m now one of my people. This person used to be very good at forging equipment, but that’s all human technology. Your High God world’s technology should be even better, and He also idolizes you High Gods very much, so he inadvertently said that if he could learn your forging skills, it would be great. I thought later, it seemed that this was really learnable, so I wanted to ask, can you teach it? If you can, can you use this to offset part of the reward?"

When I heard what I said, the four people over there got together and discussed it. Finally, Amorad said: "We High God The best forging technology among them should be Pangu, but this time it’s our deal with you, please don’t move him. However, besides Pangu, the High God world has the best forging technology in mine. So I can be responsible. The subordinate who taught you."

"That's so thankful."

"Don't rush to thank you. Although theoretically I am not opposed to teaching your subordinates, but Some things must be made clear first. If you think it’s okay, you can close the deal with us. If it doesn’t work, you can think of other ways."

"You say it."

Amorad a little bit After thinking for a while, he said: "First of all, I am a very impatient person, so I only tell what I know, no matter if your people understand it or not, I will not teach it anymore. second time. Can you accept this?"

I also thought about it for a while before I spoke, but I didn’t directly answer Amoral’s question, but first asked: "If this is the case, I Can you send more people to listen to it? Anyway, you just say it again. One person listens and listens, and a group of people listens. It has no effect on you. You only say it once, I'm afraid there will be fewer people. What if I miss something, am I not at a loss? If there are too many people, they can complement each other when they go back, so that you don't have to bother you. "

Amorad nodded said: "The number is up to you, as long as they can squeeze it down, I don't care if you arrange 10,000 people to come over." However, I have one more point to explain, that is, a lot of the forging technology we have to rely on High God's Law Power for operation. I can explain the application of the relevant laws to your people, but I don't care if they can use it. There are also some smelting techniques that must be thoroughly mastered and can be created by themselves before they can be used, so I will not talk about this kind of thing that your people absolutely cannot copy, because that requires the power of High God, unless yours A person can become a High God, otherwise it will be useless to talk about it. "

I thought for a while and said: "Okay, this is no problem. "

Amorad nodded and said: "That's fine. I'll help you teach your people, it's all my reward. "

"Damn, you are really dark, and I received the goods for 1/4/2021 in a tutorial class!" "

High God is still more sincere after all. Even if Amoral is a bad-tempered person, he is just bad-tempered and his face is not very thick, so it is really sorry to hear what I said. He added: "Then I can add some special materials to you at most. You can rest assured that they are all good things that you will never get in the next year. Although the quantity is not large, the value is not low. "

Although Divine Race in the Lower Realm now unanimously recognizes that I am a Super Week, but the reason why I can scrape the benefits of Divine Race like this without problems, the most important point is that I know how to measure. Every time I They will scratch the bottom line of those Divine Races, but never cross that line, so the Divine Races that I scratched just feel distressed, but no one has really turned my face with me.

Ah. Morad’s performance indicated that his bottom line was approaching, so I no longer unsatisfied, but directly nodded to admit the deal.

Amorad completed his share here, and the other three He asked me what kind of remuneration I still want. I thought about it for a while and then said: "In fact, in addition to training in smelting technology, it would be better if you could give my people a special explanation on the rules. "

"If you want to talk about the rules, I know the most here. "Nuwa said: "Don't you just want to improve your own battle strength? I will teach them. Although they may not understand the law or something, I can say it to them and understand how much is their own business. In addition, I can give special guidance to their spell application skills. Although this has nothing to do with the law, the effect is obvious and it can improve the battle strength immediately. "

When Nuwa said this, I immediately nodded and said: "Then this can also be regarded as a reward, but Amorad has promised to supplement me with some materials. Would you like to supplement me somehow? "

Nuwa thought for a while and suddenly a zombie MM over there said: "I will supply her to you." "

"Huh? "I was stunned by Nuwa's words. Don't give me the zombie MM? What's the matter? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote. Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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