Like I said, I’m not afraid of hard-core people, because everyone has their own weaknesses. If your prisoner doesn’t open his mouth to answer questions, it only means that you haven’t done it yet. Know what he is afraid of.

The Olympus Divine Race in front of me obviously has a lot of fears, for example... Losing divine force, becoming an ordinary person, and being despised by others... Anyway, this guy is very good. Just deal with it. Ever since, I knew why he was here in less than ten minutes.

The relatively small stone house in front of us is different from other large stone houses. If those stone houses are all safes, then this is a prison, and as a prison, it is of course not a dead thing like the Force Stone, but a living thing.

"Is there a rare beast sealed in it?" I asked the Olympus Divine Race, whose eyes were dizzy and had obvious signs of being'badly played'.

The opponent's eyes turned sluggishly and slowly, and then he spoke after looking at me for a few seconds. "In fact, it's not rare beast, but rare beast's parts. But because one of our members was fused and controlled by this part, it is now very dangerous. We sacrificed more than a dozen companions before we caught her."

"She? This thing is still female?"

"No, that part is genderless, but our companion that it merges is a female god, so it should be called now She is not it."

I nodded and asked: "If I turn on the back insurance, will she rush out and attack me?"

"Definitely. She has already Without reason, except me, any creature is her target."

"Except you?" I looked at the Olympus Divine Race in surprise and asked: "Why Are you an exception?"

The guy's expression suddenly became extremely painful, and then said: "Because she was my lover before being swallowed and merged!"

" In other words, she still has her own memory after fusing with that part?"

"A little bit, but very few, and basically that thing is manipulating her actions."

"It sounds terrible. Okay, let’s talk about business now. How do you open this thing?"

The stone house that the Olympus Divine Race just sprang out is actually just the shell, with a layer inside. The box is made of pure metal, and there is a huge disc-shaped lock on the front of the box that looks like a small room. It looks like the copper compass used by Feng Mister Shui. In short, it has a very complicated feeling.

Hearing my question, the guy on the ground shook the head and explained: "I don't know how to open this lock. The lock was made by Hephaestus, and it was not my responsibility. It was only because he was afraid that she would run out again later, so Zeus arranged for me to be guarded here all year round."

"Damn, you are really a tragic figure. However, as your answer is good. Reward, I can let you see your lover again.” As I said, I walked to the compass-like lock and turned Eternity into a strange state. This state looks a bit like the anti-scald pot holder used in the kitchen. There is a handle on the top, and the front end is like a mechanical claw. The three grappling hooks are unfolded, and these grappling hooks are pressed against the lock plate. I locked the disc, and then I yanked it outward. With the help of the special structure of the grapple hook, I can use the principle of leverage to amplify my strength. With the eternal breaking attribute, any lock will change in front of it. The impossible to withstand a single blow.

With a cry, I pried the big disc-shaped lock directly from the box, and even the metal plate on the surface of the box was lifted off. The lock was originally well connected, but it was a pity that it was not able to withstand it when it happened to someone like me who likes to remove it.

The guy on the ground probably thought that I couldn't unlock the lock at first, so he didn't respond, but he became nervous when he saw that I had picked the lock down. He just laid it on as if he was hugging me, but he didn't dare to hug me when I thought about it. After all, my equipment is not for getting close to people. Not to mention the pair of bladed wings behind, there are just a lot of barbs and back blades all over the armor. Wearing this outfit, in addition to being able to hug me from the front, I have to be ready to be poked a few holes from other directions.

Although he didn't dare to touch me, this guy kept saying: "Don't open it, now she has become a monster, it's very dangerous, even if you don't want to live anymore, don't hurt others. !"

"I like monsters the most. Why don’t you look at them?"

I actually don’t believe this guy, he doesn’t look like a lie, the point is The creatures that can be sealed here by the Olympus Divine Race should be very strong, and I am an animal trainer. A strong creature is a strong familiar to me. If I don’t know it, forget it. The last one, how can you let it go without looking at it?

Waving my hand to let Vajra grab this guy directly, then I walked to the already deformed metal door and pulled the door open to both sides. What I saw was not a monster, but another layer of boxes. , Or rather-the coffin.

The inside of the metal box that I just destroyed is a metal coffin, the size of which is just close to the outer metal box. Obviously, the two are manufactured as a set. But looking like this, if you don't get the coffin out, it should be impossible to open it, so I had to ask Vajra to help. In the end, Eternity was dispatched to completely pull the coffin out of the metal cabinet.

In fact, the weight of the coffin itself is not too exaggerated. The main reason is that the coffin and the outer metal box are too tightly integrated, and there is no gap, so there is no way to start, and the strength cannot be used. . If it weren't for the eternal sharpness, it would be difficult to squeeze the outer metal box.

After being pulled out, the coffin was laid flat on the ground. From the appearance, I think this thing seems to be very thick, and I tried it when I pulled it out before. The weight is really not light. The most important thing is that the lid and the main part of this thing are actually sealed by fusion. In other words, this thing is now a sealed can, and there is no such thing as an opening.

"Damn, is it necessary to seal so many layers?" I angrily took out the eternal and continued to work. Although the Olympus Divine Race uses quite unusual metal materials, in the face of eternity, all materials are tofu, the difference is only old tofu and soft tofu.

Cut a circle around the original interface of the coffin lid, and then I turned Eternity into a crowbar and inserted it into the cut to pry the lid open, but before I tried hard, I suddenly Hearing the peng sound, the whole cover board flew directly onto the roof, and then broke several crystal pillars and slammed it down again. The poor Divine Race of Olympus had been tortured by me before, and it was left with a sigh of relief. Just now, in order to prevent me from opening the box, it seemed a bit of a glorious meaning. This time there was a character problem, and it was directly covered by the fallen coffin. It hit the forehead. Originally, Divine Race’s physique would not be afraid of this, but unfortunately he is now in an empty blood state, so this guy became the first and possibly the last in the game to be killed by a falling object. The Divine Race is out.

Except for this unlucky one, Vajra and I both reacted very quickly. As soon as the cover bounced off, they flew back and fled seven or eight meters away, so they were not injured at all. Besides, the coffin itself has not changed except that the coffin cover just flew out, and my original position has not been smashed, so even if I don't move, nothing will happen. As for the dead guy, I can only say that he is very moldy!

As the coffin slab fell to the ground, a burst of white mist in the coffin over there began to tilt outward, seeming to be cold, and then the frost crystals on the surrounding ground also confirmed my guess. This so-called horror creature was not only sealed for so many layers, but it was actually cryopreserved. It seems that she really harmed the guys from Olympus Divine Race before, otherwise she wouldn't be so exaggerated. However, as far as the current state is concerned, this sealing method is obviously not very reliable, otherwise she would not lift the cover by herself and should lie there like frozen fish in the refrigerator.

As the white air pouring out, a pale, slightly blue hand suddenly stretched out from the coffin and buckled the edge of the side panel of the coffin, and followed The other side also stretched out the same little hand. Then, with a cloud of white cold air suddenly rising from the center of the coffin, a beautiful but not angry face finally slowly stood up from the coffin.

"This monster looks really pretty." Looking at the beautiful monster sitting up from the coffin, I couldn't help but jokingly said. It's a pity that the Olympus Divine Race has died, so he can't hear me anymore!

After I said this sentence, the little beauty who sat up from the coffin over there suddenly turned her head. I don’t know if it’s caused by the air conditioner or if I haven’t moved for a long time, or it’s like this. Anyway, the MM's turning of his head looks like a zombie. However, speaking of which she should really be a zombie. After all, she crawled out of the coffin.

After turning his head around, this one kept staring at me. Then, after a pause of ten seconds, the other party suddenly went from extreme quiet to extreme movement. When she pressed her hands firmly on both sides of the coffin, she immediately flew out of the coffin like a cannonball, and she stretched her hands in the air to choke her neck, and she also opened the red and gorgeous face. His cute little mouth showed...four fangs. That's right, it is indeed a fang, not a cute shell tooth, but a fang, and the silver light on it is shining, and you can see that it is attached to the magic effect at a glance.

I just joked in my heart thinking that this is a zombie, and now it seems that this is simply true. The opponent's actions are completely zombie's habitual actions, especially the four fangs in the mouth, which is one of the main characteristics of zombie. It doesn't feel strange to think about the color of her skin now. White with green is originally zombie's normal skin color, it would be strange if the other person's skin is rosy and elastic.

I was thinking about it, but the other party has already arrived. When I saw her like this, I couldn't really make her take a bite, so I directly moved Eternity forward, listening to a click, the other party directly bit on the blade of Eternity. However, what surprised her and my colleague was that the two sides were so deadlocked. I thought she was going to break her teeth with this bite, but it turned out to be fine. She also thought that my sword would definitely be broken after this bite, and it turned out to be fine.

I found that the other party didn't bite and tried to bite a few times, but of course there was no response. Eternal failed to break her tooth is very surprised, how can she really bite it through?

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the opponent to really compete with Eternal, I directly lifted my leg and kicked MM on the side waist of the little MM. I thought that this one would definitely kick her into the air, but it turned out that I went down. There was a sound of metal crashing, and there was a violent shock in my leg. Although it didn't hurt me, it shocked me. It seems that the cute little MM who is only sixteen or seventeen years old is not only a zombie, but also a top zombie. This is Copper Skin & Iron Bones, but it doesn't matter if you fight me hard. You must know that with my strength, even a cow will be kicked to death!

After realizing that I was kicked, the opponent also reacted, biting my sword and holding it down, and at the same time reached out and grabbed my neck and tried to pinch me. Unfortunately, although she was wearing a Copper Skin & Iron Bones, but the figure is there after all, and the arms are a bit shorter than mine. I lifted my head back a little and avoided her paws.

Seeing that I couldn't reach my neck, the other party didn't give up. As soon as I grasped my wrist with both hands, he began to squeeze it hard, but it didn't work for a long time. The dragon soul suit has been strengthened many times, and it is now a High God equipment suit anyway, not to mention this is a growth-type equipment, and I have been born and died for so long, and it has evolved extremely tyrannical. Even if she is a zombie, born with Copper Skin & Iron Bones and strong strength, it is impossible to pinch out my dragon soul suit. If she really has that power, she won't be blocked before. Regardless of the thin layer of the Dragon Soul suit, this defensive power is much higher than the metals that sealed her before. She must have the ability to squeeze my armor directly, and it should be able to be torn directly before. The things that sealed her, instead of running out until I cut the lid of the coffin.

Probably the greatest strength was used without squeezing, the other party finally understood that she could not squeeze my armor. After I figured it out, she immediately released my eternity, then flashed to the side at a very fast speed and ran out a very exaggerated fold line and rushed back from the side.

I followed her around while she was running, and kept facing the enemy. At the same time, I kept the dragon Soul Shield in my left hand, and the right hand was Turns eternity into the shape of an avant-garde fire axe. The main reason why the sword shape is not used is that the opponent's defense is too high. zombie this thing Defense has always been their specialty. If I use a sword, I am worried that it is not strong enough to cut in, so I still feel relieved with an axe. After all, the eternal attack power will also vary with the changing shape.

After running out of the broken line and returning, I originally thought that the other party was going to sneak around behind to attack me, but after seeing her approaching and not slowing down at all, I immediately understood that she was not planning a sneak attack at all. Instead, she wanted to keep a distance and accumulate kinetic energy, because her purpose was actually to hit me.

Sure enough, even after becoming Dragon Clan, I still retain too many human characteristics. At least this habit of judging the enemy’s characteristics by foreign trade has not changed. This zombie MM has a dainty and delicate body, looks quite delicate, plus her speed is very fast, normal people will think that she is an agile attack method. However, don't ignore her race. No matter how small she is, she is a zombie, and zombie's brute force and super defense determine their battle method is usually very straightforward. Skills and so on are basically nonsense for zombie, what they are best at is to use brute force to overwhelm everything . Therefore, the purpose of this zombie MM is not to go around and attack my back, but to hit me.

Although I thought of this, it was a pity that I thought of it too late. Fortunately, the shield was taken out before, otherwise I had to carry it on my shoulder. This reaction time was only enough for me to put the shield in front of me, and then I felt a huge force suddenly passed from my hand, and then the shield was forcibly pushed back and hit my shoulder, and pushed me back. Flew out.

oh la la I fell directly into the crystal wall and smashed the crystal pillar of the boss. Then I felt my body sank before I got up, and I immediately realized that it was the zombie MM Riding on me, I hurriedly slammed the shield against her face door. Unfortunately, the defensive power of zombie made her basically unaffected. She grabbed the edge of my shield and pulled it back and lifted the shield.

Without the shield, there is no barrier between me and her, zombie MM immediately opened the small mouth and bit down at me again, scared me to turn over and embrace her with my left arm The head clamped it under the armpit, and at the same time he raised the eternal axe of the right hand, put it in her eyes with the handle of the axe. However, the opponent is not easy to deal with, and he directly raised his hand to block in front of him.

Zombie MM, who blocked the axe, began to twist her head desperately to try to get her head free. Unfortunately, she was strong, and I was not weak. I was caught by my arm. Although she was able to move, she was half-hearted. It would just be unable to break free. Feeling this is useless, zombie MM suddenly got up on the ground, and then lifted me up as soon as my legs straightened out. Although I have longer legs than her, I am now half of my body behind her, so I will naturally leave my feet off the ground when she straightens her legs.

The feet are the source of strength. The reason for practicing martial arts is to ensure that the legs and feet are strong. The bottom is stable and the top is strong. My feet are lifted from the ground and then the strength is strong. Can't make it out. The zombie MM suddenly jumped up with me on his back, then twisted in the air to put me behind my back, lying flat with me on the ground. With my back cushion underneath, she wouldn't have any problems even if she wasn't a zombie, not to mention her Copper Skin & Iron Bones's simply improper.

This fall is quite real. If the ordinary person in reality doesn’t fall well, he can pass his breath, but this is in the game after all. I am wearing such an awesome armor and my own attributes are also Not bad, I won't get KO just yet. However, although I didn't have a back fall, the zombie MM in my hand broke free when I fell to the ground and my arm vibrated. Then I turned around and gave me an elbow and then rolled forward and pulled away from me.

"The monster that can make the entire Olympus Divine Race go wrong is really hard to deal with!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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