"Of course I know what this is, but this thing is useless to us, and it is troublesome to use. But I have already talked to High God, they need this thing, and Our task is to find all the Force Stones from Zeus and hand them over to High God. Of course, this is a paid service, and we can ask for corresponding rewards."

"You are actually High God Make a sound?" Hephaestus asked in surprise.

I asked indifferently, "Is there anything wrong with doing business with High God? is it possible that just because the other party is High God, I will work for them for nothing? There is no such reason, right? "

Although Hephaestus wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he suppressed it, and finally said, "Forget it, let's think about how to get this thing from Zeus. Good to come."

"We?" I looked at Hephaestus with a slight surprise and asked: "Aren't you planning to come in too? I don't remember you are good at fighting?"

Hephaestus immediately said proudly: "Of course I am not good at fighting, but I am good at doing this." Hephaestus took out a small metal can after he said it. Passed it to me.

"What's this?"

"Smoke bombs."

"Use smoke bombs against Divine Race? Are you sure it's the same thing I said "

Hephaestus said embarrassingly: "This is just something that is convenient for you to use when evacuation. This thing can block all exploration skills including divine force, as long as you evacuate Throw a few, and others won’t know where you are going."

"Then there is no need, when I evacuate I will...Huh? You said this can isolate divine force detection? Is it this thing? Can you isolate all energy fluctuations?"

Hephaestus thought for a while and said: "Theoretically it is like this. What's the matter?"

I heard Hephaestus Then I immediately laughed wickedly. "Hehehehe...In that case, I know how to get those things."

"Huh? Do you have a way?"

"Of course, you don't have to worry about it. Oh. By the way, give me some more smoke bombs. Or if you have other things that can isolate the perception of magic power, it would be better." I asked expectantly.

It's a pity that this is the only creation that Hephaestus can isolate from perception, and no other thing has this ability. As for why I want something that looks very rubbish, this is mainly because of the evil mushroom bomb I got in the previous ruling guild mission, that is, the magic perception bomb. That thing is simply a super ultimate weapon. It’s a pity that we are not the enemy, but it’s much easier to have this smoke bomb. First throw two smoke bombs under your feet, then stand in the smoke and then throw the mushroom bomb outside to explode. All I need to do is just and honorable walk in, then take out the ore and then come out.

After leaving with a dozen smoke bombs from Hephaestus, I ran directly to the fake divine force core location. According to the information sent back by Aphrodite, there should be a group of high-level gods in the Olympus Divine Race in ambush here. Their battle strength is very strong and they are specially designed to deal with me. As long as we really take this place as a target to launch an attack, if we can come out again without accident, it will be something after the loss of more than half. So, this is a super Immortal Realm, and whoever steps on it will be unlucky.

Although this is true under normal circumstances, it is not normal now, because I have a mushroom bomb, and others don’t know it, they don’t even know what it is. So, it is conceivable that when I throw this mushroom bomb, they will use magical perception to try to interpret this thing like me and Ling did at the beginning, and then they are destined to be tragedy, just like the original Ling. Just like Xiaochun, if I don't spit out all the overnight meals, I will give them the last name.

Excitedly, he ran to the trap site with the bomb. If you don't know that there are many high level Divine Races in ambush here, the environment is pretty good, it is a natural summer resort.

This secret warehouse is surrounded by several mountains. There are only three small roads sandwiched between the mountains to enter, and the nearby mountains are all dense forests, except for cats. It is difficult for a flexible creature like an animal to walk through such an area with a human posture.

After crossing the trail surrounded by forests and mountains, you will enter a basically flat clearing. The forest suddenly ends here, without any transitional area in between, and a large area flows out. In the center of this space is a lake, but the area is small, just like those large man-made lakes in many cities, and it is not even as large as some particularly large man-made lakes.

Because this is a trap, the prey must be put in, so Zeus has deliberately spread the news here in advance, the purpose is to attract us into the nest. Naturally, these messages also include the entrance information, otherwise, if we can't get in, the trap will be impossible to talk about. Zeus is not a fool. He knows that the flying speed of the long spear, the guardian beast of our guild, is too exaggerated, especially since most individuals in the Olympus Divine Race will not fly, so this air superiority is even more obvious. Because of this, Zeus thought of using this as a trap. Once we came here was an underground building, we couldn't fly after we got people in. Secondly, although the important force stone is stored here, the force stone itself cannot be used by the next creatures, so Zeus is not afraid of us seeing it.

Anyway, Zeus spread out the entrance information here, so after a simple observation, I moved towards the stealth of the central lake, because the entrance of the warehouse is at the bottom of the lake. Down.

Originally used as a secret warehouse, this lake is guarded by guardian beasts. But in order to let me in, another catching a turtle in a jar, so the guardian beast has already landed in the woods ahead of time, so now there is nothing in the lake except small fish.

Deep down from the surface of the lake to the bottom of the lake, and then follow the slope of the bottom of the lake to the center of the lake. Soon I saw the entrance covered with a layer of waterproof Formation. Because this entrance is just a simple waterproof Formation, it will not block people from passing through. After successfully entering this entrance, there is a spiraling staircase below, but I always don't like to take the stairs, so I just jumped down from above. Of course, I haven't forgotten to throw a few ghost bugs on the wall as monitors.

When you go down to the bottom of the spiral stairs, you can see a fairly large exit. Outside is a huge cave like Underground City, but at this time it is exceptionally quiet, even a silhouette can be seen Not. Of course I know that this place is impossible so empty. The reason why there is no one is entirely because I came in. Yes, the other party obviously already knew that I had entered here, so they took measures. The reason why everyone hides is because I hope I can enter the cave so that they can catch a turtle in a jar.

Because of the bottom of the mushroom bomb, I am not nervous at all. The other party's thoughts were exactly the same as mine, so under their active waterproofing and active cooperation with me, I almost swaggered all the way to the cave and inspected many rooms.

I have to say that the performance level of Olympus Divine Race is really bad. If I hadn't deliberately rushed into it, I guess they could only deceive inexperienced stupid thieves based on these illusions. An Underground City with no one inhabited. If nothing else, there should always be a bit of dust, right? Such a clean place, you say nobody lives? Who are you lie to? In addition, there are many more outrageous things. For example, I found a few half-drinked drinks in a certain room, and the cups were still hot. There is also a furnace on the side of the road that is smelting metal, which is still burning, and the metal block in the furnace has just turned red. There is also a scent coming out of the house. Needless to say, it is a kitchen or the like. No one can see the place where the breath of life is so obvious. This is simply equivalent to a big arrow with a neon sign next to the trap, and a reminder such as "There is a trap here" is written on it. That is, I deliberately drilled in. Most people want to step on such a trap unless they blind their eyes first.

Although the gang of Olympus Divine Races are well hidden, there is no silhouette except for various inhabited traces along the way, but in my magical perception and along the way In the eyes of those ghost worms, I had at least caught hundreds of targets, and the outermost entrance location entered a group of high level Divine Race shortly after I got down, and I even saw acquaintances in it. In addition, although I did not plant the ghost worm outside, I believe that the large Divine Beast that guarded this lake before should have returned to the lake. Anyway, this place is now a huge trap that is gradually closing.

Although I know that I have gradually been surrounded, I am not worried at all. Although the mushroom bomb is a good defense if you know the principle, it is definitely a catastrophic existence for people who see it for the first time, so I don’t worry about being surrounded at all, and I even hope it The Divine Race on the side the more the better, because after a while after the mushroom bomb explodes, all Divine Races that come over will almost become lambs to be slaughtered. A lot of things can be saved when the Divine Race starts.

As my search for this place gradually accelerated, I soon reached the center of the city. There is a building here which is obviously different from the periphery, but I feel that this is not like a building, but rather like a naturally formed thing, because this thing looks like a large pile of crystals that grow randomly. Only space.

Probably because I have already walked to the center of Underground City, the Divine Races outside are no longer worried about me running away, so they no longer pay attention to hiding themselves, but half-shield from hiding places. Half-covered, I started to peek at me, I can see a lot of Divine Race stick one's head around to look for as long as I just look back.

Standing in front of the huge crystal building, I finally stopped, then turned to face the back and said loudly: "Since you have surrounded me, why are you hiding?"< /p>

"Do you know that you are not afraid of being surrounded?" With this question, a silhouette that I am familiar with is coming out from behind a building. This one in Battle Armor is no one else, it is War Goddess Athena. Now she is the only War God in the Olympus Divine Race, because the male War God Ares has now become a member of our Frost Rose League, so she is now the only War God in the Olympus Divine Race .

"long time no see. Miss Athena."

"You should call me Goddess."

"No, in fact you are not worthy. "After saying this, I pretended to say before the other party went crazy: "If you don't believe me, can you ask Apollo next to you."

Athena didn’t seem to have anything on the surface when I heard what I said. The reaction, but my heart was really nervous, because they all knew the situation of Apollo back then. It was shocked by the power of High God, and compared with High God, they are indeed not qualified to be called gods, because the gap between High God and their Low God is even greater than the gap between them and the ordinary person. Even bigger. If the gap between their so-called Divine Race and the ordinary person is like the gap between the students who are particularly good at learning in that class and the last few students, then High God is already there for them A large number of academic works are even scientific masters of practical inventions that are enough to affect the process of human development. The difference between good students and bad students is only good or bad grades. But for these great scientific masters who affect human development, they all It's a student, and it's only at the level of elementary and middle school students. Who can ignore this gap?

Although I was irritated by what I said, Athena is not a person who will suffer. After just a short pause, she immediately changed her tone and said: "Even if you say it again What's the use of being good? Besieged by so many of us here, you will still become our prisoner sooner or later, when the time comes, whatever you say is not tortured as I want? So I advise you to be as early as possible Be soft, maybe I’m in a good mood, I might be a little lighter when I start with you."

"hahahaha. This is the funniest joke I have heard today."

"Why? Do you think you can get out of the encirclement of so many Divine Races of us?"

"Yes, I can just get out."

"Why do you think that you must go out?"

"Only this." As I said, I suddenly sent the two smoke bombs I got from Hephaestus at the same time. I threw it under my feet, and then the two cans began to spray a large amount of smoke from both ends at the moment they landed. It took almost three or four seconds for this area of ​​three or four meters in radius around me to be completely covered. A thick yellow smoke was completely enveloped in it.

Although Athena saw the smoke bomb I threw, she didn’t do it because they thought I was surrounded by so many people. As long as the smoke bomb doesn’t cover the whole city, it’s almost okay for them. Said it has no effect. Besides, what if the smog covers the entire city? The sensing ability of Divine Race is more important than the senses of the eyes. Without vision, as long as the sensing power is still there, this kind of smoke can simply be ignored.

However, just when they thought that this kind of smoke would have no effect on them, they suddenly realized that their sensing power could not penetrate that layer of smoke, so these Divine Races became nervous. They have strengthened their magical power and focused their attention completely on the smoke, trying to penetrate this layer of smoke, but found that the effect was minimal. The previous sensing force can only sense the outside of the smoke. Now even if you increase your attention, it only goes a few millimeters deep, which is almost no effect.

Just when the Divine Races realized that the smoke might be specially designed for their induction and prepared to rush into the smoke to take action directly, the smoke suddenly made a Things like mushrooms.

With a cry, this strange thing fell directly to the ground, then rolled around and stopped. Just when those Divine Race looked at this thing in confusion and didn't know what was going on, the thing suddenly exploded. The explosive power can be said to be very low, and even the ground where the mushrooms just stayed did not explode, but it is as if a group of robots using power cords were collectively unplugged. All Olympians in the entire Underground City Divine Race and their Divine Beast fell almost at the same time. The high level Divine Race close to me didn't run away, including Athena, it was all an action, and it all fell down without even humming. There was no exception at all.

The formidable power of this mushroom bomb may not be so good. The key is that its design is really special. This kind of magical power fluctuations that make people feel dizzy and nauseated like infrasound waves are really too irritating. Its lethality is almost irresistible. As long as you feel it, you will be affected by it, and the more sensitive your senses will be. The greater the impact. It's like a sound bomb exploding in a crowd. Deaf people will definitely suffer less damage than those with superior hearing. The better-hearing people in the crowd are more unlucky, while the worse-hearing people are okay.

The magical induction of these high level Divine Races is very strong, even if they close their eyes, they can use the magical induction to describe the things around them, thus playing the role of eyes, even this kind of Sensing is better than using eyes. Not only there are no blind spots and blind spots, but the range is much larger, and it is not easy to be disturbed. At least phantoms are basically difficult to take effect in magic sensing.

Because of the Divine Race’s strong sensitivity, they suffered the most damage. Just like when we first discovered the mushroom bomb, Ling and Xiaochun looked like, Athena and the others fainted without any reaction, and those Divine Races with poor sensing power are in different states according to the change of sensing power. . The best case is to spit on the ground in a mess. The slightly worse case is to lie there like a sheep's seizure while twitching and foaming at the mouth. Worse is to lie on the ground and occasionally convulse like a spasm. Nothing else happens. Of course the worst thing is that Athena and the others fainted directly and didn't even smoke.

Those who are vomiting continuously show that their nervous system is still working, but they have abnormal reactions because they can't adapt to this sudden stimulus. As for those sheep who have seizures, this is already close to the limit of the nervous system, and belongs to the group that is about to fail. Those who tremble occasionally, seem to be convulsive. The nerve system of those people has actually shut down protectively. The reason why they tremble occasionally is because the nerve system is trying to regain control. Of course, the most serious thing about fainting and unresponsive is that the nervous system has completely collapsed. If this group of people is unattended, it is simply not expected to regain consciousness if they do not lie down for more than twenty-four hours. Moreover, even if they wake up, these people don't have to think about participating in the battle within three or five days. Based on the experience of Ling and Xiaochun at the time, within three to five days after this, as long as these people have the slightest intention to use magic power, they will cause a violent physical resistance reaction, that is, vomiting. Moreover, even after these three to five days, they would still be a little uncomfortable as long as they use magic, and it will take at least a week for this feeling to completely disappear. After all, Ling and Xiaochun, even with the help of a small dragon woman who specializes in treating such effects, have not fully recovered until now. This shows how long the impact on these unhelpful Divine Races will last.

Looking at the Olympus Divine Race lying all around, I waved and called out the small dragon girl, and then let the small dragon girl make a strong wind and blow all the smoke around me. Got out. The reason why I don't have to use summon pets is that I don't dare to use magic anymore. It was nothing to get gusts to blow away the smoke, but the problem was that I was actually caught just now, so for now, it's tantamount to not being able to use magic for the time being.

The effect of the smoke bomb of Hephaestus is indeed very good, at least it cuts off most of the magical fluctuations, and I also specially sealed off my magical sensing ability before the explosion. This will minimize the impact of mushroom bombs on me. However, even with the double insurance, I was still recruited, but compared to those unlucky ones who are about to vomit out of the intestines, I just feel a little nauseous now, plus my head is a little dizzy, and I just have to gather. The magic power will start to have a headache immediately, so I can't use magic now.

After dissipating the smoke, the small dragon girl did not return to the wind dragon space immediately, but started to help me with treatment. The explosive effect of mushroom bombs is similar to the damage caused by cultivation deviation to myself, and there are special treatments for this situation in immortal dao. The small dragon girl just knows a little bit, so she stayed and helped me treat it. Judging from the previous treatments she helped Ling and Xiaochun, this method worked well, at least Ling and Xiaochun quickly regained consciousness, and the body recovered very quickly.

After the small dragon girl dispelled the smoke, she helped me treat the situation and glanced at the situation outside. Seeing the Olympus Divine Race in that place, she couldn't help but said to me: "Master, You can use this kind of bomb in Europe, but it’s best not to use it in China, especially don’t let Celestial Court know about it."


"Is it this? …I’m worried that Celestial Court will trouble you if it knows you have this thing."

"What? Is this thing taboo in Celestial Court?" I asked suspiciously.

The small dragon woman nodded very hard and said: "But it is very taboo. The effect of this thing is very similar to the cultivation deviation, and it is very easy to produce Heart Demon. If there is immortal in the cultivation, it is Come on, abolish a cultivation base and become a waste from now on. It’s all light, and the soul flew away and scattered are normal. So, this thing is too lethal to the Divine Immortal of the Celestial Court, the Celestial Court’s. Those Divine Immortal will not let others have this thing."

I didn’t say that I understood what the small dragon woman meant, but as long as this thing is not dealt with Divine Immortal, it shouldn’t cause any problems. Anyway, Celestial Court will not take the initiative to care about things in the lower realm. Compared to these Divine Races in Europe, Celestial Court is actually more arrogant. After all, who calls them one of the strongest local Divine Races at present?

Don't think about the problems on the Celestial Court, I now start to pay attention to the large group of Olympus Divine Race in front of me. My purpose of coming here this time is not only to find snacks for Nuwa and the High Gods, but more importantly, I hope that I can take this opportunity to weaken the strength of Olympus Divine Race.

Because Aphrodite once sent us relevant information to prove that this place is a trap, I also know that there are definitely many Olympus Divine Races guarded here, and If you consider the last time I was on Olympus, I had successfully escaped in the containment of so many Olympus Divine Races, Zeus It shouldn't be only shot a few people to stop me. Inferred in this way, this place is bound to be guarded by a large number of high level Divine Races, and because of the special nature of the mushroom bomb, it is almost invincible the first time it is used, so if it can be more cloudy this time Linpis Divine Race definitely made money when he came in. Because of this, I deliberately chose to come here walking right into a trap. It can be said that the Olympus Divine Race plans to hunt me here, and why don't I expect to hunt the Olympus Divine Race here?

Anyway, it’s already a comatose Olympus Divine Race here, and what I have to do is to take the Olympus Divine Race outside, especially before Zeus knows the situation here. These Divine Races were all caught up and sent away. Of course, there is another very important thing that must not be forgotten, and that is the force stone in the crystal building behind me. These disgusting stones that look like Fire Mountain Cliff didn't expect to be snacks that High God likes. I have to say that the taste of High God is really strange!

Because High God’s snacks are directly related to Hephaestus’ technical guidance, I think those small snacks are more important, so I personally went to the building to collect the force of the force. Stone, and of course these Divine Races outside cannot be left alone, at least those who have not completely fainted must be dealt with. The people who fainted are indeed going to sleep for a day before they wake up, but those who just vomit should be able to recover in a few hours, so these people must be controlled first, otherwise they will be in case. Give me medicine or other means to help them recover early, then my trouble will be great. Mushroom bombs can pit them once but not a second time. I don't want to be blocked by a large group of Olympus Divine Race who have enemies with me. Of course, it’s okay to be blocked. I still have this miracle seed in my hand, as long as I eat one, it’s okay. The key is that the quantity of this thing is too small, one less one, so I will not waste it easily.

I sent my Familiar Familiar and Qilin warrior to solve those Divine Races. I myself got into the crystal building. This building is just like what I guessed from the outside, it should have grown naturally, because there is a warehouse wall built with artificial rock structure inside. These things are completely out of harmony with the outer layer of crystal. Installed.

The outer shell of the crystal building is equivalent to a huge ceiling, and the stone building inside feels like a safe. Each stone house is the size of two containers, and may be slightly larger. There is a metal gate outside each house, and there is a magic array engraved with divine force on it, which acts like a combination lock. Of course, this is not a problem for me, because I didn't plan to compete with these locks at all.

"Lucky, plague, come and help." After running outside and shouting, Lucky and plague ran in together, and then I showed the gate of the earth to summon directly at the entrance of the building, and then Let luck and plague move those stone houses inside.

As I said before, these stone houses are actually more like safes, because they have no foundation at all, and they are completely placed in this crystal building. As long as you are strong enough, you can lift this house together.

The power of luck and the plague is really great, but they can’t lift this thing with their strength, but we still have a small dragon girl here. The anti-Gravity Technique of the small dragon female is more powerful. Although it can't be said that the house becomes a feather, it can be moved by the weight of two dragons at least.

With the efforts of luck, the plague and the small dragon girl, the first house was quickly moved into the gate of the earth, and then it was thrown directly on the side of the door. As long as these things are put into the gate of the earth, there is time to move them any time later, so the key is to get the stone room outside as soon as possible, and the stone house inside is temporarily ignored.

The total number of stone houses in the entire crystal building is about 30. I think that luck and the plague seem to be very difficult to move. After thinking about it, I called Vajra and Xiaosan again. . Vajra is a strong man himself, if it weren't for the center of gravity, he could resist a house alone. Xiao San just needs to help him by the side and don't turn it over.

With two sets of porters, the cleaning speed is obviously much faster. I saw two groups of porters pouring stone houses back and forth happily, while I was counting the number outside and instructing them to take the route.

In this crystal building, there is nothing like Pingchuan. This is a building that grows naturally, not artificially built, and there are naturally no rules in it. Although the Olympus Divine Race must have done some renovations before, you can still see a lot of water crystal pillars and protruding rocks in the room. Anyway, it is very messy. Sometimes a stone house has to go around a big circle before it can be lifted out, because some passages can only pass people, those huge stone houses simply can't get through. Of course, I don't know how to work around. In fact, the reason why I stay here is that besides only being able to do nothing, there is another important job that is to constantly move the gate of the earth.

Although the door of the earth cannot be moved after it is opened, I can move its position by constantly closing and opening it. In order to reduce the workload of the two groups of movers, I kept moving the doors to the houses to be moved, so that what they had to do was actually lift them up and walk two steps and then put them down.

"Huh. Finally got it done."

When the last room landed in the door of the earth, luck and the plague lay directly on the huge stone house and panted. Out of breath. Even Dragon Clan, carrying such a heavy object back and forth so many times, it is very strenuous. But... just when they were panting there, they suddenly heard my shout from outside. "Don't rest yet, there is one left here."

"There's more?" As soon as it heard that there were still more, the two dragons immediately stopped doing it. In other words, although it is not tiring to run for a hundred meters, you should try to run another hundred meters after finishing 10,000 meters first? The situation is the same now. Just one stone house is really nothing, but so many have been moved, and one more is a huge burden for the two dragons.

Compared with the two lazy dragons, Vajra is much more honest. As soon as he put down his last house, he immediately asked: "Where is it? I'll move."

I looked at the two lazy idiots, I just nodded, and said: "It's here. It was blocked by the water crystal pillar before. And this room is more than half smaller than the previous ones."

In fact, the last stone house is not only more than half smaller than the previous ones, it should be said that it is actually Only 1/4/2021 of those houses are bigger.

Although the previous stone houses have different sizes, the errors are all within one meter, and the aspect ratio is very regular. In the end, the house is not only much smaller, but also the aspect ratio is not right. Compared to the slender-looking rooms before, this one is basically a cube. If the previous rooms were in this proportion, then we would be busy today. After all, although the Gate of the Earth is not small, its width is limited. Thanks to the fact that the previous rooms are slender and slender, you can just pass through the door. If the rooms are all cubes, they will definitely get stuck. When the time comes, I have to demolish the houses one by one. That’s a lot of work. But I don’t know how much to increase!

"This is it?" Vajra asked as she walked up to me and looked at the box in front of me.

I nodded and said: "Yes, this is it."

Vajra first visually inspected the size of this thing, and then said to the mistress who followed: "You don't need to help. This is not big, I can handle it."

Little San didn’t want to be lazy. Anyway, Vajra was able to move those rooms before, so he was only responsible for supporting him, so he is not as hard as luck and plague. . It's just that now that Vajra says not to help, it's hard for Xiaosan to intervene. Besides, this box can really only be carried by one person, because this stone box has crystal walls on three sides, unlike other boxes that can be carried by both sides.

Vajra first changed his body shape based on the previous visual data. After increasing himself to a suitable size, he hugged both ends of the box with both hands, and then pulled it outwards, but only a bang was heard. When the sound was heard, Vajra turned back.

"Be careful." Just as Vajra flew out, I also saw a silhouette coming out of the box, and it was moved towards Xiaosan's head and rushed over. In desperation, I could only throw Eternal as a dart. Fortunately, Xiao San didn't react slowly. He rolled his head and got into the gate of the earth. In order to facilitate the transportation, the door of the earth faces this box, and the distance between the two is less than ten meters, which is definitely very close.

After Xiaosan rolled into the gate of the earth, the silhouette was hit by my eternity, and then fell screaming. Only at this time did I see exactly what it was.

What came out of the box was not a monster, but a Divine Race, and if not surprisingly, this was an Olympus Divine Race, because the opponent was wearing an obvious Olympus Divine Race. Style armor. The golden, ostentatious styling is obviously in line with the characteristics of the Olympus Divine Race. But now he looks not only unassuming, but rather

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