The miracle seeds that Nuwa gave is definitely a good thing. Unfortunately, there are only ten. And the most annoying thing is that the time is too short. It really only breaks out in three to five minutes. For thirty to fifty minutes, that would be cool, at least it can be done to the gang of Level 1 main gods without discussing it.

I got my early rewards, and the rest is about the pricing of specific rewards. But this part is not sure how much we can get, so we didn't talk about it, just put it on hold. As for the question of whether the group of High Gods will renege on a debt, I think this shouldn’t be a worry. After all, my relationship with this group of High Gods is pretty good, so they shouldn’t be pitted on me.

With the seed of miracle, I happily left the Temple of Mother Earth, but when I came out, I found that Hephaestus was still struggling at the door. However, with my appearance, he didn't have to struggle anymore, because I closed the door casually after I came out.

Looking at the disappearing door, Hephaestus finally let out a sigh, then looked at me and asked: "Did you see High God?"

I nodded and said: "Of course, but I was lucky today. Not only was the Mother of the Earth at home, but there were other High Gods who came to visit, and I met four in one breath."

"Four...four? "

I nodded and said: "The god of water Nu, the god of fire, Amoral, God of Life Nuwa, and the mother of the earth are all there."

"Four High Gods, Four A High God..." Hephaestus was holding his chest while chanting these five words and then he collapsed on the ground. It was obviously overexcited. Fortunately, this guy responded quickly without waiting for me. Pull him and get up by himself. "Then what... can I meet High God?"

"What do you want to do?" What is the purpose of High God specifically. As for precautions, it is purely unfounded. A Low God who can even feel the breath of High God can scare his legs. How do you expect him to treat High God? Besides, Hephaestus is now my person, how could it be possible to trouble High God? The reason why I want to ask this is to know what the purpose of Hephaestus is. After all, although I used to be very simple with the mother of the earth, the mother of the earth did tell me that there is nothing wrong with her. With people. To be a human, you must know how to measure. The mother of the earth lends her garden to me as a storage space, which is already giving me face. Since they greeted me specially, I will violate it again, which is not giving face to others. Respect is relative. You don’t respect others and expect others to respect you. This kind of thing is probably something that those with a disability can do.

Of course, although the mother of the earth said that I would not let me take people to her casually, but this just told me not to take people casually, not that it is absolutely forbidden to take people, so if it is really necessary, take people it is also fine. It's just that I have to figure out the purpose of Hephaestus, and then weigh the pros and cons. Assuming that Hephaestus is just trying to pay homage to his idol like a star chaser, then it is really not guilty to waste my impressions of Mother Earth for such a small thing.

Hephaestus is not a fool. Hearing my question, combined with my tone, he immediately guessed the outline, so he said seriously: "Actually, I have a purpose. It’s not a blind decision to see High God."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to ask some questions." After saying this, I thought about it. Hephaestus added another sentence: "About forging technology."

I heard that Hephaestus wanted to learn something about smelting and forging from High God, so I immediately Began to think seriously. If Hephaestus just met his own needs, then I would definitely not agree to take him in. After all, his face is definitely not as great as that of High God. Even if Hephaestus is to improve my strength, I will not do that, because even if Hephaestus improves the battle strength, it is good for me, but the benefits are very limited, so I will not do it for He did it.

However, Hephaestus said that he wanted to ask for knowledge about smelting and forging, so I couldn't make a decision on this. No matter how strong Hephaestus' battle strength is, he is also a Low God. Even if the group of High Gods really guide his divine force cultivation, he is also impossible to upgrade to High God, and we are not the only Divine Race in the chaos and order Divine Race, so we do not lack Low God, even if it is a very strong Divine Race. The Low God, it’s not worth too much. However, this forging skill is different. After Hephaestus' forging strength is improved, it is not just himself that can be improved. He can pass on this knowledge to the technicians of our guild, and these techniques can be copied. In other words, if Hephaestus’s smelting technology improves, it will strengthen our entire guild. Even if he himself is impossible to equip everyone in our guild, he can at least give every key member of our guild. A person strengthens his equipment once, and the disciplines he brings out can also produce high-level equipment in batches for our guild’s NPC troops.

In addition, the technological improvement in equipment smelting is actually related to the development of another aspect of our guild’s strength, that is, the enhancement of guild equipment items, and the most representative one is Mobile angel.

Mobile angels are constructed creatures. Their bodies can basically be seen as a super thick armor, but it is not the person in the armor that drives this armor, but a set of magic moves. It's just mechanical. Therefore, if Hephaestus' smelting technology improves, the mobile angels of our guild will be able to obtain more powerful armor protection, which will be inestimable to the strength of our guild.

Such a big advantage, I have started to hesitate. Did this use this opportunity to let the High Gods tutor Hephaestus? If I said that the reward for helping them find the Force Stone this time was paid by the re-education of Hephaestus, I think those High Gods would definitely not refuse. The key is how to calculate it.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to help Hephaestus, because helping him is helping us, and the benefits are too great. If I don't do it, I don't think I can get past my own level. It’s just that, anyway, I definitely can’t bring him in now, because I haven’t got the Force Stone yet, and bringing Hephaestus in rashly now will give those High Gods a buffer of time. When the time comes, it’s possible. There will be some reservations, it is better to have a surprise attack, maybe I can learn more.

After trying to understand, I immediately nodded and said: "Okay. I promised you. But I want to declare first, I just help you talk about it, High God specifically disagrees that it’s not something I can control Yes. Also, the timing is wrong now. I must first get all the ore in the warehouse of Zeus before I can take you to ask."

Hephaestus asked in surprise:" Do you know what it is?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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