The system notice only stated that the ruling guild will have corresponding rights and responsibilities, but did not say which rights and responsibilities are. Instead, let us read the text notice for ourselves. I thought it was strange at first. Since the announcement was made, why didn't I announce it together, and I had to read it for myself. Now, once I opened the text announcement, I immediately understood it. Not because this notice needs to be kept secret or something, but because it... is too long!

The content of the rights and responsibilities of the ruling guild is almost like a code, and the amount of text is astonishing. If you want to read and understand this thing, most people need to concentrate on research for at least a few days, so we are not willing to read it on the spot here. Fortunately, there will be an existence dedicated to this in our bank, so we don't need to worry about this kind of eye-consuming and brain-consuming thing.

"Military God, hurry up and take a look at this thing. After reading it, tell us the key points." Standing at the Military God’s command center, I opened the notice to the Military God and said our Require.

Military God is a computer, and he can process this kind of information much faster than us. After opening the information, he immediately started to flip it up, and then within ten minutes he closed his eyes and started thinking. After another five minutes of contemplation, the military god suddenly opened his eyes and said: "I understand, this thing Most of them are small things, and one third is a special power used in special situations, such as the country's territory is invaded and the country is destroyed, so it can be said that most of the things are overlapping."

"What do we need to know?"

"At present, even if you don't read one, it will not affect you. But it will be better to know a few."

"Listen, let's talk about it."

The military god directly pulled the notice to a position and pointed it to us: "This is the right to mobilize for war, that is, the ruling guild. We will have the ability to mobilize for war. According to this ability, we will have free NPCs that can arbitrarily appoint and mobilize any domestic city and field units with geographical orientation under the premise that other countries have invaded and entered a state of war."

Zhenhong asked: "What is this specific? I don't understand."

"The part of free NPC should be easy to understand. It is those in the city, but not just our guild. The free NPC of the country, but the free NPC of any guild in the country can be mobilized."

"But what do we want a free NPC for?"

"It's more useful." Military god Explained: "The free NPC that the former enemy is investigating is one of the most suitable personnel, because the default attribute of the free NPC is the resource rather than the unit. The enemy will plunder the resource, but will not destroy the resource, so the free NPC will not be randomly selected by the enemy. Kill. Unless the enemy plays patriarch or appoints NPC to take action, enemy NPC combatants will not take the initiative to deal with free NPC, so they are the best scouts. Good quality and low price and security advantages, the biggest advantage is quantity Many."

"That's really useful." Zhenhong said.

I thought about it and asked: "Then what's the matter with that wild unit?"

"This refers to some local wild creatures, such as some that are not offensive. The field units would originally appear in the form of wild monsters, but in the war mode, as long as you do not actively attack them, they will not attack us, and they can help us to a certain extent and even take the initiative to participate in the war."

"This is a good attribute. Apart from this is there anything else?"

"In addition to this, there is a responsibility that must be paid attention to."

"What responsibility?"

"According to the record on this note, if our guild is attacked by a foreign guild, our guild as the ruling guild will be forcibly dragged into a state of war. Medium."

At first, this attribute didn't sound like a problem, but when I think about it, there are many problems. If our guild is a well-deserved guild, then this attribute can be said to have no effect on us at all. After all, there is an invasion by foreign enemies. As the guild of the country, it is necessary to resist. But the problem is that our Frost Rose League is not a mere guild. We not only have strong power within the country, but also our power outside the country, and the most important point is because of Matsumoto Masaka. Now it can be said that the whole of Japan is our thug. If there is friction between the Japanese guild and a small Chinese guild, what we should have done is to support the domestic guild on the surface. In fact, it’s fine to mobilize the forces of both sides to do the show, but because of this attribute, we Will be forced into the war, so many things are not easy to handle. Also, because China is so big, not every guild in the country has a good relationship with us. There will always be people or organizations who oppose us for this and other reasons. In the past, our usual method was to find overseas guilds to deal with them, so that we have a good reputation and we are more relaxed in doing things. But now with this attribute restriction, we are tethered to the Chinese side, and there is no room for it. In other words, if anyone opposes us in the future, it will not be so easy if we want to use the hands of other foreign guilds to eradicate dissidents. In short, this attribute is very restrictive to us. As for the solution, this is not without it, but the specific operation will be more troublesome. The main thing is to do well in terms of public opinion guidance and excuses. After all, our guild cannot be as strong as celestial troops and generals on call, right? If we are at war and another guild is attacked, then even if we don’t go to the rescue, no one will say anything about it, right?

Because a military god helped us research this thing, we only took a short while to get this notification. After understanding the information, I first arranged for everyone to work on their own affairs. After all, the guild elites participated in the task this time. After such a long time, the guild’s senior management has run out. There will be a backlog of things and they will not be dealt with. It won't work.

After everyone dispersed, only Rose, Eagle, Hong Yue, and Masaga Matsumoto were the four secret members of Japan. A few of us got together and borrowed from the command center of the military god to talk about the specific work of Japan for a period of time. At present, the thing that is generally determined is to fatten up Japan first. If you want to let a dog bite people, you have to raise your dog first. Now Japan has been ravaged by us and there is only one last breath. If you don't develop it, it will be useless.

After determining the regional development plan for Japan for the next period of time, we entered the interior of the Sky City of Isengard’s Twin Cities together, and then found a relatively large idle building and used it as a task. The place where the challenge altar brought out in. Because this altar will become a public building in the future, it must be placed in a relatively wide area, otherwise the flow of people will cause problems.

After placing the altar, I first arranged for the four of Matsumoto Masaga to have a challenge. It is not easy for them to visit Isengard. Since they are here, they must try their best to do what they can do. Do it all at once, otherwise I don’t know when I will get it next time.

Some of them challenged there. I discussed with Rose and the others about the work of the next meeting, and finally kept the previous arrangements. In charge of Hong Yue from Russia, the eagle is still mainly in charge of the affairs of the United States. As for the guild, Rose is naturally in charge. I still have to deal with the Olympus Divine Race. After all, this thing requires super battle strength to execute, so it's useless for ordinary guild leaders to pass. Besides, I can only contact Aphrodite. We have been performing the guild mission for so long, and we don't know how many people Aphrodite has contacted. There is also what I am most concerned about, what happened to Poseidon's Poseidon system.

Olypis Divine Race After the Hades family of Hades left, only the Heavenly God family and the Poseidon family were left. If Poseidon can successfully separate from the Olympus Divine Race, then our plan has actually succeeded more than half.

After I discussed with Rose and the others, Masaga Matsumoto and the others also completed their respective challenges. Among them, Masaga Matsumoto seems to have gained the most benefits because the challenge he accepted is the most difficult. Compared to Masaka Matsumoto, the things obtained by the three of August Kaoru are really nothing, but even if compared to Masaka Matsumoto, they are still a bit short, but these things are actually quite good. In particular, Ying Yu Shen Hyo has obtained a special attribute, which is said to be able to sequel the attack power. The effect is a bit like the skill of a professional martial artist with Chinese characteristics to gather energy, but compared with that skill, Ying Yu Shen Hyo’s skill Obviously the attack power is more terrifying, because the characteristic of this skill is that as long as the combo is guaranteed to be uninterrupted, the attack power of the skill can continue to accumulate, so in theory, if the Yingyu Divine Young can continue to hit continuously, it will be the last punch. The Star Fragmentation ball is not an impossible thing. Of course, it is actually impossible to do such an exaggeration. After all, this skill requires magical support. Even if there is a target that does not counter-attack her to keep her hitting like this, her number of combos is limited, so impossible really makes such an exaggerated attack. But it should be possible to kill enemies with a higher level than her in one move. Of course, it is not so easy to combo so many times.

Matsumoto Masaka, who completed the challenge, were secretly sent back to Japan by my staff. They also need their leadership there, and they need it more than ours. After all, ours is only a guild. Things, and internal unity, there is no internal friction problem. But Japan is now in a mess of all kinds of businesses. It's just the time when things are going to be fatal. Besides, there are dissatisfied people such as Oni Te Nobunaga who are making trouble. Matsumoto and the others will be able to get by for a day or two after they come out. No matter how long it is, it won’t work, and the few people I arranged for Masaka Matsumoto are simply not enough. More importantly, they do not have the status of Masaga Matsumoto, and it is impossible for them to come forward for many things.

Actually, there are other considerations in rushing Matsumoto Masaga and the others back, the most important of which is the Russian fleet.

The Russian fleet that our guild’s spaceship encountered when returning to Isengard on the road seemed a bit abnormal. Originally we thought that this fleet would attack Japan, but in the end they did arrive in Japan, but they did not fight, but called in port silently.

Originally, our plan was for Masaka Matsumoto to mobilize our fleet for him to lead the Russian fleet to our side, and then let our guild fleet fight it, but now it seems The plan seems to need to be revised. If the enemy's goal is simply not to attack Japan, even if Matsumoto's fleet is to attract firepower, the opponent will certainly not pursue it, because this is not their goal. So the previous plan to draw the two fleets into a melee simply didn't work.

The original plan cannot be used, but the new plan must be supported by sufficient intelligence. Therefore, we need Masaka Matsumoto to help us investigate the follow-up development of this matter. The most important point is to figure it out. What exactly is the Russian fleet doing when docking in Japan, as well as who they are in contact with, and what their purpose is, these all are things that must be figured out as soon as possible.

After Masaka Matsumoto left here, I was fine in the guild. I told the god of the altar about the altar and asked him to arrange for the members of our guild to challenge themselves. Reward, and then I don’t have to worry about the rest.

After saying hello to Rose, I went to Greece again. After a few days, the matter of Olympus Divine Race should be handled almost. I hope that Aphrodite's work efficiency will not be too bad.

In fact, even if Aphrodite’s work efficiency is terrible, this matter should be handled almost. After all, it is not only Aphrodite who is helping me contact those who may want The rebellious Olympus Divine Race, but the entire Poseidon system is helping me to contact the Olympus Divine Race who wants to rebel. In addition, Hephaestus is a non-staff person, even though he is in Olympus. His status in Divine Race is very problematic, but he is a high level Divine Race after all, and he knows a lot of people. The introduction by him made it easy for Aphrodite to contact those Divine Races she was not familiar with.

Although the number of people at Olympus Divine Race is not as scary as the Celestial Court in China, speaking of which is not very rare, at least the number of people Aphrodite knows is not very large, at least She didn't know more than half of the people, so the introduction of Hephaestus was very important.

With this idea, I finally arrived at the Olympus Divine Race and the first stop was Hephaestus, because now Equivalent to is my contact station. . The main reason for choosing here is that it is not easy to expose, because Hephaestus itself is a marginalized existence in the Olympus Divine Race, so Zeus generally does not notice him. What are we doing here? As long as it's not too out of the ordinary, it's okay.

"Huh? After a few days, your armor seems to be stronger again?" After all, Hephaestus specializes in equipment research. Compared with other things, he is still an attribute of weapons and equipment. What's the best. He just took a look and noticed that my dragon soul suit had changed a little.

For his question, I just briefly explained that this was caused by Hades’s hades, because the characteristic of the underworld sacred clothing is that it will absorb the enemy’s soul fragments and grow on its own. So, theoretically speaking, the underworld saint clothing is the best equipment, because it has almost no limit, and because it grows as you fight, so attributes and so on will all follow your habits, that is, they will only appear. The attributes you need and suitable for you will not make up a mess of the equipment like other equipment that looks pretty good but actually doesn't use attributes at all.

Hephaestus saw that I just answered briefly and knew that I don't want to talk about equipment now. Although Hephaestus is a standard technical mansion, he is not a fool, nor is he completely different from the world. Since he knew that my mind was not on this, he naturally didn't mean to hold me to talk about it, but directly changed the subject and talked about the problem that I care about most. "Purple Moon President, do you plan to do it from time to time when you come over this time?"

I nodded asked: "Have Aphrodite talked about anything in the past two days?"

"Actually, Aphrodite just arrived at night, just a few hours ago." Because of the jet lag, the Greek side is just past midnight. Hephaestus said that Aphrodite had been there at night. That is indeed tantamount to just leaving.

"Did she bring back any information?"

"There are a lot of important information, but it is not convenient here. Let's talk about it later." Hephaestus The inconvenience that Si said was not because he was afraid of being heard, but because he needed to show me something. After reaching the back house of Hephaestus, Medea gave us a very special drink, and then she consciously went outside to show us the door, and Hephaestus was directly from I took out a strange irregular object from one of my small toolboxes.

This is a stone shaped a bit like a heart, but it is like a heart, but its shape is only slightly similar. In fact, the shape of this thing is quite irregular, and the surface is pitted and it looks a bit disgusting, especially for people like me who have a phobia of dense objects.

Except for the holes on the surface and the strange shape, this thing didn't let me see anything special. Although such a black rock is rare, it can't be said to be very rare, and the hardness of this thing is not very special, and the density does not seem to be large, no matter how you look at it, it feels like an ordinary stone.

"What is this?" I looked at Hephaestus with that thing and asked suspiciously.

"At first, I didn't know what it was." Hephaestus said and took another piece out of the box. Compared with the one in my hand, the stone that Hephaestus took out afterwards is slightly different in shape, but the texture is exactly the same. After taking out the stone, Hephaestus said to me: "This is what Aphrodite sent last night. She told me it was found in the secret warehouse at the bottom of the lake." /p>

"Secret warehouse at the bottom of the lake? You said that the fake divine force core depository that Zeus used to confuse us before?"

Hephaestus nodded and said: "Yes, That's the place. Although it was proved to be a trap, Aphrodite still felt it was better to check with her own eyes to be more assured, so she took the opportunity to go, and found that there is not just a place for yin Human trap, it actually has a certain value, because it is a warehouse, and the warehouse is full of this thing."

I immediately put it in my hands when I heard Hephaestus’s words He picked up the stone again, then turned on the Appraisal Master skill and activated Appraisal Technique to appraise this thing, but the first appraisal failed. You have to know that although I don't know how to major in auxiliary occupations, because I have too many high level equipment, the level of training with high level equipment rises very quickly, so my Appraisal Technique has long been a Master Rank. The full-level Appraisal Technique, which is only used to identify a primordial stone, will fail. How high is this thing?

"Did the appraisal fail?" Hephaestus obviously tried it too. As a person who specializes in equipment manufacturing technology, Hephaestus’ Appraisal Technique is naturally impossible. Otherwise, you don’t even recognize the materials. What smelting is you doing? Just because Hephaestus’ Appraisal Technique is definitely not ordinary, he must have identified this thing a long time ago, so he was in the same situation as me, so he immediately guessed that I was an appraisal when he looked at me now. Failed.

"Have you tried it yesterday?"

Sure enough. Hephaestus nodded and said: "Aphrodite doesn't know what it is, but the warehouse is full of this thing, which means that it will not be a useless stone. It must have some purpose. But. Aphrodite is not good at researching materials, so she just stole a few pieces and brought them to me. At that time, I was determined, but after using Appraisal Technique a dozen times in a row, all the appraisal failed. Then I went again. I crushed it by mechanical destruction and studied the attributes of this thing, and finally let me know what it is."

"Then what is this?"

"This is World Stone."

"World Stone?" This is definitely a new term, because I haven't heard of this before, and of course I have seen it even more impossible.

Hephaestus probably also knew that this thing was rare, so he didn't expect me to know, so he just started to explain it. "The World Stone is the basic material used by the creation star to create the world. Now everything in the world is transformed using this World Stone, and the World Stone itself is transformed from energy."

< p>"So what?"

"So World Stone can be said to be an intermediate substance in this world. If you figure out its transformation principle, you can create or destroy objects at will under the restrictions of the breakthrough rules. You can say The arrow that flies towards you transforms into a beam of light. It can also be said that the magic fired by the enemy becomes a sponge. Anyway, you can transform any matter and energy in this world at will, as long as this thing itself is not protected by the law, it will be all It can be transformed."

"It sounds pretty good, but I guess the investment in that kind of research must be astronomical and time-consuming, and we may not see results in our lifetime. Based on my long experience with the ring of commandments, the law is the law. It will resist artificial modification and interference in various ways. Therefore, if you use the law rashly, you will often get side effects that are completely different from your expectations. Like my eternity. The cutting rule attached to the sword is a simple and direct rule. The other rules are often related to many other rules. Using one of the rules rashly is like pulling a thread on the fishing net. You don’t know the specifics. How many threads will change together, so the best way is not to touch it unless necessary."

Hephaestus said with a smile: "I am glad you understand this. The danger in it, but Zeus obviously did not understand."

"Do you mean that Zeus is studying this thing?"

"An item that has no practical value at all, you What do you think Zeus can do to collect them?"

"Wait, wait..." I stopped Hephaestus and frowned, "Ordinarily this matter has nothing to do with us, but since you Bring it up now...Don't you tell me that Zeus has already made research results?"

Hephaestus looked at me with your very handsome eyes and said: "It is indeed the president of Purple Moon. , As Aphrodite said, you can guess the result without me saying it."

"Hey, it’s not the time to talk about this. If Zeus has mastered some of these Some rules, that means he can borrow the rules instead of using the ring of precepts?"

"Not as exaggerated as you think." Hephaestus said: "According to Aphrodite The information returned shows that Zeus should have mastered a channel technology to connect the High God domain. In addition, he may have some methods to borrow the High God divine force, because it is said that Aphrodite in that warehouse felt it before. The same breath as the one guaranteed by your agreement. "

"You mean the mother of the earth?" "I asked in surprise.

Hephaestus asked me in a tone more surprised than me: "Do you know the Mother of the Earth?" You actually asked her to guarantee your agreement. President, you are also very awesome, right? "

"I'll talk about this later, it seems I have to talk to Mother Earth about this first. "

"Isn't it? Can you meet the mother of the earth? "

Although Hephaestus is a fairly good Divine Race, it is only in the category of Low God. For them, High God is about the same as what they mean to an ordinary person. According to the setting in "Zero", Low God, the Divine Race forces we can come into contact with, are basically false gods. The reason why they are said to be false gods is because these guys only control the divine force attribute. And they have power beyond ordinary creatures. And High Gods are real gods here, because they are immortal beings, can master the laws, and can be omnipotent. In contrast, Low God's abilities are obviously the same as those of the legendary gods. The definition of is different. After all, these Low Gods in the game are just strong in battle strength, and no one has the ability to guard against the sky. But High God is different. People can really guard against the sky.

< p>Now Hephaestus heard about the name of the Mother of the Earth, just like the star fans heard about the star he admired. That was an excitement, but soon he became an ant on a hot pot. Because I showed the gate of the earth to summon directly here and ran in, and I hadn't closed the door yet, and Hephaestus was completely dumbfounded.

Want to go in? That's it. Needless to say? As a Low God, who don’t want to meet High God? Don’t look at their arrogance in front of an ordinary person. In fact, they know best how much strength they have, and High God is that for them. It is a higher level existence. As long as people just give them a few words, it will benefit them a lot. Therefore, when the door of the earth is opened, Hephaestus's already excited heart is about to pop out. . But, even if he was so excited, he still didn’t dare to really go inside.

The inside of the gate of the earth is the realm of the mother of the earth, where there is a real coercion of the mother of the earth Existence. High God’s coercion is not something ordinary people can withstand. The reason why I and the people I brought in don’t care because the mother of the earth gave me permission, so my men will be caught when they enter the gate of the earth. The domain is automatically ignored, so that they don’t have to bear that kind of pressure. However, Hephaestus is not my subordinate, rushing in is bound to bear this kind of pressure. For him, stand still. Within the realm of the mother of the earth, standing in front of a hungry tiger, like an ordinary person in reality, has the same feeling that his legs are weak and not strong.

For Hephaestus I don’t know about the entanglement anyway, because I’ve already gone to the sleeping hall of the Mother Earth.

" mother! Mother of the earth! Hey? Is anyone here? Big news..."

"What is the noise? "I was running well and suddenly felt a pressure from around me directly pressed me on the spot, and then a force directly lifted me up from the ground, and then pulled me to the opposite side of the sleeping hall with a sigh of relief. On a square in the city.

"Yo...long time no see. "

When I was put in the square, I saw a guy with a red body greeting me, and then I was dumbfounded.

This square is nothing special. It looks like a flat square paved with slates. The area is not as big as a football field. In particular, the surrounding plants are more beautiful and look quite gorgeous. However, although the square is not very good, the few people on the square are It really shocked me.

The guy who greeted me just now looks like he's dead in his forties, but he has a hooligan temperament. Many people think he is about to retire just by his appearance. Old bastard, but in fact, this real identity is-Vulcan Amoral. It is not the Vulcans of Divine Race. If you want to say those Vulcans, I know a few at least. Just in the Celestial Court There are three Vulcans, and other Divine Races basically have their own Vulcans. If you count this, the Vulcans I know may be almost three digits. However, this one is compared with those Vulcans. , That’s the difference between the limited edition enhanced version and the children’s simulation toy, because this is High God Amorad, the only true Flame God in the world, and other Fire Gods just master the use of flames. People have mastered the essence of Vulcan.

In addition to this uncle-level gangster-like Vulcan, there is a half-snake, half-human super star opposite me. Big beauty. That long black hair, exquisite incomparable face, perfect figure, and...the snake tail. Don’t guess this, except for Nuwa. Don’t want to be a second person.

On the other side of Nuwa, an old man who looks very old but has a peaceful temperament is standing there holding something like a golf club and gesturing something there, and I also know this, this is the god of water Nu. Of course, like Amorad, this one is also a High God, not the one I can find a dozen copycat water gods.

In addition to the three above, of course the Mother of the Earth herself is indispensable. , It’s just that she’s posing in a strange posture, she looks awkward anyway, and she doesn’t know what she’s doing.

"What happened to you when you ran over? "The mother of the earth saw that my eyes had recovered and knew that I had adapted to their identity, so she immediately asked.

Although I was surprised that these people were there, but this is true. It just saves trouble, because today’s things really have something to do with them, because I still have a task they gave me.

"That, it’s like this. I found this thing accidentally when I was outside, don't you know if you know it? "As I said, I took out the stone that Hephaestus gave me before.

After the stone was taken out by me, the expressions of several Spiritual Gods were all condensed, and then Amo As soon as Ladd reached out, the stone appeared directly in his hand. There was no flight process, and the stone passed directly like an instant movement.

I looked down at the stone, and then Amora De put the stone to his mouth again, and to my surprise, he actually took a bite. As if eating a shortbread, this guy actually gnawed the stone off, and he couldn’t speak while chewing. Qing said: "Hey, it's really the Stone of Force. Unfortunately, it's too small. "

"hey hey hey, people want to use it as evidence, why are you eating it!" "Nuwa knocked Amorad angrily.

Amorad said with embarrassment: "Sorry, sorry, I was greedy, I didn't pay attention for a while. "After speaking, he turned to me and asked: "You said you found this thing below?" Say more than one piece? "

"I don't know how much it is, but there must be more than that, it should be very many. "

"A lot? "As soon as Amorad heard this, his eyes began to flash, and I was scared to step back. Fortunately, Nuwa was much faster than him, and he flashed in front of me, and then curled Amorad's two legs with his tail. I dumped it with one leg and placed it far away in midair, and put my hands on my shoulders and asked: "Are you really sure there are a lot of force stones? "

"It should be a lot. "

"That's really good. "Nuwa patted my shoulder with excitement, and then said, "So now, I hope you can get me all the Force Stones." "

I carefully stretched out my hands and made a pause gesture in front of Nuwa, and then Nuwa said with puzzled eyes: "Then why do we finish the business first before sending me the task?" Say it again? "

"On business? Doesn't this count? "Nuwa looked at me and asked.

"Then what...I mean you didn’t give me a task before asking me to investigate why God World’s high priests were summoned by people from the lower realms. NS? "

When I heard this, Nuwa immediately remembered. "Oh, I remember this. Now that you can find this force stone, it seems that you have found the reason. "

"Huh? Even if you find it like this? "

The Mother Earth, who has been performing strange movements since I appeared here, suddenly returned to her normal posture, and then said to me: "The Stone of Force is a rare type in the High God world. The special substance we saw is the most delicious food for us High God, so just now some unqualified guy will gobble up your evidence. However, since the Force Stone is our high-level food, it naturally has a certain value. Therefore, if people in the lower realm get this thing, it is understandable to use it as a reward to ask the higher servants of the High God realm to help the lower realm. "

I nodded and said: "Then why don't they ask you to come forward directly?" "

Nuwa said with a smile: "Even if we like this thing, it is impossible to trade this thing against the rules of the lower bound, so they don't please us. But the god servants are different. They are just our servants. Although they exist in the High God realm, they don't master the laws and their strength is also very average. Naturally, they don't care about getting extra money from the lower realm. "

"Damn, it turns out that part-time jobs are also popular in the High God world! "

"You don't have to worry about this. "The Mother of the Earth limped over and said, "Since you have found these, then we will consider you completed the

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