Compared with the time when I came, the time I go back is much faster. With Kristina, the two of us went back to the previous cave after sitting in Asuka for a while, and then returned to the low demons world along the principle of the underground passage, and then did not leave the cave in one of the caves according to the original path, and I walked into another side road. Down this side of the road is a very large maze, but when Kristina came last time, they had already marked the road here, so this time it only took us less than half an hour. After running all the mazes, I reached the exit on the other side.

After coming out from the exit on this side of the maze, we quickly found a secret passage nearby. This passage is quite individual. It was built on the stone wall of a huge cave. The place where we entered this cave happened to be at one tip of this long and narrow olive-shaped cave, and the other tip on the opposite side had a passageway that led to it. If most people estimate that they would go out directly along the passage there, but in fact the real secret room is on the side wall of this olive-shaped cave, and the entrance is about four meters above the ground. This position can be said to be exactly at the middle height of the wall, neither on the ceiling nor on the ground. Most people would never think that there would be an entrance in such a place. What's more wicked is that there is a big stone with a movable mechanism outside the entrance. It looks like a part of the stone wall. If you don't go up and see it with your own eyes, you will find this entrance.

Under the guidance of Kristina, we found this entrance very accurately and got into it. There is nothing special behind the entrance. A straight passage is less than ten meters away and you enter a stone chamber like an underground altar. There is an altar in the center of the stone chamber, and there is a strange one on the altar. Platform. This platform is a bit like the C-shaped bracket of the Earth meter, but there is just a ball missing in the middle.

When I saw this thing, I immediately understood where the core of the magic net was placed, so I quickly took the core of the magic net to Kristina to install, because it is said that this thing is not simply put Just go up.

Kristina started writing and drawing on that base after the core of the magic net. Whenever she points some places with her finger, some symbols will light up on the altar, and then as she operates, more and more symbols, and finally the entire altar becomes a big light bulb filled with luminous magic patterns.

After finishing the last stroke, Kristina cautiously put the magic net core on the C-shaped bracket, but the magic net core is obviously much smaller than expected, so it doesn’t. It touched any position on the bracket, but when Kristina took her hand back, the core of the magic net was suspended in the C-shaped bracket and began to spin slowly.

"Is it done? Why did I not feel the increase in magic power?"

One of the characteristics of the low magic world is that the concentration of magic power is very low. In such an environment, the recovery speed of magic power will be Decline, so if the task is completed, this place becomes a high magic world, I should feel it.

Kristina directly explained after hearing my words: "The task has been completed. As for the recovery of magic power, there must be a process. It will not be effective immediately after a short while."

When I heard Kristina’s explanation, I looked directly at the progress of the task. Sure enough, the task was completed. The only task we have not yet completed is the task of teaching the king, which has not yet been completed, but it seems to be fast too, because the task has a progress bar, and the progress bar is now displayed. The remaining part is almost invisible. , So it should be done soon.

Sure enough, when Christina and I were about to leave this cave to find roses, the system hint suddenly rang.

"All tasks are completed, please be prepared for the task personnel. All personnel will be sent back to the task location in ten seconds."

This prompt can be described as very abrupt, so we Almost no reaction was passed to Isengard’s side, but because we were in the conference hall of Isengard Mobile Fortress when we entered the mission before, now Isengard Mobile Fortress is not here, so we As soon as it appears, it starts to drop like following the task. Fortunately, this time the height is not too exaggerated. After everyone released the long spear, they landed safely.

I don’t know what’s going on on the system side. As soon as our talents landed, the prompt sounded again.

"Notice the attention of all Chinese players. The player's guild Frost Rose has successfully completed the mission of the Chinese governing guild, and now the Frost Rose has officially been promoted to the Chinese governing guild. The governing guild and its members There will be a series of special rights and responsibilities. Please check the information records for the specific content. Any Chinese player or guild organization who opposes the Frost Rose League to obtain this status can submit a challenge to the system at any time. Frost Rose The league must arrange personnel and challengers to carry out the challenge mission within 72 hours. If the challenger wins, the Frost Rose League ruling guild title will be cancelled. However, if the challenger wants to become the ruling guild, he must additionally apply for the ruling guild test mission and pass the rear It can become a new ruling guild. In addition, the ruling guild cannot apply for challenge or apply for the task of the ruling guild within ten days after being challenged. If you want to become a ruling guild, you must first challenge the current ruling guild. Only when the country has no ruling guild. You can only apply for the evaluation task of the ruling guild during the guild, otherwise you must first challenge the ruling guild to win.

Special reminder, every time you apply to challenge the ruling guild, you need to pay 10 million crystal coins challenge gold, such as If the challenge fails, 90% of the challenge money will belong to the ruling guild. If the challenge is successful, 90% of the challenge money will be recovered."

This reminder has just ended, and we haven’t had time to respond. Immediately heard another prompt.

"Notice. Since the Chinese regional governing guild has been formed, the application for the Chinese regional political guild has begun to accept applications. The governing guild is not allowed to apply for the title of participating political guild again, and other guilds only need to meet the minimum requirements You can apply for the title. Please refer to the notification document for the minimum requirements. The maximum allowable number of political guilds is four branches. The first to complete the challenge in chronological order becomes the political guild. After the number of challenged guilds is full, the subsequent guilds If you want to become a political guild, you need to refer to the ruling guild challenge rules to force a certain political guild to lose this qualification before you can continue to challenge. In addition, the participating guild requires the ruling guild to express its opinions when applying for tasks. For this title, the difficulty of the guild’s application for the task will increase by 10%, and vice versa. If the ruling guild will give up its position, the difficulty will remain the same. The special notice ends, and the specific information is unknown. You can consult the relevant documents."

< p>After listening to two notifications in a row, we didn’t even enter the city, so we stood directly on the base of Isinger’s Sky City and started to check the specific rights and responsibilities of the ruling guild. As a result, when we read the specific notification, we were taken Shocked. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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