Kristina did find the core of the magic net, but what surprised us was that Kristina would rush in and get the core of the magic net without waiting for us. , But when we arrived, we saw Kristina playing in a frenzy with the guard on the opposite side.

Kristina is known as the world's first fort, specializing in plastic energy, and her best offensive skills are two. The first is to condense the magic power and use a super magic, which can almost be said to be invincible. According to the numerical limit display on the attribute list, even if I touch it directly, I must rely on the resurrection ability of Phoenix blood to save my life. This trick actually has the damage output that can kill me in seconds. Of course, I was actually impossible to be hit by this move in a heads-up. After all, this kind of big move does not mean throwing and throwing, otherwise Kristina would be really invincible. Seeing people is this move. Hundreds, absolutely no less.

In addition to this super trick, Kristina is also good at overwhelming opponents with a lot of primary level magic. Her move should actually be regarded as a special attribute rather than a skill, because this ability is not listed in her skill column, but a special state. When she turns on this state, when she releases her magic, she can get the fusion effect of coherent casting, high-speed casting and many other effects. In other words, in this state, if she uses Fireball Technique, it will become Fireball Rain, and if she uses the icicle, it will become Icicle. Anyway, using magic at this time will become a plural effect, and as long as she does not actively interrupt the skill, And if the magic power is enough to support it, it can be launched continuously.

When we arrived at the scene, Kristina was using this trick to confront the opposite person, but what made us strange is that the opposite person can actually match Kristina evenly. . You should know that Kristina’s low-level magic attack is a real magic rainstorm. The speed of several hundred rounds per second is faster than that of a heavy machine gun. What's more, the machine gun fires only bullets. What Kristina fires is magic bullets. Formidable power is at least an offensive grenade. You said being thrown hundreds of grenades in one second, who can stand it? Not to mention the grenade, even if it is a brick, flying over a few hundred yuan in one second will definitely kill a person. However, the people over there actually withstood it, and they even had the intention of pressing Kristina a little bit.

Although the magic missiles flying from Kristina’s side are like rainstorms, there are more magic bullets on the opposite side. Kristina’s magic bullets will be destroyed if they can’t fly to the opposite side. The magic missile on the opposite side hit and exploded halfway, and because the firing frequency on the opposite side seemed to be a little faster than Kristina, the impact point was also being pressed to Kristina's side a little bit. If we arrive a few minutes late, it is estimated that the impact point will be close enough to threaten Kristina. In such a dense magical bombardment, as long as any party's attack stops for a while, it will be explodes into waste immediately by the other party. Fortunately, the person on the opposite side is protected by a cover, but Kristina is standing in the middle of the road, so if the person on the opposite side makes a mistake, it will be suppressed at most.

"No, right? Who are these people on the opposite side? Kristina, who can actually be pressed, didn't have the strength to fight back?" When I rushed to the scene, Matsumoto and the others also arrived. But I was a little surprised to see Kristina being forced to this point. It is said that when Kristina uses magic to suppress others, it doesn't make sense that she will be suppressed!

"Shall we rush up and help? Otherwise, Kristina will not be able to hold it like this!" Masaka Matsumoto turned around when I saw me appear.

I looked at the form and nodded and said: "Others don’t move, this kind of forcible penetration is still my best."

Forced penetration is not like Quietly break through, there are not so many skills for you to play, you need nothing more than three. One is to be fast, so as to be less beaten. The second is to have a high defense, so if you get, it should definitely be hit. However, people with strong defenses can continue to fight after being hit, while those with weak defenses will be killed if they are hit, so those with strong defenses are better at penetration. These three reasons are that the attack must be high enough. It is best to kill those enemies one by one, otherwise you will be entangled when you rush over and touch the enemy, and then be attacked by the enemy's concentrated firepower, even if you wear a tortoise shell sooner or later. When being beaten through. Therefore, the above three points are the key to forced penetration.

I'm not the first to talk about a certain item here. Kristina has the highest comprehensive damage output in the expert of the guild, but the one with the highest instant output is really red. The Number One Person in terms of defensive power should be Masaga Matsumoto. His Emperor Guangming suit has a very abnormal attribute, because of this attribute, he is almost invincible in the sun. Unless you run into an attack like ours that breaks millions of dollars, most people cut him and simply won't break the defense. Finally, I am still not the first in terms of speed, because the fastest person in the bank is gold coin. Although the main profession of gold coin is Great Firmament Golden Immortal in the advanced profession of Taoist priests, there is still another main profession that is thieves. Because of the existence of the thief profession and her high level, she is naturally the first gold coin in terms of speed.

However, although I am not the first in the three attributes, I am ranked second in the damage output, and I am second in both the instantaneous output and the comprehensive output. Although I am not the first in defense, I am also second, and in some modes, I will overtake Masaka Matsumoto to become the first. After the team, I was indeed not the fastest in terms of speed, but I was Ranked 3rd, and Ranked 1st gold coin and the second shadow fountain were only a little faster than me. However, this speed refers to extreme speed, not reaction speed. In terms of reaction, I am still the number one in the guild. After all, I am Dragon Clan, which is definitely much faster than humans.

None of the three items are the first, but in combination I am well-deserved first, and a lot of others are left behind, so this job is still the most suitable for me.

"Do I need to call two mobile angels to cooperate?" Masaka Matsumoto looked at the intensive magical attack in front of him and was a little worried.

"No, this attack can't hurt me. Because I have...secret weapon." When I said the word secret weapon, the two black and white meatballs appeared directly I just picked up one of the meatballs and rushed into the fire net while the people in Masaka Matsumoto were waiting for their mouths to cramp.

Of course, the super fat boy Jixiang was used as a shield. As the guild's mascot, how can such an important task of the guild not contribute a bit? As for why it's not as good as it is, do you still have to ask about it? They are girls anyhow, even if they are pandas, do they have to take care of them?

By the way, I rushed forward holding Jixiang, the enemy over there was very confused at first, thinking I was nervous, and rushed up holding a panda. However, this group of people will know how powerful this panda is in less than five seconds!

On the other side of the crowd facing Kristina, a mage had just finished reading incantion. He was expecting magic missiles to fly out and attack, but he didn’t expect that he felt like he was being caught in his head. A hammer came up, and the whole person spurted blood and fell out. Of course, this guy didn't really get a hammer, but a backlash happened when he failed to cast a spell. Because Kristina uses low-level magic, in order to intercept Kristina’s attack, the opponent can only use low-level magic to block it. After all, once high-level magic encounters low-level magic, it will explode, and the other party will rely on it. The quantity advantage will be overwhelmed. If you want to back pressure and go back, you must be faster than Kristina, and the low-level magic is obviously faster than the high-level magic.

The gang of mages here are all elite guilds. Although the guild itself is not very good, they are elites after all, and at least they are experts among ordinary players. Now this group of experts have been strengthened ten times by the system, their strength has risen even more, and then they use low-level magic in turn, and the failure rate should have been almost negligible. Besides, this kind of low-level magic, even if it fails, backlash or something should be hard to come across. However, this unlucky person has encountered such a small probability event that has not happened in a century, so he is tragic.

Actually, a small probability event is a small probability event. It is impossible to happen by such a coincidence. The real reason for that guy’s tragedy is that if the magic he fires is successfully cast, it will hit Auspicious, and Auspicious The luck value is infinite, so he will not be hit, so he can only make magic accidents, and the result is that the guy is unlucky.

The bad luck of this person is actually nothing. The key is that he instinctively stretched out his hands to maintain balance as he flew backwards, and finally pulled him to the shoulder of the wizard next to him. Yes, there is more than one mage here. Since Kristina is known as the number one fort in the world, and her strength is fourth on the battle strength list, how could someone use magic to suppress her? Therefore, the magic here does not come from a mage at all, but a division. In other words, Kristina is actually alone with a magical attack of division.

Because of the hapless fall, he pulled the person next to him, and the man’s magic was just ready to be completed, but because he was pulled down, the magic flew out when the man fell back halfway. , But instead of flying forward, he flew up to the roof, and then with a bang, the big Fireball exploded on the roof.

The building where they are hiding is actually not ordinary. It was originally an ordinary building, but because of the existence of the core of the magic net, the building was connected by the core of the magic net and gained super high magic. Defense, so it can survive the previous two city-level destruction weapons attacks. Think about it, what can a big Fireball do for a house that hasn't even been destroyed by city-level weapons? So, Fireball didn't do anything to the house, but it exploded on its own.

Although this building is not a three-meter-high residential house, it is only five-meter high. A burst Fireball burst at a height of less than five meters above your head. You can think about the result.

With a bang, a large fire star bounced back from the roof, and then all hit the top of the division head below. This group of mages originally relied on the anti-magic building, so they didn't open their shields. As a result, there was a collective tragedy. The wizards burned by the fire and rain baptism immediately went into chaos, and then the magic was out of control and flew around the room.

I rushed outside and stopped halfway because I was completely confused about what happened to the other side. Kristina at the back also stopped the magic attack, because she was also confused. The house opposite now looks like a group of people playing with fireworks, and you can see flashes of various colors flying around, and then something like smoke, fire, or something pops up constantly, accompanied by fireworks from time to time. After two screams, it lasted more than ten seconds and then became completely silent.

I looked back at Kristina and the others, and saw that the other party was also a question mark, so I had to go over and take a look. Anyway, there is Jixiang standing in front, even if the sky falls, it will bypass me.

Cautiously approached the door of the house, and then I was cruel... directly threw Jixiang in.

"Ah..." Don't be nervous, this scream is not auspicious.

"I rely on the boss, do you want to kill the panda and kill the panda?" Jixiang who was thrown in complained with extreme dissatisfaction.

"Don't talk nonsense, what's going on inside?"

Jiangsi paused for a few seconds, probably observing, and then said: "A little and a half died, the remaining basic serious injuries, no It’s all dead in a while."

When I heard this answer, I stretched my head in and took a look. As a result, I saw a room of wounded people. As for how the injuries were... very simple. All accidental injuries. This house is protected by a magical Formation, and it is a one-way protection. The magical attack can't get in before the Formation is destroyed, so the magical protection is intact, and the people inside are completely injured. There is really no other possibility except for your own.

When I saw the room full of wounded, I walked in boldly, but I saw Jixiang sitting on the belly of a guy with violent eyes, and then I understood what the scream was like before. It's coming. It turned out that Jixiang was sitting to death! However, although Jixiang Ruyi did not attack the attribute, the weight of 300 kg is not white after all. Normal people may not be afraid, but a weak mage, and he is injured, if he is taken like this again, it is estimated that there will be no death left. Two breaths!

After a ten thousandth of a second of silence for this hapless man, I turned around and waved to the outside, and then Matsumoto Masaga and the others ran over together. After entering the house, everyone naturally stayed like me, because they all saw that after I entered the gate, they hadn't moved their hands, but there were people who died here. Naturally, I did not do it. The person who was enthusiastic with Christina just now died by himself in such a blink of an eye, and this ordinary person would indeed be a bit unable to turn around for a while.

"Is this...they themselves...?"

"Injured by mistake." I helped gold coin complete the following words.

Matsumoto Masaga cried out in surprise: "This mascot is too strong?"

Although he has become a member of our guild, Matsumoto Masaka belongs to Secret personnel, and almost never stayed in Isengard. Therefore, although he knows that we will have auspicious and wishful mascots, he does not know much about them. Although he is not the first to see these two today, it is definitely the first time to see their great achievements.

True red patted Masaka Matsumoto’s shoulders said in a voice of someone who came over: “It’s good to get used to it!”

Because the division is now either dead or injured, the remote protection here is basic Even if it's over. As for why there is no archer, there are all mages, this is actually very easy to understand. Behind these people is the core of Mowang. What is the core of Mowang? Of course it is to make up for the devil. Originally, this thing was used to replenish demons for a person in the world. Although it is not possible to replenish demons on a large scale because of the lack of auxiliary nodes, it is still okay to replenish demons for nearby people. Therefore, as long as these wizards do not leave this room, they can be said to have unlimited magical power. Because of this, they did not arrange for the archer to occupy space here. After all, the mages can top a group here. There is no reason why the mages should use archer, right?

"Don’t squeeze at the door, go and see where the core of the magic net is."

Although the guards of this room have been cleared out, we have not seen the magic The core of the net, but the more reassuring thing is that the induction of the core of the magic net is nearby, so we just need to find it. However, just after Kristina used her magical sensing ability to find the location of the core of the magic net, we were almost overcast again.

"It's here." Kristina, who found the location based on her own induction, opened a floor tile directly, and then we saw the core of the magic net, but then we saw the magic net again. The pile of liquefied magic crystals under the core is less than a dozen pouring. In other words, the core of the magic net is actually placed on a pile of bombs, and the detonation switch of the bomb is the entrance above. As long as you open the floor tile, you will directly detonate the explosive bomb. But...

But because Jixiang and Ruyi are also in the room, the bomb cannot explode. Because Jixiang Ruyi's lucky value is infinite, they are basically impossible to be bombed. If you want two pandas to sit on the bomb and will not be blown, then there is only one way for the bomb not to explode. So... the bomb really didn't explode, and the reason was... the zipper was bitten by a mouse.

This is a very simple bomb. As a result of using a cable, opening the floor tile will drive the rope below to pull the detonation switch, but the zipper is just hemp rope, and this room is unfortunately not known Why did the rat appear, so the zipper was bitten off, so even if the floor tile was opened, the switch over there would not be pulled, and the bomb would have failed.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with the way the bomb detonated. Even if the people in this guild don’t need to pull the bomb and switch to a high-tech detonation method of magic detection or something, there will be no change in the result. As long as Jixiang Ruyi is here, the bomb will definitely fail due to various weird reasons, so from the moment Jixiang Ruyi enters the explosion range, it is doomed that this thing will not explode.

"Huh, thanks to Jixiang Ruyi, otherwise we may not be killed by this explosion. The core of the magic net doesn't know where to fly!" Masaka Matsumoto wiped his forehead Exclaimed.

I checked the time and said: "There is one hour and fifty-eight minutes left, we have to install this magic net core as soon as possible. By the way, Christina, do you know where to install it? "

"I know, and it seems that only I can put it back here." Kristina said.

"That's it. Kristina, you and I will go back to install the magic net core to complete the task, and the others will follow. As for the mobile fortress of Isengard... don't do it since it's here I’m in a hurry to leave. This city doesn’t need to stay anymore, we will have to bear the consequences, otherwise no one will take us seriously in the future. But don’t do it now, wait until our mission is over before we talk about it, lest the system is there. What kind of moth came out again. Alright, Christina will go with me.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support. Is my biggest motivation.)

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