In the midst of everyone losing one's head out of fear, the ultimate destruction cannon at the bottom of Isengard’s mobile fortress finally completed the 30-second energy accumulation time. Then, with a buzzing sound that pierced the eardrums, a dazzling beam of light poured down from the bottom of the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and the top of the top shield of the city in the middle and below was completely covered by Heaven and Earth. Covered by a dazzling bright white, you can't see anything except the dazzling light.

"Ah...I don't want to die in vain!" Many people in the city screamed because they couldn't stand the pressure. Above them was the protective shield that was shaking violently, and even the entire city began to shake violently. With the trembling of the city, cracks began to appear in the buildings below, and some of the poorer quality buildings have even begun to collapse. The cracks on the ground that were enough to sink the whole person appeared one after another, and they also meant to continue to extend. It seemed like the end of the world.

"Damn, how long will this thing take to attack?" Without being immediately penetrated, the guild leader below realized that the protective shield had withstood the first wave of attacks, but the problem was the saboteur. The attack was not instant, but a continuous period of time. It has been nearly ten seconds since the beam of light fell, but the beam of light still didn't mean to stop at all.

A member who squatted on the ground like him said: "President, will the core of the magic net be able to withstand it?"

Another person followed closely:" I don’t care much about the Heart Demon network core. On the contrary, our city may not be able to hold it anymore. Although the protective shield blocks the direct attack from the outside, our city is under supply pressure, even though the attack power is dispersed. , But the resulting shock is still destroying city buildings. I am now worried that even if the protective shield withstands the attack, our city will be ruined!"

"Damn it, a bombardment of 100 million yuan is indeed Can't underestimate it!" A player who heard the rumors outside said before: "I knew I shouldn't take this task. We are really full, and there is nothing to provoke a monster like the Frost Rose. What will you do?"

"You just need to say a few words less. I've answered all of them. Are you calling for a fart now?" The other person said angrily.

Just when several people complained to each other to reduce the pressure, the beam of light above the city didn’t know when it suddenly began to narrow, and then shrank into a thin line within a second and suddenly extinguished. A little bit of starlight drifted away, and the attacking flame below immediately began to disappear layer by layer from the center to the surroundings at the moment the beam of light disappeared, and finally disappeared completely in the air.

As the attack ended, a large amount of white smoke suddenly began to rise from the transmitter at the bottom of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and the broadcast also rang. "The launch of the city destruction weapon is complete, enter the forced cooling process, confirm that the target has not been completely destroyed, and use the backup weapon."

As the prompt sound ended, the players below also lifted from the ground. My head, and then I saw that the bright light and flames in the sky disappeared and finally it was relaxed. At this time, the well-informed person said in a puzzled way: "Strange, the protective cover is okay. It seems that the protective cover of this guild is not ordinary."

Before listening to him boasting and being ridiculed. The dizzy people immediately yelled: "Didn't you say that there are so many weapons? Why do you have such a formidable power? Look, is the protective cover not good?"

"Idiot, you." The source immediately counter-sprayed: "Open your krypton dog eyes and look at the surrounding buildings and the ground under our feet. The protective cover has not been broken but can cause such serious damage to the inner city. Damaged, you can imagine the extent of the attack. It hasn't been broken now. I can only say that the protective shield here is not ordinary. It does not mean that the Frost Rose Alliance’s weapons are not good. Moreover, I don’t mind telling you another internal news. In fact, my Uncle’s wife... (nine curves and eighteen bends omitted in the middle)... The boyfriend of my brother-in-law’s daughter is a high level member of the Frost Rose League. According to him, the mobile fortress of Isengard except for this super weapon In addition, there is a more ruthless weapon, but that thing is more partial, so it is rarely used, and not many people know it."

"What is so powerful? Are you fooling us? "

"No, no, what I said is true. This thing is called the Seven Spirit Dust Clock. It is a big bell. Just strike it and everything within an 80-kilometer radius is regarded as a target. All will be turned into dust. It is said that this is a special attribute attack, and your resistance is completely invalid for this."

"Is it impossible to stop it?"

"I just know that this thing ignores magic resistance. As for whether this protective cover can stop it, I don't know. But in my opinion, the probability of blocking is very low. After all, this protective cover has already withstood a round of attacks. It looks obviously unstable. I guess it will break if you hit it again."

"I agree with this point."

The reason why these people think that the protective shield is about to die, this There is a reason. Because the protective cover on their heads was not as transparent as it was at the beginning, and only when they were hit did they waved in circles. This protective cover has always appeared in everyone's sight now, and it is not almost invisible as before, and the surface of the protective cover is no longer transparent, but like the kind of explosion-proof glass that has been broken. You can clearly see that the surface of the protective cover is full of cracks, but it has not collapsed, and the cracks are still slowly repairing. This situation shows that the thing that supports the protective cover has no magic power. It can only be repaired by temporarily absorbed energy, but the protective cover cannot be repaired quickly. Although given time, the protective cover will remain as strong as ever, but the question is, does it have time?

"Warning, all personnel outside the Isengard Mobile Fortress should enter the city as soon as possible, or retreat from the city's 80 kilometers range. The city will activate the second city-level weapon."


The announcement from the sky proved that the well-informed person below said that although the above broadcast did not say what weapons, but at least the 80-kilometer radius of damage was correct.

The warning was repeated three times, and the countdown started after the last time. When the count reached one, everyone heard a dull bell at the same time. It can be determined that this is not a sound wave, because it appears in everyone's minds at the same time, and there is no order, and the sound will have a time difference according to the distance.

With the ringing of a bell, I can’t see any changes, but all the objects in the city are like dusty antiques that were suddenly blown. There was a layer of smoke and dust, and the smoke and dust all flew in one direction as if they were blown out by the air current, but everyone did not feel any wind.

The ringing of the bell ended. In addition to a thick cloud of smoke and dust in the city, all players also found that their equipment had dropped hundreds of points after a long time. Some equipment needed repairs. Even more crying without tears, the equipment on his body exploded directly.

In fact, compared to the equipment on the body, the more severe blow was the buildings in the city. These buildings themselves had cracks in the previous attack. The bell sounded like Time Acceleration for hundreds of years. Not only did many buildings that were originally damaged collapsed, even the stronger buildings seemed to be weathered outside. Generally, a layer of shell is stripped off, making the whole building look like a monument that has experienced wind and rain for hundreds of years.

"This, this..." In the guild headquarters in the center of the city, the president here looked at the surrounding buildings and the completely powdered furniture in amazement. Now he couldn't say a word. . He has now begun to regret taking this task, because the current loss to open is already comparable to their task reward. That is to say, even if they no longer suffer any losses from now on, this mission is just to save money, not only does not make any money, but also offends our Frost Rose League. It can be said that this task has actually failed. However, even if you fail, you can’t give up, because the loss is already so huge, if you don’t get the task reward, you will lose even more, so they are now if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off.

Different from the president's tangled painful mood, we are quite happy at this time. Looking down from the sky, you can clearly see that hundreds of large and small holes appear in the protective shield outside the city, and these holes seem to have a feeling of no magic cultivator, and they are disappearing and appearing to disappear back and forth. Obviously, the protective cover has reached its bearing limit.

At this time, I entered the Isengard Mobile Fortress and I have already seen the reinforcements brought by Vena, so now I don’t plan to continue using city defense weapons. After all, those ultimate weapons must be supported by energy. , And energy costs money. The super weapon that dared to use the 100 million crystal coins in one shot was not because I didn't care about money, but because our guild had a colorful dream pool. That thing can accumulate magic power, just like a magic battery. The first shot before used the magic of the sequel in the pool, not magic crystal, so it can be said that it does not cost money, but if you do it again, you have to fill in the magic crystal. So, we don't care about the first shot, but we won't do it again. Rose will have to fight me desperately when I look back.

"Vina, I think the protective shield is almost unable to withstand it. Who of you will come down and help open for me a hole?"

"I'll come." Xinghuo took the initiative After receiving the task, he flew directly to the lower part of Isengard's mobile fortress, and then pointed his finger towards the protective cover. The protective cover that had been torn apart suddenly disappeared as if it had completely lost its power.

The members of the guild who were in a daze looking at the battered protective cover suddenly discovered that the protective cover was missing, and then they panicked one by one, because they had seen the spark and thought of our trip. Another ultimate weapon of the meeting.

The head of our Frost Rose League is famous, so the general guilds dare not take this mission at all. Although the guild was accepted, it had done enough homework in advance. Because of the detailed investigation, they certainly know that our Frost Rose League is now the only player guild with its own Guardian God Race guild. However, because the previous mission said that we only had twenty-four members to participate, and only restricted players, so these people directly ignored Divine Race. However, what didn't expect was Isinger Mobile Fortress but suddenly jumped over. At first, because of the huge pressure suddenly appeared at Isengard Mobile Fortress and the continued attacks afterwards, they didn’t expect the guild to meet Divine Race, but when I saw Sparkle flying out with a huge Buddha's radiance golden wheel. At that time, they finally thought of the existence of these humanoid nuclear weapons.

"Damn it, Divine Race, the guild of the Frost Rose League! They have dispatched the Divine Race!"

"God, how can I forget this!"

"What do we do? That's Divine Race!"

"Aren't we also strengthened by the system?"

"You did it when you thought you were strengthened Divine Race? Besides, you haven’t read the information before. What kind of Divine Race are those of the Frost Rose League. Don’t you know? Can it be inferred from the general Divine Race?"

Just Like this guy said. Divine Race is also divided into six or nine grades. Xinghuo was originally the Goddess of Mercy of Divine Race, and that reputation is not one or two days. The famous Divine Race like this can't be compared to any miscellaneous god.

Looking at the spark that wiped out the remaining protective shield with a finger, the people below were completely panicked. Now the protective shield is their biggest support. Without this thing, they would be sentenced to death. However, before these people had time to put their fear into action after the panic, Xinghuo flew back to Isengard Mobile Fortress.

It is certainly not a problem to kill these people with the ability of Divine Race, but I dare not let them. The previous mission was limited to twenty-four people, and because of the special situation, it was impossible to call reinforcements. Now although the reinforcements are called, I am worried that if the reinforcements directly attack the players of the guild, we will be fouled, so for the sake of safety, I will never let Divine Race participate in the battle. Anyway, as long as there is no protective cover, the people below are not a concern.

The group of people below don't know why we had to guild Divine Race back, but this does not prevent them from being happy about it. However, happiness is also temporary, because the holes where eggs were laid at the bottom of Isengard Mobile Fortress have been reopened, and the densely packed clusters of mobile angels detached from Isengard Mobile Fortress and spread their wings directly. Gliding landed in the city.

Participating in the Divine Race I am worried that we will be convicted of a foul. This is because the system said before that we only send 24 people to participate. Although the guild Divine Race is not a player, it is also a population. So I'm not sure if their participation in the war violated the rules. However, mobile angels appear in the form of guild items in the system’s identification, and they are not counted as guild members. Therefore, if the system does not want us to use mobile angels, we can only notify us to ban items, but now we have not received them. To this reminder, that is to say, the mobile angel is not in the restricted list.

As a large number of mobile angels landed, Masaga Matsumoto and I landed in the city very smoothly under the cover of the mobile angels, and the other personnel who participated in the mission who were left behind by us before were also all Caught up. Except that Rose is still teaching the king, we are already here.

"Everyone dispersed, sensed the fluctuation of the magic net, and found that the core immediately sent a signal for reinforcements." As soon as I landed, I reminded everyone to act separately through the communicator. With Isinger Mobile Fortress draped over our heads, it is extremely convenient for us to move. In addition to getting a full set of communication services, the more important point is that you can call artillery support.

"This is Masaka Matsumoto, fifteen meters ahead, confirm the suspicious building, and request artillery support." Masaka Matsumoto just thinks it is fun, after all, he has never fought such a battle before, so I see Many enemies rushed into a building and immediately called for reinforcements to try out the effect. However, this effect was a bit beyond his expectations.

As soon as Masaga Matsumoto finished shouting, he heard an air-splitting sound, followed by a large building complex in front of him. The dumbfounded Matsumoto Masaka didn't wake up until an enemy's helmet hit his feet. Now he finally knows why he was defeated in the first place.

Matsumoto Masaka’s situation is not mentioned, and the other groups of people are rushing very smoothly. Although the attributes are temporarily strengthened ten times by the system, the players here have basically not had time to adapt to their new abilities. Only those NPCs perform relatively normally. After all, they are data themselves, and the improvement is only to modify a few variables. They do not constitute an influence by themselves. However, even those promoted NPCs and players, they are still not opponents of mobile angels.

Compared to players with complex thinking and NPCs with more rigid heads, mobile angels are simply Legion’s murderous weapons. All the tactical actions of this thing are extracted from various fighting in the guild’s database. The efficiency of the combat method compiled by the data is very terrifying. Of course, this is a propaganda statement for the insiders of the guild. After all, our guild is special, and there are some things that cannot be said casually even if it is for the inside of the guild.

If you want to know the real reason why the mobile angel is so strong, it actually has to be traced back to the military god. Everyone knows that although the God of War appears as a player in the game, he is essentially a battlefield management computer. Since the company will give us this precious machine for testing, of course it will not only test some basic data, so they will often give us some strange test items. Among them, the tactical skills and fighting data of the mobile angels are actually one of the test items. These things are not at all what we compiled by collecting the player battle data in the game, because there is nothing in the game that can monitor players on such a large scale, so there is no way to collect data or anything. Therefore, these data are actually outside the game.

Everyone knows that Longyuan is a military industry group, so we will have a lot of research on weapons. One of the research projects is the robotic Legion project. This project includes the development of combat robots and the tactical and strategic research of combat robots. You can think of these two parts as the relationship between hardware and software. Robot manufacturing is just hardware. If you build a robot that just walks forward stupidly, and then opens fire when it sees the enemy, then this thing will be 100% destroyed by the enemy, because the defense of modern weapons has always been weaker than the attack, that is There are no targets that cannot be destroyed, only targets that cannot be hit. Therefore, hardware alone is not enough. We must also study the robot's individual combat actions and how to deal with software issues when encountering an enemy. In addition, if multiple robots are acting together, there is a problem of tactical coordination. Instead of waiting for the robot to be built and slowly researching these things, it is better to use the software environment to virtualize them in advance.

With such a good test platform as "Zero", how could the research department let it go? Therefore, the mobile angels of our guild have become experimental objects. Although the artificial souls installed in the mobile angels of our guild are similar to system NPCs, the tactical actions they use in combat are all real military robot operation systems that are performing calculations. The company can modify their battle method according to the various performances of these mobile angels in battle, remove the wrong and redundant actions, modify the unmatched actions, and finally make the actions of the battle robots perfect.

Although this system is still being tested, and there are still many weird problems. For example, mobile angels with this kind of driver like to hit the wall very much. I haven't figured out how to solve this problem. thing. They never go through the door when there is an enemy, even if it is just a wooden door, they will ignore it and go straight through the wall to chase the enemy. Anyway, there are many such messy small problems. However, none of this can conceal the fact that this is a real military system. Therefore, its efficiency is far more powerful than the NPCs and players in the game.

The tactical action data of military tactical robots is derived from the tactical actions of special forces. Some adjustments have been made on this basis. The other parts are slightly improved in the later stage of the game based on actual data. To put it bluntly, the tactical awareness of these mobile angels may be stronger than that of soldiers, and the computing power of combat NPC can only be equivalent to the standard of ordinary athletes, at most it is a little more fierce than athletes, but after all, it is just a general sport. Nervous system. The reason why it is not designed to be more sturdy, this is mainly or for accommodating players. Do you think, if the NPC's fighting skills are all at the level of special forces, the player would still be a fart? If the attribute is higher than others, the unfathomable mystery will still be wiped away. Is this the player playing the game or the game player? Therefore, the player's strength may be the weakest among the three.

Using mobile angels driven by such an operating system to deal with those deliberately weakened NPCs and players who are weaker than NPCs. Isn't this a torture? Even if the attribute is strengthened ten times, compared to the mobile angel, neither the player nor the NPC has an overwhelming advantage in the basic attribute. They may be much better than their previous selves, but they still can't beat the mobile angels. At the beginning, on the Sino-Russian battlefield, the mobile angels were just one pick and fifty without pressure. Even if this group of people strengthened ten times, it is impossible to do what they were before fifty times, right?

Even if the strength of the two sides can be completely leveled, the mobile angel can still crush the player and NPC without pressure, because the mobile day uses the military system, and the army is best at cooperating. There may be cooperation between the players, but the small-scale cooperation of a few dozens of people is still improvised. Besides, after all, players play games as amateurs. No matter how good they are, they are impossible to match professional soldiers, and it is also the tactical cooperation of professional soldiers above the level of special forces. When facing ten, the mobile angel completely crushes the player.

NPC will cooperate, but it is a pity that their cooperation is basically superficial. "Zero" is just a game, so the purpose of cooperation between NPC armies here is to make players feel the atmosphere of the battlefield, not to increase the NPC's battle strength. However, the tactical coordination of mobile angels was developed to increase battle strength. The starting point is different, and the result is naturally different.

Anyway, the mobile angel entering the city is basically a slaughter all sides. The line of players and NPCs can't stop these powerful commandos of professional military qualities. No, mobile angels are more powerful than professional giants. After all, professional soldiers are also humans, and they will die if they are hit. But mobile angels are not humans, they are not afraid of death, and defensive power is also calculated according to durability. Thanks to the durability setting of that city defense weapon, the mobile angel is basically a humanoid tank in front of the player, and one or two hits will definitely not have any effect. In addition, the mobile angels of our guild are all equipped with liquefied magic crystal steam missiles. As long as the number of enemies is found, a missile will pass, and the result is self-evident. Thanks to the technology I got from the Iron Empire, I haven't completed all the analysis and installation, otherwise a group of mobile angels with guns will definitely crash this group of players. You must know that the mobile angel's operating system is based on the modern army. Cold weapon combat is actually a part that they are not good at. If the mobile angel has conventional thermal weapons that can guarantee battery life, it is definitely an enemy's nightmare. Of course, I believe that this nightmare will be done soon, because it is only a matter of time before we have to change clothes.

Following the mobile angel, we hardly encountered resistance along the way. Not all players in this city are from the guild. Most of them chose not to help defend the city, so when we entered, many people went offline. Now the system no longer displays any cursors on top of people's heads for the realistic gameplay, so impossible distinguishes camps as before. These people can only go offline if they don't want to be accidentally injured. Although they are in the city now, because they chose not to defend the city, they can go online and offline at will. This is not affected.

Without these ordinary players, those NPCs and players from the opposing guild are not opponents of our mobile angels. Naturally, this battle was extremely easy. Less than five minutes before and after the city has been captured more than half, and Kristina has notified us that the magical power fluctuations in the core of the magic net have been discovered.

"Deserving to be a mage, I am more impressed with the fluctuation of magical power than we are." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your Support is my biggest motivation.)

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