Seeing that the thing I was about to get was robbed again, you said how can I not be angry. Seeing the target that was rushing away, I directly waved and summoned my two guardian long spears, and then I didn't let them take me to fly, so they just chased me up.

Different from the general members of our guild, long spear appeared in the form of guild guardian beasts after joining our guild, which means that everyone in the guild, as long as they get my You can have all the licenses. Although the flying bird is also an evolutionary creature of the long spear species, he joined me in the form of a demon pet, which means that my guardian beast quota is still empty, so I actually have two more than the flying bird. I only guard the long spear. As for why there are two, this is mainly because my identity is the combination of two numbers, that is, Purple Moon and Yinyue now share the same body, and only appear in different fighting forms during the battle, but The various attributes are still unified into one body, so I actually occupy two membership positions in the guild, so there are two guardian beasts.

Asuka was decelerating just now because it was too fast, and it seemed that it couldn't come back for a while, so I could only use two guarding long spears to get on top. Fortunately, the guy who just grabbed the core of the magic net and escaped was obviously not as perverted as the guy at first, so I knew that long spear would be able to stop him soon. Instead of letting long spear lead me to chase him, it’s better to let Long spear drag the guy first, and then I will make another decision.

The long spear that was just released immediately rushed out as soon as it appeared, and the guy in front saw the long spear catching up and hurried to flee, but he obviously didn’t expect the speed of the long spear It was almost this way, it was almost in the blink of an eye to get around in front of him, and then one of the two long spears continued to accelerate and flashed past him, and the violent airflow instantly carried the guy in the air. Turned a few somersaults. Before he could stabilize his figure, the second long spear who followed closely from behind rushed up again, but this time instead of disturbing his flight with the air current, it suddenly started to slow down before he was about to hit the guy. Seeing the air in front of the long spear twisted for a while, a wave of waves resembling water vapor flew out of the long spear at a strange speed. Although the guy clearly saw this thing and knew that it shouldn't be a good thing, but he didn't have time to avoid it, and ended up taking a hard hit. He just listened to a loud explosion sound, and his whole body was blown up in the air a few somersaults, and then he fell to the ground.

Sound pressure bomb is not the specialty of Asuka, but all long spears can do it, but Asuka's skill formidable power is bigger. A direct hit just now, although it won't kill the person, it's okay to temporarily lose his balance.

Seeing the guy falling down, I also started to accelerate and dive, and use the potential energy of the fall to glide to increase my speed, so that I can get closer to that guy faster. Unfortunately, the guy didn’t fall all the way to the ground. He was struggling before landing and he pulled up again. I saw his feet swept to the tips of the taller trees below. One meter down, no, as long as half a meter, he will definitely not be able to fly.

Unfortunately, the difference was so ridiculous that he almost fell into the forest, but in the end he still didn't land. But although this guy is flying, we have no plans to let him go.

Looking at that guy was climbing high, the long spear that used the airflow to spin it around finally came back, and then suddenly slowed down and began to gather energy. How could the guy below be stupidly waiting for the second shot after hitting once? Seeing that the long spear began to gather energy, he quickly slapped his wings a few times in fright. An acceleration flashed past the sound pressure bomb launched by the long spear. Although he did not directly kill him, the guy suddenly flicked his wings after accelerating. It began to tilt, and then fell to the ground.

Just as an ordinary person can strain muscles if he suddenly uses all his strength to lift a heavy object, there are similar settings in the game. This guy fell from the sky before and should have been directly into the forest, but he suddenly used his strength to fly again in a hurry, but even though he flew up, his wings were strained. If he just keeps flying in a normal attitude, this small injury is nothing at worst, but just to avoid the long spear sound pressure bomb, he did make a sudden force again. Although he successfully escaped again, his wings were injured. Injured, this time it was obviously cramping, and he couldn't maintain the flying posture and began to fall to the ground.

Seeing that guy suddenly lost his balance and fell into the forest below, I didn’t hesitate to plunge into it immediately, and after passing through the dense canopy of branches, I suddenly realized that the front was changing. Opened up. Really didn't expect that there is still a road under the forest, but the tree canopy above it is completely covered by the staggered layer, so you can't see that there is a road if you don't land.

In fact, there is not only a road under the forest, but it is also a main road. There are players and NPCs coming and going on the road, which seems to be quite crowded.

I was stunned as soon as I saw so many people below. Of course, the people below were also stunned when they saw me, but I just stunned for a while and immediately moved my gaze to the side, because that Someone was getting up from the ground and ran forward in embarrassment. Of course I wouldn't miss such an obvious goal, so I swooped down at the guy with one wing.

The players below probably also noticed that my target is the one who runs away, so most of them flashed to the sides and didn’t want to be implicated. It’s just that although most of them made a wise choice , But people with bad brains have to be different from others.

Because the guy in front limped his foot when he fell, his speed of limp was obviously slow, so I chased him behind him almost instantly. Seeing that he was about to be caught, he suddenly heard a burst of air. Although I knew it was a weapon, I didn’t hide because of the equipment. I just raised my hand and popped the claws and shook off the flying arrow that hit me, but after I blocked the flying arrow, I listened. There was a dull wind sound. Needless to say, this must be a sound that can only be made by heavy weapons, and ordinary swords will not cause such a sound.

When I judged that the target was heavy weapon, the other party’s weapon had already been swung above my face. At this time, I could see clearly. It turned out that the other party was using a battle axe. It is the kind of wheel axe with axe blades on both sides. Seeing that the thing was about to slash into my face, and if it didn’t flash, I was about to use my face to hit the axe blade. In a hurry, I could only reach out and grasp the other's grip on the back of the axe blade, and follow. As if playing a horizontal bar, he desperately pressed down the blade of the axe, and at the same time his body made a forward somersault and flew directly over the blade of the axe.

The guy swinging the axe, who originally planned to swing an axe, actually slammed it empty, and the guy who couldn't hold back the energy for a while almost took himself a little bit, but the guy was stabilizing his body. After that, he turned around and launched a second attack at me, but when he raised his axe, he found that I had rushed behind the guy in front, and then pinched his neck with one hand from behind and pulled him. return.

The guy reacted quickly. When I was dragged back, he threw the core of the magic net forward and shouted at the front: "My Divine Item, don't grab it!"

You said that if a person suddenly fell on the street and then flew hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bills from his suitcase into the sky, how would the people around him react?

In places where the quality of the whole people is very high, most people may not move, and even take the initiative to help this person collect scattered coins, but there are still some people who take the opportunity to snatch it. In this way, the quality of the people in this area is very high, after all, at least most people did not think about snatching these banknotes. However, there are definitely not many places with such qualities in the world. The situation in most areas should be that a small number of people do not care or grab money, and most people start to snatch the super-films that fly out. The courageous criminal went straight to grab the man's suitcase, because there must be more money in it.

The above situation is still in the reality of legal and moral constraints. Fighting against each other in the game to grab things is justified. Although the order is now controlled to a certain extent due to the establishment of various guilds, but Basically, the environment in the game is still much more violent than in reality. Ordinarily killing people, robbing monsters and robbing equipment is nothing. This act of picking up bargains is no longer a concern. What's more, this guy shouts not to rob his Divine Item. This is not to tell people that the item is a Divine Item. NS?

How many Divine Items are in the game now? I believe there should be hundreds of thousands of items, but don't think that there are too many. Hundreds of thousands of things are indeed terrible for a person, but if this is divided into the whole world, it is really an utterly inadequate measure. Not to mention one piece of manpower, if it is really average, there are less than two or three pieces in a city, and among them, there must be a high-end existence like me. There are more than ten or twenty pieces in a Divine Item plus one piece. And people like us occupy a large share of Divine Item, and the rest can get even less. In addition, not all of the hundreds of thousands of Divine Items are personal equipment. About one-sixth of them are team or guild equipment. Such items cannot be owned by individuals and can only be collective equipment. . After excluding these, the remaining number of Divine Items is really small, and most of them will not be traded once they get them, so the number of Divine Items that can be seen on the market is extremely scarce. However, relative to the rareness of Divine Item, because the game "Zero" can be exchanged for currency in reality, everyone has a lot of money. With more funds and less Divine Item, you can naturally think of how exaggerated the price of a Divine Item will be.

The so-called human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, in such an exaggerated market, the Divine Item in front of us is equivalent to tens of millions of crystal coins rolling on the ground. Who wouldn't be tempted by such a big interest? As for whether the person shouted is true, will anyone think about it? Others have already started to grab it, and you can grab a fart when you want to understand it? So, everyone went crazy at this moment. This Divine Item picking up is not something that you can encounter every day. It's a rare opportunity, so why not hurry up? Even if it hangs up after grabbing it, as long as this thing doesn't explode unluckily, it's a profit. Compared to a Divine Item, let alone die once, even if you die ten times a hundred times, it is worth it.

Although everyone is very clear about what they think, they don’t know that this thing is the core of the magic net. Although its function may be stronger than Divine Item, it is a task item, so yes For ordinary players, this thing is simply not useful. In addition, due to the special attribute of this thing, it is simply a dream if you don't burst out. This thing cannot be teleported, cannot be put into any storage space, and the player will fall 100% after death, that is, it is impossible to get it with a ridiculous method, unless you have the ability to take this thing to defeat all those who watch it, otherwise You can't really get it at all.

Although this attribute is very depressing for everyone, it is a pity that no one knows it now, and even if someone snatches it and sees the attribute and shouts that this item is not a Divine Item, you think someone can believe? Besides, now this thing is surrounded by the core area of ​​contention. Whoever grabs it is not besieged by a group of people? With so many people beating you, do you have time to read the attribute?

Anyway, because of the voice of the guy I was holding, the front immediately got messed up. Not only the players, but even the NPCs actually jumped on it, so the entire road became a battlefield. The originally orderly road instantly became a battlefield. Everyone was attacking each other, and as people on both sides of the road continued to pass by. Because of this, the number of people fighting began to rise continuously.

Looking at the large melee crowd ahead, I was really dumbfounded. Looking at the guy who was only half-life left in my hand, the other party laughed at me triumphantly. When I tried hard with my a little annoyed hand, I just listened to bang that guy’s neck and half of his head exploded.

Angrily threw off the body in my hand. Before I officially entered the crowd and started robbing things, I suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind and flew forward following the whole person. But I don’t know if this is a blessing in disguise. It’s because of the trick of the guy in front that this side has become a melee battlefield. Although I was smashed into the air, I didn’t fall to the ground. Instead, I overwhelmed a whole group of people. I fell, but there are a group of back cushions below, and it feels different immediately. Sure enough, this human skin cushion was much more comfortable than just falling on the ground.

"Pervert..." I was feeling that it was more comfortable on people than on the ground, and suddenly I heard women's screams from under me, so my face immediately turned green. Then, what I expected happened.

Boom, I felt like I was hit with a giant slingshot, and I flew up to several hundred meters in an instant, then turned my head and started to fall. People who don’t know will definitely be puzzled, how could such a powerful attribute as me be easily thrown so far? This is actually very easy to explain, because this simply has nothing to do with the problem of attributes not attributes, but the system protection is activated. Don’t forget that "Zero" has an anti-pervert and anti-harassment protection system. Although I was beaten into the air just now, I really threw them down. The system judgment of "Zero" is the main one. It is decided based on the thinking of the person applying for protection. In other words, if you really think you have been harassed by a pervert and apply for protection, as long as the system feels that the other conditions meet the necessary conditions for sexual harassment, the application will be approved. The advantage of this judging mechanism is that it can basically eliminate the probability of deliberate framing, because if you are deliberately framed, you will not think that you are being harassed, so the system simply will not accept applications. In this case, you want to use this to trick people, unless you lie to yourself before you can lie to the system, and people who can really do this kind of thing, except for the Psychology Master, it is estimated that few can do it.

No matter how wronged I am, anyway, the person just believed that I harassed her, and then the system confirmed my harassment, and then the protection system activated the protection system called the cannon on earth. Then I became a trapeze.

My side was flying in the sky, and suddenly I felt something under my feet. I lowered my head to see that it was Asuka coming back. Two long spears also followed on both sides. I directly retracted the long spear and asked Asuka to take me back to the sky above the mixed War Zone.

Because of the strong magic fluctuations in the core of the magic net, even if I don’t know who is in the hands of the thing now, I can at least confirm that it is in the melee crowd below.

Retracted Asuka and jumped down. As soon as I landed, I felt something was wrong. When I suddenly lowered my head, I saw an axe swung over my head. Although I don't have to bow my head, I may not be able to cut down my armor, but the attack on the back of the head and neck is already a critical attack, and it will definitely not be any better.

Suddenly he came out halfway to stop him, and later hit me on that woman and was shot flying, but now he is back. This clay figure still has three parts of earthiness, really think I am Amitabha?

Seeing the shadow of the axe passing by on the ground, I confirmed that the axe has been swung past, followed the movement of the left wrist, and the claw bounced out with a bang. At the same time, I twisted my waist and turned and stood facing me diagonally. A paw swept across the belly of the guy behind. The opponent twisted and tried to control the direction of the axe and couldn't move because of an axe swinging empty. My action itself was too fast, and the opponent had no time to react, so I got a claw from the right side of the waist to know Zole. Three huge incisions deep into the internal organs were cut out. Bloody water was gushing out from the breach along with the intestines and some other organs. The guy was scared back quickly and covered his stomach to prevent the organs from flowing out. But will I give him a chance?

Looking at the guy retreating and retreating, after I swiped my claw, the right hand claw immediately popped out, and then the body turned back, and the claw lifted up and it was another sweeping blow. With a sound, the left arm that was blocked by the guy was directly cut off at the position of the elbow. The eternal claw cutting equipment is just like paper cutting. The stuff on this guy's body is at most Holy Spirit level, and it can't stop the claws from cutting.

Suddenly cut off half of his arm, and the axe in the guy's hand flew out. At the same time, his body retreated to avoid it, but I posted it faster. Squat, retract your arms, accumulate strength, stretch your legs, straighten your waist, and punch. A beautiful uppercut hit the guy's chin directly, and the claws on the wrist penetrated the mouth from the center of the guy's lower jaw, then pierced the upper jaw into the cranial cavity, and finally came out from the top of the guy's head. The triangular point of the knife, after waiting for this guy to die completely, my great strength pushed him off the ground directly against his chin. When my arm reached the limit of extension, the claw instantly retracted, and then the guy flew out directly due to inertia. The corpse flew up to a height of five or six meters before it began to fall, and then fell to the ground with a chirp and there was no more movement.

"courting death!" After looking at the corpse bitterly for the last time, I raised my hand to the side without raising my head. A crossbow arrow shot out. Not far away was a guy who was aiming at me with a bow. With an unbelievable look, there was a short arrow stuck in the center of the eyebrow, and he fell straight down.

After killing these two guys who didn't know why they specifically troubled me, I started looking for the core position of the magic net and prepared to snatch it. The main reason for knowing that these two are not correspondents of the other party's guild is because they have seen each other's name.

As I said before, all members of the guild that took on the hostile mission with us are protected by the system. Their facial features are all unclear, and the equipment and equipment are also equipped with some exaggerated special effects, which is obviously not a normal state, and the system records generated when they fight with us are all related to the identity of the other party. Replaced with a question mark, that is, we don’t know who the other party is, and it’s not easy to want to settle accounts afterwards. But the two guys who attacked me just now for no reason made everything visible. Their appearance is very clear, and their equipment is not disguised. The most important thing is that the opponent's name can be seen directly in the system's battle records. Such personnel are obviously not the counterparts arranged by the opponent, otherwise they should be protected. It doesn't make sense that everyone else has protection, so they can't protect it, right?

Although I don't know why those two people attacked me, I don't have time to care about the state of mind of the two trash fish now. Summon the tank directly, and then let the tank hit the ground with a heavy hammer.

The group of people who were fighting for the core of the magic net suddenly heard a muffled sound, followed the ground as if it turned into a box-spring bed, leaped up and bounced them all. If it weren’t for everyone who was a combatant and reacted well, it would be estimated that this would have to lie on the ground.

"Attention everyone, the thing you are robbing is the mission item of our Frost Rose League. That item is not equipment at all, and it is useless if you get it. However, this item is very important to our Frost Rose League. , So, even if we kill for this, we will not hesitate. Now, if anyone else wants to accept the revenge of our Frost Rose Alliance for an item that is useless to you, please continue to snatch it. As for there is still Reasonable people, I suggest staying away as soon as possible, because I believe there will definitely be some people who cannot think about courting death. In order to avoid accidental injury, please avoid this area as much as possible for those who don’t want to die in vain."

"You said it wasn't a Divine Item, didn't you?" A player deliberately hid behind someone and shouted.

The other side didn’t know who suddenly followed and shouted: "That’s right, maybe you want to occupy the Divine Item."

"I see..." The first one to speak before The guy spoke again, but the sound stopped abruptly after only two words, because there was a short arrow on his forehead at this time.

I deliberately obviously retracted the hand that fired the crossbow arrow, and then faced the guy on the other side and asked, "Doesn’t you want to stand up and add something? Isn’t the task not to let us complete the task? What’s wrong? Why didn’t you speak up? Are you planning to give up?"

When I was questioning, a battallion horse team suddenly came to the city. The guy who answered the conversation suddenly rushed forward, smashed away from the few people in front of him, and grabbed the core of the magic net in the hands of the person holding the core of the magic net and moved towards the crowd outside and threw it vigorously.

As soon as I saw him throw it out, I probably knew his intentions, so when I saw him throwing the core of the magic net, I simply threw a throwing knives and hit it on the core of the magic net and shot it down. It’s just that a Knight didn’t expect that a Knight suddenly urged his horse to rush for two steps. The whole person leaned out of the horse and stretched out his spear. He was surprised to pick up the core of the magic net again, and then swept it with the barrel of the gun. He hit Knight in the middle of the team. The Knight in the middle caught the magic net core and threw it back to the end of the team. The Knight who had already turned his horse at the end of the team caught the magic net core and immediately began to ride his horse to sprint and escape.


Boom. The Knight heard a loud explosion sound coming from behind before he ran, and after following him he felt like he was flying, and he was flying with a man and a horse. After two or three laps in the air, the guy and his horse finally landed, but the relationship between up and down was a bit reversed.

Knight, who was smashed by his mount, loosened the core of the magic net and rolled out. The shell of this magic net core is smooth and water-slip just like a large ceramic ball, and it has a very good rolling ability when it falls on the ground.

I was relieved to see that Knight was smashed under his mount, because it seemed that he would not be able to get out for a while, and the Knight behind him had been killed by a tank. So there were only two opponents left on the scene, one was the one who threw the core of the magic net before, and the other was the hapless Knight who was suppressed by his mount. According to their status, generally speaking will definitely not be a problem. However, I have to say that the people in this guild are too cruel, or that they have already staked all on one throw. Then Knight saw me walking here, and finally pulled out a glass bottle the size of a liquefied gas tank with a cruel heart, and it was filled with a full of purple solution.

"I rely on..."

I’m not surprised that he can pull a bottle out. After all, there is room to equip this thing in the game, so even if he pulls out his head, I will not think strangeness. As for the bottle itself, I don't care, it's just a glass bottle after all. However, I couldn't help but care about the contents of the bottle, because the thing was exuding a strong wave of magical power. If my feelings are good, 90% of the contents in this bottle may be liquefied magic crystals, and liquefied magic crystals are basically high explosives. To make matters worse, that guy actually got such a big bottle! This is a blockbuster for his grandfather! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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